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Humans did NOT evolve from the common ancestor of Apes


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
You make several false assumptions. Firstly, the only people who consider science "infallible" are people who do no understand science or the scientific method - in fact, I would go so far as to say that they not only do not understand it, but that their position is actually anti-science, since the scientific method REQUIRES all conclusions and hypotheses to be tentative, and for no answer or idea to be above reproach. Secondly, you say that people who accept evolution (i.e: the scientific method, or at least the scientific conclusion on the subject of species origin) fail to "comprehend" the "fallibility of man". This is absurd when you consider that the scientific method was developed PRECISELY because humans are fallible, and we require a complex, thorough and impartial methodology through which we can develop an understanding of objective reality (or as close as we can get to it).

There's a difference between the dogmatic belief of creationists, and the apparent vehemence of the evolution side, and that difference is that the creationist argument relies almost entirely on distortions of facts or outright speculation, while the evolution side is founded entirely on evidence and research. It is not a case of "we are right because we do not doubt that we are right", it is a case of "all of the available evidence supports that conclusion, and you are failing to understand or acknowledge this simple fact". There is nothing wrong with taking an "inflexible position" when your position is actually the one supported by facts, and the opponent's is one of blind denial and ignorance. No doubt a person who believes the earth is flat can be just as vehement and inflexible in their belief as someone who believes the earth is round, but this does not make their positions equal. The former believes vehemently because they are either deluded, misinformed or just plain dishonest, while that latter believes what they believe because of observation of facts. The two claims do not suddenly become equal just because people believe them strongly.

When all of the available evidence points to evolution, and none of it points to creationism, this ceases to be an issue between comparative extremes who are simply fighting over beliefs. It becomes a matter of facts vs. people who are unwilling to accept those facts, to the extent where thosep people want said facts removed from educational circles and replaced with outright fabrications. Equating the two to each other is absurd.
This is a much better reply than my planned "liar, liar"...


Woke gremlin
This is a much better reply than my planned "liar, liar"...
That depends whether or not you were considering adding to your argument an addendum that evokes the possibility, based on inference, that the individual you were responding towards has pants that are currently on fire.

If this is a line of reasoning you had considered, then I wish to substitute my argument for your own in deference to its clear and obvious superiority.


pro scapegoat
Dear Bunyip, False, since science is a consensus view of Godless men.
No Ben it is not. You are either lying or terribly confused.
good example is the False Theory of Evolution which is "willingly ignorant" of the Fact that Humans did NOT have our origin on Planet Earth. These bumpkins have NO evidence of How or When mindless evolution produced the First Human. When you ask them, they make fun of you and say that there was NO first Human, as they CLAIM that Humans beget Humans EXCEPT in the case of evolution. Godless Evols ask that you accept their view that Mindless Nature produced Humans from the common ancestor of Apes by FAITH in the changeable words of mere, mortal, men. God Bless you


Dear Fallout, 1. False, since Humans were made on the 3rd Day, Gen 2:4-7 and EVERY other living creature was made from the water on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21 The LORD/Jesus made Adam BEFORE the plants herbs and rain and since each of God's Days/Ages is some 4.5 Billion years in length, in man's time, Adam was alive for 10 Billion years BEFORE the First bacteria appeared in the water, making it impossible that Humans could have possibly evolved from the common ancestor of Apes. Elohim (The Trinity) created and brought forth life from the water and today's misguided scientists call this creation from the water "natural".

When Noah arrived on our Planet, his grandsons, like Cain, had NO other Humans to marry so they married and produced children with the sons of God (prehistoric people) Gen 6:4 which the Trinity created on the 5th Day.

2. False, since you are calling the sons of God "Humans". ONLY Adam's descendants are Humans. The sons of God were made from the water while Adam was made from the dust of the ground. Since BOTH were made by God, they were made to be compatible sexually with Humans because God KNEW that Adam would fall.

3. False, Angels do NOT have sex according to Jesus, Mar 12:25 and are bound in everlasting chains under the darkness. Jde 1:6 Also, Angels are NOT made of Flesh, but the sons of God (prehistoric people) were. Your dating is also False since the following shows that the FIRST Human farming happened 10k years ago in the valleys just SW of the mountains of Ararat in the Fertile Crescent which is known as the Cradle of Human Civilization on this Earth. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Can you explain WHY, if prehistoric people became "fully Human" 200k years ago, they waited for 190k years to grow themselves something to eat? Of course not. You have swallowed the False assumption of the ToE which Falsely teaches that Humans had our origin on this Planet.

