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Activist atheism


Veteran Member
Did anyone read of the new laws in Germany concerning 12 years old engaging in pack rape?
Read my profile below.
If we are engaging in social engineering (ie banning religion) then we must demonstrate it's for
the Greater Good. Like to see someone try that. And I would like to see someone tell Muslims
they can't worship - they'll sort out the activists.

Are Migrants Really Raping Swedish Women?
The allegations are horrifying, but Sweden’s number of rapes has remained stable since the refugee influx, and police have had to retract accusations.

Are Migrants Really Raping Swedish Women?


These incidents came in the aftermath of a major scandal about "immigrant" groping and sex assaults in Germany at the new year, and earlier incidents in Sweden as well. Indeed, the extent of the sex assaults in Germany, according to a police document leaked to the German press, may be even more stunning than originally thought, with as many as 2,000 young men involved in the aggression. But in both countries the balance between blinding political correctness and outright race-baiting has proved a difficult line for authorities to walk.


The perpetrators are then named as "a gang of seven to eight boys belonging to the group of unaccompanied children," referring to the young male refugees who have arrived in the country without a parent or guardian.

However, the statement was quickly removed from the site after police admitted that of the seven men arrested, only two were young men who resided in the type of home for troubled youth that often houses young refugees without parents.

"The wording was unfortunate and we will take that to heart," the head of Värmland police, Lars Wirén, told Göteborgs-posten. "We should not generalize and point at a group like this. We should handle it on a case-to-case basis."


Grand Hat
Staff member
Premium Member
Lately I've been studying viewpoints of various atheists, and am disturbed at many of their radical agendas for society. They want to abolish religions, including home school and religious schools. Basically, they consider non-atheists as people not deserving of participation in society, because of viewpoints so obviously incorrect and untrue.

But considering that atheism merely assumes materialism and physicalism, explaining everything in terms of these, their hatred of spiritual beliefs seems unwarranted.

Ignoring atrocities by both atheists and religious, I don't see evidence that improvements to our world are all the result of atheism, and that religion holds us back.

'various atheists' is about as meaningful as 'various theists'.

Whomever these atheist folk are, they don't speak for me.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I think Tibet is overall better off.

What do you see differently, why?
Not according to those whose home it is. Why I see differently is because I am personal friends with people from the Tibetan community who are leaders and well established in ties with the Dalai Lama. I know them personally. There is nothing positive about it.


unknown member
Not according to those whose home it is. Why I see differently is because I am personal friends with people from the Tibetan community who are leaders and well established in ties with the Dalai Lama. I know them personally. There is nothing positive about it.
The Dalai Lama lived in a palace before he decided that he had to split, so yeah, nothing positive for him and his entourage.


unknown member
Lately I've been studying viewpoints of various atheists, and am disturbed at many of their radical agendas for society. They want to abolish religions, including home school and religious schools. Basically, they consider non-atheists as people not deserving of participation in society, because of viewpoints so obviously incorrect and untrue.

But considering that atheism merely assumes materialism and physicalism, explaining everything in terms of these, their hatred of spiritual beliefs seems unwarranted.

Ignoring atrocities by both atheists and religious, I don't see evidence that improvements to our world are all the result of atheism, and that religion holds us back.
These so called atheists you refer to, how well do they blend into society, could we spot one, are they shape shifters, because if they are how will we ever defend ourselves?

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
Good.. Its a lot of malarkey anyway.. No one wants to abolish religion.

Agreed. I would like for religion to mostly go away-- but. I would never agree that force should be used--ever.

I think that Freedom of religion is synonymous with Freedom from religion-- I am 100% against thought crime.

Regulating religion by law? Would constitute a thought crime-- since we cannot read minds? It would always be hearsay.

I would hope that by providing improved educational opportunities? That people would just naturally Wake Up, without coercion.

That being said? I am against allowing State Sponsored Religion of any kind: Mainly because that would corrupt both religion and the state.

If we learn anything from History? We need to learn that lesson: Corrupt State and/or Religion? Is pure Evil. And it is many times worse when these are combined.

Bob the Unbeliever

Well-Known Member
These so called atheists you refer to, how well do they blend into society, could we spot one, are they shape shifters, because if they are how will we ever defend ourselves?

Check them for rubber skin, and scales underneath. They must also wear special contact lenses, to disguise their vertical-slit pupils. Didn't you watch the Documentary?

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Lately I've been studying viewpoints of various atheists, and am disturbed at many of their radical agendas for society. They want to abolish religions, including home school and religious schools. Basically, they consider non-atheists as people not deserving of participation in society, because of viewpoints so obviously incorrect and untrue.

But considering that atheism merely assumes materialism and physicalism, explaining everything in terms of these, their hatred of spiritual beliefs seems unwarranted.

My only experience of activist atheism comes from reading the works of the Four Horsemen, belatedly, since I formed my views long before any came on the scene, and I haver sought them out.

The only thing I seem to have in common with the views of 'various atheists' you assert is the religious schools bit - where I see an issue of freedom from indoctrination as being more important than any parents' right to indoctrinate their children via schooling. But I know even many atheists do not go this far.

As for the rest, well I think I am like many other atheists, in that we might want to see a lessening of the influence of religions in society but would never want to see any banned or abolished - goes against our tendency for advocating freedom of expression etc. I am just as clairvoyant as most with regards the future, so can't say either way as to what will happen, but given the rate of fall of religions in the more liberal nations, I suspect religions will have less of an influence in the future. Not that all nations are destined to follow tamely in the footsteps of such, but perhaps the globalisation of information will do so more naturally when we get 'resistance is futile' screamed at them. :eek:

Ignoring atrocities by both atheists and religious, I don't see evidence that improvements to our world are all the result of atheism, and that religion holds us back.

