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The allure of Trump


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I think, when it comes to Hillary, people look at her experience in government, and her composure under pressure. I have to admit she is quite cool and composed under pressure. It makes her appear quite presidential. Like, no matter what comes her way she can face it and deal with it head on while maintaining her control. She is well spoken and informed yet quite friendly. People like that.
Some see that.
I see a lack of candor & personality.
She reminds me of Richard Nizon....tricky....untrustworthy.
But not that this is not severe criticism....if she advanced my agendas, I'd vote for her.
I don't vote for politicians because I like them.
I vote for'm because of the effect they'd have in office.
(It ain't like any of'm ever invite me over for a BBQ to socialize.)


Not Religious
Trump is supporter by Teapartiers. Same thing happened in 2012. No difference with Trump today. I find it funny that RW media hates Trump. If anyone didn't know already, RW media isn't conservative, they work for the republican establishment. Fox, Rush, etc...all hate Trump.

Teapartiers rely on Fox and Rush for information, so if RW media wants to keep their ratings, they have to tread lightly in tearing Trump down. Which is what they are currently doing.

Fox likes RINO's, don't let them tell you otherwise
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Trump is supporter by Teapartiers. Same thing happened in 2012. No difference with Trump today. I find it funny that RW media hates Trump. If anyone didn't know already, RW media isn't conservative, they work for the republican establishment. Fox, Rush, etc...all hate Trump.
Have any writings by Rush about Donald?
I'm curious, but too lazy to search.

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I like him too.
I just wouldn't voter for him.

What's more puzzling....what is the allure of Hillary?
Few seem to like her.
She has the charisma of stale haggis.
Yet she's strong in the polls.
Is it just that she's the presumed next in line?
Is it that many think it's a female's turn?
That's why I think it's the hair thing. She's back with the classic doo. *Grin*

Sometimes I wonder if we have U.K. envy and some are yearning for an Americanized version of Margaret Thatcher. Err... Likely a bad comparison.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why not find out where he gets it from and buy some.
It's actually his own real hair...believe it or not.
I don't know how I feel about bernie, on one hand he's the only one who can make considerable good change, but he misrepresents socialism.
He's a democratic socialist. This is more like what Canada or the Scandinavian countries have.
What's more puzzling....what is the allure of Hillary?
The question about Hillary is why are people constantly making up scandals to charge her with? Being fired over Watergate? False. Benghazi? Nothing. E-mails? No laws were broken and her predecessor said he did the same thing.


Veteran Member
He's got the best credibility, credentials, track record re. the #1 issue for voters- the economy.

But I still think he'll lose the GOP, a little too left leaning on many issues- we'll see!
He has 0 experience running any kind of economy. Business experience is not exactly running any kind of economy. And, he spouts economic ideas that seem impossible, then fails to actually explain how they might be plausible. His lack of diplomatic experience is daunting too.

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Can anyone explain it? I, as well as many others I know, truly can't fathom how the man has the numbers he does. He panders to bigots, he argues like a fourth grader calling names on the schoolyard, he's crude to women, his ego is out of control. Just why do people think he is actually fit to run this country?
People like Trump because he is an ***. They like the fact he actually says what is on his mind and doesn't censor himself even when he probably should. His faults and controversial views are what the conservatives feel like for the most part but no one wants to step outside the bounds of political correctness. This gives the illusion that he is "real" or "genuine" in his approaches. I actually somewhat agree. In a sense I even see the appeal and allure. I simply don't agree with the majority of what he has to say.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
We should remember the context of why both Trump and Carson are polling at the top, and that is that the chickens have come home to roost with the "Party of No" that pretty much runs the "Do-Nothing Congress". Boehner and McConnell are pretty much has-been leaders (Boehner officially is gone), and most of the Republicans are pissed at establishment politicians, including their own. And with Ryan likely to be Speaker, the situation could even get worse yet because the right-wing of the party does not want any compromise with the Democrats, so if Ryan does just that, he'll also find himself being abandoned.


Well-Known Member
He has 0 experience running any kind of economy. Business experience is not exactly running any kind of economy. And, he spouts economic ideas that seem impossible, then fails to actually explain how they might be plausible. His lack of diplomatic experience is daunting too.

