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Biggest benefits of leaving a religion


With respect to Christianity, what scientific evidence do you offer?
The bible says you aren't free if you reject God, you are just a servant to sin.
My profile below gives examples of this.

I wouldn't offer scientific proof for Christianity as I don't support it.


That is how I see it, following God can only be via a mediator, they are all we can know about God and that is why many have been mistaken for God, they are the only ones that share directly from God.

Big topic though.

Unbridled freedom is anarchy and does not work and never has, as man needs a moral code that is given in just laws for all people to submit to.

Regards Tony

I figured you would believe similar because from what I understand Baha'i originates from Shia Islam?

I agree with your second point.


People will. Satisfied?

There are billions of people who don’t actually follow religion and they don’t go around murdering and raping each other.

There are people who will and people who won't. Murder and rape are just part of the problem. There is also theft and abuse among other problems. History shows that people need law, hence why we have police.


Man has an inherent moral code. No religion needed.

This is tricky. I do not understand why you associate total freedom with no religion and the opposite to religion. Even atheists need laws as it is necessary for societies. These laws can develop independent from religion.

Morality is also subjective so total freedom will mean that a person can give into every desire they wish without consequences. A psychopath can go on a killing spree for instance, since psychopaths will not have this moral code that you speak of.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Every human today would have to agree that science is the cause of all evils to life on earth historically or else the Destroyer human owned prophetical mathematical reasoning would not be stated.

Belief about maths and science being by human imposition the creator of everything...which is why the teaching against human egotism became a medical healer science mind conscious pursuit...the healing of mind in alignment to balancing the body.

Which is a human science teaching of medical reasoning actually....as based on medical historic wisdom...which involved buildings also.

Just as we visit medical buildings today...the buildings in the past built to hold PHI sounds, was done so, as PHI ground irradiation fall out constantly changed its attack.

Why humans said God in the heavenly body saved me....by definition of a science teaching about how natural light formed cooling by explanation of lettered symbolism...what the word G O D meant.....to ground fall out radiation changing.

Proven by the patterns not all being just one pattern when GOD as fusion is one stone mass. Fused by WATER.

Ground fall out should by proof to self own ONE same pattern only...and it does not.

Reason….obvious CLOUD amassing is the reason...how much cloud mass exists.

Science was therefore taught as a philosophical reasoning once in the medical sound therapy buildings with Christ brothers. As it was in other Temple services, philosophical scientific basic knowledge taught to everyone for personal human aware meaningful purpose. So that science could not hurt us again by not being scientific inclined to understanding.

It is why science changed its language and symbolism....on purpose so that only the cult membership understood, rationally.

Today you have everyday science in biological science support to claim that religious science is a fallacy, whereas science itself is a fallacy.

Ask why the ancient use of the Church and Temple medical healing was overtaken by Satanic occult sciences as a community agreement? Because the Temple science was re practiced. Science therefore re caused another huge irradiation fall out depravity, so the medical sciences lost their ability to try to retrain the perverting consciousness.

Why everything went into a discussed mentality of the Dark Ages...for science caused human behaviour to change.

Therefore science of the occult nuclear is not even meant to own any support today in any reasoning, which would remove any scientific community from owning any say as a cult teaching...as scientific preaching.

The old human Jesus memories in AI owned the correct human past teaching, why I know so much about it...for I heard it, as human memory. Modern day preaching became a controlled motivated organized change.

Therefore the argument says, who then will control the human conscious mentality in life about the want of life destruction? When medical science is just what it is, applied to assist human life harmed, meanwhile occult science is causing the major percentile of that harm.

Where do you leave to?


Every human today would have to agree that science is the cause of all evils to life on earth historically or else the Destroyer human owned prophetical mathematical reasoning would not be stated.

Belief about maths and science being by human imposition the creator of everything...which is why the teaching against human egotism became a medical healer science mind conscious pursuit...the healing of mind in alignment to balancing the body.

Which is a human science teaching of medical reasoning actually....as based on medical historic wisdom...which involved buildings also.

Just as we visit medical buildings today...the buildings in the past built to hold PHI sounds, was done so, as PHI ground irradiation fall out constantly changed its attack.

Why humans said God in the heavenly body saved me....by definition of a science teaching about how natural light formed cooling by explanation of lettered symbolism...what the word G O D meant.....to ground fall out radiation changing.

