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  1. stvdv

    Is it smart to claim "my Religion is superior"?

    Below facts should make people wonder, who see their Religion as superior to other Faiths: Truth has nothing to do with Religion Righteousness has nothing to do with Religion Peace has nothing to do with Religion Love has nothing to do with Religion Non violence has nothing to do with...
  2. questfortruth

    Atheism is incompatible with intelligence

    If to know all, you will know that there is God. Why? God knows all. Therefore, increase in Atheism is decrease in intelligence. Look:
  3. firedragon

    'Unliftable Stone' Paradox - Logically flawed argument people make even today

    Omnipotence Omnipotence means having the power to do anything that is logically possible. It's important to understand that this does not mean doing things that are self-contradictory or nonsensical. The Problem with the Question 1. Category Mistake The question’s got different categories of...
  4. questfortruth

    Atheism is not a belief.

    A famous meme says, "There are no atheists in a war." A renowned atheist replied that this is an argument against wars, not atheism. But there are no atheists in a falling aircraft, either. Is this an argument not against atheism but against aircraft falls? Who cares about the falls? It is...
  5. Z

    The Book of Harris-y

    _______________ The Book of Harris-y (Religion as it should be) by Zachary Harris ------------------------ (cc) (NC) (ND) by Zachary Harris May be copied, distributed, or displayed, verbatim only. non-commercial, not derivative works nor remixes. First edition May 2024...
  6. C

    Did Jesus Christ Actually Exist?

    I think we all know about the controversial writings of The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus and The Annals of Tacitus for example. Some say the parts about Jesus in their writings were forgeries and others think they were authentic. But these men were not even born at the time of the...
  7. dfnj

    Shifting more towards atheism

    Atheism is not the denial of the existence of God but simply a lack of belief in God. Over the last few years, I've been shifting further to the idea without real physical evidence, then everything that occurs in our thought-space is just fabricated imaginary delusions. And the only thing that...
  8. Tomef

    Reasons for atheism

    I appreciate that many people are atheist because they see no reason not to be. I'm interested in hearing from people who did have a belief, or were agnostic, and chose atheism for a specific reason. Personally, I'm agnostic on whether or not there might be something that, if we encountered it...
  9. AnthonyGiarrusso

    Christianity and Atheism commonality.

    Christians believe "Blessed are those who wash their robes" as mentioned in the bible (Revelation 22:14). This means anybody who doesn't wash their clothes are dirty and filthy. Ashiests also think people who don't wash their clothes are dirty and filthy. I think we can all agree regardless of...
  10. Courageousignition

    If there is no god. What's the purpose of this life?

    I believe Human beings were created, for way more than working a 9-5, raising a family, then dying. What are your thoughts?
  11. Exaltist Ethan

    Poll: Basic Theology

    Theism/Atheism - Belief in God axis. Gnosticism/Agnosticism - Knowledge of God axis. Pistevism/Apistevism - Faith in God axis. I'm really having fun making these polls in Interfaith and poking at the brains here in RF. Similar to my theology poll, this poll doesn't name specific theological...
  12. Exaltist Ethan

    The Difference Between Buddhism and Atheism

    I've seen a lot of posts by people who at first glance seem to be completely anti-religion and anti-theist, or at least agnostic atheist, only to find out from their religious bio that they self-identify as Buddhist instead. I know there is some underlying spirituality in Buddhism, such as...
  13. questfortruth

    If Bob invented a god for himself

    If Bob invented a god for himself, for example, he said: "I am my own god," then why does this god not exist?
  14. questfortruth

    If priests created their gods, why there are no gods?

    What principle says that if gods are created, there are no gods? If, so, they are not created at all.
  15. DharmaCatLamp

    Asking Questions and Not Taking it All So Seriously

    Howdy! I just thought I’d share some thoughts while they were fresh in my mind. I’ve been fascinated with religion most of my life but for a long time it was purely academic. I was an atheist after I left Islam and remained as such for quite a while. I would debate people about the existence...
  16. Exaltist Ethan

    Why are Your Theological Beliefs Correct?

    This thread is inspired by this thread that I made exactly two months ago. I realize now that thread had certain errors to it that I desire to correct with this thread. First, that thread was in Interfaith Discussion, which is fine, but looking back on that thread from the very beginning there...
  17. ronki23

    The thing I respect about Islam

    Every Muslim I know believes in God / Allah. Whether it be through social media or Dawah, they honestly believe the Universe was created by someone. Maybe 3 Muslims I know drink alcohol and don't fast on Ramadan, and 1 eats pork, but they never renounced Islam despite flaunting the rules. I also...
  18. questfortruth

    Why Quest is not Atheist

    At the time the Quest was born, no agnostic atheism was founded. There were only Gnostic Atheists around in USSR. Such gnostic atheist Bob has a debate with Quest: Bob: "God does not exist." Quest: "Why?" Bob: "There is no evidence for it." Quest: "Evidence is proof. So, your idea is: "God...
  19. questfortruth

    World is rapidly becoming bad and mad. Is it good a thing?

    Since only biological females can become pregnant I offered an amendment to limit our federal pregnancy programs to biological females. All 50 Senate democrats voted against it. 2022 AD, Senator Rubio Press. Atheist, is world becoming a bad place? And if yes, is it a good thing? upon the earth...
  20. Exaltist Ethan

    What Type of Theologies Do You Believe In?

    The original source: Spectra of Religion and Magic Upon my research for theology spectrums I came across an article detailing eight distinct theologies abroad a wide range of differing viewpoints regarding God. This includes: transtheism, atheism, agnosticism, panentheism, pantheism...