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Global Governance


Well-Known Member
Hence separation of powers:

Separation of powers, therefore, refers to the division of responsibilities into distinct branches of government by limiting any one branch from exercising the core functions of another. The intent of separation of powers is to prevent the concentration of power by providing for checks and balances.

Separation of powers - Wikipedia
nice principle, too bad it keeps failing in fact.


Well-Known Member
Got a better system in mind?
well, so far all the experimentation of the past few centuries have failed abysmally....
however any system could work tolerably well if the criteria of
are met, or are the intention of those at the helm.
any ideas from your perspective?


Veteran Member
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Much of our modern technology could become very hazardous to our liberties if it was used by a despotic government.
...like in China and N Korea.

The mark of the beast is no longer something of the future. I think China’s social credit system is a working model of the Number of the Beast. By the time the Antichrist comes along to make it official, the world openly embraces its financial enslavement.”
I don't, but I have a good reason. The mark of the beast has always been around, and it represents an enemy that we have been fighting for a very long time. I think it is internal.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
well, so far all the experimentation of the past few centuries have failed abysmally....
however any system could work tolerably well if the criteria of
are met, or are the intention of those at the helm.
any ideas from your perspective?

I don't see abysmal failures in the last few centuries. I see humans having greater freedom, opportunity, and ability to participate in and shape the functioning of their own societies than they've probably ever had. What "abysmal failures" are you talking about?

The ideals you put forward are lovely, but the question is what system best puts them into practice.

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
I don't see abysmal failures in the last few centuries. I see humans having greater freedom, opportunity, and ability to participate in and shape the functioning of their own societies than they've probably ever had. What "abysmal failures" are you talking about?

The ideals you put forward are lovely, but the question is what system best puts them into practice.



...like in China and N Korea.

I don't, but I have a good reason. The mark of the beast has always been around, and it represents an enemy that we have been fighting for a very long time. I think it is internal.
China and North Korea are good examples of tyranny.

I’d say the “beast “ in the form of tyrannical governments and/or leaders have always been around, yet I think the scriptures are pretty clear in showing there will be a final such beast on a global scale where a literal technological mark/chip/tattoo will be required to participate in society; buying, selling, making a living, eating, etc.

Just my thoughts. Thanks for yours.


Here is the Scientific American article: Invisible Ink Could Reveal whether Kids Have Been Vaccinated

MIT has the idea of a an invisible skin tattoo to record a child's vaccination records. This is an idea for use in the developing world, where there are no reliable medical records, to show what individuals have had what vaccinations.

Gates, who as we all know, has a philanthropic foundation devoted to improving health in the developing world, supports this initiative.

That's it.

The rest is paranoid and malicious invention, without a shred of evidence to support it.

"Ruling the world with vaccines" is an imbecile notion. How the hell would that work?
First, I am not saying it will be Gates who rules the world with vaccines. I just think we are seeing the building blocks coming together. Gates may have entirely benevolent motives, though I don’t think so. Try doing a little research on some of the harm his vaccine programs have caused in poor countries and the lack of real medical help his funds could have provided, but never do.

“Ruling the world with vaccines “ is not the point or concern. It’s the mandatory requirement for everyone on the planet to be vaccinated as the eventual goal, in conjunction
with this...

ID2020 | Digital Identity Alliance


People have been calling for unification since the telegraph, but other people have resisted them. Notice that Britain quit from the EU because of its creeping, invasive attempt at globalization? The British didn't think it was appropriate that their government be subsumed. Many states opted out of the USSR, shattering it to pieces. Many US states keep bringing up secession as a possibility.

I don't see why he thinks cryptocurrency is scary rather than plastic cards. Plastic=surveillance. Cryptocurrency is cash and trackers hate cash. Rather than cryptocurrency he should be worried that everyone will be required to use plastic. Cryptocurrency actually would be like cash and would allow people to buy and sell anonymously. The only danger of crypto is that its so new that there are concerns about failure of its technological basis -- like if its algorithm turns out to be too weak or something like that.

