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Well-Known Member
Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything.
Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist.
This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes
a proven fact.

You could reply: "God exists, only not like a Christian's fairytale, but real in the form of a More Developed Civilization of the Universe."

Don't you live in a fairy tale? An electron is both a particle and a wave.

Faith is FAITHfulness. Not blindness. Therefore, God is faithful to Himself. This means that God believes in Himself.


How does God know there's nothing [he] doesn't know [he] doesn't know?

Can you guide me to a Bible verse explaining this ?
There are many verses in Bible. You can support nearly any statement, if you have skills.

Are you familiar with circular logic? You should check it out. It is right up your alley.

No problem with logic of mine.

My understanding is that our body isn't the real "me"

It is motive for suicide. But it is sin.

are you seriously saying you couldn't see it as circular reasoning?

There is no problem there.

I don’t think he can be called omniscient, when he admits that he does not know all.

All good comes from God. It is good not to know something.

If God is omnipotent, then God has the power to eliminate all evil.

There are two gods. The satan and Jesus. The satan has murdered the Jesus, but He is alive now.
The sins of the people fuel the satan.

I removed the annoying extra line breaks
Please do not modify my proof to make it sound stupid. OK?

You are assuming your conclusion in your premises, more than once.
I can not see it. There is no problem. The only "problem" is what God made me genius.

1. If God exists, He knows about it.
2. God knows all, hence God exists for real.

Satan doesn't even hurt anyone in the Christian bible, whereas Yahweh is a bloodthirsty, jealous, murderer.

It is an old song: "satan is good, God is evil. That is why God does not exist."

God does Not know everything.

Happens both: total, absolute, full knowledge, and non-knowledge: "Father, why you have left Me" (to my memory, Jesus).

1. If Santa exists, he knows about it.
Do not modify my proof to make it look stupid. OK?

If you have the skill to explain verses from the Bible, you will never find that Satan is GOOD.
At a lodging place on the way, the Lord met Moses[ a] and was about to kill him.

Exodus 4: 24-26

Can you imagine, that loving Jesus has made a plot to harm most great Prophet?
No. It was satan, not Jesus. Because there are two gods in Bible under word god.

You left out 99%of the text in your reply?
Of course if you pick just one line you can read anything into it, but it does not mean you have the full understanding of what it actually means.
When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob’s hip so that his hip was wrenched

Genesis 32:25

Can you imagine, the the Jesus the healer of the sick, has made His chosen Jacob the cripple.
It is dangerous to loose health 2500 years ago. It was satan, not Jesus. There are two gods in Bible.

It is because I saw God face to face
Under word God can be meant either satan or Jesus. There are two gods in Bible.

Satan is a fallen Angele, not a God according to the bible, Lucifer or Satan disobey God and was sent to suffer in hell.
They are gods. True God, and false god. God of Life, and god of death.

God has created Saint Lucifer. Lucifer has lost his existence and became god himself. Hence, God has nothing to do with devil, God is not father of devil.
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Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything.
Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist.
This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes
a proven fact.

You could reply: "God exists, only not like a Christian's fairytale, but real in the form of a More Developed Civilization of the Universe."

Don't you live in a fairy tale? An electron is both a particle and a wave.
God would be conscious of God's own existence without a physical body.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything.
Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist.
This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes
a proven fact.

You could reply: "God exists, only not like a Christian's fairytale, but real in the form of a More Developed Civilization of the Universe."

Don't you live in a fairy tale? An electron is both a particle and a wave.

Faith is FAITHfulness. Not blindness. Therefore, God is faithful to Himself. This means that God believes in Himself.

What form of proof about Jesus are you trying to make? Jesus isnt here in physical body anymore. So how do you prove it?

