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Why Choose satanism?

To Sonofsatan:
...Dude, I'm an ultra-orthodox-chassidic-jew, and I say, that what you say sounds oke`, and makes sense! (i CAN relate and identify, etc.) ...
I think yer mostly Satanists due to bad experience in one religion, Christianity.

And yeah, it is mostly gothy kids who like to cut themselves, listen to dark music who are mostly Satanists. Never met a jolly Satanists.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
harsh my hindu friend, very harsh.:tsk::D

Quite possibly so. And I notice that this is the DIR area, which means that both he and me should be extra-careful about not disturbing the thread.

Still, he does have a point. With all due respect, it must be said that Satanism doesn't exactly go out of its way to show "outsiders" just how and why it makes its followers happier and/or healthier. It seems to me that most satanists simply don't make much effort to be seen in a good light.

I will be the first to say that it doesn't much and certainly doesn't prove anything. Perhaps it would be a good idea to create a topic about public perception of Satanism outside this DIR.


It AMAZES me how Satan is the world's sacred scape-GOAT.

I just saw another ridiculous post on the forum tonight
about "satanists" (which I will link in a few minutes)
that illustrates my point perfectly.
more satanic stupidity

I think really that MAYBE intelligent legit satanists
(as opposed to posers, or psycopaths)
just PLAY off of all the worlds "satanic" scape-goat superstition for fun?
Because its FUNNY? lol.

There is just more silliness surrounding people's perception of satanism!
It makes me laugh.
eVIL Satan!... the (scape)Goat of the world!

And as pubic relations go,
many of us of us
"to thine own self be true" pathers are rather tired
of the judgement incurred by neighbors and the like
for not conforming properly to societies unmandated "norms".

And so many of us cop an attitude... or a cover....
A "mantle" .... or a venir.
For self preservation... and the sake of our own personal sanity.

Satanism is an attitude.
"know thyself"
"to thine own self be true"

And the "public relations" attitude?
Mostly it just pokes fun at the worlds superstitious stupidity.
As people go clamoring in fear ... over a "boo!"
from behind a closed door....
People all up in arms cowering over NOTHING.
Some percieved "abnormality".
It doesn't look "nice" enough...
it's too dark...
OMG! It's Satanic! Grab your pitch-forks!
That...is what I see anyway.

and I do not see it as being in any way more obnoxious
than the smily face obnoxiousness of the RHP religions.

At least it doesn't pretend to be about freedom,
when it's all about judgement.
People twist and warp what Satanism is all about
in their own minds.

The Satanists really don't need to do anything.
(but they sometimes have fun helping the little sheeple along. :D)
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Guardian of Asgaard
Satanism and satanists exist in the mind of the brainwashed sheep who call themselves Christians to pass the guilt onto. If ever something bad happens its not, "i made a mistake," its "the devil made me do it." Whenever something goes down its "damn those satanic kids" not "we have a serious social issue." Its all to easy to blame satanism because thats all the church has done for centuries. Until a while ago the only way to solve the problem of anti-christianization was with a shield and sword. These days, pathetic and petty slander is thrown at us because we resent christianity, the cancer that is a social norm. Its drilled into the heads of our children the same way it was drilled into us in that God is Good, Church is good, everything else is bad and you will suffer eternally if you do not play our petty little game. Only something like 10% have enough sense to break our programming and realise the true and sick values of our Christian "friends."

To address Mr. LuisDantas a little more specifically;

What does satanism stand to gain by making itself appealing to the outside world? A larger cult following? This is how Christianity started, a look at the horrors that little cult inflicted on our poor world. Satanism isn't about spreading the word of satan, its about being what you want to be without care for the social trends. We can worry about other things rather than "would God agree with this," "what does the bible say about >insert issue." No, thats useless, every situation is different. The bible's wisdom is limited. With self-respect and self-awareness one can make confident decisions for themselves. We are leaders not followers. We make decisions based on our own experience not the experience of some Roman 2000 years ago. We trust ourselves to make these decisions as that is what our path teaches. Be yourself, be as powerful as you can be for yourself only, for the next man is just as likely to befriend you as he is to stab you in the back when it comes to the crunch.

