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Religious Liberty: President Trump's Unmatched Record


Ask And You Will Receive
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for
I haven't noticed any Christians on RF making personal attacks against him and have, myself, been very benevolent. We have to be practical however and criticize, sometimes. Politically speaking he is dangerous, because he is a narcissist. He clearly has a personality disorder in which his anxiety prevents him from seeing any faults within himself. Its dangerous. He tried to overthrow the legitimate democratic vote. Christians have to say something about it, because we aren't in an empire but a democracy. Criticism is necessary.

Sure, he's on the pro-life side. We get that. I get it. Still I don't see why you'd accuse Christians of making petty attacks. We make legitimate and necessary criticisms as far as I can see.

Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
  1. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.
...and the last. But I wonder: Why didn't they let Tulsi Gabbard win? Because she would have withdrawn the troops, she would have assured peace throughout the ME.
And wars are waged because of certain geopolitical interests.
Last edited:


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
#1 doesn't necessarily do anything to help stop abortions. Women abort. Its entirely under their control both medically and biblically as far as can be seen. If the mother doesn't love the unborn then its already dead, and even if she does she may miscarry. I can understand maybe outlawing abortion after a baby is starting to form, but generally this is not something for the government to decide. The mother is the government in this case. I understand pro life and the value of a life. I don't understand why you think that its our responsibility as Christians to step in to make sure women are having their babies and criminalize them if they don't. Its clearly extra-bibilical. Its not clearly something Christians have to do.

#7 is not necessary or relevant.There also will always be a glut of unwanted children. Sad. True. Unwanted by Christians, specifically. Why is there a such a glut? Meanwhile there are gay people. There have always been gay people. There will always be gay people. So you see that this simply a matter where Christians have made it obvious what must be done. Outlawing adoption is hardly the right reaction. An unwanted child isn't going to be better off in the orphanage system or the foster care system. If somebody adopts them that is a good thing.

#12 Christianity is under sustained attack. By Christians. "Judgement begins in the house of God." Who are most responsible for society's ills? Who claims to be spiritual but actually is busy pleasing themselves? From where does the apostle, Paul, say wolves arise? From within. Christianity is under sustained attack from Christians.

#16 Absolutely. I am very, very glad that we have attacked no one, starting no new mess. Very good job, President Trump. That in itself makes all of his other questionable actions such as feeling up the pope, worth it.


Veteran Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9

It would be more impressive if the man could have displayed some sign of any of the Christian virtues during his tenure. But he's history now, thank goodness.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.

Doing what the founders of the US abhorred and tried to prevent. An anti-American step.

Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.

Just like China and other dictatorships, instituted political correctness instead of honest history.

Promoted discrimination.


Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Made peace? Give me a break. There is no peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

Matt 6:24 applies to chose who serve trump ignoring his promoting the opposite of what the Bible clearly states:
No man can serve two masters: for either he
will hate the one, and love the other; or else
he will hold to the one, and despise the other,
Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

and trump's promoting hatred over love:

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?
37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
38 This is the first and great commandment.
39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.


Well-Known Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9

Being the president who came closest to forming a radical Christian theocracy is the complete opposite of supporting religious liberty.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
Ok. He stopped something that wasn't happening. :rolleyes:
Which is horrible and evil weaponizing children and placing yourself above their needs. It's utterly disgusting you'd rather see a child denied a home because you can't get over your snowflake self.
Again, he stopped something that isn't happening.:rolleyes:
Amd you probably don't care that further extensions of America's already too generous freedom of religion does encroach and erode the rights of others. Like children who need a doctor and cure, but instead are denied that and die needlessly by their parent's belief they can pray the illness away.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
This is why church and state should always remain separate.

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9

With these kinds of criteria, Ayatollah Khomeini was a "champion of religious liberty" as well. :rolleyes:

What a joke.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works.
Ask the Muslim here if Trump is pro-religious since he banned them until being told by his staff that the courts would not uphold that since it would violate the 1st Amendment.

Also, since when is adultery, hedonism, materialism, being a "pathological liar" [as some in his own party called him], insurrectionist, etc., etc. "Christian works"? Not in my Christian denomination are these considered "Christian works".

If your church teaches what you posted, then let me recommend you find a church that actually teaches the Gospel.


......unaffiliated...... anti-dogmatist
Premium Member
Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good.

I'm inferring from the OP that you think the U.S. is a Christian nation? I believe it to be a secular nation that allows freedom of religion.

IMO, these days when I hear the phrase "religious liberty", it tends to mean some Christians are trying to impose Christian ideas on to a secular society. Not cool. Not cool at all.