Noah brought the unique superior intelligence of Adam, which is like God's intelligence, Gen 3:22 to this Planet of the descendants of the common ancestor of Apes. That is God's Truth. God Bless you

Answer me this QUESTION....How could "humans" already be as they are MILLIONS of years before the Neanderthals yet also there ends up being an ape race (homo sapiens) millions of years later that LOOKS just like "Humans" with a DNA that matchs almost 100% that they(humans) can mate with?...can you truly understand the odds of this?

1. How can you say that is false when the evidence and observations as well as fossil records prove your statement wrong right out of the gate? The world was NOT livable on the third day of the planet being created. It was a really hot place to live with no atmosphere for the next few million years.
1A. How can you say that the OTHER animals were created on the fifth day yet also believe in evolution????????.....If they were created out of thin air already developed then there would be NO EVOLUTION OTHER WISE WHY ELSE IS IT EVEN A FACTOR if animals came already developed? The every PROOF of evolution disproves animals being developed out of thin air. If they were ALREADY developed then there would be no development of DNA or even DNA itself. Its like saying...How can you not believe in aerodynamics yet believe a plane can fly? The way a plane creates lift is proof of aerodynamics! The revelation of one fact proves another.
1B. Gods time is measured differently?...There are many things wrong with this assessment. First, this is false due to the fact that man's effect on the planet would be seen and noticed if man was alive during the Dinos. We would find evidence of an advanced civilization millions of years ago since "Adam's" people would be the smart ones(since they are humans by the way) and would have used science to achieve wonders!...we did and we are "Adam's" mixed descendants and we achieved an advanced civilization in just a few hundred years and Adam's people according to YOUR account would have had MILLIONS of years to do this! People of Adam would have used science the exact same way we did or else we could not have do it in a few hundred years!... remember one fact proves another. They should have traveled the stars by now and cured cancer long before homo sapiens then!
1C. People...I mean humans are nothing but water and bacteria mostly. This means that water and bacteria came before humans(one fact proves another). Its the same thing as paper cannot come before the tree.
1D. People and animals cannot exist without water. please explain this one! This is another reason that the bible takes the seven day creation literally instead of "god's time is different" and "Gods one day is millions of years to us" is bogus .One fact proves another (this is called a bread trail and ALL FACTS in TRUTH have one)!

2. If God knew Adam would FAIL then why did God not create the homo sapiens out of thin air(dust) just like Adam then? Why did God use evolution when there is no need for development(evolution)?

3. I would love to tell you this one.......Why did it take 190,000 years for humans to use farming and start to use civilizations?...easy. First off humans(homo sapiens) were NOT mentally fully developed 200,000 years ago. It took the Neanderthal 8 thousand years just to learn to put a sharp rock(weapon) at the end of a stick for leverage(an axe if you will). Its a process called evolution and it can take millions of years for even the smallest change. Evolution can also be fast if the environment is right for natural selection in that way that survival benefits but in most cases it is a really slow process...I think you forget that. Second we have already traced our history past the civilization world to the same spot as well as just a little south into Africa where ALL our apes came from. Don't you think it is ODD that apes came from the same place you say Adam's people came from?...It has been know even in Moses's time that Africa was the cradle of civilization long before even Abraham. This means that when Moses wrote Genesis that he tried to explain why civilization started almost 10,000 ago (from our date at least).

Ben West

hey Ben,
In nineteen thirty eight, there wasn't any kindergarten.
I was four and half years old when I started to first grade.
I was advanced to third grade in the next year.
I graduated from high school at the age of fifteen.
And college and post and.....so on and so on.
All that isn't awfully important....I was raised Catholic,
chatechism, confirmation, and being a choir boy....and so on and so on.
And then I wised up !
Do you know that 'evol' is 'love' written backwards ?
Other than that, and food and some rock music, what does it mean to you ?
Your thinking is screwed up and you haven't any notion of what any scripture really means.
I also think that you haven't any knowledge of the Cosmos and the evolution of anything.
You are an example of one of Moses' worst nightmares.
So......go on with your tirades and leave the serious thinking to intelligent people.
And.......God Bless you also, I doubt that He will.

Dear mud, A wise old man was a wise young man and a dumb old man was a dumb young man. I've an Evol too since Scripture shows "changes within kinds" which Godless men changed to to the word "evolution". It's the ridiculous untrue Theory that claims that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes and that is NOTHING but a big satanic LIE. Satan's lies are easy to spot since he takes a little Truth (evolution) and then ADDS a terrible Lie which turns innocent children against God's Truth. Amen? God Bless you


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Some just can't get it through their rather thick skulls that evolution is neutral with it comes to there being a theistic cause of the universe/multiverse-- it neither says that there is or there isn't. A survey of Christian theologians that I saw roughly two decades or so ago had it that most of them do believe that there's been an evolutionary process but that God was behind it all. The same holds true with Jewish theologians as well.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Dear mud, A wise old man was a wise young man and a dumb old man was a dumb young man. I've an Evol too since Scripture shows "changes within kinds" which Godless men changed to to the word "evolution". It's the ridiculous untrue Theory that claims that Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes and that is NOTHING but a big satanic LIE. Satan's lies are easy to spot since he takes a little Truth (evolution) and then ADDS a terrible Lie which turns innocent children against God's Truth. Amen? God Bless you
Perhaps one day you will be able to give a useful and or meaningful definition of "kind" that does not change when shown inaccurate...?

