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Don't Pity Atheist


Veteran Member
They are hardly unknown. We know of all of the authors of the NT.
Nope. Not even close. We don't even know who wrote the Gospels, probably the most important books of the Bible. If you look at the differing opinions of Historical Scholars, it is obvious that we have no way of knowing who authored any of the books of the New Testament. The closest we have are the letters from Paul, a man who never even met the living Jesus.
ALL of the apostles died horrible deaths when confronted with the opportunity to change their testimony.
Jesus rose from the dead. If not, why didn't His enemies parade His body around Jerusalem?
Maybe his followers hid the body, knowing that it would be necessary to convince people he actually rose from the dead.

ALL of the historical references in the Bible are correct. Many have been verified archaeologically and you cannot show me one verse that has been proven to be incorrect.
I would assume that the historical references would be true. That would be incredibly easy, as the authors would have known what was going on at the time. But, that is not in question. It is the supernatural claims that we have no way of knowing the validity of.

That's enough, I think.
Not even close.


Veteran Member
They are hardly unknown. We know of all of the authors of the NT.
ALL of the apostles died horrible deaths when confronted with the opportunity to change their testimony.
Jesus rose from the dead. If not, why didn't His enemies parade His body around Jerusalem?

ALL of the historical references in the Bible are correct. Many have been verified archaeologically and you cannot show me one verse that has been proven to be incorrect.

That's enough, I think.
Below is an excerpt from Bart Ehrman who is a Biblical Scholar. You can check his sources and see that his claims are 100% true. The Gospels were written anonymously in the name of people.

Most likely, not one of the gospels were written by anyone who knew Jesus personally.

2. All the Gospels are Anonymous Until 180-185CE 6

“The four Gospels... are all anonymous, written in the third person about Jesus and his companions. None of them contains a first-person narrative ("One day, when Jesus and I went into Capernaum..."), or claims to be written by an eyewitness or companion of an eyewitness. Why then do we call them Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Because sometime in the second century, when proto-orthodox Christians recognized the need for apostolic authorities, they attributed these books to apostles (Matthew and John) and close companions of apostles (Mark, the secretary of Peter; and Luke, the travelling companion of Paul). Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”

"Lost Christianities" by Bart Ehrman (2003)7

“Justin Martyr, writing around 150-60 CE, quotes verses from the Gospels, but does not indicate what the Gospels were named. For Justin, these books are simply known, collectively, as the 'Memoires of the Apostles.' It was about a century after the Gospels had been originally put in circulation that they were definitively named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This comes, for the first time, in the writings of the church father and heresiologist Irenaeus, around 180-85 CE.”

"Forged" by Bart Ehrman (2011)3

Ehrman kindly points out that the gospels were not forgeries - they were anonymous, and it was a case of false attribution8 by Christians later on that was the cause of the misdirection which lasted many hundreds of years.


Well-Known Member
Below is an excerpt from Bart Ehrman who is a Biblical Scholar. You can check his sources and see that his claims are 100% true. The Gospels were written anonymously in the name of people.

Most likely, not one of the gospels were written by anyone who knew Jesus personally.

2. All the Gospels are Anonymous Until 180-185CE 6

“The four Gospels... are all anonymous, written in the third person about Jesus and his companions. None of them contains a first-person narrative ("One day, when Jesus and I went into Capernaum..."), or claims to be written by an eyewitness or companion of an eyewitness. Why then do we call them Matthew, Mark, Luke and John? Because sometime in the second century, when proto-orthodox Christians recognized the need for apostolic authorities, they attributed these books to apostles (Matthew and John) and close companions of apostles (Mark, the secretary of Peter; and Luke, the travelling companion of Paul). Most scholars today have abandoned these identifications, and recognize that the books were written by otherwise unknown but relatively well-educated Greek-speaking (and writing) Christians during the second half of the first century.”

"Lost Christianities" by Bart Ehrman (2003)7

“Justin Martyr, writing around 150-60 CE, quotes verses from the Gospels, but does not indicate what the Gospels were named. For Justin, these books are simply known, collectively, as the 'Memoires of the Apostles.' It was about a century after the Gospels had been originally put in circulation that they were definitively named Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This comes, for the first time, in the writings of the church father and heresiologist Irenaeus, around 180-85 CE.”

"Forged" by Bart Ehrman (2011)3

Ehrman kindly points out that the gospels were not forgeries - they were anonymous, and it was a case of false attribution8 by Christians later on that was the cause of the misdirection which lasted many hundreds of years.

None of that is based on fact. It is all presupposed and involves the opinions of so called "experts."

You prove nothing but bias with these links.


Well-Known Member
Nope. Not even close. We don't even know who wrote the Gospels, probably the most important books of the Bible. If you look at the differing opinions of Historical Scholars, it is obvious that we have no way of knowing who authored any of the books of the New Testament. The closest we have are the letters from Paul, a man who never even met the living Jesus.
Maybe his followers hid the body, knowing that it would be necessary to convince people he actually rose from the dead.

I would assume that the historical references would be true. That would be incredibly easy, as the authors would have known what was going on at the time. But, that is not in question. It is the supernatural claims that we have no way of knowing the validity of.

Not even close.

All presupposition based on bias, no facts.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Christianity is a faith-based religion because there is no evidence. One of the main reasons people convert out of Christianity is because they actually read the Holy Bible.