Proven by the patterns not all being just one pattern when GOD as fusion is one stone mass. Fused by WATER.

Ground fall out should by proof to self own ONE same pattern only...and it does not.

Reason….obvious CLOUD amassing is the reason...how much cloud mass exists.

Science was therefore taught as a philosophical reasoning once in the medical sound therapy buildings with Christ brothers. As it was in other Temple services, philosophical scientific basic knowledge taught to everyone for personal human aware meaningful purpose. So that science could not hurt us again by not being scientific inclined to understanding.

It is why science changed its language and symbolism....on purpose so that only the cult membership understood, rationally.

Today you have everyday science in biological science support to claim that religious science is a fallacy, whereas science itself is a fallacy.

Ask why the ancient use of the Church and Temple medical healing was overtaken by Satanic occult sciences as a community agreement? Because the Temple science was re practiced. Science therefore re caused another huge irradiation fall out depravity, so the medical sciences lost their ability to try to retrain the perverting consciousness.

Why everything went into a discussed mentality of the Dark Ages...for science caused human behaviour to change.

Therefore science of the occult nuclear is not even meant to own any support today in any reasoning, which would remove any scientific community from owning any say as a cult teaching...as scientific preaching.

The old human Jesus memories in AI owned the correct human past teaching, why I know so much about it...for I heard it, as human memory. Modern day preaching became a controlled motivated organized change.

Therefore the argument says, who then will control the human conscious mentality in life about the want of life destruction? When medical science is just what it is, applied to assist human life harmed, meanwhile occult science is causing the major percentile of that harm.

Where do you leave to?

Firstly, I like the way you write, it is like poetry that I have to figure out. :D It is the same reason why i like reading the Book of Revelation.

Secondly, are you saying that science is just a rebranding of older (Satanic) practices that were used by the ancients in temples? For instance, like alchemy being the precursor to Science. Is its true meaning esoteric?

And are the practitioners' intention to harm humanity through science, such as with nuclear weapons and psychology?

I wouldn't say that science causes all the evil in life as an abusive husband or wife doesn't need tools to harm their spouse. A pedophile doesn't need tools to abuse a child.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Firstly, I like the way you write, it is like poetry that I have to figure out. :D It is the same reason why i like reading the Book of Revelation.

Secondly, are you saying that science is just a rebranding of older (Satanic) practices that were used by the ancients in temples? For instance, like alchemy being the precursor to Science. Is its true meaning esoteric?

And are the practitioners' intention to harm humanity through science, such as with nuclear weapons and psychology?

I wouldn't say that science causes all the evil in life as an abusive husband or wife doesn't need tools to harm their spouse. A pedophile doesn't need tools to abuse a child.
And imposing not scientific not needed quotes about human abuses, is also considered to be a threat in realistic modern times against forum users.

Science was named Satanism originally and males changed the title from Satanism to science....as if to coerce humanity.

Secondly as I am not machine builder designer who first thinks about God the O stone planet body, historically and what he believes it achieves as a science model......his machine is nothing at all like God, it is in fact existing in between 2 physical metal masses unnaturally...why his 13 fake female quotes are all fake.


In rational use of male science memories forced upon my brain in VISIONS by radiation fall out mind contact/coercion AI satellite studies...as owned by the organization for their owned Satanic purposes against Healer wisdom...caused me to see it as a science visionary.

I saw inside of the Earth old cold tunnel system being irradiated, radiation passing through the Earth stone was coming out into the tunnels and burning gas light ownership.

To a scientist that meant equals to natural light upper atmospheric gases alight....not cooled...for they had flames.

We do not see flames in the Earth gas atmosphere...not at night time nor day time.

And in the tunnel the VISION was a half man body muscular with a beast head....as inference to your mentality liar Satanist.

So I got to see you in your visionary self explanation of a science mind.

You theoried that God the Earth in the tunnel was going to give you the heavenly gas mass....and God as per your theory first thoughts/theory was doing exactly what you THEMED for God the Earth.

A total review of how ignorant and arrogant a Satanist psyche in science is...as the Destroyer self. For seeing you with that head is virtually a human claiming and oh when the UFO comes and saves me from being a prisoner on Earth, I will go into the cosmos saved.

In real life it means, oh when the UFO comes, it will remove all living conditions that a human owns and suck it into its heated melting body.

