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Hirsi Ali interview-"everyone is afraid to criticize Islam"


I think I have.

Words can offend. Words can hurt. Criticism can offend and hurt.

You have to right to be offended or hurt. I have the same right to be hurt or offended.

You would not commit violence because of my words. Nor would I.

But the same can't be said for nawab.

He clearly admitted that blasphemers should be stoned.

He also had admitted that girls who go around showing off their legs, deserved to be raped, in another thread (Women of Islam). He called every women in the US and UK as sluts, just because they showed some parts of their legs or some cleavages.

I am neither American, nor British. I am not Christian, Muslim or Jew. Nor am I am woman. I don't have a religion, but what I found in his statements/replies were not only immoral, they were just as offensive, but the difference between him and me, is that I am not going shoot him or stone him, and I don't favour it for others to do such thing.

So you should understand, why I am being overly critical of him or harsh with him?

But using death-threat, violence and murder/assassination because of mere words or criticism is totally not acceptable. It taking the law into your own hand.

I often hear those who (Muslims) are caught for rape and murder, committed by these criminals that have done it as a matter of honour or religion, and that the courts have no rights to prosecute them for their crimes, because they don't recognize the "laws of men" or "laws of country". They often claim the Western law and court are biased towards them, racists and religious intolerant.

To them, they don't see it is crime. Such justifications have sullied Islam.

Murder is murder, regardless if this is revenge. Rape is rape, regardless if a woman is partially dressed or not.

I don't care if he is offended or not. People need to wake up that any religion or religious people who think they can take the law into their own hands, exacting revenge over words, should be held accountable for their crimes, and no scripture should be held above the law.

If you must protest, do so non-violently. If you find something seen in media, or read posts that are critically, you would reply with counter argument or you can simply walk away.

i cant argue with that!


The Lost One
I don't see that criticism should draw death threats, period.

Muslims often criticise the Christians, Jews, Hindus, US, Israel and the West. But do these criticisms often get death threat and assassinations? No.

American and Israeli flags get burned on daily basis, and the Americans and Israelis have become immune at seeing such sight. The moment, any symbol of Islam, including the Qur'an, there are always more violent uproars and more flag burning, even when the US and Israel are not responsible for them.

If a caricature are drawn of the prophet, then big deal. There are caricatures drawn all of the time, of politicians, celebrities, etc. Jesus get a lot more attention from cartoonists then Muhammad, but you don't see the Pope sanctioning death squad or assassination. Protest, if you have to; express your outrage, disappointment or whatever. But don't physically assault or kill someone.

The protests are mixture of peaceful and violence, but it is among Muslims that take laws into their own hands, and began destroying properties that are not involved. This happened increasing among the Muslims.

There's is a saying: Give a little, get a little.

If you criticize a religion, country or society, then expect to receive the same criticism. But leave the violence behind; it's when violence are involved that people crosses the lines. And I have no sympathies for those who do, because they are criminals and thugs. And I don't think much of people who condone violence, make excuse or justification for the violence. Violence always have negative effects and it is unacceptable, even if the person did say something that considered blasphemy.


Remember the danish news paper drawing pictures of Mohammed? I've never sween so much flag burning before, riots, threats of terrorism and so on.
Its as if Muslims can do what they want, but if anything is said about their prophet, then its war. All violence does is show the world how primitive and uncivilised your societies are, sadly.


The Lost One
wednesday said:
Remember the danish news paper drawing pictures of Mohammed? I've never sween so much flag burning before, riots, threats of terrorism and so on.
Its as if Muslims can do what they want, but if anything is said about their prophet, then its war. All violence does is show the world how primitive and uncivilised your societies are, sadly.
The funny thing is that the US and Israel weren't involved in Danish cartoons, but it got their flags burned for no reason at all.

It was like Pauline Hanson saying that we shouldn't buy Japanese products, like Nokia mobiles, whereas Nokia is actually Finnish company. A lot of misdirect anger and bigotry are seen in Muslim countries.


Well-Known Member
If you keep calling Muslims "blood thirsty", "idiots" and our societies " primitive and uncivilized" what's the point of talking to you really? What's the point of having a discussion or a debate with you anyway?!!


Active Member
Everyone should be allowed to voice there opinion no matter what.

God gave us free will. Man should not oppose others free will.

This goes for everyone, muslims, christians, atheists, hindu, buddhists, etc.


Active Member
Remember the danish news paper drawing pictures of Mohammed? I've never sween so much flag burning before, riots, threats of terrorism and so on.
Its as if Muslims can do what they want, but if anything is said about their prophet, then its war. All violence does is show the world how primitive and uncivilised your societies are, sadly.

That is one thing you don't offend.

Funny, that Christians don't bring up when John Lennon said "We're as famous as Jesus." and the mass riots, threats and record burnings happened within seconds after being said.

So please don't offend them by calling them "primitive" America's "bible Belt" is no better.


The Lost One
theocan said:
Funny, that Christians don't bring up when John Lennon said "We're as famous as Jesus." and the mass riots, threats and record burnings happened within seconds after being said.

So please don't offend them by calling them "primitive" America's "bible Belt" is no better.
I have never been a fan of the Beetles...a little before my time...so I don't know what's being said. In any case, from what I do know, Lennon had a very big ego, which went straight to his head.

As to the Christians causing riots and so forth, I would say that they are criminal wrong if anyone was hurt in the riot or properties damaged. As for the records burning, it is also bad.

How many people were hurt? Were there anyone killed?

And what was the motive for Lennon's murder? Religious issue? Crazed, but disillusion fan? Or just Beetle hater?

I have not burn any flag, record or book, and I think it is wrong to do so. There are commonality between all Abrahamic religions; they would destroy something over the most trivial matters. Which is the reason why I don't like Abrahamic religions, because the followers have the real potentials to be oppressive iconoclasts and book burners. Lots of literature, history and arts were destroyed by the 3 mainstream religions.

So yes, Christians be primitive and uncivilized people.