...because they find that they can't handle the truth.

Most will tell you that they couldn't handle the lie. Once one finds Christianity untenable, he must choose between living a lie or walking away from the religion.

Kilgore Trout

Misanthropic Humanist
It is taught in the King James Bible, if you know the religion, that atheist are not allowed to believe in God. I assume that God does not pity atheist, and neither should you, they are really not worth any kind of effort on your part to convince them that God exists. There are many great proofs in the Bible that prove that God is, the atheist do not know them, neither do the preachers.

I'm impressed with your ability to cram so many wrong things into one paragraph. This is a real work of art.


Veteran Member
Wizarda and I have been discussing the same issue on another thread. We have smoking gun evidence that Matthew and Luke didn't learn the story until after Mark had, meaning that they were not eyewitnesses.
There is no evidence pointing to any of the authors being eye witnesses. Paul didn't even know Jesus. Mark was most likely in the same boat, only writing passed down stories which, obviously, would have errors.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
God doesn't have such an emotion as pity, it is a waste of time...
So are jealousy and anger, but god admits he is both of those.
why didn't His enemies parade His body around Jerusalem?
Why would they do that? And if they had, it would have been before they ditched his body in a tomb.
you cannot show me one verse that has been proven to be incorrect.
No global flood, no confusion of the languages, no Exodus, no points high enough to see the corners of the earth, no one has survived being eaten by a whale, and that whole virgin birth and resurrection thing is also extremely doubtftul.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Most will tell you that they couldn't handle the lie. Once one finds Christianity untenable, he must choose between living a lie or walking away from the religion.
Having learned how much I was lied to was a big part of why I left Christianity. I had uncovered so many lies, that by the time I got to reading the entire Bible there was just no way I could keep on going with it.
Yes, so many wrong things, but all true.
It's not true. There is absolutely nothing in the Bible that says an atheist cannot believe in god. It calls them fools, says they are corrupt, says they can do no good, and says Christians shouldn't keep company with them, but it doesn't say they are not allowed to believe.
It says that no where. That's just as silly as claiming god doesn't believe in atheists. There is absolutely nothing about Christianity or atheism that prohibits, prevents, and restricts them from believing in god.

I'm glad I got out of it when I did. Been out almost half my life now. The first half of my life was filled with ignorance and false teachings, but worse was overloaded with self hatred. Getting out then probably saved my life so that I could enjoy this second half of my life.
And what you say is true. Conservative Christianity is notorious for censoring outside information that contradicts what they believe, even if it comes from another denomination. Being home schooled, a middle school education was counting change and basic division for math, history that taught Alexander the Great unified the world to prepare it for Christ's birth, and just enough science to say evolution is "just a theory."

He pretty much has to be or he has a nasty logical inconsistency going on.
It says that no where. That's just as silly as claiming god doesn't believe in atheists. There is absolutely nothing about Christianity or atheism that prohibits, prevents, and restricts them from believing in god.

I'm glad I got out of it when I did. Been out almost half my life now. The first half of my life was filled with ignorance and false teachings, but worse was overloaded with self hatred. Getting out then probably saved my life so that I could enjoy this second half of my life.
And what you say is true. Conservative Christianity is notorious for censoring outside information that contradicts what they believe, even if it comes from another denomination. Being home schooled, a middle school education was counting change and basic division for math, history that taught Alexander the Great unified the world to prepare it for Christ's birth, and just enough science to say evolution is "just a theory."

He pretty much has to be or he has a nasty logical inconsistency going on.
...because they find that they can't handle the truth.
It says that no where. That's just as silly as claiming god doesn't believe in atheists. There is absolutely nothing about Christianity or atheism that prohibits, prevents, and restricts them from believing in god.

I'm glad I got out of it when I did. Been out almost half my life now. The first half of my life was filled with ignorance and false teachings, but worse was overloaded with self hatred. Getting out then probably saved my life so that I could enjoy this second half of my life.
And what you say is true. Conservative Christianity is notorious for censoring outside information that contradicts what they believe, even if it comes from another denomination. Being home schooled, a middle school education was counting change and basic division for math, history that taught Alexander the Great unified the world to prepare it for Christ's birth, and just enough science to say evolution is "just a theory."

He pretty much has to be or he has a nasty logical inconsistency going on.
Saint Matthew 13:3 "And he spake many things unto them in "parables,...." St. Matthew 13:10 "And the disciples came, and said unto him, Why speakest thou unto them in parables?" Matthew 13:11 "He answered and said unto them, Because it is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it is not given." So as I said, many are forbidden to understand the word of God, and the Bible teaches this over and over again. You do not know the Bible.
Jesus loves atheists, too:

19 Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.'
Jesus loves atheists, too:

19 Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptise them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

20 and teach them to observe all the commands I gave you. And look, I am with you always; yes, to the end of time.'
Jesus gave his disciples specific instructions as to who they should teach the gospel. "These twelve Jesus sent forth, and commanded them, saying, Go not into the way of the Gentiles, and to any city of the Samaritans enter ye not. But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel." Saint Matthew 10: 5 and 6. When Jesus talks about going into all the world to teach the gospel he is talking about going into all the world to teach the gospel to the "lost sheep of the house of Israel", not everybody on the planet. Only simple minded people believe they should go and teach to everybody.