If there were a much worse virus or world war or something like that the world could be conquered. That is the only way I can see such a globalization happen, and even then it couldn't be permanent. Alexander the great did everything he could to unite the world, but it fell apart when he died. The USSR talked like it was a game changer, but it wasn't. China thinks its got the formula, but it doesn't. The USA...we almost broke up. The EU has lost Britain, and its other states are complaining. Look at all those South American countries -- all speaking the same language (except for Brazil), but they've never united. They won't.
You are right many have tried to unite the world and it doesn’t happen, though in incremental ways I think it is getting closer. Even this virus pandemic has brought more world unity, yet there is still resistance. Fear in the midst of chaos or the unknown appears to be something that causes people to come together more easily under a leader or central government.
I think it is the rapture and disappearance of millions, including all children and unborn babies that will cause the people everywhere on the earth to panic and fear to the point of being ready to follow and unite together under a strong leader who steps up to offer direction
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Reading through your cited article I can't say that I agree with everything, but the Revelation does speak of a world government that will take control, with all nations supporting it....and the first thing it will do, according to scripture, is to shut down religion. Perhaps it is to remove the friction that causes religious wars and hatreds....or perhaps it is to get their hands on the vast wealth that these institutions have, in an economically sick situation. In any case it will mean totalitarian rule because it says we will need "the mark of the wild beast" in order to obtain any goods or services. There will be no "buying or selling" without that mark, which for Christians will be an impossible betrayal....because it means worshipping the wild beast and its image....(Revelation 17:11-13) which will be a man made substitute for God's Kingdom....promising a single world government to deliver good things to the whole world.....but instead, delivering oppression and loss of all freedoms.

Revelation 13:16-17...
"It puts under compulsion all people—the small and the great, the rich and the poor, the free and the slaves—that these should be marked on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 and that nobody can buy or sell except a person having the mark, the name of the wild beast or the number of its name."

There is no doubt that the world is being prepared for this shift in government....it used to be called the "new world order" but "globalization" is used more these days. It will indeed be interesting to see if they promise "peace and security" because that is when God steps in to show them who is the rightful Sovereign of the Universe.

1 Thessalonians 5:1-3...
"Now as for the times and the seasons, brothers, you need nothing to be written to you. 2 For you yourselves know very well that Jehovah’s day is coming exactly as a thief in the night. 3 Whenever it is that they are saying, “Peace and security!” then sudden destruction is to be instantly on them, just like birth pains on a pregnant woman, and they will by no means escape."

We take a wait and see approach because nothing and no one can stop what is going to happen.....best we be on the right side when the crunch comes.....because I believe it is not too far away.
Appreciate your thoughts.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
You are right many have tried to unite the world and it doesn’t happen, though in incremental ways I think it is getting closer. Even this virus pandemic has brought more world unity, yet there is still resistance. Fear in the midst of chaos or the unknown appears to be something that causes people to come together more easily under a leader or central government.
I think it is the rapture and disappearance of millions, including all children and unborn babies that will cause the people everywhere on the earth to panic and fear to the point of being ready to follow and unite together under a strong leader who steps up to offer direction
If so then I hope it happens soon, so we can all stop worrying.


Veteran Member
First, I am not saying it will be Gates who rules the world with vaccines. I just think we are seeing the building blocks coming together. Gates may have entirely benevolent motives, though I don’t think so. Try doing a little research on some of the harm his vaccine programs have caused in poor countries and the lack of real medical help his funds could have provided, but never do.

“Ruling the world with vaccines “ is not the point or concern. It’s the mandatory requirement for everyone on the planet to be vaccinated as the eventual goal, in conjunction
with this...

ID2020 | Digital Identity Alliance
Well I suppose it's something you don't subscribe to all this Bill Gates tosh - except that it seems you do subscribe to at least some of it.

What is this evidence you claim to have about the malign effects of his philanthropy in the developing world? I've never come across this. Do you have any references to reputable sources of information on this?

And where do you get this notion of "mandatory vaccination for everyone on the planet"? Nobody has suggested that, so far as I know.

And even if they had, what on Earth would it have to do with ID2020? That's not about vaccination.


Well I suppose it's something you don't subscribe to all this Bill Gates tosh - except that it seems you do subscribe to at least some of it.