The love the Christian people preach is conditional. You have to meet standards to warrant their love. That is not love, thats picking and choosing. Satanism is a bit more realistic. Love those who are loyal, but be aware of your enemies and don't show mercy, for mercy is weakness. Man is just as likely to accept a truce and stab you in the back as you turn away.

I don't know if any of that made sense but hey, ill leave Christianity alone now for a while.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
(Gotta tell you, it is a bit scary to try to reply and at the same time avoid a debate. I am thinking seriously about opening a new thread elsewhere) :)

Satanism and satanists exist in the mind of the brainwashed sheep who call themselves Christians to pass the guilt onto. If ever something bad happens its not, "i made a mistake," its "the devil made me do it." Whenever something goes down its "damn those satanic kids" not "we have a serious social issue." Its all to easy to blame satanism because thats all the church has done for centuries. Until a while ago the only way to solve the problem of anti-christianization was with a shield and sword.

I don't really disagree with that. Although it does make me wonder why Satanists do exist by that name. Sincere and well-motivated as your rejection of hypocrosy seems to be, it seems at times to be mixed with a bit of desire for needling the offenders. Yes, I find that easily understandable, even easy to relate to.

These days, pathetic and petty slander is thrown at us because we resent christianity, the cancer that is a social norm. Its drilled into the heads of our children the same way it was drilled into us in that God is Good, Church is good, everything else is bad and you will suffer eternally if you do not play our petty little game. Only something like 10% have enough sense to break our programming and realise the true and sick values of our Christian "friends."

There is a bit of a risk of feeding such prejudices when one shows disdain by adopting labels such as "satanist", IMO. Then again, for all I know there is a real and important need for creating such emotional shock. Perhaps it is even a first, needed step of fast-starting the critical capability of some.

To address Mr. LuisDantas a little more specifically;

What does satanism stand to gain by making itself appealing to the outside world? A larger cult following?

IMO? Less prejudice coming your way, faster and less traumatic self-questioning coming from your supposed opposite numbers, and ultimately a world that much more rid of the hypocrisy that you rightfully abbhor so much.

Of course, it is a tricky thing to dose. Try too hard and you fall into some of the very traps you're avoiding (as you note bellow).

This is how Christianity started, a look at the horrors that little cult inflicted on our poor world. Satanism isn't about spreading the word of satan, its about being what you want to be without care for the social trends.

I really should open an external thread to comment this :) I hope to do so and to meet you there, pal. Stay tuned.

We can worry about other things rather than "would God agree with this," "what does the bible say about >insert issue." No, thats useless, every situation is different. The bible's wisdom is limited.

Speaking for myself, I fully expect most Christians to eventually reach those very same conclusions and change Christian practice accordingly. It has even started already, albeit in a frustratingly timid manner.

With self-respect and self-awareness one can make confident decisions for themselves. We are leaders not followers. We make decisions based on our own experience not the experience of some Roman 2000 years ago. We trust ourselves to make these decisions as that is what our path teaches. Be yourself, be as powerful as you can be for yourself only, for the next man is just as likely to befriend you as he is to stab you in the back when it comes to the crunch.

I think I see the appeal of such a view. On the other hand, it seems to be a bit naive in its own way. It certainly has its own risks, albeit very different and often preferable ones over those of the sheep / flock mentality.

The love the Christian people preach is conditional. You have to meet standards to warrant their love. That is not love, thats picking and choosing. Satanism is a bit more realistic. Love those who are loyal, but be aware of your enemies and don't show mercy, for mercy is weakness. Man is just as likely to accept a truce and stab you in the back as you turn away.

I don't know if any of that made sense but hey, ill leave Christianity alone now for a while.

I'm neither Christian nor Satanist, so I guess I will create a new thread already. See you there (I hope) :)

EDIT: Done, here it is.

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Liebe ist für alle da
I recommended people read the Satanic Bible(take from it what you will) and learn a little bit more about the C0S(here's something, there's no Emo goth kid who cut themselves in the COS).


I recommended people read the Satanic Bible(take from it what you will) and learn a little bit more about the C0S(here's something, there's no Emo goth kid who cut themselves in the COS).

Shhhhh AZ....

People don't want to know what the COS REALLY is/is about...
They MUCH prefer their "imaginary" version.

Please honey. Don't ruin it for them.
It'll spoil all the fun.