Ben West

Answer me this QUESTION....How could "humans" already be as they are MILLIONS of years before the Neanderthals yet also there ends up being an ape race (homo sapiens) millions of years later that LOOKS just like "Humans" with a DNA that matchs almost 100% that they(humans) can mate with?...can you truly understand the odds of this?

Dear Fallout, Adam was made the same Day/Age as the Big Bang in a perfect body like Christians will have in heaven. He lived with Jesus for some 10 Billion years BEFORE the first bacteria appeared in the water of our Planet. When Adam sinned, he disobeyed and became Flesh.

1. How can you say that is false when the evidence and observations as well as fossil records prove your statement wrong right out of the gate? The world was NOT livable on the third day of the planet being created. It was a really hot place to live with no atmosphere for the next few million years.

Each of God's Days/Ages is some 4.5 Billion years in man's time. The Big Bang of our Cosmos was on God's 3rd Day which was some 13.7 Billion years ago. It was hundreds of Millions of years BEFORE the first Stars lit up. Gen 1:16 on the 4th Day AFTER the BB on the 3rd Day. Wonder how ancient men knew that?

1A. How can you say that the OTHER animals were created on the fifth day yet also believe in evolution????????.....If they were created out of thin air already developed then there would be NO EVOLUTION OTHER WISE WHY ELSE IS IT EVEN A FACTOR if animals came already developed? The every PROOF of evolution disproves animals being developed out of thin air. If they were ALREADY developed then there would be no development of DNA or even DNA itself. Its like saying...How can you not believe in aerodynamics yet believe a plane can fly? The way a plane creates lift is proof of aerodynamics! The revelation of one fact proves another.

The first creature made was Adam, the first Human. He was made on the first Earth which was totally destroyed in the Flood. Some 10k years ago Noah, a direct descendant of Adam was the FIRST Human to walk on our Earth. Adam's Earth sank in Lake Van, Turkey releasing the Ark into our Ecosystem while allowing Adam's world to perish in the water. Human civilization began at that time in the Cradle of Human Civilization on this Earth and can be traced directly back to the arrival of Humans (descendants of Adam) here. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE

1B. Gods time is measured differently?...There are many things wrong with this assessment. First, this is false due to the fact that man's effect on the planet would be seen and noticed if man was alive during the Dinos. We would find evidence of an advanced civilization millions of years ago since "Adam's" people would be the smart ones(since they are humans by the way) and would have used science to achieve wonders!...we did and we are "Adam's" mixed descendants and we achieved an advanced civilization in just a few hundred years and Adam's people according to YOUR account would have had MILLIONS of years to do this! People of Adam would have used science the exact same way we did or else we could not have do it in a few hundred years!... remember one fact proves another. They should have traveled the stars by now and cured cancer long before homo sapiens then!

The problem with Humans is that we are as violent as we are intelligent and that is the reason we always will go extinct without God. God totally destroyed Adam's Earth after Adam's daughters married and produced children with the sons of God (prehistoric man) and they would have gone extinct if God has not saved Noah. ll Peter 2:5

1C. People...I mean humans are nothing but water and bacteria mostly. This means that water and bacteria came before humans(one fact proves another). Its the same thing as paper cannot come before the tree.

False, since Adam was made in a perfect body like we will have in Heaven and lived for some 10 Billion years with Jesus before he disobeyed. You have confused Humans with the sons of God (prehistoric people) of Flesh. When Adam was made in the likeness of Flesh his descendants could produce children with these people. Gen 6:1-4

1D. People and animals cannot exist without water. please explain this one! This is another reason that the bible takes the seven day creation literally instead of "god's time is different" and "Gods one day is millions of years to us" is bogus .One fact proves another (this is called a bread trail and ALL FACTS in TRUTH have one)!

2. If God knew Adam would FAIL then why did God not create the homo sapiens out of thin air(dust) just like Adam then? Why did God use evolution when there is no need for development(evolution)?

