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The Right Hand Path & Left Hand Path


Master of the Mystic Arts
THankd for the reply, ST, that helps clear some of it up. :D I kind of feel stupid not understadning it in the first place though...:sorry1:

Thanks for your post too, Darkness.It's good to have others opinions.;)
"The Satanic Bible" by Anton Szandor LaVey is an imprint of harperCollins publishers. Copyrighted in 1969. The first Avon books printing was in December of 1969 aswell. Crowley is not related to Antons Belief System, no. However, Crowley was one of Anton's structure's that led him in his direction along with many more...

That is some interesting food for thought?? I did wonder if LeVay if he had any leanings to Crowley? There is not much metioned but from reading then the literature I always had that feeling that there was an under current with Crowley.


Diablo Nightcraft


Question Everything
In regards to the Right:

Man is but a worm in comparison, and the purpose of life is to realize how small, frail, and ultimately illusory we are.

God is seen as static, and the salvation comes from achieving a similar static state, whether it is the constant adoration of the Christian heaven, or the selfless contemplation of the Buddhist Nirvana.

This is not what the RH is.

The RH the purpose of life is to create life, to become as God is, weak things are made strong - strength lies in the RH. Eternal progression, not static lie at the RH.

16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted
(Old Testament | Psalms 118:16)

LH is static, is death, is cease to progress, cease to learn from those around you, pride, only see yourself rather than see everyone else. LH is fraility, smallness, a worm who lives for nothing but themself and can see nothing but themself.


Guardian of Asgaard
This is not what the RH is.

The RH the purpose of life is to create life, to become as God is, weak things are made strong - strength lies in the RH. Eternal progression, not static lie at the RH.

16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted
(Old Testament | Psalms118:16)

LH is static, is death, is cease to progress, cease to learn from those around you, pride, only see yourself rather than see everyone else. LH is fraility, smallness, a worm who lives for nothing but themself and can see nothing but themself.

Perhaps you should look past your own hypocrisy before you criticise others? Also, perhaps you need to ask some questions about the LHP before you jump in here because your clear lack of knowledge is apparent.

I love your biblical quote, the right is exalted? Well of course the bible is going to say that so its believers think they're some special kind of elitests. Hypocrisy on a grand scale is what you preach in here.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Originally Posted by Saint Tigeress
In regards to the Right:

Man is but a worm in comparison, and the purpose of life is to realize how small, frail, and ultimately illusory we are.

God is seen as static, and the salvation comes from achieving a similar static state, whether it is the constant adoration of the Christian heaven, or the selfless contemplation of the Buddhist Nirvana.

In many cases what I quoted is true. It was a general statement but obviously not everyone fits generalizations. Ayani for example, is definitely breaking the christian mold. She/He is not a sheep, yet I'm sure is considered a heretic by others of the same faith who are sheeple. One key difference that seperates, is figuring your spirituality out for yourself, instead of simply believing and doing what you are told without question. The RHP is more likely to just do as told. Be "good," "right," "humble," "fearful," or whatever.

This is not what the RH is.

The RH the purpose of life is to create life, to become as God is, weak things are made strong - strength lies in the RH. Eternal progression, not static lie at the RH.

16 The right hand of the LORD is exalted
(Old Testament | Psalms118:16)

LH is static, is death, is cease to progress, cease to learn from those around you, pride, only see yourself rather than see everyone else. LH is fraility, smallness, a worm who lives for nothing but themself and can see nothing but themself.

LH is definitely not static. There is so much information and levels of idea evolutions it seems endless. The depth of the LHP seems endless... like you can never read everything about it much less retain half of it in a lifetime. Death? Nah. Progress and remanifestation is what Xeper means, if you would read a few more threads in this area. Some of us cease to learn from some people around us. I don't agree personally with rejecting ideas before they are explained and learned about, but some LHP people do this just the same as some RHP people do this. Definitely not frail or small. Now living for himself and nothing but himself... that can be true a lot of the time. Callousness is still human trait, and it is prevalent everwhere. I will say though that some of the sweetest people I have met thus far have been on the Left.
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LH is static, is death, is cease to progress, cease to learn from those around you, pride, only see yourself rather than see everyone else. LH is fraility, smallness, a worm who lives for nothing but themself and can see nothing but themself.

You're in our forum honey. :rolleyes:

However.... In the spirit of your post...
I shall come back to your comments when I have more time.


Well-Known Member
LH is static, is death, is cease to progress, cease to learn from those around you, pride, only see yourself rather than see everyone else. LH is fraility, smallness, a worm who lives for nothing but themself and can see nothing but themself.

:eek: How Rude lol xD

Ah, you guys make me laugh. Can you explain to me how you managed to come to this conclusion?