What is this evidence you claim to have about the malign effects of his philanthropy in the developing world? I've never come across this. Do you have any references to reputable sources of information on this?

And where do you get this notion of "mandatory vaccination for everyone on the planet"? Nobody has suggested that, so far as I know.

And even if they had, what on Earth would it have to do with ID2020? That's not about vaccination.
Maybe I should not have used the term mandatory because likely it won’t be mandatory at first, though I don’t doubt that will shorty become the case. Look how frightened people are by this virus. At some point you won’t be able to go back to work, go shopping, attend school or college, travel, etc. without proof of vaccination. Bill Gates has stated his goal is vaccination for all 7 billion or so of the world.

Gates Foundation calls for global cooperation on vaccine for 7 billion people

“He commented on the current social distancing and stay-at-home measures occurring across the country, saying we’ll have a lot of unusual measures in place until “we get the world vaccinated,” adding, “that’s a tall order, but it’s where we need to get to.”
Bill Gates is spending billions to produce 7 potential coronavirus vaccines

The connection between worldwide vaccination and worldwide identification is inevitable since the technology is already in place and being used in some places for both: vaccination records and personal identification and data.

Check out the ID2020 website and notice the founding partners, two of which are Microsoft and Gavi ( a vaccine corporation).
ID2020 | Alliance & Governance

ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

And concerning some of the detrimental impact of the Gates Foundation work in poor countries, here are a couple articles.

Unintended victims of Gates Foundation generosity

Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
No because God is good....

Indeed, "good" will result even from the end of the present world system of governance. For the sake of the righteous, God must rid the world of unrighteousness and all who choose to practice it. He gives all an opportunity to leave their evil ways, but if they fail to do so they will disappear with them.

For to you there is born this day in the city of David, a Savior who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11

Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace goodwill toward men!
Luke 2:14

Just as a sidenote.....
Luke 2:14 from the Interlinear renders that verse....

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth among those whom he has favored!” (MOUNCE)

The last part of that verse is incorrectly rendered in many translations. God’s goodwill is not directed to mankind in general, especially not towards those who defy him and who treat him with disrespect. His goodwill is directed towards those who obey his laws and do his will. (Matthew 7:21-23)

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
I can agree that the concept of global government is not necessarily a negative thing in itself. I suppose it depends on whether the one(s) in leadership or power/control are benevolent or malevolent.

Yes, as well as the actual structure of the government.


Indeed, "good" will result even from the end of the present world system of governance. For the sake of the righteous, God must rid the world of unrighteousness and all who choose to practice it. He gives all an opportunity to leave their evil ways, but if they fail to do so they will disappear with them.

Just as a sidenote.....
Luke 2:14 from the Interlinear renders that verse....

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth among those whom he has favored!” (MOUNCE)

The last part of that verse is incorrectly rendered in many translations. God’s goodwill is not directed to mankind in general, especially not towards those who defy him and who treat him with disrespect. His goodwill is directed towards those who obey his laws and do his will. (Matthew 7:21-23)
Thanks for your thoughts Deeje, but I am sorry I have to disagree. I don’t think the main accepted translations have the wording incorrect, especially considering the subject and context. Although the scriptures are clear God opposes sin and evil, I believe He graciously has provided forgiveness and freedom; peace between Himself and sinful humanity through the gift of Jesus Christ and His payment for the sins of the world. This gospel, the good news about Jesus the Savior is presented throughout the NT as a gift given and available for everyone.

For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
John 3:16-17


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
John 3:16-17

I'm glad that you quoted that scripture because its one of my favorites. Most people rattle it off and concentrate on the first part as if the second part does not exist.

God "loved the world" (humanity) so much that "he gave his only Son" so that they might have "everlasting life".

But we first have to understand what it means to "believe" in the son. If James says that "the demons believe and shudder", (James 2:19) how are we to understand what this 'belief' is? If our belief does not move us to action as disciples of Christ, (living as Christians 24/7) then as James says..."a man is to be declared righteous by works and not by faith alone".....why? because "just as the body without spirit is dead, so also faith without works is dead." God is going to save people with a living faith that is demonstrated by works. He is not going to save everyone, especially not those who exercise no faith at all.

