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  • In response to your reply I would like to share my own anecdote and say that instead of perfection, which I think is an impossibility, a Taoist could be said to strive for bliss. Bliss is neither stressed nor idle.
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    I tend to think of what you call "bliss" as a state of "authenticity". As that moment when we become most fully ourselves, and at one with our moment of being.

    My artist friends might refer to this as "creative flow". But that's because they are artists, so being creative is what naturally and authentically "flows" from them when they are being most fully themselves.
    The Sum of Awe
    The Sum of Awe
    Wouldn't you agree there are aspects of our authentic selves that we should overcome? For example, if someone is naturally unclean or unhealthy they should improve that aspect of themselves? If someone has a negative headspace, they should strive to become more positive? Authenticity is required for us to understand ourselves, but isn't there more work to do after accomplishing authenticity? Bettering oneself?
    The oldest school / community of daoists, if i recall were seeking the "celestial masters", after that came "the great clarity". Daoism, though, is h-u-g-e. Whatever idea, concept, belief, aspiration, that can be imagined probably can be found in daoism. If I recall, there's even a group I read about that found inspiration and support to be hedonists and anarchsts in the Zhaungzi.
    Nice to see you’re still here after all this time. I’m back for another look. Dan
    Yes, I'm a creature of habit. Welcome back. :)
    Hey PureX, sorry if the tone of my posts in that thread seems heated, I don’t have anything against you; just passionate about the discussion. <3
    Interesting that you find saving lives is more important than opinion to be funny., Thanks for the frube
    You are going on my ignore list. Your last post to me, calling me an idiot because I don't think the same way you do is typical of your arguments, that's about as pure an ad hominem attack as there is, and is thus a fallacious argument. Argument by insult isn't going to change anybody's mind; certainly not mine, and not that of any reader who prefers his 'flame wars' to have some wit to them.
    Thanx for froobing the unavailability of religious choice.
    And for the opposition to war crimes & militarized cops frubal.
    And for fruballing differing values about war & peace.
    And for the legal abortion fruble.
    And for froulbing "Say my name".
    And for the Mackie Messer froober.
    And for flurbing teaching consent.
    And for the larger picture of bad cop behavior frubior.
    Finally left TOL in August of last year, tried another place for about 7 months, might be around here for awhile to see how things go. :) Is your philosophical outlook pretty much the same as when you were at TOL?
    Hi PureX, it's annabenedetti here, I wonder if you remember me from TOL? I remember you! I hope you're doing well. :)
    I do remember, hello! I'm doing OK. And likewise, I hope!
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    Have you been on TOL all this time?
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