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Follow up: Why I am so angry


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
Quite a few people were upset with my last journal entry. I am not apologizing for it. I do not believe anything I said was outside of what I perceive to be the reality of what we are dealing with. But I do owe at least a sliver more depth as to where these feelings are coming from. I will do that now.

In my experience, we (as people) typically experience negative emotions due to mismatches across our dimensions of existence. Here are some examples:

  1. Mismatch of Self: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they feel they are.
  2. Mismatch of Relationships: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they spend their time with.
  3. Mismatch of Profession: Someone who feels negative emotions towards what they do as a profession.
  4. Mismatch of Environment: Someone who feels negative emotions towards their surroundings.
  5. Mismatch of Belief: Someone who feels negative emotions towards others because their beliefs are in competition or are incompatible.
  6. etc etc etc
For me, I am having considerable problems with environment and belief. I do not feel comfortable in my environment because I am in a small Republican town. Residents of said town continue to parade the streets with their stupid flags, wearing their stupid hats. Proclaiming via homemade billboards and banners that they are somehow a victim of a crime with no evidence to support them. This sort of behavior will not go away.

I will be leaving this area in the near future, but that brings me to the second mismatch: belief. Even in the short period that I have been watching politics, polarization is becoming more and more of a threat. As a whole, the Republican party continues to push further and further right. More and more authoritarian. This has been made abundantly clear with Donald Trump and his insistence on election fraud despite no conclusive evidence to the contrary. But it isn't just him. It is the politicians who share the same party as him and who continue to use the same language he does. Drawing the same conclusions he does, pulling in the same people that he does.

This leads me to a conclusion: the paradigm of the authoritarian right is not going to go away. The money of lobbyists comes before the needs of the people. I find it horrifying that the people of this country got a one time stipend of $1200 and were then left to cold for months and months. Failing corporations got billions to help support them and they laid off their workers anyway. But it doesn't stop there because establishment Democrats are just as compromised.

It is a failed system and the only people who can change it are the very same people who get the kickbacks from its continued existence. Sure, there are a few outliers but they are not in a political position to make a meaningful change because the system is not designed for them. On a long enough timeline, they will be unable to financially secure their continued seat at the table.

All of this to say that I can change my environment, but the mismatch of belief is on the level of the government itself. It doesn't matter what state I move to, nothing changes. The lowest common denominator with the loudest voice gets the attention. We saw that in real-time when conservatives took the streets armed with assault weapons demanding the re-opening of Outback Steakhouse last spring.

No matter where I live, I am one health catastrophe away from being financially ruined for the rest of my life. That transcends my own political position and geographic location within this country.

There is no redemption story for me here and that is very challenging to deal with because it presents an unenviable choice. Do I tolerate it and stay or do I give it all up and leave? Watching 70 million people vote for a man who actively stood against scientific progress at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives broke me. It told me that racism, sexism, bigotry of all flavors, and the lives of their own countrymen did not matter. It made me realize that the corrupt political system I see is a perfectly accurate reflection of the people voted for it to stay in place.

I can't trust what I see around me. I can't trust my neighbors not to make a short-sighted choice in the name of political allegiance.

I have realized that the level of mismatch does not stop at my job, my town, or my state. It is at the level of the country I was born in. So yeah... I am a little agitated.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Again I 100% agree. I fled the deep red of Indiana that was horrible to me. But I find deep blue California has an abundance of those who are selfishly destructive. Covid has made me realize I really will be better off in just about any other Western nation, if for no other reasons than better pay for my degrees and not having to worry about my expensive healthcare draining my budget.
Truly, I haven't been this shocked by America since the Oklahoma City bombing. That was especially shocking because I was still young enough to believe the hyper pro-Americana propaganda I was raised on in my early years during the final years of the Cold War, leading Desert Storm etc., and seeing America as a great paragon of all that is good. But then I found it wasn't a Russian, East German, or anyone associated with Communist block or Soviet Union who attacked us, it was an American, but not only an American but one of those American heroes I saw fighting for our country on TV. He attacked us, and I was shocked.
And now I'm shocked that for all the talk of "do for your country," it seems that was a lie. Ask what you can do for your country was a lie. Those same people who would condemn someone for fleeing to Canada to avoid being forced to go to a foreign land to kill and be killed, these are often the same sorts who get irritated and indignant when they are told to wear a mask and keep their distance to spare a life.
America: land of the selfish, home of destructive self-centeredness.


