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Russian collusion confirmed by the FBI.


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
They should be driven into the sewers like the vermin they are. If they need to be monitored for plans of violence than the FBI can keep tabs on them, even if they're driven into the deep web. We don't need to be giving them platforms and mainstreaming their rhetoric.

Easier said than done. The deep web is not as easy to monitor as the internet. It's best to keep them from the deep web.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
You doubt the President of the United States and the Secrectary of State have full access to the FBI information?
Generally the FBI does not share details of its non-completed domestic investigations with either the President or the Secretary of State. Especially in the case of the President, there are a variety of exceptions to this general rule. Nevertheless, this is precisely what makes Trump's attempts to grill Comey about the Russian-campaign collusion investigation so ethically suspect.

In any case, there is certainly no reason to assume that Clinton (who is one of the Committee members who voted, not Obama) knew details of any investigation.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Is there something you need to learn about the alt-right in person by bringing them into town and allowing them a platform that you couldn't learn anywhere else?
What they say, in person. How the respond to tough questions on the spot, and a tolerance for hearing opposing viewpoints, how to act in less of a knee-jerk way and in more of a rational way. Already the consequences of this trend of silencing speakers is very dire, but yet I doubt Trump will be the worst of those consequences from this trend. As long as people are calling for violence, let them speak. The lines anywhere else are too hard too draw, and every revoked speaker empowers a crowd that you we really don't want to be making feel empowered (and clearly they do).
When more counter protesters are showing up than those who are attending an event that is being protested, it shows us two things. One is that it is nothing but pathetic that a good number of them who are present will not themselves votes, nor will many they speak for. Those on the Right have went and chanted and protested, but they went and actually voted. Those on the Left chanting and protesting are not voting. There are some instances where voting can create a significant inconvenience, but most states have laws that employees be given time off work to vote if it is needed, and voter ID laws are really only an inconvenience for a few. The Left just does not vote in numbers like the Right does, but they'll chant and wave signs and march in numbers that put the Right to shame. We are also shown that we, at least as a culture, cannot let something die in silence, but we have to breathe life into by giving something we don't like attention. And we never learn despite dozens of examples of controversy having turned something into gold, things that other wise would have died off in total and complete obscurity.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
This assumes that calling alt-right supporters "deplorables" and protesting the talks of disgusting types like Richard Spencer or Milo is something that needs to be denounced or renounced. I say no. There is nothing in liberalism or progressivism that says that you muat be completely tolerant of all viewpoints. That is ridiculous.
I'm saying you have to tolerate the fact that because they are human beings that are entitled to certain rights. Peacefully assemble is one of those rights. Speaking is one of those rights. I do not support "intellectual pacifism," and there is nothing about Liberal or Progressive ideology that says you must. But there are some principles and concepts that are, or so they say, some of them being legal entitlements. As for "deplorables," you have to remember they are human beings, and calling them that, though they are a minority, they got Trump elected, via a Constitutional means that prevents a majority geopolitical national majority silencing less populace states - the purpose and intention behind the Electoral College. Liberals are not learning from their mistakes, and denying speakers their right to freedom of assembly and speech--with public-funded colleges and universities being especially where this happens--has been like poking at a snake.
They need to change their strategy, and quick, because it's looking possible for Trump win 2020.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I'm saying you have to tolerate the fact that because they are human beings that are entitled to certain rights. Peacefully assemble is one of those rights. Speaking is one of those rights. I do not support "intellectual pacifism," and there is nothing about Liberal or Progressive ideology that says you must. But there are some principles and concepts that are, or so they say, some of them being legal entitlements. As for "deplorables," you have to remember they are human beings, and calling them that, though they are a minority, they got Trump elected, via a Constitutional means that prevents a majority geopolitical national majority silencing less populace states - the purpose and intention behind the Electoral College. Liberals are not learning from their mistakes, and denying speakers their right to freedom of assembly and speech--with public-funded colleges and universities being especially where this happens--has been like poking at a snake.
They need to change their strategy, and quick, because it's looking possible for Trump win 2020.
I don't really give a damn about treating nicely people who view me as less than human. Screw their "rights", they would strip me of mine with glee. I am glad that OSU stood firm and did not say it would allow Spencer space to speak, even if they'll get sued. If they are forced to accommodate him, I will go and protest. These people need to be fought, not coddled and treated like respectable citizens. People should think twice about spewing such nonsense. Instead of wondering what Democrats did wrong (as if denouncing the alt-right and standing for minorities, even if it makes white, cis, straight people uncomfortable, is wrong), we need to be asking what is wrong with us as a society that we are mainstreaming the far-right, turning a blind eye to an egregious attack on our sovereignty and turning our back in democratic and egalitarian ideals. By making it about the Democrats or "liberals", you implicitly say that the Republicans are doing something "right" because they are winning elections. You can be in the wrong but dupe people into voting for you by using fear and preying upon the reptilian aspects of the mind. America has lost the plot and doesn't deserve to call itself the leader of the free world while we defend Nazis walking down our streets (that they are met with force on the ground is hopeful) and we have Russian stooges in the White House.

Tolerate people who want to bring back a regime that killed millions on the basis of ethnicity...yeah, right.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
In the news.....
Republicans shut down House Russia probe over Democratic objections
U.S. House Intelligence Committee Republicans said on Monday the panel had finished investigating Russia and the 2016 U.S. election, and found no collusion between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Moscow’s efforts to influence the vote.
Conaway accused Democrats of seeking to prolong the probe ahead of the mid-term elections. The Republicans’ current control of both houses of Congress is up for grabs in the November vote, and early polls show they face a difficult fight in particular to retain a majority in the House.
Conaway said he hoped to work with Schiff on the probe but Democrats are expected to release their own report.
This'll be fun to watch.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
In the meantime, pull up your lawn chairs and popcorn, it is going to be a good one!
Interestingly, even NPR is interviewing news types who complain that more important
stories are being ignored or buried by the obsession with Russian conspiracies.
I wonder if Trump's lack of cooperation serves this end, & is even by design, eh?


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Interestingly, even NPR is interviewing news types who complain that more important
stories are being ignored or buried by the obsession with Russian conspiracies.
I wonder if Trump's lack of cooperation serves this end, & is even by design, eh?
It is possible, I wouldn't count anything out. By the way, for a guy who does not care for NPR, how does it always end up on your radio? :D


Veteran Member
It is possible, I wouldn't count anything out. By the way, for a guy who does not care for NPR, how does it always end up on your radio? :D
He didn't listen to Mrs. Rev and she punishes him by making him listen to it.:)


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
It is possible, I wouldn't count anything out. By the way, for a guy who does not care for NPR, how does it always end up on your radio? :D
I listen to the radio a lot.
Have you heard what the other stations are like?
And it's a way to keep tabs on the pulse of liberal thought.