SA Huguenot

Well-Known Member
The question is a bit obscure, but let me explain how I believe in Jesus's omicence and existance.
1. You will never be able to know what the "Creator Being" or as we say "God" consists of, or what He is, if you did not study the scriptures of people of old who recorded the history of God's interactions with man.
2. These scriptures needs to be read, and one will then make a decision on the reliability of its contents.
3. A long time ago when I did not believe in any "creator god", I was asked one question by an old Christian man, and I decided that I will go out and study all the religious books for myself, and will then make a decision to the existance of "God".
4. The first logical conclusion was from my atheistic point of view. I said: "If there is a God, He sure takes a lot of effort to hide Himself!" However, I did not stop there due to the question I was posed.
5. I read the Book of Mormon first, and I discovered that this scripture needed the "Bible" to validate itself, the same with the Quran. I discovered that both these books can not exist without the Old Testament, or the New Testament.
6. I then went back to the Bible, and started to read it with a non bias mind, to allow all its contents to speak about its story, and none of my own bias to intervene as I continued.
7. I decided that once I finished the Bible, as I did with the Book of Mormon and the Quran, I will then return with my bias, and question the contents of these books.
8. As I read through the Bible, I learned a story of:
  1. God created everything in a synchronised way, which I learned later was taken by scientists and philosophers in the 14th to 21 centuries, and utilised as the scientific backbone in science to describe the origins of the Universe.
  2. God created Man in a Spiritual (energy) body that would live eternally, that was without any sin (decay od death), to be his friend, and He walked with and talked to Man untill another spiritual created Being revolted against this God for not making him the crown of the Creator's creation, but placed this spiritual being as a servant to Man.
  3. This Created spirit, or as he is called Lucifer, decided to destroy Man, for Man was made in the immage of God, and he decided to trick Man into being disobedient to God.
  4. Lucifer acchieved to deceive Man, and Man lost his eternal body covered with light, and realised he was naked.
  5. The spiritual body of Man changed into a mortal decaying body, and Man started to age.
  6. From that time on, people died, and Lucifer ensured that man was always removed from God, because no dying, decaying thing can come in the presence of the life giving force of God, and stay alive. All sin will simply burn away in God's presence, and Man changed into a living corpse, and ages from birth untill his last breath.
  7. However, God's presence can be screened by the blood of an offering, where the blood hides the sinful decaying body of Man, and therefore the sin offering regulations God gave to the patriarchs and Moses.
  8. God also promised that there will be salvation through the "Seed" of the Woman, and that her seed will eventually destroy Lucifer.
9. The history of how God protected the seed of the woman, was written in the Old Testament, and how God had to defend Israel for 4000 years untill the birth of Yesyua, or Jesus.
10. Now, Jesus was the "Word of God, who calls Himself by the namy YHWH the Father, and who has a Life giving Spirit. This is the Trinity.
  1. When God described how he created everything, His Spirit left his existance, and hovered above the ancient Earth when the earth was still a collection of liquid, gas and solids.
  2. This demonstrated that this Creator's Spirit can leave YHWH, and YHWH will still be alive.
  3. When YHWH said, let us make Man in our immage, He created Man with a body shining with light, and a Spirit inside that body, and he made man immortal.
  4. But, God made man with a Mind, to have free will, that can think, speak, and reason.
  5. This means that God created Man in an immortal body, with a Mind, and a Spirit. But, remeber that the Mind was called "Word", for that is where our thoughts and reasoning originated.
11. The conclusion: God made man a triune being, in His immage.
12. take the interferance of Lucifer in account, and we can now see what damage Lucifer did to God's creation.
  1. Lucifer removed Man from God.
  2. He achieved in removing Man's immortality from him.
  3. He managed to destroy the immage of God in the created beings God made.
13. However, God allowed this to happen, for one simple reason.
1. If God created Lucifer, and all the angels, and Humans to obey Him such as robotic toys, well, they will be just that! Robots, and not free willed humans and spiritual beings.
2. furthermore, God know this will happen, yet why the heck did He create humans anyhow if he knew they will sin?
3. because God made Man not as some robotic animal, BUT AS HIS FRIEND! HIS CHILD! HIS CHILDREN!
4. AND God knew that these humans will sin against him if he left Satan to his free will, but God also knew that from these humans will come descendends that will worship Him, love Him, and in many cases give their lives for Him.​
14. This was where Jesus came into the equation.
  1. When Man attained his mortal body, his Mind (Word) and his spirit still continued to live. Now we do not know where these spirits of our ancestors are dwelling, but due to their common composition, it will mean they all will be roughly at the same place, and the NT calls this the Kingdom of Death.
  2. In this kingdom of death, there are 2 different areas, one the "Bossum of Abraham (Paradise) and the Hell area. Obviously the different spiritual bodies of the dead does not experience existance the same, and those that contains a Daemonic spirit, is seperate from those that are "in the immage of God".
  3. The Bible describes the place of the condemned as burning hell. Why can one ask? Well, God's living presence is everywhere, and the sinfull spirit, when still alive, could burn up in the presence of God, and now out of a mortal body, being spirit, can not die...they experience continious burning due to the sinfull nature of their existance, burning in the presence of God.
  4. Those that have a spirit of cleanlyness, are not hurt by God's presence, and find great comfort in his life giving light.
15. However, God had to get man out of this "death state in the kingdom of death", and He Himself had to change the original human bodies He created Man into, that lost its imortality, into another body of everlasting life.
16. God had to do it Himself. The Word (Mind) of YHWH left the existance of YHWH, and was born from the Woman's seed, in the body of a Man.
17. Therefore, Jesus had 2 attributes, that of a Human, and that of the Mind of God in this man.
18. This Jesus came to earth and told everyone that they will attain eternal life with God, if they believe in Him, and leave sin, they will receive an eternal body for their Mind and spirit to live in forever. Jesus taught that they will be forgiven their sins as reward to change their lives.
19. Well, Jesus was killed, and descended to the Kingdom of death, and brought the gospel to the spirits cought up in death, and showed them that they, just as He, will receive a different body and will ascend to heaven, whilst the rest will receive an eternal hell for the deeds they did when they were alive.
20 Jesus rose on the 3rd day, and showed himself to His disciples, and ascended into heaven in a body with a bright shiny luminesence.

