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I'm a retired cop. Wanna hear how it really is?


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
When dealing with a person in uniform wearing a badge and armed and trained a little
common sense and a bit of respect is a sign of intelligence.
I occasionally get stopped by cops and "sir" the hell out of them and act very much
like the scared old guy I am.
How do I know where the cop just came from? What he/she just dealt with?
I've gone from helping an invalid back into bed to fighting for my life in five minutes.
I never use the word, "sir", but I'm friendly & informative.
I'd rather be liked than beaten.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation in Jan 1863.
The Government ( Lincoln) set free all slaves.
On paper and in spirit of the law in an attempt to:
Justify the war to keep the Union together.
To right the wrongs of whites who owned people as farmers own live stock.
By the way. "White man's guilt" is a very real syndrome.
White guilt - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Read White Guilt ^^^^ and there are many books on this real topic.
I even feel it to some degree.
Remember as a child I was raised for a time by a black family.
Now Lincoln lets loose the slaves in 1863. (the same year he emancipated W.Va.):D
Now our nation, still very much embroiled in a bloody Civil War, has millions of....................................
of what? Two legged cattle wondering around the landscape with NO ONE to care for them.
What did "we" as a nation do to help these former slaves?
Oh, there were some church groups, some philanthropic people with some bucks
that took in some blacks but by and large we let loose millions of :
people who were taught they were inferior to a white man's pig.
So what in the hell so we expect of them?
Of course the abuse continued in the KKK and other white red neck jackasses that
viewed blacks as inferior to a cow.
If I were black I guess I'd have an attitude also.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
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Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
Okay. lol
As I read your original post, I'm reminded that I don't know and never will know, what it's like to be a cop. And I don't know what it's like to be an african american living in a society that is largely governed and managed by whites. I don't know what it's like to be poor. I don't know what it's like to be on welfare, and if it's fair to call such a way of life 'entitlements.' You see, unless we truly have walked in someone else's shoes...we just don't know. You may see many african americans as coming off with entitlement attitudes, but it could be the only life they have ever known...or witnessed in their families. It is often said that a woman who has issues with her dad, will have trust issues with other men. I can attest to that statement. But, for those men who I have hurt, they don't care about the 'whys' of how I arrive at my distrust, but rather...they just chastise me...and blanket statement me. But, they don't understand me. Likewise, I don't understand the life of a cop. Or the life of a black person. Or the life of very poor person living in a dangerous neighborhood. For that was never my life. But, I can have compassion for those who I don't understand. And until we try to understand others more...we will continue to fight one another. Men against women. Blacks against whites. Religions against religions. It's easy to blanket statement people whom we don't understand, even if how they live their lives is beyond comprehension.

That's how I see it, fwiw.

What you wrote was prose.
I think I love you.:p


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
I meant to write "Wanna HEAR" not here. Duh!

