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Hirsi Ali interview-"everyone is afraid to criticize Islam"


Well-Known Member
nawab, and the other Muslims on here, do you feel Theo Van Gogh should have been murdered and if non-Muslims mock Islam, draw degrading cartoons of Mohammad or intentionally damage a Koran should they be killed? And if so why? If not why not?
No. I think Muslims have no authority to tell the non-Muslim governments what to do with their citizens but Muslims can protest in a non-violent ways but as I said it's better not to pay more intention to such things. If we are talking about Islamic country and government, I don't know what measurements should be taken...I mean should be there laws against blasphemy or leave it open?
I want to say when a Muslim sees such repeated offenses and hatred towards Islam and Muslims, it may convince the one more that a peaceful co-existence between us and the West is not possible especially if we can see and sense the unjust and double standard policies of the west towards us and their assaults on us and our countries. Thus I think that some Muslims' reaction towards the cartoons thing for example wasn't only because of it but expressing cumulative anger inside them towards the unjust Western policies.
I think the situation as a whole is sensitive and both parties Muslims and non-Muslims are responsible for such situation. However, I think we should blame ourselves before any one else and try to fix ourselves first.
Also, some Muslims need to re-arrange their priorities. As they showed such anger towards some cartoons or films, I'd like to see the same anger (at least) towards the killing of Muslims in Iraq, Darfur, Palestine.....by non-Muslims and Muslims. :shrug:


The Lost One
nawab said:
Suppose if I say i Love Allah and Muhammad PBUH, it is not blasphmey Look you are not learned in our meterphornical expressions, You need to learn our expressions first and then go into studying Eastern religions.

It is mentioned in the Quran Obey Allah, Obey the messenger, in purpose they are the same. but in honor, glory and power it is Allah who is the greatest.

But regarding respect Allah, Muhammad PBUH,his household, his companions, is as important.
This is pointless.

I was referring to your respect or otherwise to your prophet.

You had quoted (post #14) from the Leviticus 24:16 about blasphemy against God should be punished.


Leviticus 24:16 said:
And he that blasphemeth the name of the LORD, he shall surely be put to death, and all the congregation shall certainly stone him: as well the stranger, as he that is born in the land, when he blasphemeth the name of the Lord, shall be put to death.

Wednesday who wrote reply (#13) before your reply (#14) about school-kid naming a teddy-bear after himself, who is also named Mohommed.

It would seemed that you are replying to Wednesday. If so, then you are basically are saying that naming a teddy-bear after your prophet is like a blasphemy towards God. That being so, then you're equating your prophet as being a god; this equation would be blasphemy, isn't it?

Are you saying that a person saying blasphemy towards a prophet deserve stoning, as if the prophet is god?

Aren't you committing blasphemy?


Active Member
nonsense, I gave the quotation to prove that Christians are required to kill who blasphemeth undertsand. E.g. The Pope ought to give a verdict to Christians to kill Cradle of filth and Marlyn Manson.

Making a mockery of God, Muhammad, any prophets, any companions of any prophets is as good as blasphmey in Islam.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
nonsense, I gave the quotation to prove that Christians are required to kill who blasphemeth undertsand. E.g. The Pope ought to give a verdict to Christians to kill Cradle of filth and Marlyn Manson.
It is always enlightening to hear an adherent of the religion of "peace" call for more killing. If you feel so strongly about this perhaps you could go to the Vatican and advise Pope Benedict XVI on how to run the Catholic Church.

Making a mockery of God, Muhammad, any prophets, any companions of any prophets is as good as blasphmey in Islam.
Oddly, I would think that God would be able to deal with things himself. Why is it that a bunch of "holy rollers" need to exact penalties on unbelievers in this life? Is it to act as God by punishing this so-called blasphemy or is it more of an act to silence anyone else who might feel the same way? I do admit, I understand why Muslims get hissy over those who denigrate Muhammed [pbuh], but it is also a pity that he gave his detractors so much fodder to work with.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
nonsense, I gave the quotation to prove that Christians are required to kill who blasphemeth undertsand. E.g. The Pope ought to give a verdict to Christians to kill Cradle of filth and Marlyn Manson.

Making a mockery of God, Muhammad, any prophets, any companions of any prophets is as good as blasphmey in Islam.

The Pope used to do things like this. They were called the crusades. They didn't work out too well, so he stopped...


Done here.
The Pope used to do things like this. They were called the crusades. They didn't work out too well, so he stopped...
Maybe Nawab would approve if modern Popes had the strength of conviction their predecessors had, and made blood run in the streets of Damascus to free the Holy Land from the Muslim infidel.

In other words, if Benny was a Christian as Nawab is a Muslim.

Father Heathen

Veteran Member
nonsense, I gave the quotation to prove that Christians are required to kill who blasphemeth undertsand. E.g. The Pope ought to give a verdict to Christians to kill Cradle of filth and Marlyn Manson.

Making a mockery of God, Muhammad, any prophets, any companions of any prophets is as good as blasphmey in Islam.

I think listening to Cradle of Filth and Marilyn Manson would enrich your culture. :D


nonsense, I gave the quotation to prove that Christians are required to kill who blasphemeth undertsand. E.g. The Pope ought to give a verdict to Christians to kill Cradle of filth and Marlyn Manson.

Making a mockery of God, Muhammad, any prophets, any companions of any prophets is as good as blasphmey in Islam.
Many people interpret Levitical law incorrectly. Just because people might DESERVE a certain punishment doesn't mean that we ourselves have the right to carry such a thing out. The Pope ALSO knows that Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". In other words, we all, at some time or another, perhaps even every day, blaspheme against God. Do you think YOU deserve to be killed?


