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Global Governance

Wandering Monk

Well-Known Member
Fundamentalists just can't snap out of their prophecy delusions.



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What do you think, are things being put in place for a world government where everyone’s personal information and activity will be monitored and eventually controlled?
It is possible that it could happen. I don't think that the coronavirus has much to do with it.

Rather certain people believe in unification of governance and the flexibility that authoritarian governance can bring, despite the innate problems that it also brings. Countries are flirting with it. China's working hard to understand the science of controlling populations. The idea of going back to the old ways keeps coming up from various quarters, like kids farting at a wedding. Somehow people forget how stupid and inefficient it is to have a single leader in charge of things. Even if you have a ton of staff its just nuts to do governance correctly.

So, yes. What with the capabilities of AI, game theory, surveillance methods, cell phones, laptops, bar codes etc etc. Of course this becomes increasingly likely.

I don't think the virus has anything to do with it.

Milton Platt

Well-Known Member
What do you think, are things being put in place for a world government where everyone’s personal information and activity will be monitored and eventually controlled?

How the Coronavirus Sets the Stage for the End Times :: By Britt Gillette - Rapture Ready

I don't believe in the "end times" mumbo jumbo.
But as the world becomes more and more populous, it becomes increasingly important for individual governments to coordinate globally.
The concept of an over-arching form of governance is not in and of itself a negative thing. The devil is in the details.


Premium Member
What do you think, are things being put in place for a world government where everyone’s personal information and activity will be monitored and eventually controlled?

How the Coronavirus Sets the Stage for the End Times :: By Britt Gillette - Rapture Ready

Your reference as an extreme religious bias unethically and immorally using the tragic world pandemic to appeal to a fear based religious agenda.

This only one of literally hundreds of appeals to appeal to a fear based agenda to predict the 'End Times' in various forms, and nothing every happened..
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It is possible that it could happen. I don't think that the coronavirus has much to do with it.

Rather certain people believe in unification of governance and the flexibility that authoritarian governance can bring, despite the innate problems that it also brings. Countries are flirting with it. China's working hard to understand the science of controlling populations. The idea of going back to the old ways keeps coming up from various quarters, like kids farting at a wedding. Somehow people forget how stupid and inefficient it is to have a single leader in charge of things. Even if you have a ton of staff its just nuts to do governance correctly.

So, yes. What with the capabilities of AI, game theory, surveillance methods, Celtic l phones, laptops, bar codes etc etc. Of course this becomes increasingly likely.

I don't think the virus has anything to do with it.
Appreciate your thoughts.
Did you happen to read the article? I don’t think the virus per se necessarily has anything to do with it, but likely the the repercussions from the virus.


Your reference as an extreme religious bias unethically and immorally using the tragic world pandemic to appeal to a fear based religious agenda.

This only one of literally hundreds of appeals to appeal to a fear based agenda to predict the 'End Times' in various forms, and nothing every happened..
Did you read the article? Just wondering because I don’t think fear is the point.


I don't believe in the "end times" mumbo jumbo.
But as the world becomes more and more populous, it becomes increasingly important for individual governments to coordinate globally.
The concept of an over-arching form of governance is not in and of itself a negative thing. The devil is in the details.
I can agree that the concept of global government is not necessarily a negative thing in itself. I suppose it depends on whether the one(s) in leadership or power/control are benevolent or malevolent.