The LORD God (YHWH/Jesus) made Adam out of the dust before the plants and trees on the 3rd Day.Gen 2:4-7 Adam was the first created being and the only one for Billions of years until the sons of God (prehistoric people) through changes within His and Their kinds in a population over time came forth from the water as God had commanded some 3.77 Billion years ago on the 5th Day/Age of the Creation of the perfect Heaven.Gen 1:20

God knew that Adam would sin so He (The Trinity) created the sons of God (prehistoric people) to be sexually compatible with Humans. Gen 6:1-4 Notice that it is NOT Lord God (Jesus) 'forming" man from the dust but it is God (The Trinity) doing the creating of what Science calls Natural from the water. Gen 1:21 Thus His and Their kinds. Amen?

3. I would love to tell you this one.......Why did it take 190,000 years for humans to use farming and start to use civilizations?...easy. First off humans(homo sapiens) were NOT mentally fully developed 200,000 years ago. It took the Neanderthal 8 thousand years just to learn to put a sharp rock(weapon) at the end of a stick for leverage(an axe if you will). Its a process called evolution and it can take millions of years for even the smallest change. Evolution can also be fast if the environment is right for natural selection in that way that survival benefits but in most cases it is a really slow process...I think you forget that. Second we have already traced our history past the civilization world to the same spot as well as just a little south into Africa where ALL our apes came from. Don't you think it is ODD that apes came from the same place you say Adam's people came from?...It has been know even in Moses's time that Africa was the cradle of civilization long before even Abraham. This means that when Moses wrote Genesis that he tried to explain why civilization started almost 10,000 ago (from our date at least)

False, since Adam, the first Human, farmed with NO evolution. It's a trait of modern Humans. These traits FIRST appeared on our planet, some 10k years ago exactly where God tells us the Ark arrived. It happened in northern Mesopotamia and History records the arrival of the first Human farmers, city builders, in the mountains of Ararat. Map: Fertile Cresent, 9000 to 4500 BCE Amen? God Bless you

Ben West

We are still apes in all respects.

Dear Sapiens, Apes haven't been around for Billions of years, but Humans have.Can you tell us HOW Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes since the common ancestor was made Billions of years AFTER Humans were made? Or does the False Theory of Evolution leave you ignorant of this event? Gen 2:4-7 Unless you can explain your confusion your precious ToE is completely refuted. Amen? God Bless you

Monk Of Reason

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Dear Sapiens, Apes haven't been around for Billions of years, but Humans have.Can you tell us HOW Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes since the common ancestor was made Billions of years AFTER Humans were made? Or does the False Theory of Evolution leave you ignorant of this event? Gen 2:4-7 Unless you can explain your confusion your precious ToE is completely refuted. Amen? God Bless you
simple. Humans aren't billions of years old.

Ben West

simple. Humans aren't billions of years old.

Dear Monk, Either God is lying or you are mistaken since God tells us that man (Adam) was formed from the dust of the ground on the 3rd Day/Age which is the SAME 3rd Day Adam's Earth was made, Gen 1:9-10 AND the Same Day of the Big Bang of our Cosmos. This means that Adam was made almost 14 Billion years ago and BEFORE the First Stars of our Cosmos lit up on the 4th Day/Age. Gen 1:16 Adam was made to live forever in a body surrounded by a Shekinah Glory which is like the Glory or Brightness which surrounds Jesus, and the incorruptible body all Christians will have in Heaven.

Natural man, also called the sons of God (prehistoric people), evolved from the water after they were created and brought forth at God's command in Gen 1:20. These people were innocent, were NOT the descendants of Adam but could produce children with Adam's descendants. Gen 6:1-4 They had their origin in the water just as every other living creature, except Humans, on the 5th Day. Gen 1:21

At the beginning of the present 6th Day/Age Jesus made Eve from Adam's rib. Gen 2:22 This was probably 12-14k years ago which means that Adam, the first Human, lived for Billions of years BEFORE Eve was made from his rib. Both Adam and Eve were later "created" in God's Image or born again Spiritually AFTER Cain killed Abel. Gen 5:1-2 Adam lived another 930 years AFTER they were born again Spiritually BEFORE they died and left their world. Adam was alive for some 14 Billion years. That is God's Literal Truth as written in Genesis. God Bless you


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
Dear Sapiens, Apes haven't been around for Billions of years, but Humans have.Can you tell us HOW Humans evolved from the common ancestor of Apes since the common ancestor was made Billions of years AFTER Humans were made? Or does the False Theory of Evolution leave you ignorant of this event? Gen 2:4-7 Unless you can explain your confusion your precious ToE is completely refuted. Amen? God Bless you
You are just plain flat out wrong.

Now I understand that your overinflated sense of self worth will not allow you to understand this little factoid, but there it is, in as plain and simple English as it can get.