And one could reverse this - I don't see any evidence that improvements are all down to religion(s) - just one of those things we might like to think about but we will never know. :rolleyes:


Nets of Wonder
Lately I've been studying viewpoints of various atheists, and am disturbed at many of their radical agendas for society. They want to abolish religions, including home school and religious schools. Basically, they consider non-atheists as people not deserving of participation in society, because of viewpoints so obviously incorrect and untrue.

But considering that atheism merely assumes materialism and physicalism, explaining everything in terms of these, their hatred of spiritual beliefs seems unwarranted.

Ignoring atrocities by both atheists and religious, I don't see evidence that improvements to our world are all the result of atheism, and that religion holds us back.
I’ve seen what looks to me like people saying or insinuating that the world would be better if everyone lost their belief in God. It might be only a few atheists saying that, and there are other people saying that besides atheists. My answer to that, if anyone really thinks that, is Freethought Blogs, Elevatorgate, Atheism Plus, the Slyme Pit and/or The Orbit.

Part of what I think is holding us back is what people do with what they think they know, that they call “science,” and with what they think they know from religious scriptures, blinding people to a light that I see in science and religion, and repelling them away from it.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I’ve seen what looks to me like people saying or insinuating that the world would be better if everyone lost their belief in God.

Many of us do hope people to transcend that need (if a need it is).

I would not call that a loss, though, although I must assume that for many people it must appear to be one.

You make it appear aggressive, but I do not think that it is the right way to perceive such a hope.

It might be only a few atheists saying that, and there are other people saying that besides atheists. My answer to that, if anyone really thinks that, is Freethought Blogs, Elevatorgate, Atheism Plus, the Slyme Pit and/or The Orbit.

This needs clarification.

What, if anything, do you find noteworth about those groups?

Part of what I think is holding us back is what people do with what they think they know, that they call “science,” and with what they think they know from religious scriptures, blinding people to a light that I see in science and religion, and repelling them away from it.

I am honestly not sure of what you are talking here.

I do however think that what holds us back is probably too much attachment to god-beliefs, for what it is worth, and to several unhealthy behaviors related to the "protection" and spread of such beliefs.


Nets of Wonder
Basically, they consider non-atheists as people not deserving of participation in society, because of viewpoints so obviously incorrect and untrue.
I see that as part of a larger problem of animosities across lines defined by what people believe or don’t believe. If you’re trying to help change that, maybe we could talk about our ideas and experiences some time.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I see that as part of a larger problem of animosities across lines defined by what people believe or don’t believe.

That would be an issue... except that it is a fictional one, at least as described in the OP.

That said (and say it I must) and coming back to situations that actually exist in the real world, it seems to me that while the rights for any combination of beliefs and non-beliefs related to god-concepts are very personal in nature and can not be regulated (a fact that some mainstream theistic doctrines go out of their way to attempt to ignore, mind you, much to their shame), that does not and should not translate into any form of freedom from criticism once we start to consider actual ideologies, actions and goals in the shared world.


Nets of Wonder
You make it appear aggressive ...
I didn’t mean it that way.
What, if anything, do you find noteworth about those groups?
Some reasons for thinking that people losing belief in God, by itself, does nothing to improve their attitudes and behavior. All it does is change the targets of their animosities, and their excuses for their behavior.
I do however think that what holds us back is probably too much attachment to god-beliefs, for what it is worth, and to several unhealthy behaviors related to the "protection" and spread of such beliefs.
That’s exactly what I meant, as far as it goes. I would also say too much attachment to what people think they know, that they call “science,” and to exactly the same behaviors related to the "protection" and spread of such beliefs.


Nets of Wonder
... it seems to me that while the rights for any combination of beliefs and non-beliefs related to god-concepts are very personal in nature and can not be regulated ... that does not and should not translate into any form of freedom from criticism once we start to consider actual ideologies, actions and goals in the shared world.
I agree.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I didn’t mean it that way.

Some reasons for thinking that people losing belief in God, by itself, does nothing to improve their attitudes and behavior. All it does is change the targets of their animosities, and their excuses for their behavior.

My experience tells me otherwise.

That’s exactly what I meant, as far as it goes. I would also say too much attachment to what people think they know, that they call “science,” and to exactly the same behaviors related to the "protection" and spread of such beliefs.

I don't think that I agree here.


Veteran Member
I’ve seen what looks to me like people saying or insinuating that the world would be better if everyone lost their belief in God. It might be only a few atheists saying that, and there are other people saying that besides atheists. My answer to that, if anyone really thinks that, is Freethought Blogs, Elevatorgate, Atheism Plus, the Slyme Pit and/or The Orbit.

Part of what I think is holding us back is what people do with what they think they know, that they call “science,” and with what they think they know from religious scriptures, blinding people to a light that I see in science and religion, and repelling them away from it.

Never heard of
Freethought Blogs, Elevatorgate, Atheism Plus, the Slyme Pit and/or The Orbit.


Veteran Member: I Share (not Debate) my POV
Lately I've been studying viewpoints of various atheists, and am disturbed at many of their radical agendas for society. They want to abolish religions, including home school and religious schools. Basically, they consider non-atheists as people not deserving of participation in society, because of viewpoints so obviously incorrect and untrue.

But considering that atheism merely assumes materialism and physicalism, explaining everything in terms of these, their hatred of spiritual beliefs seems unwarranted.

Ignoring atrocities by both atheists and religious, I don't see evidence that improvements to our world are all the result of atheism, and that religion holds us back.

Religions (Christian, Islam) have a viewpoint that all humans should become religious

The world is balanced by yin/yang, and action creates reaction

Seems natural that after 2000 years of Religion impact we now get to see the other side