To be honest, even those who profess a faith in the Lord, may come to disappointment. (Matthew 7:21-23) Unless they are "doing the will of the Father", Jesus will reject them.

1 Peter 4:17 says...
"For it is the appointed time for the judgment to start with the house of God. Now if it starts first with us, what will the outcome be for those who are not obedient to the good news of God? 18 And if the righteous man is being saved with difficulty, what will happen to the ungodly man and the sinner?

The second part of that verse in John 3:16 is...."whosoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." So it means to exercise our faith, not just to have a belief in Jesus Christ. If you "have" a dog, that is not the same as "exercising" the dog.....so it is with faith...its not stationary nor stagnant but alive, active and progressive.

What do we make of the word "perish" in that verse? It seems that people skip over that bit....but the reality is, humans will be granted either "everlasting life" or they will "perish".
According to Strongs, the word "perish" in Greek is "apollymi" which means ......

to destroy
  1. to put out of the way entirely, abolish, put an end to ruin

  2. render useless

  3. to kill

  4. to declare that one must be put to death".
These are opposite outcomes.....this is life or death...plain and simple, according to my understanding of the scriptures.


Veteran Member
Maybe I should not have used the term mandatory because likely it won’t be mandatory at first, though I don’t doubt that will shorty become the case. Look how frightened people are by this virus. At some point you won’t be able to go back to work, go shopping, attend school or college, travel, etc. without proof of vaccination. Bill Gates has stated his goal is vaccination for all 7 billion or so of the world.

Gates Foundation calls for global cooperation on vaccine for 7 billion people

“He commented on the current social distancing and stay-at-home measures occurring across the country, saying we’ll have a lot of unusual measures in place until “we get the world vaccinated,” adding, “that’s a tall order, but it’s where we need to get to.”
Bill Gates is spending billions to produce 7 potential coronavirus vaccines

The connection between worldwide vaccination and worldwide identification is inevitable since the technology is already in place and being used in some places for both: vaccination records and personal identification and data.

Check out the ID2020 website and notice the founding partners, two of which are Microsoft and Gavi ( a vaccine corporation).
ID2020 | Alliance & Governance

ID2020 and partners launch program to provide digital ID with vaccines

And concerning some of the detrimental impact of the Gates Foundation work in poor countries, here are a couple articles.

Unintended victims of Gates Foundation generosity

Controversial vaccine studies: Why is Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation under fire from critics in India?
1) So you think it may become mandatory to have a Covid-19 vaccination certificate. But that is just an uninformed guess on your part. You have no evidence this is planned and scientifically it would be quite unnecessary, since herd immunity would be reached at 60-70% coverage. I can't see why any government would demand it, except perhaps as a temporary expedient for those people going back to work in the early stages of control, before herd immunity is achieved.

2) OK, Gates supports a global vaccination programme against Covid-19. Are you arguing it would be a bad thing to have enough vaccine for the whole world?

3) You are talking paranoid nonsense about ID2020. GAVI is not a "vaccine corporation". It is an alliance of not-for-profit groups that try to improve the lives of the poor, including UNICEF, the WHO, the World Bank and the Gates Foundation. (UNICEF is a charity: one I have given money to for years.) As for the connection with vaccination, well of course, if the health authorities vaccinate someone, they obviously need to record who has been vaccinated. Durrh. They want to run a pilot in Bangladesh, a country where there are no decent medical records. That does not imply a global conspiracy. In fact that article has an addendum, which you appear not to have read, stating:" This post was updated at 4:58pm on March 26, 2020 to clarify that the program is intended to allow people to receive vaccination and prove they have received it, not to track individuals, as claimed by some conspiracy theorists.

As for the snags with the work of the Gates Foundation, thanks for those, I found them interesting. The problem seems to be the unintended consequences of providing money for people working on certain disease eradication programmes, thereby accidentally taking limited resources in poor countries away from general medicine. This is clearly not deliberate and I'm sure the Gates Foundation is now aware of the issue and will try to get better at how it works to avoid this pitfall. But it is monstrous to conclude from this that the Gates Foundation has some kind of evil intent. Monstrous and completely without evidence.