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  1. Ehav4Ever

    Question to Christians - Phyisical Israel and Spiritual Israel

    Questions to Christians: My understanding is that many Christian sects hold that a "spiritual Israel" has replaced the Israel that received the Torah at Mount Sinai. My understanding is that when Christians state "spiritual Israel" they are referencing themselves, Christianity or their...
  2. ronki23

    The Bahrain and UAE peace treaties

    Can we credit these to Trump ? If we can't then that means Clinton (Jordan, Palestine) and Carter's (Egypt) peace treaties can't be credited to them either
  3. danieldemol

    U.N. says Israel's "unlawful demolition" of Palestinian village leaves 41 kids homeless

    'United Nations — Israeli forces sent demolition vehicles this week to bulldoze a Palestinian village, leaving some 70 civilians, including 41 children, homeless, the United Nations said. It was part of the largest forced displacement carried out by the Israeli government in years, according to...
  4. danieldemol

    Assaults reported against protesters; 6,000 rally against Netanyahu in Jerusalem

    'Demonstrators say they are attacked in Hod Hasharon, Eilat, Ramat Gan; clashes break out between police and marchers in capital... The protesters call for Netanyahu’s resignation due to his corruption trial, and lambaste his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing economic fallout...
  5. danieldemol

    UAE normalization deal with Israel is ‘apostasy’: deputy speaker of Iran

    UAE normalization deal with Israel is ‘apostasy’: deputy speaker 'TEHRAN - Amir-Hossein Ghazizadeh Hashemi, the first deputy speaker of the Iranian Parliament, denounced on Saturday a normalization deal between Tel Aviv and Abu Dhabi as an act of “apostasy” by the UAE. “Islam, as a religion...
  6. Ehav4Ever

    In Short - The Noachide/7 Mitvahs an explaination

    Carried over from a question in another thread. Questions came up about the Noachide "movement." This explaination may give a better insight to what is meant by a Noachide. According to Torah and Halakha Adam was given 6 mitzvoth by Hashem. The 7th mitzvah was given during the generation of...
  7. Kelly of the Phoenix

    Josiah and the Theocrats

    Hi, everyone! I'd like to offer my take on a country that had split from its parent country, assumed it was morally superior, and yet didn't last long due to greed and racism. No, it's not about the Confederate States of America, but it's close! It's about King Josiah and his attempts to...
  8. Harel13

    Israel shuts down missionary news channel

    Israel orders Evangelical GOD TV off air To missionaries I say: we didn't wait nearly 2000 years to return to our land and live freely as Jews, only to have other religions attempt to turn us away from our religion.
  9. Harel13

    Yom Yerushalayim

    I meant to post this yesterday but eventually forgot. Tomorrow (Friday) is the 53rd Yom Yerushalayim (Jerusalem Day), commemorating the freeing of Jerusalem from Jordanian control during the Six Day War and the general victory in the war against Egypt, Jordan and Syria, in 1967. Yesterday...
  10. Ehav4Ever

    Torath Mosheh

    I decided to addres a few questions about Torath Mosheh here in this thread. It will make it easier to explain what the term means and why it is used in a number of Jewish sources. I am working on a video to give more detail. I hope to have it done soon. Until then this video may give some detail.
  11. Harel13

    Happy Yom Ha'atzmaut!

    The State of Israel is now 72 years old! Anyone doing anything special?
  12. Agnostisch

    Ancient Egypt

    Let's share some information about Ancient Egyptian Civilization . Let's begin with the image of the statue of the Emperor of Egypt King Ramesses II carved from black granite is located in the Egyptian Museum - Turin - Italy The first country in history to fight harassment of women is...
  13. Harel13

    BDS founder says BDS supporters can take Israeli vaccine

    BDS Founder Changes Tune Now That Israel Working On Coronavirus Vaccine The founder of the BDS movement, Omar Barghouti (who, by the way, holds Israeli permanent residancy status), announced that if Israel manages to create a vaccine to the coronavirus, then BDS supporters may take it. That's...
  14. danieldemol

    After Ignoring Warnings, Israeli Ultra-Orthodox Hit By Virus

    ‘BNEI BRAK, Israel (AP) — Early this week, the streets of the central Israeli city of Bnei Brak were bustling with shoppers as ultra-Orthodox residents, obeying their religious leaders, ignored pleas to stay home in the face of the coronavirus threat. By Friday, Bnei Brak had become the...
  15. stvdv

    New anti-virus mask (you can use for a long time)

    New anti-virus mask (you can use for a long time) Good news, in "challenging corona times": In Israel they have a great invention. They can now make masks you can use for a long time (starting soon) New antiviral masks from Israel may help stop deadly coronavirus: New antiviral masks from...
  16. Harel13

    Trump unveils Deal Of The Century for peace

    Deal of Century establishes Palestinian state, Jewish control of Jerusale Trump has finally unveiled his complete peace plan for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Thoughts? Mine are that this, like any other deal, can only work if the Palestinians are on-board, which is unlikely.
  17. 3rdAngel

    God's Israel in the new testament who is it *Romans 9:6-8

    Hi all :) This thread is started, because some seem to be confused mixing up the physical nation of ISRAEL in the old covenant scriptures with God's true ISRAEL in the new covenant. In this thread we are asking the questions... 1. What is the origin of the name of Israel and what does it...
  18. danieldemol

    Israeli education minister supports gay conversion therapy, and compares intermarriage to holocaust

    ‘Israeli Education Minister Rafi Peretz has spoken of his belief in therapy to convert gays to heterosexuality, leading to calls for him to be sacked and protests on Sunday.’ ... ‘It was the second flap Mr Peretz had caused in less than a week after Israeli media reported that he had told fellow...
  19. Neutral Name

    What is the Relationship between Christians and Israel?

    i see a lot on the news about Christians being concerned about what goes on in Israel, like when the U.S. Embassy was moved to Jerusalem. I know that Jesus was Jewish but is there any other reason Christians are very interested in Israel?
  20. Tazarah

    Who are the real Children of Israel?

    According to scripture, the curses of deuteronomy 28 are supposed to be a way to identify who the descendants of the biblical Israelites are. “Moreover all these curses shall come upon thee, and shall pursue thee, and overtake thee, till thou be destroyed; because thou hearkenedst not unto the...