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  1. Athena Plato

    How Profitable Was Eve’s Desire for God’s Forbidden Fruit?

    “This form is the one that allows a philosopher-in-training to advance to a philosopher king (or queen). It cannot be clearly seen or explained, but once it is recognized, it is the form that allows one to realize all the other forms.” –The Republic, Plato, Higher Learning Academy, 380 BC. “And...
  2. Athena Plato

    Can Anyone Solve God’s Garden of Eden Parable?

    - “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”--The Book of Genesis (Original Sin), King James Bible...
  3. Lorgar-Aurelian

    IS there an eastern/pagan solution to our religious delimas?

    I've met people who were once Christians or Jews among other things that turned to eastern traditions or paganism because of the issues they have had with their original religion. I'm sure someone will be tempted to say "Well atheism was the original belief they had." because you aren't...
  4. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Religion with a touch of Nihilism/Cynicism/Existentialism

    I was just wondering if anyone of you thought there were any religions that are inherently in tune with one of those 3 concepts? Taoism popped into my head to a certain extent but I'm not sure how far you could legitimately take that.
  5. Lorgar-Aurelian

    It doesn't take long for threads to devolve.

    You every notice that it doesn't take long for a lot of our religious and even non-religious threads to turn into a bunch of people asserting they are right and the other person has a childish view? Sometimes I just look through random threads and can't help but notice how little time it takes...
  6. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Cheeki Breeki and religious texts.

    I don't know what has tempted me to do this but recently while reading various religious texts ( bagavad gita, greek myths, bible, tao te ching and various books on Shinto) for the last few days I've been more or less listening to this on loop. Cheeki Breeki gets the religion. Help Study...
  7. Rayvennox

    Greetings and Question

    Hello everyone, I'm new here, I'm here because I have kinda weird question, I guess this topic was discussed or not but, recently, I was thinking of starting my own religion, I mean new christian denomination, some of you will say "what for", "who do you think you are? You're not prophet or like...
  8. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Universalism and looking at things from a new perspective

    A friend of mine (who should be joining the site soon.) Told me I was looking at all of spirituality from a far too narrow perspective and that if I kept it up I would never go anywhere but atheism. Essentially what he said was that there is a sort of universal spiritual element to life and...
  9. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Difficulties when it comes to Polytheism and me.

    I have come to discover that I rather like polytheism. Well at least certain gods from certain pantheons. The issue I personally have is actually believing in or doing anything with these gods when I can think of no rational arguments for said gods actually being a thing. It seems to me...
  10. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Bias , monotheism, polytheism and arguments

    We all have our own personal bias whether we recognize it or not. We all have things we favor and we all have things we have personal issues with. Sometimes these bleed over into the arguments we will and won’t consider and why we agree with one side or another. I notice in myself a bias...
  11. Lorgar-Aurelian

    How would the discovery of alien life change religion?

    Do you think if we ever discovered alien life that religion would change? Would this maybe cause some creationists for instance to turn away from this way of thinking? What about pagans, would this change paganism at all?
  12. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Religious quizzes.

    I like taking surveys and doing these little quizzes online. AT one point I had even signed up with okay cupid just so I could keep answering their little matchmaking questions. Any way I had found a couple of these quizzes having to do with religion/spirituality/paganism and just thought I...
  13. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Does evolution have any affect on your spirituality?

    Does evolution make any difference to you In your spirituality? Why or why not?
  14. Lorgar-Aurelian

    The chances of being right when it comes to religion.

    Lets pretend all religions are equally possibly correct. If one goes by nothing but the numbers the chance of you being correct are 1 in 19 if you count the large religions of the world . From there if you add in religious sects and dead religions the chance goes down even lower. So how do you...
  15. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Does Jesus's sacrafice work from a jewish perspective?

    Does the idea of Jesus sacrificing himself make sense from a jewish theological perspective? I personally don't think the idea of a god man sacrificing himself to himself for things he put in us himself makes no sense but that that is beside the point. Can a man die for another man's or indeed...
  16. Riverbraid

    Looking Christian PenPal

    hi everybody My name is Harold and am age 46 and am a christian since i was 19 i had my ups and downs. I like a christian PenPal i can email everyday about religion and life problems. If you like to be my PenPal please send me a private message with your email and i contact you. Thank you.
  17. Lorgar-Aurelian

    Making contact with the Gods

    I was watching videos on various pagan traditions and there was a whole series of videos from different content creators on their matron and patron deities. People were more or less talking about having mother and father figure deities. They also talked about how they came to those deities as...