Seems as though your own religious leader can't even save you from your own ignorance.

Matthew 7:5 said:
Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye

I actually think that the LHP is the opposite of everything you said except for one point: Pride :) For me anyway.



Master of the Mystic Arts
You know, even after all the reading, both here and elsewhere, and the musing and so on I've done, I still don't really know what LHP is or what it is/means to be LHP....:sarcastic


Guardian of Asgaard
You know, even after all the reading, both here and elsewhere, and the musing and so on I've done, I still don't really know what LHP is or what it is/means to be LHP....:sarcastic

Be whatever you want to be. Don't be something to fill a spot under a banner. If your path connects with the idealogy of a certain stereotype by all means identify yourself that way. If it doesn't don't force it. Something i've learned as a LHP follower and a former satanist is don't force things that aren't going to fit. Be yourself, the world recognises individuality more than conformity :)


Be whatever you want to be. Don't be something to fill a spot under a banner. If your path connects with the idealogy of a certain stereotype by all means identify yourself that way. If it doesn't don't force it. Something i've learned as a LHP follower and a former satanist is don't force things that aren't going to fit. Be yourself, the world recognises individuality more than conformity :)

And yet the funny thing about that is,
individuality is a hugely integral part of the LHP.;)
LHPers tend to be so interesting!
We are each god or goddess of our own personal REALity.
And what's not gunna be interesting about that?!

Another thing about the LHP that I have come to note and love
is a kind of lack of fear. Love of the dark, instead of fear of it.
A different kind of understanding of what dark energy is all about.
There is a very unique and healing quality in blackness/void,
when you are able to relax deeply there... without fear.

Magick, Projection, Personal Mythologies, Energy Manipulation
Spell Casting. No superstition to stop you from really trying anything
you think might heal, empower, lift, change, transform...

These moments when this all comes together,
that is the Xeper. When we REALize our own personal Deity. YAY! :rainbow1:

I'll come back and tell my Satan story tomorrow night.


Guardian of Asgaard
And yet the funny thing about that is,
individuality is a hugely integral part of the LHP.;)
LHPers tend to be so interesting!
We are each god or goddess of our own personal REALity.
And what's not gunna be interesting about that?!

Another thing about the LHP that I have come to note and love
is a kind of lack of fear. Love of the dark, instead of fear of it.
A different kind of understanding of what dark energy is all about.
There is a very unique and healing quality in blackness/void,
when you are able to relax deeply there... without fear.

If we are not ourselves we are nobodies, just statistics in the wash of humanity. We all want to make a name for ourselves in this world, our pride dictates as such. If you are just part of the crowd who will notice you?

Fear is something i think that spawns from self doubt. We fear because we can't face our own mortality. Christians have fear that they have not pleased God. Everything revolves around God to them. For us everything revolves around us, and how we act and please ourselves. I think its a great thing, fear in some respects as we're afraid of disappointing ourselves. Through fear we can ultimately crush self doubt :) I don't know, depends how you look at it. In another respect to have fear is to be weak and unable to rise to the challenge. Fear is a double edged sword.

For us don't you think if we fear anything, its not being what WE want to be? Also living to standards set by others?


Hey Darkendless...

What I was specifically speaking of,
were "superstitious" and "indoctrinational" fears...
so often associated with "the dark".

As a christian I had "avoidance" issues regarding the dark.
Pray 'this' away, pray 'that' away...
fear this spirit, dread that entitiy...
but don't actually FACE the things you find there in your darkness.

Also there was darkness BEFORE there was light.
So "the light" came OUT OF the darkness....
UP FROM the darkness!
It did not "cover" the darkness.

Darkness is not some "bad" "evil" thing to be overcome.

All "creation" rises up from the darkness.

That was what I was getting at in my post. ;)
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For us don't you think if we fear anything, its not being what WE want to be? Also living to standards set by others?

I think LHPers are very careful to not fall prey easily to ANY indoctrination,
which is why people often percieve "us" as "anti-socitey".
Really though, an Occultist realizes there are dishonest occultists out there
subtly (and not so subtly) indoctrinating the "beliefs" of the masses.
So we are far less trusting of ANYTHING we are told on the whole,
trusting more in our own in-formed perceptions
of what we carefully observe around us.
(than what we are "told" is so.)

"Just because that's how it is", is NEVER an acceptable answer to a LHPer.
Neither is "well, that's just how we do it" ... or "everybody does it this way"...
or "you must abide by the system or there will be chaos!"
(fear based indoctrination)
or "you cannot be yourself, or you will lose your job".
(also fear/punishment based indoctrination)
or "Trust us! You must do as we say! or we'll all die!"
(oh the drama of it all! :faint:)
So we send off our sons and daughters to die. umm. :areyoucra
And hand over our rights to autonomy and freedom.:shrug:

I think I have alot to say here tonight...
I'll break and come back.
Been mulling this over all day.
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LHPers are not im-*pressed* with the worlds' "standards".
If certain of our own individual and personal standards
'happen' to coincide with societies' than that is fine.
We are not (on the whole) "anti" society in principle,
but will not be "press"Ur-ed to con-form to any societal pre-Set.

