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Hirsi Ali interview-"everyone is afraid to criticize Islam"


Quran & Sunnah
Man, one can easily become famous these days, just some couple of insults about Islam and Muslims : hamster :......and every one will listen to you especially in the "most civilized" countries.

And they make a lot of money out of that too, just quit Islam and say negative things about it and money will be poured on you. :rolleyes: Poor ones they are losers in both lives; this one and the next.



Veteran Member
Premium Member
And they make a lot of money out of that too, just quit Islam and say negative things about it and money will be poured on you. :rolleyes: Poor ones they are losers in both lives; this one and the next.

Indeed, even in this life she is a loser. She has been kicked from Holland for being a hypocrite, lol. :D


Well-Known Member
Here I was hoping someone with some actual knowledge would post something.

Let the wiki debate continue...


Depends Upon My Mood..
Get famous and say something bad about Islam and a bunch of Muslims will want you dead.

That would make a lot of sense wouldnt it..Get famous by dying for something you said that the Muslims didnt like..

Seems like if you were going to that you would just take up painting or something and hope hundreds of years later you were a household name..




Active Member
Suppose if I say i Love Allah and Muhammad PBUH, it is not blasphmey Look you are not learned in our meterphornical expressions, You need to learn our expressions first and then go into studying Eastern religions.

It is mentioned in the Quran Obey Allah, Obey the messenger, in purpose they are the same. but in honor, glory and power it is Allah who is the greatest.

But regarding respect Allah, Muhammad PBUH,his household, his companions, is as important.

I hope it is clear

So are you equating the LORD (God) with that Muhammad (God=Muhammad?)?

Isn't that blasphemy?

Not even the Israelites thought that way of Moses. They didn't kill people in Moses' name.


Moved on
How many critics have been actually killed,
Even a mere handful are too many. You may have heard of Theo Van Gogh. When he was murdered there were also numerous threats against Ayaan Hirsi Ali. When Fitna was released recently, there were calls to kill Geert Wilders. There was massive chaos during the Jyllands-Posten cartoon controversy, which led to over 100 deaths.

These are just a few examples.


Veteran Member
nawab, and the other Muslims on here, do you feel Theo Van Gogh should have been murdered and if non-Muslims mock Islam, draw degrading cartoons of Mohammad or intentionally damage a Koran should they be killed? And if so why? If not why not?


Bodhisattva in Recovery
nawab, and the other Muslims on here, do you feel Theo Van Gogh should have been murdered and if non-Muslims mock Islam, draw degrading cartoons of Mohammad or intentionally damage a Koran should they be killed? And if so why? If not why not?
Or perhaps allowing a classroom of children to name a teddy bear Muhammed.


tri-polar optimist
Look i told you that it is mentioned in your own scripture anyone who blasphemes shall certainly be put to death . You take oath on the bible then you ought to live by it if not you are not a christian.

Plus there is no Islamic tribe who beleive in the Devil as God, we beleieve in the Devil as the Accursed Devil, understand that mate.

Yes they Ought to kill those who blasphemies but as i have said previously alot of Christians they dont even know the whole bible they just know John 3:16. and they only focus on John 3:16. There have been people killed for heresy, socery, blasphmey, by the church. but its only the Christians today are not really Christians. They are only beleivers of Christ but not the followers of Christ.

Did christ put anyone to death?
I think it is you my friend who does not understand the nature of Christ.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
Nawab, I am not Christian, nor am I Muslim or any other major world religion. I do not enjoy making fun of someone elses deeply held beliefs, and don't think someone should do it as a matter of courtesy and respect. I do believe, however, that following an ancient scripture (such as leviticus, which you referenced earlier) is not a productive or healthy way to lead your life. Furthermore, calling the beliefs of Christians into question doesn't apply in this situation either. According to Christian tradition, Jesus takes away the laws of the Old Testament and instead promotes unending mercy. So, please, defend your religion with words and passion, but don't assume that you know the intricacies of the Christian theology and then turn around berate them for not understanding yours. Please also understand that I say this with sincerity, and do no mean to come across as mean spirited or defensive. Thanks! :)


Bodhisattva in Recovery
I think the reaction to Ayaan Hirsi Ali does more to put Islam in poor repute than anything she says herself.
I could not agree more. It is standard practise to cast aspersions at any detractors of Islam, rather than facing head on what they are saying. Granted other groups, and not just religious ones, do the same things, but Islam has perfected the approach to the point where it is an artform. Since Islam is the "perfect" religion anyone who says anything contrary to Islam is obviously a looney.


Moved on
I think the reaction to Ayaan Hirsi Ali does more to put Islam in poor repute than anything she says herself.
This is too true. It's just like the Jyllands-Posten scandal. The cartoons were offensive I suppose, but the reaction was even moreso.