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Bear Wild
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  • Great to see you back!
    I'm so happy to hear the path is going well! I wondered if you'd gone out to the Grove!

    I'd love to hear the story of the name change, if you ever feel like sharing!
    Bear Wild
    Bear Wild
    During one of the mediation exercises I was joined by a bear on each side (not literally) and in front was a goddess looking at me and told me my new name. Explaining how this happened sounds strange but it had such an impact on me that I kept the name. Hope you are doing will. Thanks again for thinking of me.
    That sounds like a wonderful experience! :)
    Thanx for the contradicted claim furball.
    And for phloorbing my Uncle Bob.
    And for the special trees froulbe.
    And for foulbring the question of the number of gods.
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