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Godless is lack of Virtues.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
So why is it that religious people fly planes into building; attack women looking for advice on family planning, protest against universal health care, hate immigrants, etc.?
Like the others you are confusing people who turn to the Source and follow that Source as being religious. They are not synonymous. Those who follow the Source are Godly.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
The first part was explaining a Metephor. People could ask what that means, instead of concluding it was aimed at an insult, as I offer nothing I post is aimed at an insult, just topics for deeper consideration

I then offered that a person of faith will implement the light of Virtue, understanding it as an act of Godliness, a source of light to guide our lives, that is their reason.

It was then offered that, "A person with no faith must then choose virtue over vice for their own reasons, but there is no disputing, virtues make the person and create harmony, whereas vices tear apart people, families, communities and Nations."

In that way, humanity can find a unity in its diversity.

So how do we promote virtues over vices, to an extent that war is no longer considered or tolerated?"

So was the issue in the way people read it, or not? I was never the best at English.

Regards Tony
That version was heavily scrubbed of being godly and godless compared your OP.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I suspect the response would be more in line with what you are looking for if you had left God/Godless out of the picture.

The Gods some follow can be pretty dark. I don't think vice/virtue necessarily correlates to a God in a broader audience.
Yes, it is a little naive to assume that everybody else will look through his lens.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
The title implies/asserts that those of us who identify as Godless have "a lack of virtues".
I believe the title is saying the definition of Godless is a lack of virtues. To be clear, which he is not, Godless or ungodly to him means a lack of virtues, not that those are atheists have a lack of virtues. I hope you understand.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
Not true. If they believe in Gods, go to church and commit heinous acts. They are still the Religion they claim they are. You don't get to claim who is or is not Godless, as it's not your belief. Only they can say whether or not they do.
I wish @TransmutingSoul was more clear. He is not saying who is Godless. You are not clear here, too. What the heck are you saying?

The Hammer

Premium Member
I wish @TransmutingSoul was more clear. He is not saying who is Godless. You are not clear here, too. What the heck are you saying?

I may not have been clear. What I got from the OP was a statement that if one is Virtuous they believe in God, and if they aren't moral and virtuous, they can't truly believe in God.

I was trying to state that who does and does not believe in a deity, and the way that person acts appears to have no direct correlation.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
That is the point of the OP. It is the predudices built upon names and titles that show how we can reject the obvious.

People will even start quoting bad things faith has done, saying athiest can be better, when the OP already has offered that the lack of virtues, or in a faith sense, godless actions are possible for both people of faith and no faith.

Just as virtues actions or Godliness are a choice we can all make.

Regards Tony
I wish you had made that clear at the beginning. You didn't, to be blunt. Also the last sentence should say, those who are atheists can have virtuous acts also. All along they don't understand your language, because they don't have your perspective. You should write your thoughts taking account of their perspective.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Nice preaching for the gallery. But no facts based on anything, rational or empirical.

There is no indication anywhere that just because someone lacks faith in God it's "darkness and death". It's absurd. If this is what the Bahai faith teaches, I am absolutely disappointed.

Even you did not read what the OP offers.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
That version was heavily scrubbed of being godly and godless compared your OP.

No, it was just cut and pasted from the OP, as it had already explained the previous statements given in metaphor.

It appears people did not read past the first section of metaphor.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I wish you had made that clear at the beginning. You didn't, to be blunt. Also the last sentence should say, those who are atheists can have virtuous acts also. All along they don't understand your language, because they don't have your perspective. You should write your thoughts taking account of their perspective.

Make people should read and try to understand what a person is offering, before taking a small section as the OP intent.

One world language would help greatly.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
So does that mean you think that atheists have no virtues? In other words, do people need to believe in God in order to be virtuous?

Why not just cut to the chase.

That is also an incorrect interpretation of what @Truthseeker as well as the OP was and is offering.

It's good though, as Truthseeker can see how what one posts can be taken incorrectly and all we need to do is ask.

Regards Tony


Non-debating member when I can help myself
So does that mean you think that atheists have no virtues? In other words, do people need to believe in God in order to be virtuous?

Why not just cut to the chase.
I'm trying as quickly as I can to clear up misconceptions of what Tony is saying here, because unfortunately he was not clear in what he was saying in the first place, because he doesn't take into account as you know the perspectives of others. This is my attempt way back earlier to define what is "ungodly", but I've tackled each post as best I can.

Godless is lack of Virtues.

I'm not sure precisely what Tony believes, but he does not believe that all atheists have no virtues. He was quite unclear to begin with. Sorry if that particular post of mine was not clear. I wish people would look at everything sometimes instead of what the person they talked to replied.


Non-debating member when I can help myself
I may not have been clear. What I got from the OP was a statement that if one is Virtuous they believe in God, and if they aren't moral and virtuous, they can't truly believe in God.

I was trying to state that who does and does not believe in a deity, and the way that person acts appears to have no direct correlation.
Well, the Baha'i Faith doesn't teach what you are saying, and I don't believe Tony was saying that.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Yes. Its offering your theology as the solution which is preaching and proselytising. If people fall for it, they are not thinking.

I see It is a concept found in all Holy books.

"Allah is the light of the heavens and the earth; a likeness of His light is as a niche in which is a lamp, the lamp is in a glass, (and) the glass is as it were a brightly shining star, lit from a blessed olive-tree, neither eastern nor western, the oil whereof almost gives light though fire touch it not – light upon light – Allah guides to His light whom He pleases, and Allah sets forth parables for men, and Allah is Cognizant of all things." (al-Nur, 24:35).

So the light of Allah is Attributes, that light is given to whomsoever Allah chooses and Allah love all.

Allah is Most Great, Most Great is an attribute that all can choose to shine forth.

Allah is all loving, All Loving is an Attribute all can choose to dine forth.

Etc and the purpose of the OP. How to bring virtues from us, no matter what Faith or no faith, without accusations of intent.

Regards Tony