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Is Climate Change real or a Hoax


It's all a sick freaking joke.
Premium Member
Global Warming also known as human caused global warming, is the rising average temperature of earth atmosphere and oceans and its related effects, sometimes popularly summarized as climate change. But there’s another group out there popularly knowns as global warming deniers who say,
  • A is not happening
  • B) is not caused by humans
  • C) is not significant enough to be a threat
Which makes more sense?

The data is just inconclusive.

The earth has and always will naturally warm and cool and it's on. This is verifiable fact everyone in science agrees on. What's contested is what we cannot prove. Is the current warming caused by humans or is it a part of the natural waming/cooling cycle. Some look at the rapid increase in the last 100 years and scream the sky is falling. Others look at the data compared to the history and see that we are actually several thousand years overdue for an ice age, and it could be this warming we are experiencing now is the precursor to the inevitable ice age ahead of us.

So that is why there is such a drastic difference of opinion, even within the govt and its own scientist. Basically you have 3 factions. Left leaning chicken littles, Right leaning deniers, and actually objectivist who look at the data and say, its inconclusive.


Active Member
I am (C).

Consensus isnt proof and thus dont matter.

Plus, i seen a video of a research group who if i remember correctly, got 40 or 400 thousand signatures from scientists who agree its not a threat.
I am (C).

Consensus isnt proof and thus dont matter.

Plus, i seen a video of a research group who if i remember correctly, got 40 or 400 thousand signatures from scientists who agree its not a threat.

I am (C).

Consensus isnt proof and thus dont matter.

Plus, i seen a video of a research group who if i remember correctly, got 40 or 400 thousand signatures from scientists who agree its not a threat.

Because u Consensus isn’t proof and thus doesn’t matter. Makes believe

1. You don’t know what your talking about in regards to climate change

2.You badly underestimate the expert consensus, which is above 90%

But go ahead a continue to watch your YouTube videos were you remember seeing 40/400k signatures from scientists saying climate change is not a threat.

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Name one scientist that has gone public with irrefutable proof.
Setting up for a semantic "well 99% certainty isn't irrefutable", "science doesn't ever irrefutably prove anything" argument, I see. Lame.
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Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Because u Consensus isn’t proof and thus doesn’t matter. Makes believe

1. You don’t know what your talking about in regards to climate change

2.You badly underestimate the expert consensus, which is above 90%

But go ahead a continue to watch your YouTube videos were you remember seeing 40/400k signatures from scientists saying climate change is not a threat.

What matters is proof, not consensus anyways. If i dont know what im talking about, and you do, then explain the proof.


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
Global Warming also known as human caused global warming, is the rising average temperature of earth atmosphere and oceans and its related effects, sometimes popularly summarized as climate change. But there’s another group out there popularly knowns as global warming deniers who say,
  • A is not happening
  • B) is not caused by humans
  • C) is not significant enough to be a threat
Which makes more sense?

My first thought in any issue like this is to find an agenda....there is always an agenda and it is invariably tied to money and big business.

Who has to something to lose if human pollution is causing the death of this planet....who will lose if their polluting ways are brought to a halt?.......will denying it stop the rot?

One only has to look at what we have done here to understand why big business would try to say it isn't happening. Might they have to stop their polluting ways? Not so far. I am hearing lots of complaining about plastic pollution and poor air quality in many nations, but I am not seeing much being done about halting the petrol-chemical contribution, which is the main offender. Add to that the chemical contamination of the soil caused by the food industry with its pesticides and artificial fertilisers.....then add to that the pharmaceutical industry with its tons of artificial drugs that pass through the human system into the sewers and out into the oceans.....is there any way that greedy humans have not added an immense burden to the earth's natural cycles for cleaning itself? So much so that it is now overwhelmed. Mother Earth is complaining bitterly....who is listening?

Now can you tell me what the scientists who are sounding the warning about climate change have to gain by doing so?

Always follow the money trail.....propaganda is clever and can be bought....sold to the highest bidder. Failure to heed warnings can be fatal.


Well-Known Member
The Finnish and Japanese study they quote does not argue against co2 and methane as causes of global warming only that galactic rays may also influence it. Misquoting is deception so read the source before using propaganda.
Hard to figure out who lie...
My understanding : it is non issue, pure political. Climate always changed . As always knowing 5% of 5%...

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
That joged my memory, yea, it was 30 thousand from a vid i seen. Cant find the vid though. Its somewhere. Ill still look.
Why bother looking for a youtube clip? There's a link to the alleged petition in @Prometheus85 excelent link:

"Robinson’s Petition Project now counts 31,487 signatories. Before we get to who those people are, the key flaw in the News Punch statement is that the petition doesn’t say what the article claims. Here’s what people sign:


For the purposes of this fact-check, the key sentence is, "There is no convincing scientific evidence that human release of carbon dioxide, methane, or other greenhouse gases is causing or will, in the foreseeable future, cause catastrophic heating of the Earth’s atmosphere and disruption of the Earth’s climate."

The petition says nothing about hoaxes or profit motives.

On its face, someone signing the petition need not believe that climate change is a hoax, nor that it has been perpetrated to make money. While some or even many who signed it might hold those beliefs, the petition itself doesn’t speak to either of those conditions.

In terms of the mindset of the signers, the statement relies on speculation.

Challenges to the petition
There are many reasons to question what it means to have over 31,000 people signing this petition.

First of all, the meaning of "scientist" is vague. The minimum requirement is a bachelor’s of science degree. That’s no guarantee that the person studied a science related to climate change, or that the person pursued a career in science. The petition’s website says that 12,715 signers hold "BS or equivalent academic degrees."

When we look at the number of people with some sort of background in fields that tie directly to climate change, the petition website said, "there are 3,805 scientists trained in specialties directly related to the physical environment of the Earth."

That would be about 12 percent of the total.

There are, according to the site, 9,029 people with PhDs, which comes closer to meeting a higher bar for being thought of as a scientist. Based on the site’s figures, most of them don’t specialize in climate change, but they likely are more familiar with scientific methods.

These important nuances get lost. A 2012 opinion piece in Forbes described the signers as "more than 31,000 American scientists from diverse climate-related disciplines."

That’s way off the mark, unless you count veterinarians -- one of the degrees that qualifies you as a scientist in the petition project -- and physicians."


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
Rather a minor nitpick. Do you think it invalidates the greater point?

What is "the greater point?" That you can take an issue like climate change and put a political spin on it?

Why do you assume I have an agenda other than to point out that the logo appears on there twice?

Kangaroo Feathers

Yea, it is written in the Book of Cyril...
Hard to figure out who lie...
My understanding : it is non issue, pure political. Climate always changed . As always knowing 5% of 5%...
Climate has always changed. Never so fast before, though. You know when the 10 hottest years on record were?
The 10 Hottest Global Years on Record

Natural climate change over hundreds or thousands of years give complex, interdependent systems time to adjust and adapt. Slam a thousand years worth of climate change into a decade, things start going very bad.
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