A little to the left and slightly out of focus.
Premium Member
I recommend adjusting expectations for fellow humans downwards.
It's worked for me.
Fair enough, but a big sticker for me is the idea that I am one health issue away from losing everything. I don't know how to deal with that.


Grēne Mann
Premium Member
I recommend adjusting expectations for fellow humans downwards.
It's worked for me.


Not giving a **** is different than not caring. Care about the things you can change, but I try to unburden myself from the things that are out of my control.

What people think and do are one of those things.

If you at least are doing what you can to be a positive influence to those around you, people can see that positivity shine through, and it'll change the way they think. That's a good thing, even if it's only a little bit. :)

Gandhi is often incorrectly quoted as saying, "Become the change you want to see in the world." It's still a saying that I like.
Last edited:

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Fair enough, but a big sticker for me is the idea that I am one health issue away from losing everything. I don't know how to deal with that.
Look into going to another country like me. I'm looking at Canada, but I really want a warmer climate with my bum knees and IBS.


The wonder and awe of "all things".
Quite a few people were upset with my last journal entry. I am not apologizing for it. I do not believe anything I said was outside of what I perceive to be the reality of what we are dealing with. But I do owe at least a sliver more depth as to where these feelings are coming from. I will do that now.

In my experience, we (as people) typically experience negative emotions due to mismatches across our dimensions of existence. Here are some examples:

  1. Mismatch of Self: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they feel they are.
  2. Mismatch of Relationships: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they spend their time with.
  3. Mismatch of Profession: Someone who feels negative emotions towards what they do as a profession.
  4. Mismatch of Environment: Someone who feels negative emotions towards their surroundings.
  5. Mismatch of Belief: Someone who feels negative emotions towards others because their beliefs are in competition or are incompatible.
  6. etc etc etc
For me, I am having considerable problems with environment and belief. I do not feel comfortable in my environment because I am in a small Republican town. Residents of said town continue to parade the streets with their stupid flags, wearing their stupid hats. Proclaiming via homemade billboards and banners that they are somehow a victim of a crime with no evidence to support them. This sort of behavior will not go away.

I will be leaving this area in the near future, but that brings me to the second mismatch: belief. Even in the short period that I have been watching politics, polarization is becoming more and more of a threat. As a whole, the Republican party continues to push further and further right. More and more authoritarian. This has been made abundantly clear with Donald Trump and his insistence on election fraud despite no conclusive evidence to the contrary. But it isn't just him. It is the politicians who share the same party as him and who continue to use the same language he does. Drawing the same conclusions he does, pulling in the same people that he does.

This leads me to a conclusion: the paradigm of the authoritarian right is not going to go away. The money of lobbyists comes before the needs of the people. I find it horrifying that the people of this country got a one time stipend of $1200 and were then left to cold for months and months. Failing corporations got billions to help support them and they laid off their workers anyway. But it doesn't stop there because establishment Democrats are just as compromised.

It is a failed system and the only people who can change it are the very same people who get the kickbacks from its continued existence. Sure, there are a few outliers but they are not in a political position to make a meaningful change because the system is not designed for them. On a long enough timeline, they will be unable to financially secure their continued seat at the table.

All of this to say that I can change my environment, but the mismatch of belief is on the level of the government itself. It doesn't matter what state I move to, nothing changes. The lowest common denominator with the loudest voice gets the attention. We saw that in real-time when conservatives took the streets armed with assault weapons demanding the re-opening of Outback Steakhouse last spring.

No matter where I live, I am one health catastrophe away from being financially ruined for the rest of my life. That transcends my own political position and geographic location within this country.

There is no redemption story for me here and that is very challenging to deal with because it presents an unenviable choice. Do I tolerate it and stay or do I give it all up and leave? Watching 70 million people vote for a man who actively stood against scientific progress at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives broke me. It told me that racism, sexism, bigotry of all flavors, and the lives of their own countrymen did not matter. It made me realize that the corrupt political system I see is a perfectly accurate reflection of the people voted for it to stay in place.

I can't trust what I see around me. I can't trust my neighbors not to make a short-sighted choice in the name of political allegiance.

I have realized that the level of mismatch does not stop at my job, my town, or my state. It is at the level of the country I was born in. So yeah... I am a little agitated.

Wow, that does sound bad. I sympathize by imagining it. It was slightly like that where I grew up, but you seem to have it worse than I did, way back, different time and town.