21 Now, Jesus is the offering that coveres our decaying human bodies in the presence of God, and He was the first to have received a new physical body that will contain our spirit and word (Mind). Just as the OT offerings of blood sacrifices covered the sinfull nature of Israel, when God's glory entered the Tabernacle and lateron the Temple.

The above is in short the GOSPEL of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour, who came to His creation, to give His life, for our salvation.

Why do I think the story of the Bible explains Jesus' Omnisence and Omnipotence,?

Well, this is the "Only God" in all the descriptions of all the religions and their scriptures, that created Man, knowing that He will have to let them go, to gain the true loved ones that will return to Him.
It is the Only God in all scriptures that decided to go through death, just as Man, to save us from eternal damnation.
This is the Only God I know that do not condemn His own creation to eternal hell, but they are the ones who condemned themselfs to become a spiritual being removed from God.

It is the Only God I know of that decided to continue with creation even knowing there will be many who will suffer in hell, but a few will become His friend.

I do not see anyother method of logic where God would not have created everything, and to do it for the sake of people who will choose to be God's friend and loved by Him.

This is Jesus, nothing less, but much more.

Oh, and the question I was asked?
"You studied History, and read so many books that if I were to say Einstein was wrong, you will surely take my claim as that of an old fool. However, I gathered from your statements that you never read the Bible for yourself, due to many erroneous statements you made. Now, how can you critisize my belief in God, if you never even read what He did?

Will it be a fair conclusion that you are being foolish to critisize my claims on God, just as I would be perceived as a fool by you if I spoke about Einstein without never taking the time to study what he said?"

With this question, this man made me to take the time to study all the religions I could find.
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Abducted Member
Premium Member
I am not quoting the above post of SA Huguenot only because of it's length. I see a great deal of thought in the post and it deserves some reflection by the reader. Man created as a triune being is a new description I've not heard before but I will give it some thought. I rarely if ever disagree with @Conscious Thoughts and would like to see his response to this post.

blü 2

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything.
Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist.
This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes
a proven fact.

You could reply: "God exists, only not like a Christian's fairytale, but real in the form of a More Developed Civilization of the Universe."

Don't you live in a fairy tale? An electron is both a particle and a wave.

Faith is FAITHfulness. Not blindness. Therefore, God is faithful to Himself. This means that God believes in Himself.

How does God know there's nothing [he] doesn't know [he] doesn't know?

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
I am not quoting the above post of SA Huguenot only because of it's length. I see a great deal of thought in the post and it deserves some reflection by the reader. Man created as a triune being is a new description I've not heard before but I will give it some thought. I rarely if ever disagree with @Conscious Thoughts and would like to see his response to this post.
At my current understanding i see God in every aspects of life, and the wisdom of God arise from within us as spiritual beings. My understanding is that our body isn't the real "me"
My understanding is that we are one with God (when we enlighten to what We are)

Did I answer your question @Stonetree ?


Veteran Member
Consider the possibility of a God who knows everything.
Then He knows what God exists. Thus, in order to know everything, you need to know that you exist.
This is part of the knowledge. Part of the Truth. Thus, the possibility of God's existence becomes
a proven fact.

:D:D:D Circular reasoning fallacy, and a pretty idiotic one at that.

Faith is FAITHfulness. Not blindness. Therefore, God is faithful to Himself. This means that God believes in Himself.

Like buses now, nothing for ages then two circular reasoning fallacies at once.


Veteran Member
OR...his belief and opinions.....maybe you are the fallacy and idiotic poop :p
Ad hominem fallacy, and something can be both irrational and a belief or opinion, they're not mutually exclusive after all. Did you read the claim, are you seriously saying you couldn't see it as circular reasoning?