I think it's a bit scarier than that. It's hard to tell how much is for the camera and how much is real but, if he is half as ham fisted in foreign affairs as he is on the stump, we could end up in serious trouble with him at the helm.


Well-Known Member
We should remember the context of why both Trump and Carson are polling at the top, and that is that the chickens have come home to roost with the "Party of No" that pretty much runs the "Do-Nothing Congress". Boehner and McConnell are pretty much has-been leaders (Boehner officially is gone), and most of the Republicans are pissed at establishment politicians, including their own. And with Ryan likely to be Speaker, the situation could even get worse yet because the right-wing of the party does not want any compromise with the Democrats, so if Ryan does just that, he'll also find himself being abandoned.

They've kind of painted themselves in a corner. Hype up the opposition as the evil enemy, and now they can't work with them or they too are part of the problem. Half the party is mad because they don't do anything and the other half gets angry every time they do.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Oh, do we have someone who can actually logically explain the allure Trump has for them? Please, do tell. Or is all you have cheap retorts from the schoolyard, much like Trump?
I'm not an American, Draka, but part of his allure is the total lack of allure of other candidates on the left or right. To think the best candidate the Democrats can drum up is Hillary is appalling.


Wonder Woman
I'm not an American, Draka, but part of his allure is the total lack of allure of other candidates on the left or right. To think the best candidate the Democrats can drum up is Hillary is appalling.
Sanders has quite the following, and though I find the vast majority of Republican candidates eye rolling and gag worthy, Trump is by far the worst of the bunch.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Sanders has quite the following, and though I find the vast majority of Republican candidates eye rolling and gag worthy, Trump is by far the worst of the bunch.
Sadly for his small group of supporters, Saunders is not electable. I'm not a fan of the TRUMPet either but Hillary causes me to sound like a cat sicking up a hairball and I cannot imagine why any thinking person could possibly support her.


Wonder Woman
Sadly for his small group of supporters, Saunders is not electable. I'm not a fan of the TRUMPet either but Hillary causes me to sound like a cat sicking up a hairball and I cannot imagine why any thinking person could possibly support her.
I guess I'm not a thinking person then. I supported her in 2008. I'm firmly behind Stein now (voting my conscience), but I would not be disappointed if Clinton won. Sure be a Hell of a lot better than anything produced from the Pubs.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Sadly for his small group of supporters
It's not a small group of supporters anymore. Maybe a few years ago when only those who keep up on things knew of him, but today the number of his supporters has grown.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't know how I feel about bernie, on one hand he's the only one who can make considerable good change, but he misrepresents socialism.

Bernie isn't a socialist anyway. He's a democratic socialist. A bit of a different ideology.
Bernie is approximately as socialist as Dwight Eisenhower was.

Anyway, Bernie has labeled himself as a democratic socialist, and specifically has referenced Scandinavian politics in reference to the model he thinks is best.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Oh, do we have someone who can actually logically explain the allure Trump has for them? Please, do tell. Or is all you have cheap retorts from the schoolyard, much like Trump?
I was in a room with four Trump supporters yesterday at work. They were discussing it.

As a demographic, they were fairly older, fairly wealthy white men who were discussing that they don't like political correctness. Not any discussion of issues.

One guy said that he would have voted for Biden if he had ran, but Biden did not, so he'll vote for Trump instead. Considering their politics are so incredibly different, Biden vs Trump, it seems to me that this man was not very informed on an issue-by-issue basis.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I guess I'm not a thinking person then. I supported her in 2008. I'm firmly behind Stein now (voting my conscience), but I would not be disappointed if Clinton won. Sure be a Hell of a lot better than anything produced from the Pubs.
I hear you, Draka, and kudo's on voting your conscience. Though I am quite aware of your revulsion for current rather large crop of Republican nominee wannabe's, could you perhaps articulate why you think the Hildebeast is suited to be President. What, exactly, has she ever done to demonstrate that she is a good leader?
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Bodhisattva in Recovery
It's not a small group of supporters anymore. Maybe a few years ago when only those who keep up on things knew of him, but today the number of his supporters has grown.
What do you mean by this? He has a bigger supporter-base then trump
I understand that much, but I highly doubt that the American public, in general, will support a self-described socialist. His ideas and policies will bounce off of middle America and a large segment that loves him traditionally don't actually get around to voting.