A lot are glad Trump lost the election though:
More Americans Happy About Trump Loss Than Biden Win | Monmouth University Polling Institute
(but, more than 1/2 of Americans are glad Biden is to be next president, and this was mid-November polling, before so many Trump lawsuits had been dismissed by courts)


Not As Much Fun As I Look
Staff member
Premium Member
Quite a few people were upset with my last journal entry. I am not apologizing for it. I do not believe anything I said was outside of what I perceive to be the reality of what we are dealing with. But I do owe at least a sliver more depth as to where these feelings are coming from. I will do that now.

In my experience, we (as people) typically experience negative emotions due to mismatches across our dimensions of existence. Here are some examples:

  1. Mismatch of Self: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they feel they are.
  2. Mismatch of Relationships: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they spend their time with.
  3. Mismatch of Profession: Someone who feels negative emotions towards what they do as a profession.
  4. Mismatch of Environment: Someone who feels negative emotions towards their surroundings.
  5. Mismatch of Belief: Someone who feels negative emotions towards others because their beliefs are in competition or are incompatible.
  6. etc etc etc
For me, I am having considerable problems with environment and belief. I do not feel comfortable in my environment because I am in a small Republican town. Residents of said town continue to parade the streets with their stupid flags, wearing their stupid hats. Proclaiming via homemade billboards and banners that they are somehow a victim of a crime with no evidence to support them. This sort of behavior will not go away.

I will be leaving this area in the near future, but that brings me to the second mismatch: belief. Even in the short period that I have been watching politics, polarization is becoming more and more of a threat. As a whole, the Republican party continues to push further and further right. More and more authoritarian. This has been made abundantly clear with Donald Trump and his insistence on election fraud despite no conclusive evidence to the contrary. But it isn't just him. It is the politicians who share the same party as him and who continue to use the same language he does. Drawing the same conclusions he does, pulling in the same people that he does.

This leads me to a conclusion: the paradigm of the authoritarian right is not going to go away. The money of lobbyists comes before the needs of the people. I find it horrifying that the people of this country got a one time stipend of $1200 and were then left to cold for months and months. Failing corporations got billions to help support them and they laid off their workers anyway. But it doesn't stop there because establishment Democrats are just as compromised.

It is a failed system and the only people who can change it are the very same people who get the kickbacks from its continued existence. Sure, there are a few outliers but they are not in a political position to make a meaningful change because the system is not designed for them. On a long enough timeline, they will be unable to financially secure their continued seat at the table.

All of this to say that I can change my environment, but the mismatch of belief is on the level of the government itself. It doesn't matter what state I move to, nothing changes. The lowest common denominator with the loudest voice gets the attention. We saw that in real-time when conservatives took the streets armed with assault weapons demanding the re-opening of Outback Steakhouse last spring.

No matter where I live, I am one health catastrophe away from being financially ruined for the rest of my life. That transcends my own political position and geographic location within this country.

There is no redemption story for me here and that is very challenging to deal with because it presents an unenviable choice. Do I tolerate it and stay or do I give it all up and leave? Watching 70 million people vote for a man who actively stood against scientific progress at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives broke me. It told me that racism, sexism, bigotry of all flavors, and the lives of their own countrymen did not matter. It made me realize that the corrupt political system I see is a perfectly accurate reflection of the people voted for it to stay in place.

I can't trust what I see around me. I can't trust my neighbors not to make a short-sighted choice in the name of political allegiance.

I have realized that the level of mismatch does not stop at my job, my town, or my state. It is at the level of the country I was born in. So yeah... I am a little agitated.

I'm so sorry you're feeling this way. The mismatch of environment and belief can become consuming. The words you said could have come of my own mouth(though the place I live is different).

If you have the means to get out, by all means, do so.

I had to stop watching travel shows on TV because I'd cry and become depressed(not joking). Just the idea of being in something other than this culture.... sure, its fine for some, but I'm with you. Heck, I was with you before Trump, because I sensed things were already starting to get weird... the conditions were just ripe for a storm, figuratively.

I qualify for Medicaid right now, but I know we're getting close to the threshold. If that happens, I will no longer be able to see a doctor. I'll be on my own.

I hope you are able to find a solution for yourself, and find a place you can reside in peace and happiness.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Ireland is another consideration.
It is. Especially since they are increasingly separating from the Catholic Church.
And I wonder, rather than being Irish-American here, there would I be Irish-American-Irish?:p

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Fair enough, but a big sticker for me is the idea that I am one health issue away from losing everything. I don't know how to deal with that.