Almighty Tallest
Don't worry UV, Azakel's words will fall on deaf ears, this world isn't a place about understanding, it's about wild accusations and distracting people from the real issue. So Satan will always get blamed for something, I mean how dare he give those teenagers in Iran a sense of independence and understanding. How dare he!
darkendless said:
The love the Christian people preach is conditional. You have to meet standards to warrant their love. That is not love, thats picking and choosing. Satanism is a bit more realistic. Love those who are loyal, but be aware of your enemies and don't show mercy, for mercy is weakness. Man is just as likely to accept a truce and stab you in the back as you turn away.
Isn't that the truth, I think what happened to the Native Americans make an excellent example of all of this.
Well there isn't much to add to all this... I'm in agreement with UV about Satan's role as scape-goat. It was the Christian church and those leaders who sought power over the clans of Europe who originally demonized Pan, in order to shame those who payed him homage into conversion.

Pan was a freedom loving spirit who was in tune with the nature of the individual and the nature of the world. He symbolized all that is our nature, and as such, embodied both love and self sacrifice, as well as survival and self interest.

He was neither a corrupting influence, nor a savior of immortal souls, and he had nothing whatever to do with the Christian faith until, in true form, the Christian's co-opted his image for their own purpose.

Now its true that few who call themselves Satanists today are aware of the loving and free nature of Pan, who's horns and cloven feet have become the symbols of this one we call Satan. It is my own opinion that there are STRIKING commonalities at times between those who worship 'Satan' and those who worship the christian God... but that is bound to be the case when so many turn to 'Satan' in direct rebellion against the guilt and shame that bind so many to the christian faith.

It has been my experience that there are enlightened members of both of these (apparently) opposing faiths. It is also my experience that some Satanists worship as blindly and ignorantly as some Christians are prone to do, all the while espousing freedom of the individual, and self knowledge. It's the 'nature' of the 'beast' that is humanity; we have the potential for such astounding divinity, and such profound ignorance.

If I were to chose Satanism as my faith (though I chose no religion or label to restrict mySelf) it would be because the philosophies of Satanism speak to some deep aspect of my heart, and reflect what I see within. Whatever label we chose, it should reflect our inner selves, not restrict the expression of what the Universe gives us.


Since my path is not exactly clear, i was curious as to why you all chose the LHP and how you came across it?

Cool Question

I was born this way. No one could tell me what to do spiritually and I have carried within a desire to Know Truth since as long as I can remember. I checked out (lived) many different paths and always I kept my Self in tact no matter how "thick" life got. It became very clear that the majority of RHP religions had very little to offer except abdication of my essential Self to some imaginary deity or ideal. I looked very hard at the literature that had been inspirational to my Initiation and found that it carried within it a thread of antinomian dissent. I began to look around for groups that had this quality, LaVey was of course first on the list but I found the concept Indulgence grossly misinterpreted by those professing to be Satanists and their lives were not what I could consider Aware and Darkly Magical, they seemed like angry Christians in my view. I did a great deal of research and found the problem in the origins of the concept of Satan. Not to say the Luciferian Principle has not produced some fantastic Art, Music, Writer and Poets and Initiates, but so few over so long, it was not in my view ever going to be successful initiatory path until it broke the chaiin that links it to the RHP.

I could see how with a little Work it could be made into a fairly successful path but always its J/C origin bothered me. I know the history of the RHP and I know where its information stems from and I will not tolerate lies of that nature, my soul utterly rejects spiritual falseness and blind obediance, and with a little age and wisdom reactionary rage, no matter how justified. Though I feel strongly that is Satanism's greatest feat and what paved the way for the Principle of Isolate Intelligence to manifest. Though I respect Satanism/Luciferian purpose and philosophy when articulated with intelligence, I never did affiliate with the CoS or any other construct and practiced on my own for some time. I found I was very successful at LHP Magic and enjoyed a turbulent but exciting self Initation.
I did all this without a computer.

Eventually I had come to xroads and I thought I had better find some sane Magicians to dialogue with before what I had learned turned into something nasty- and it most certainly could have, that's when I "chanced" across the Temple of Set. I have since found antinomian spiritual dissent (http://www.orakels.com/occult/Setian/Antinomianism.pdf) in many different places and belief structures and use them to great effect, but none as clear as the ToS. This is what happened when I got a computer:bat:
That's My story and I'm stickin to it.