The Pope used to do things like this. They were called the crusades. They didn't work out too well, so he stopped...
Yes, because The Pope is an undying being who has been alive since the Roman Empire... Oh WAIT! The Roman Catholic Church had NOTHING to do with the Crusades. I forgot...


Liebe ist für alle da
Many people interpret Levitical law incorrectly. Just because people might DESERVE a certain punishment doesn't mean that we ourselves have the right to carry such a thing out. The Pope ALSO knows that Jesus said "let he who is without sin cast the first stone". In other words, we all, at some time or another, perhaps even every day, blaspheme against God. Do you think YOU deserve to be killed?

Ooo, Oooo, can I throw the first one ^_^


The Lost One
nawab said:
nonsense, I gave the quotation to prove that Christians are required to kill who blasphemeth undertsand. E.g. The Pope ought to give a verdict to Christians to kill Cradle of filth and Marlyn Manson.
And it is this sort of nonsense that I am glad that the popes no longer have any political power to execute such laws.

What is laughable about Islam is that you have all these fanatical Muslims taking laws into their own hands, show what bloodthirsty modern Muslims are today. They can't live under secular laws, but these idiots say that they don't follow any man-made laws; they only follow the laws from Islam.

Well, if you can't follow the laws of the land you are living, then you certainly can't follow the laws of Islam. There lies the stupidity of Muslim mentality that they think that they can break the laws in order to follow the Islamic laws.

Two wrongs don't make a right. Which is what basically what people are doing when they commit violence in the names of Islam or in the name of Muhammad or in the name of Allah.

Sorry, Nawab, but I'm afraid that you are as bloodthirsty as those fanatical crusaders that you hate so much, that you will become one yourself, if you don't have any self-control. You go ahead and assassinate someone who blasphemy against your prophet, as if Muhammad is the creator himself. Destroy properties, assault someone or kill someone in Hong Kong, when the blasphemy happened elsewhere. Heck! You would have made a great hijacker, flying a plane into building full of people, who are unaware they have slighted you.

You are blind as bat since you don't even realize that you have committed blasphemy yourself, by equating Muhammad with God.


Well-Known Member
show what bloodthirsty modern Muslims are today.

There lies the stupidity of Muslim mentality that they think that they can break the laws in order to follow the Islamic laws.
Sorry, Nawab, but I'm afraid that you are as bloodthirsty as those fanatical crusaders that you hate so much, that you will become one yourself, if you don't have any self-control. You go ahead and assassinate someone who blasphemy against your prophet, as if Muhammad is the creator himself. Destroy properties, assault someone or kill someone in Hong Kong, when the blasphemy happened elsewhere. Heck! You would have made a great hijacker, flying a plane into building full of people, who are unaware they have slighted you.
You are blind as bat since you don't even realize that you have committed blasphemy yourself, by equating Muhammad with God.
You exceeded your limits.

Perfect Circle

Just Browsing
You exceeded your limits.

I agree, that was a harsh post gnostic... But at the same time, I believe nawab exceeded his limits as well. Getting angry with eachother and accusing an entire religion of being stupid or unpious is never a good thing. I think everyone should just chill out and get a juicebox..:D


You exceeded your limits.

Because he dares to be blatently honest, i appluad his ways. If the Quran allows killing of blashphemers Islam should not be acceptable in western society. Thankfully muslims in this area of the globe tend to be very relaxed and peaceful, its a shame fanatics have to give them all a bad and undeserved name.
Leaders need to call for union within their gatherings or the whole world will see riots on the scale of sydney australia, a sad sight. It wasnt the first and wont be the last sadly.


The Lost One
not4me said:
You exceeded your limits.
I think I have.

Words can offend. Words can hurt. Criticism can offend and hurt.

You have to right to be offended or hurt. I have the same right to be hurt or offended.

You would not commit violence because of my words. Nor would I.

But the same can't be said for nawab.

He clearly admitted that blasphemers should be stoned.

He also had admitted that girls who go around showing off their legs, deserved to be raped, in another thread (Women of Islam). He called every women in the US and UK as sluts, just because they showed some parts of their legs or some cleavages.

I am neither American, nor British. I am not Christian, Muslim or Jew. Nor am I am woman. I don't have a religion, but what I found in his statements/replies were not only immoral, they were just as offensive, but the difference between him and me, is that I am not going shoot him or stone him, and I don't favour it for others to do such thing.

So you should understand, why I am being overly critical of him or harsh with him?

But using death-threat, violence and murder/assassination because of mere words or criticism is totally not acceptable. It taking the law into your own hand.

I often hear those who (Muslims) are caught for rape and murder, committed by these criminals that have done it as a matter of honour or religion, and that the courts have no rights to prosecute them for their crimes, because they don't recognize the "laws of men" or "laws of country". They often claim the Western law and court are biased towards them, racists and religious intolerant.

To them, they don't see it is crime. Such justifications have sullied Islam.

Murder is murder, regardless if this is revenge. Rape is rape, regardless if a woman is partially dressed or not.

I don't care if he is offended or not. People need to wake up that any religion or religious people who think they can take the law into their own hands, exacting revenge over words, should be held accountable for their crimes, and no scripture should be held above the law.

If you must protest, do so non-violently. If you find something seen in media, or read posts that are critically, you would reply with counter argument or you can simply walk away.


Big Squishy Hugger
Premium Member
***Staff note***

C'mon, folks. Let's rein in the personal comments and the blatant attacks on entire religious groups. It is in bounds to criticize doctrines and tenets in religions, but not the people themselves. Please keep it civil. Thank you.