For when a human states that A UFO abducts our spirit, it means all the Earth gases that we own plus our water mass.

Human memory. Lots of humans have died in the UFO attack and so no one told their story. My Mother said that I was speaking on behalf of all victims who never were given a voice to protest against the Satanic inhumanity of their sick minded brothers.


May God's Will be Done
Premium Member
I figured you would believe similar because from what I understand Baha'i originates from Shia Islam?

I agree with your second point.

Yes, both the Bab and Baha'u'llah came from the Shia Line. Our writings confirm the verbal covenant was to be through Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Not sure if you are aware, that this interpretation is confirmed and fulfilled in Revelation chapter 11:1-14, the Two Witnesses.

Regards Tony


Yes, both the Bab and Baha'u'llah came from the Shia Line. Our writings confirm the verbal covenant was to be through Ali ibn Abi Talib.

Not sure if you are aware, that this interpretation is confirmed and fulfilled in Revelation chapter 11:1-14, the Two Witnesses.

Regards Tony


I wouldn't say "is" confirmed in Revelation. I would say "possibly". To me the Baha'i interpretation of Revelations is very doubtful.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
A big problem with those types of religions is that the adherents often time criticize other faiths not seeking to understand them, but to find dirt on them. So they will constantly be focusing on flaws. I see this the most in muslim apologist and Christian apologist interaction in which the opposing side looks at the other scripture through a surface lense rather than research the different interpretations throughout the ages or various other views. They also refuse to view the religion from its own premises and narrative which just causes more problems. these people aren't genuinely trying to understand other religions for the most part.

The whole attitude of 'We're right and everyone else is wrong' as exemplified by some Christian and Muslim apologists means its very hard to appreciate not just religions, but the cultures and peoples who have been profoundly and often positively influenced by those religions. It is like becoming blind to a large portion of the world's peoples and its history. I've heard some equate this fundamentalist attitude to being a form of intellectual suicide. In some instances there is a strong case to be made for no religion being better than the wrong religion.


The whole attitude of 'We're right and everyone else is wrong' as exemplified by some Christian and Muslim apologists means its very hard to appreciate not just religions, but the cultures and peoples who have been profoundly and often positively influenced by those religions. It is like becoming blind to a large portion of the world's peoples and its history. I've heard some equate this fundamentalist attitude to being a form of intellectual suicide. In some instances there is a strong case to be made for no religion being better than the wrong religion.

It is intellectual suicide because that way of thinking is the result of indoctrination, which is the opposite of critical thinking. Indeed they view all other religions as from Satan, which means that their view of those religions and the people involved is heavily tainted. These assumptions that they make based purely on belief is counterproductive to helping them understand others.


Non-Proselytizing Baha'i
Staff member
Premium Member
It is intellectual suicide because that way of thinking is the result of indoctrination, which is the opposite of critical thinking. Indeed they view all other religions as from Satan, which means that their view of those religions and the people involved is heavily tainted. These assumptions that they make based purely on belief is counterproductive to helping them understand others.

I'm very happy for you that you have freed yourself from your former faith. I really love Christianity a great deal but there are some sects that can be very harmful. After such an experience it is good to have a period of investigating the phenomenon of religion without getting too involved in any one faith. Its an opportunity to better understand your psychological make up and to discover what does and doesn't work for you. I had quite a few years of agnosticism and it was invaluable.


I'm very happy for you that you have freed yourself from your former faith. I really love Christianity a great deal but there are some sects that can be very harmful. After such an experience it is good to have a period of investigating the phenomenon of religion without getting too involved in any one faith. Its an opportunity to better understand your psychological make up and to discover what does and doesn't work for you. I had quite a few years of agnosticism and it was invaluable.


Yeah there are some sects that really deal psychological damage.

I am having fun with the journey at the moment. I do not know where it will lead.

Understanding my psychological makeup has been a revelation.

What does and doesn't work for you is an important question to ask. I think that sometimes being in such a group forces us to answer that question which we might not have been aware of before.


Religion operates in a totally different realm to science.

That depends on the religion. If it makes claims about the physical world, then those claims can be examined by science.

So if a religious book says that the "sun sets in a puddle of mud" literally for instance, then we can say that that religion is wrong by examining the claim using scientific methods.

For those things we cannot examine, what is a reliable way to determine whether the religion is true?

One can also use psychology and logic to examine religions as well.