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  1. O

    The Bible Is A Heavily Outdated Book

    Nothing in the bible and what it says can be applied to the normal way of life today. Heck, some of its texts are almost 3,000 years old! The bible is a collection of 66 books composed by random authors over the course of a very long period of time. Most of the authors, at least in the old...
  2. O

    The "Lukewarm Christian" Logical Fallacy Debunked

    Ex-christian here. When I was a christian I was presented with two distinct forms of christianity; one where you say a few abracadabra words and you are good to go and the other was "you just have to keep at it or you are lost." The latter makes LESS sense than the first concept if you are a...
  3. DharmaCatLamp

    Interesting Experience and Thoughts about Interconnection

    So It's been a little while since I posted on these forums but I have been continuing my practice. Yesterday I was doing my normal ritual worship and meditation. I offered a banana to Ma Kali then bowed down so my head touched the floor. When my head touched the floor I was immediately filled...
  4. Exaltist Ethan

    Poll: Jesus - Liar, Lunatic, Lord, Legend or Lost?

    Lewis's trilemma - Wikipedia I know, I know, there's a lot of threads out there that are already like this. But I wanted to make a specific poll that asks people this specific question. I am not looking to proselytize anyone. I am not even a Christian. There is a saying that Evangelicals using...
  5. nPeace

    Your Christian Identity

    If you identify as Christian, what is your belief, or view on cussing - profanity - using abusive speech or words. I'm referring to those words which most news media and TV channels censor. @Kenny @InChrist and others, I would really like to hear your side on this. Could you also identify...
  6. DharmaCatLamp

    Asking Questions and Not Taking it All So Seriously

    Howdy! I just thought I’d share some thoughts while they were fresh in my mind. I’ve been fascinated with religion most of my life but for a long time it was purely academic. I was an atheist after I left Islam and remained as such for quite a while. I would debate people about the existence...
  7. DharmaCatLamp

    What would you like to share about your religion/worldview?

    Howdy! Being a cat I am ever curious. What do you want to share about your religion? What do you wish people would ask you about your religion? Are there any assumptions made that drive you nuts? What about common misconceptions you would like to correct? I think I would like to share that...
  8. DharmaCatLamp

    Meaning In Fictional and "Real" Religion

    Howdy folks. This was inspired by the post Fictional Religions so you guys should check that out I suppose. I was thinking about fictional religions and the thought I kept coming back to is that whether an idea appears in what we might call fiction vs what we might call scripture is...
  9. O

    Evidence That Jesus Was Plagiarized From Earlier Gods

    Jesus Christ Byzantine Portrait c. 7th-11th A.D Jesus is a mythological character derived from many different gods way before he came to be. let's take a look at a couple of deities that look very similar to him and have done miracles very similar to his as well. Yes, there are many more...
  10. Exaltist Ethan

    CHRISTIANS ONLY: Trinitarian Christianity - Monotheistic or Polytheistic?

    I am confident in saying that Christians view themselves as monotheistic. Whether they are Unitarian or trinitarian Christians, all Christians see themselves with the belief of one God. Trinitarians, which make up the vast majority of Christianity, see God in three forms: The Father, The Son and...
  11. Exaltist Ethan

    The Obvious Facts Nobody Else Outside Your Faith Seems to Understand

    When I talk to Christians they seem to have much of the same talking points, that is apologetics. If God exists why is there evil? To allow free will. I then argue from that point that there is no free will in Heaven, if there is no evil in Heaven. I digress. Most Christians seem to be equipped...
  12. ppp

    Religion and Classism

    For all the people who say “if you can’t afford to have a kid don’t have sex”…Do you think sex should be a class privilege??
  13. O

    Christianity Is Only Popular Because Of Its Idle Threats

    Seriously. If there wasn't a threat of eternal damnation for those who reject Jesus then Christianity wouldn't be nearly as popular as it is today. Take it from an ex-Christian, the Christian religion is built on fear mongering principles and is systematically designed to instill that fear...
  14. O

    Salvation Was Already Established In the Old Testament

    I was a Christian for 14 years until I started running into theses kinds of BIG contradictions and problems within the bible itself. Be prepared to be mind blown. There are plenty of bible verses in the OT about how God is acknowledged by the Jewish people as the one who is their "salvation"...
  15. O

    I Just Proved That Jesus Is A False Messiah In Less Than 5 Minutes

    *Staff edit*. Here is why. He failed one of the first OT prophecies which was to be descended from king David and king Solomon. Genesis 49:10 states that the messiah would descend from king David's side and king Solomon in Chronicles 22:9-10. Jesus already failed this due to a virgin birth...
  16. O

    Proving With The Bible That Jesus Was NEVER Needed And Is A Con Artist

    JESUS IS NOT GOD AND EVEN LIED ABOUT IT Jesus cannot be God because Jesus was a man who lied about being God, which goes against Numbers 23:19; "God is not a man, that he should lie, Nor the son of man, that he should repent..." Not to mention in, Hosea 11:9 God flat out states, "I am GOD...
  17. O

    Qur'an Vs Bible Vs Bhagavad Gita Vs None

    I read 2 out of 3 and touched on a summary with one of the others. Which one do you believe is the best and give your reasons for why. For those that think none of them are any good, state your reasons as well.
  18. Exaltist Ethan

    For Non-Christians Only: If You Were Christian, What Kind of Christian Would You Be?

    As someone who has never once considered himself a Christian, I obsess about this question a lot. The thread title is all you need to answer the question for yourself, and with this introductory post I am going to elaborate on this for myself. So, the main groups I am interested in include...
  19. DharmaCatLamp

    The World Isn't Black and White Atheist vs Theist

    I have been reading a decent bit of Chris Hedges lately. I recently got his book I don't believe in atheists. It's not about believing or not believing in atheists so much as it is about utopian idealists whether theist or atheist not being what we need in the world. He talks about the...
  20. DharmaCatLamp

    Your Favorite Part of a Religion You Don't Practice?

    Howdy. I was thinking about how we tend to view other ideologies and theologies through particular lenses that might drastically shape the way we see them. So this made me curious, what is your favorite practice or belief from a religion you do not practice? I could not select one so ended up...