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  • "I'm glad I don't agree with those people. I like being right." Hell yeah. If you arrived at your conclusion based on reason, then have confidence in your position until the opposition gives a genuine and compelling counter-argument. Don't be intimidated into silence.
    Well you certainly rattled Rawlings' cage! Something seemed to go FUNG! and he started ranting. I've kept a copy of the rant, out of amusement, as it came through on the email alerts. Tee hee.
    Thanx for froobing endless arguing about the 2nd Amendment.
    And for the <hint> <hint> frubal.
    And for fruballing being drugged into submission.
    Thanx for the blessing frubing!
    And for the highly unexpected froobing of rolling donuts!
    And for the LDS awkwardness fruble.
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