We will use what the world offeres to our own advantage YES!,
often Kraftily, often in an Occultic (ie. hidden) kind of way,
(and why not?!), but MOST of us... ethically.

Respect for peoples' inherent individuality,
kind of makes us inherently respectful of all individuals.;)
In fact WE value and uphold and exault other peoples' inherent potential individuality
FAR FAR more than THEY usually do. (which is sad, and often frustrating)

But because the "world" discourages and punishes TRUE shining individuality
we really have no choice... but to "handle" the world DIFFERENTLY...
which often makes us appear socially "deviant" :shrug:
(as if that is a BAD thing)

Different scares people.
They just don't know what to do with it.
And when the "different" is of a darker ambiance... well...
you can add religious indoctrination to the social indoctrination we must combat
to remain true to ourSelf.

I'd say we tend to make just about everyone nervous
(and certainly some of us more than others)
on some level or another, which is really a shame.
Because the LHPers I have become very close with over the past few months
are some of the dearest most loving and giving people I've ever known.
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You know, even after all the reading, both here and elsewhere, and the musing and so on I've done, I still don't really know what LHP is or what it is/means to be LHP....:sarcastic

Actually DoctorStrange,
my last few posts were at least indirectly a response
to this one of yours that I read last night.

I was kinda feeling like you for a long time.
Calling mySelf ambidextrous in response :p

But something happened.
I became very close with an online community of LHPers
and I found I feel so at home there.

I LOVE the whole LHP asthetic.

And I was trying to think "Why"?

And so that's how I answered in these posts.
Not so much "what it is"...
But what I have seen and experienced there.

I don't know about other LHP groups,
but the people I know all regard
or sense darkness as source,
as opposed to light.
(though it's not some kind of "doctrinal" thing)
And this just feels so right to me.

I AM Twilight's Mistress.
(sparkly purple)
on the edge of night.
The black lake of Void is where I stir & heal & create.

This is me.

I cannot think of any other group of people
(at large) (correct me if I'm wrong)
who would understand, nevermind embrace or appreciate
this truth of who I am.

I'm going for essence here,
as opposed to expination.

I truly hope some of this helped.:rainbow1:
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Aura of atheification
Premium Member
What I was specifically speaking of,
were "superstitious" and "indoctrinational" fears...
so often associated with "the dark".

As a christian I had "avoidance" issues regarding the dark.
Pray 'this' away, pray 'that' away...
fear this spirit, dread that entitiy...
but don't actually FACE the things you find there in your darkness.

Also there was darkness BEFORE there was light.
So "the light" came OUT OF the darkness....
UP FROM the darkness!
It did not "cover" the darkness.

Darkness is not some "bad" "evil" thing to be overcome.

All "creation" rises up from the darkness.

That was what I was getting at in my post. ;)

Light, in the religious sense, is usually a metaphor for hope and clarity of purpose.

What would darkness represent then?

Also, the two of us were discussing this matter of LHP in another thread.

It is my understanding that proposing the existence of a LHP (which is at least sometimes presented as somehow leading to the same end result) and a separate, supposedly more traditional or more convencional RHP is somewhat counterproductive, in that it ends up reinforcing and even legitimizing some of the worse, most despicable poisons that religion sometimes fails to avoid.

Specifically, I don't think "being a RHP path" is any sort of excuse for attacking one's individuality. Religious practice that disrespects individuals is not "Right Hand Path", it is all-out sick and twisted and should be denounced as such.

Besides, I don't see how seeking either complete freedom or complete submission could really work. The world simply does not work that way.

Vasilisa Jade

Formerly Saint Tigeress
Besides, I don't see how seeking either complete freedom or complete submission could really work. The world simply does not work that way.

Now that is a really good point. I definitely do not condone black and white ideals.

Nothing in the universe is only either black or white, so neither should our ideals be only black or white.

I think that because lack of submission is just such a defining difference between the two schools of thought, it gets over-embellished upon.

I have been muddling over a better way to define that difference and I was wondering if this is a more accurate way of describing it...

People swaying to the left tend to focus their spiritual growth from the inside-out, focusing on their own inner strengths and building them outward. People swaying to the right build their spiritual growth from the outside-in, focusing on the strength of whatever outside source to build the inner.

Just a thought. Don't know if that would work or not.