One of the reason I get my dander up is the refusal of too many to move toward a health system that is close to the rest of the world when it comes to treating everyone who needs it.

I'm OK for now having Medicare + supplemental insurance, but it would only take some of the extreme right wing types to destroy my health care. That would put my life at risk as yours is at risk.

Those that can and want to can move to almost any other nations in the world and be covered for catastrophic health care disasters. Most can't.

What's left is for those of us who believe decent health care is a human right to support any politician who will fight for that.

I don't really care how it's structured beyond universal decent coverage as long as costs are no worse than Switzerland which I understand is the second most costly, but it's time for the US to join the civilized world with civilized health care.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Fair enough, but a big sticker for me is the idea that I am one health issue away from losing everything. I don't know how to deal with that.
I can't advise any specifics about planning.
But I recommend planning.


Veteran Member
Quite a few people were upset with my last journal entry. I am not apologizing for it. I do not believe anything I said was outside of what I perceive to be the reality of what we are dealing with. But I do owe at least a sliver more depth as to where these feelings are coming from. I will do that now.

In my experience, we (as people) typically experience negative emotions due to mismatches across our dimensions of existence. Here are some examples:

  1. Mismatch of Self: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they feel they are.
  2. Mismatch of Relationships: Someone who feels negative emotions towards who they spend their time with.
  3. Mismatch of Profession: Someone who feels negative emotions towards what they do as a profession.
  4. Mismatch of Environment: Someone who feels negative emotions towards their surroundings.
  5. Mismatch of Belief: Someone who feels negative emotions towards others because their beliefs are in competition or are incompatible.
  6. etc etc etc
For me, I am having considerable problems with environment and belief. I do not feel comfortable in my environment because I am in a small Republican town. Residents of said town continue to parade the streets with their stupid flags, wearing their stupid hats. Proclaiming via homemade billboards and banners that they are somehow a victim of a crime with no evidence to support them. This sort of behavior will not go away.

I will be leaving this area in the near future, but that brings me to the second mismatch: belief. Even in the short period that I have been watching politics, polarization is becoming more and more of a threat. As a whole, the Republican party continues to push further and further right. More and more authoritarian. This has been made abundantly clear with Donald Trump and his insistence on election fraud despite no conclusive evidence to the contrary. But it isn't just him. It is the politicians who share the same party as him and who continue to use the same language he does. Drawing the same conclusions he does, pulling in the same people that he does.

This leads me to a conclusion: the paradigm of the authoritarian right is not going to go away. The money of lobbyists comes before the needs of the people. I find it horrifying that the people of this country got a one time stipend of $1200 and were then left to cold for months and months. Failing corporations got billions to help support them and they laid off their workers anyway. But it doesn't stop there because establishment Democrats are just as compromised.

It is a failed system and the only people who can change it are the very same people who get the kickbacks from its continued existence. Sure, there are a few outliers but they are not in a political position to make a meaningful change because the system is not designed for them. On a long enough timeline, they will be unable to financially secure their continued seat at the table.

All of this to say that I can change my environment, but the mismatch of belief is on the level of the government itself. It doesn't matter what state I move to, nothing changes. The lowest common denominator with the loudest voice gets the attention. We saw that in real-time when conservatives took the streets armed with assault weapons demanding the re-opening of Outback Steakhouse last spring.

No matter where I live, I am one health catastrophe away from being financially ruined for the rest of my life. That transcends my own political position and geographic location within this country.

There is no redemption story for me here and that is very challenging to deal with because it presents an unenviable choice. Do I tolerate it and stay or do I give it all up and leave? Watching 70 million people vote for a man who actively stood against scientific progress at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives broke me. It told me that racism, sexism, bigotry of all flavors, and the lives of their own countrymen did not matter. It made me realize that the corrupt political system I see is a perfectly accurate reflection of the people voted for it to stay in place.

I can't trust what I see around me. I can't trust my neighbors not to make a short-sighted choice in the name of political allegiance.

I have realized that the level of mismatch does not stop at my job, my town, or my state. It is at the level of the country I was born in. So yeah... I am a little agitated.

It does look bad. To see one of the main political parties apparently turn its back on the democratic process and embrace a "Stab in the Back" conspiracy theory, feels, to a European, like only one step short of an attempted seizure of power.

Canada is nice and seems sane enough. I don't know how their health system works but there must be some form of universal coverage.