Well-Known Member
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life

A terrible idea that impeeds the greatest tool for economic prosperity and social mobility: familly planning.

Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.

Weakenned the seperation of Church and State, thus the religious freedom of US citizen.

Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures

Thus denying patient care and their freedom to exercise their religion and religious beliefs, impeeding two fundamental rights (health and religious freedom).

Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.

Promotting bigotry, pseudo-science and pseudo-history as well as endangering religious minorities religious rights and the seperation of Church and State.

his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.

Could have been a good move to protect migrants religious liberties and rights in intermnent camps for example, but can also be used to deny access to services to member of sexual and gender minorities too. So a rather mixed bag.

Homophobia and bigotry and nothing more, keeping children in adoption centers and foster homes is also rather cruel towards them.

Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won.
Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.

Should have offended Chrisitans zealots sensibilities since equality before the law and in society is a fundamental human rights that cannot be denied to others. Christians can only imposed their values on themselves not on others.

Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'

This one is just weird.

Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.

Placed dangerously incompetant and/or underqualified judges opposed to the constitutional and fundamental rights of US citizens in key positions.

From your list it seems that "Christianity" or at lest the version you seem to subscribe to consider itself under attack when it can't impose its moral and dogma on others.
  1. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
    [*]Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
    [*]Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.
The process of recognition of Jerusalem as Israel Capital was made against international law, launched attacks and riots on Israel borders and n the Palestenian territories killing over 3000 people, land theft in Palestenian territory has increased, nuclear race and skirmishes with Iran have started anew, drone strikes in Pakistan and Syria increased under his administration, the Northern Syria invasion occured during his tenure. Trump's reputation as a peacemaker is a clear exageration. At best, it's a mix bag like all POTUS before him (except Bush who was simply atrocious).


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9
So many listed things don't relate to religious liberty.
I recommend paring down the list to things that actually
advance it. To include things merely liked by Christians
distracts from the claim.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9
Most of these have nothing to do with religious freedom. In fact many of them are against religious freedom. You are pointing out how Trump is against religious freedom, not for it.

Here is a hint, if he supports only one classification of religion he is against religious freedom


Veteran Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
Recently joining RF, it is disheartening to read posts antithetical to the greatest champion of religious liberty, generally, and Jewish and Christianity in particular since the demi-god's, the Founding Father's passed the 1A.
Friends, Judeo-Christians, Countrymen!
Lend me your ears.
I come to bury Trump not to praise him ...

Seriously, the personal attacks against the man show a pettiness that is beneath the dignity our Lord died for. Let's look at the record and put it in historic context. Moses and David were murderers and Cyrus did not even know God but God used them for His purpose. Trump might be the most pro-religion president ever. Christian conservatives are judging Trump not by his faith, but by his works. And when it comes to life and liberty, his works are good. An incomplete summary:
  1. Stopped federal funding of abortions - Day One
  2. Only President to Attend March For Life
  3. Repealed Johnson Amendment - so religious leaders may speak out on political matters without penalty.
  4. Created the Conscience and Religious Freedom Division at the Department of Health and Human Services to protect the civil rights of doctors, nurses and other health-care workers who refuse to take part in procedures
  5. Established the 1776 Commission (countering the pernicious 1619 Project) promoting "patriotic education" including the Judeo-Christian values that established our national contract.
  6. his Justice Department issued 25-page guidance to federal agencies instructing them to protect the religious liberty in the execution of federal law.
  7. Limit Gay Couples Adopting.
  8. Aggressively argued State of Indiana ex rel. Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Indianapolis v. Marion County Superior Court - and won
  9. Aggressively argued Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru - and won. Allowing religious organizations to make faith based decisions even if it offended feminist groups and LGBTQ sensibilities.
  10. Advocated saying "Merry Christmas" and not bow down to politically correct thought police offended by anything other than 'Happy Holiday' and Winter Vacation rather than the traditional 'Christmas Break.'
  11. Appointed 264 Conservative, Pro-Life Judges - including 3 Supreme Court Justices. More than any POTUS ever.
  12. Recognized Christianity in America is under sustained attack.
  13. DCPD-201700309 - Executive Order 13798-Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty
  14. Recognized Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel
  15. Moved the US Embassy to Israel's capital, like America has in most, if not all other countries.
  16. Made Peace in the Middle East and started no new wars. The first president to achieve this record in half a century.

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God
Matthew 5:9
You do recognize that several of your treasured actions are really all about saying: "My religious beliefs get to be the word of law for how other people live, whether they share my beliefs or not" don't you?

And do you champion that? Do your religious beliefs permit you to organize my life for me?