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New Member
As an atheist, I do not believe in God nor the Devil, so I'm not getting this. Satanism is about self empowerment? Why not just be a free thinker. Use your brain and stop being sheep? Satanism is just another religion and religion kills. Period.


Well-Known Member
There is no Proselytizing allowed at RF.

You will get yourself banned.

Yeah honestly... that is just not right. A person can believe what ever they want. Nobody should EVER try to convert anybody whether you like their beliefs or not. Seriously...

Guitar's Cry

Disciple of Pan
***MOD POST***

Keep in mind that this is the LHP DIR. So, no debating, and if you aren't LHP, please ask only respectful questions.

Thank you.


Abn Iblis ابن إبليس
For the record, I am a Luciferian / Asetianist and I do not recognize Satan than anything more than an archetype imagined by Mankind.

Satan is a personification of the Judaic word al-satan (who borrowed it from the Persians' Shaiten) meaning adversary. The word is used more as a descriptive noun or pronoun. A fallen tree preventing a husband from getting to his injured wife would be considered a tree of shaiten, more or less.
Shaiten did not become Satan until much later where Jewish sects / tribes such as the Essenes began referring to anyone not an Essene as a Shaiten. Still further the Roman Christian church decided it was time to personify shaiten into Satan and have Him become the scapegoat for all evil in the Christian world.
There is no Satan

Lucifer is not an Adversary as the word Satan (Shaiten) describes
Lucifer is the 'Bringer of Light' in other words Lux Lucis (Lucifer) is gnosis, truth and Divine knowledge.
Lucifer makes His debut in the Testaments as the Serpent in the Garden of Eden pointing out to Eve that God is a liar and you will not die if you eat of the fruit of knowledge, which she did and did not die.
Lucifer brought us the Truth and our Free Will, shows us the way to either be One with God or to be a God ourselves

Lucifer est lux lucis

Lucifer is the god of progress and intellectual inquiry, not only the divine inspiration behind the spiritual enlightenment of the Gnostic and the heretic and the lover of God in all his/her forms.
Through Lucifer's spirit humanity first climbed down from the trees and has represented the flow of progress ever since.

But Lucifer may be more than a metaphor for rebellion, enlightenment and advancement - as the pure creative and motive light, Lucifer may actually be the key to life itself . . .

The DNA within the nuclei of all cells of living creatures contains biophotons or ultra-weak proton emissions - in other words, light!
A dynamic web of light constantly released and absorbed by the DNA connects cells, tissues and organs and serve as the organism's main communication network.

Lucifer is on the move inside you and me, chattering between cell and cell, rousing the cohorts of the life-force, keeping us alive and wonderful. Every man and woman is a star - and now we know we have our own inner light.
Satanism for a long time now has been percieved as a teen gothic cult supporting dark music. However, thats a stupid stereotype the media slammed on us all.

However, we all follow satanism for one reason or another. Since my path is not exactly clear, i was curious as to why you all chose the LHP and how you came across it?

Especially true when speaking over the internet, it is better to not speak of what you are not but what you ARE.

I chose to identify as a Satanist because its' philosophy on life and its ethics and values resonate with my nature.

I also respect the men and women in the priesthood and recognize them as accomplished and interesting people; and also because LaVey was a guy who knew how to have fun :)

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
And yeah, it is mostly gothy kids who like to cut themselves, listen to dark music who are mostly Satanists. Never met a jolly Satanists.
Then they may not be real Satanist. Not saying that all Satanist are happy people, but to say "mostly goth kids...cut themselves" is a GROSS over generalization. Cutters come from all walks of life, and most of the time, you will never know unless you catch them or they tell you.

As an atheist, I do not believe in God nor the Devil, so I'm not getting this. Satanism is about self empowerment? Why not just be a free thinker. Use your brain and stop being sheep? Satanism is just another religion and religion kills. Period.
Satanism can be a philosophy, rather than religion. It is really no different than someone following the teachings of Socrates, Freud, or Nietzsche.
To some, it can be a role model and inspiration. People find inspiration everywhere, from music, fictional and non-fictional characters, movies, and just about anything else in the world. Satan is the inspiration for some people.
And the philosophies go alittle deeper than just being a free thinker. And BTW, many LeVay Satanist are atheist or agnostic.