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  • I have promised no write in the thread about design. To your question: None. I am a cognitive, moral and social relativist.
    Excellent reply to Jagella , in your post 34, loved it. It’s all about interpretations, isn’t? And unfortunately, what mainstream scientists can’t explain, they suppose in favor of naturalism.
    Haha. Thanks Hockeycowboy. Honestly, science does not engage in "absolute facts". Most scientists dont really engage with this kind of polemics. Few do. Very very few. And that few are raging evangelical atheists on TV. Thats where these people learn from. :) Cheers.
    Greetings. I did some checking. If you have further questions that are directed towards Jews you will have to start a thread in Religious Q&A and put Jews Only.
    Sorry my friend. I was very busy today, and strangely fell asleep for a few hours.
    Just popping by your wall to say hello!
    You cant be doing Hello's with me. You are supposed to be having fights with me. But I excuse you because you are so pretty the most knowledgeable, intellectual, honest but also direct person I have met online. ;)

    Thank you so much my sis. Hello right back at you. And lots of love to you. X
    Meow Mix
    <3 <3 glad to know you too! ^.^
    Nice profile pic
    Thanks Ray of Light. So is yours. Is that an infinity sign? Nice. :)
    Represents autism. I'm autistic and proud of that fact.
    The words below it(I may change the whole thing cuz the words are cut off) Autistics are an infinite spectrum of possiblities
    Now your wall has cat food on it
    Well. I have never eaten cat food. I I hear its great from the kittens I have raised. ;) Thank you so much. Meow Mix. Thats a fantastic name for a radio channel.
    Shalom, I hope you are well :)
    I hope you are too Rival. I moved to a new location about a year ago and having a blast. ;) Hope you and family are well.
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    I'm well thanks, glad to hear you are too, I want to move to France to be with my mom and step-dad, but no news about that. Take care bro.
    Ah, the country where romance was born. That will be a fantastic country to spend some time. Wish you well Rival. TC.
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    Where have you been! Good to see you :)
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    Good to see you too Rival. I travelled a bit you know. Had a blast. Good to be back. Hope you are doing great. In fact, hope you are kicking ***. :)
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    Can't tell if you're serious or sarcastic?
    Lol. No no I was serious. I actually did chuckle to death. And where did you come up with that long number.

    No, I was not sarcastic. I dont do that unless someone is a real idiot. And you certainly is not one Rival. I really respect you.
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    Just typed it without thinking. Hope you're well.
    No worries at all. I doing well, hope you are too. Cheers.
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    Just out of curiosity, are you a Quran-only Muslim? Or do you take some Hadith which don't contradict the Quran?
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