I'm white. I served 22.5 years in the mean streets.
My city was at least 40% ethnic, mostly African American Blacks.
I joined the force at the tail end of the race riots in the late 60's & early 70's.
Black people HATED me tho I was raised very poor right along side of many of those I dealt with.
This nation got started off badly by allowing slavery in the south.
This nation fought a bloody Civil War to end this abomination. 600,000 dead at least
and who knows how many wounded physically and mentally?
Former slaves had a tough time being accepted in the new "free" culture.
A free culture in name only as we all know.
The real black hero's were Fredrick Douglas (a personal hero of mine) and Dr. Carver, the Tuskegee
Airmen, those of the only black tank Division that fought in WWII with great courage, and
not in the least Dr. King.
In order to do something to help black our government began paying blacks to live.
Paying them to have children, giving away free NEW hoses, and grand educational opportunities.
This is a very brief synopsis of welfare but I think the points will be made.
This started a multi-generational "gimme" attitude of "entitlement".
"I'm black, I'm young, and it's YOUR fault I'm po' and live in da hood".
When I was a cop we arrested people caught shoplifting. Most all were young blacks.
I've searched black thieves cars and found trunks FULL of expensive clothing stolen
from who knows where?
Parents of these thieving young people simply took them from custody without a word said
against stealing. Hmmm?
I am not racist I am realistic.
We created a monster of young blacks who feel entitled to do what they want and when caught
they protest. Now everyone has video and the video we see on the news is the portion of the
event that looks the worse for authority and the best for victims.
When a white cop reacts badly it gets national attention. It should.
But do we see the whole picture?
Have you ever been surrounded by hundreds of black people threatening, cursing, advancing
upon your alone self?
I HAVE! It ain't pretty.
I NEVER went for the gun. I remained totally calm as I'm NOT afraid of blacks. I grew up with
blacks. Turned out to my credit in the long run.
We live in a world of African Americans many of whom grew up without a father and on the
benefits of the government (read tax payers).
Young blacks live in an aura of entitlement without responsibility.
Our nation is coming unglued and it's going to get even uglier.
The black citizens of America have FAILED completely to assimilate into the American culture.
Dr. King would be revolted to see what's happened to an entire race of humans that live in a
gimme more culture.
There, that's one cops take that's been there done that.
My dad was a cop in Tennessee for 20 years(beat cop). I liked your post not because I agree with all(or even a lot) of it, but because you're not trying to make yourself look like a hero. That gets so f*cking annoying. And it makes it even more difficult to defend the decent cops, when you have glory-hounds, obvious racists, closeted racists, psychotics and just..yeah.

So I don't agree with you. But I know exactly where you're coming from.

sun rise

The world is on fire
Premium Member
Yes indeed I am. What I say flies in the face of conventional "wisdom".
The white mans guilt has never been so exploited. (aw man I'm really gonna get it now):confused:
There is NO DOUBT that blacks STILL have a hard time in this still largely white
society. I've seen that also in my over 2 decades of police work.
No other minority culture in the history of this vast melting pot of a country has
been so coddled and catered to than the former slave class.
Italians, Jews, Catholics, Irish, and gawd knows the Native Americans, and many
others have been horribly treated by white Christians but ALL made their own way
eventually and did it without being on the dole generation after generation.
I dunno. Maybe we should give every black child born $100,000 bucks to invest towards
an education?
But how does one instill self pride and self respect? I'm at a loss to suggest anything.
Two opposite points - coddled? Hung from trees? Kept out of good neighborhoods? Selectively targeted by cops? Called "boy" and worse? Selectively discriminated again in education?

My Jewish background helps me understand a bit of what blacks have had to put up with - being called "kike", kept out of certain neighborhoods and certain organizations, called "Christ killer" "Shylock" and more. And on top of that, having one's livelihood and family stability destroyed by economic redistribution to the wealthy from outsourcing and union busting. It's totally not surprising to me that there's serious black anger and rage in the country given how badly blacks have been treated.

How does one install pride and self-respect? By treating people as equals because they matter and by showing them respect as human beings equal, under God, to any other human being. By using the words "sir" and "ma'am". By eliminating "food deserts" in black neighborhoods by government action if necessary. By making sure that public schools and private schools all have equally good teachers, equipment and buildings. By supporting positively focused black groups which are everywhere. By not tolerating discrimination on the part of any groups including certain police departments and cops.

I'm not a Christian but many parts of the Bible speak deeply to me. In this case, And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.

Change does not happen over night but treating people with respect causes many of them to treat themselves with respect.


What? Me worry?
Of course it's an over generalization. To delve into all the social aspects would
take a book written by a team of Phd's.
It's one persons generalization based an real life experiences and that's all it
I lived in a nice upper class home in the country in a 36 square mile township with zero
black residents. Our new neighbors were a black couple with the issued two kids.
Both were college educated professionals.
Their parents were share croppers that put ALL their kids thru college.
I know there are those that excel but look at the majority that live on the dole.
The gimme group is now a multi-generational group of entitlement people.

When you think about it we have fourth generation folks who have absolutely no concept of getting up every weekday morning (or even one or two mornings) and going to work. I believe in helping people but the welfare state has managed to re-enslave a host of folks of every ethnic background.


I meant to write "Wanna HEAR" not here. Duh!

I'm white. I served 22.5 years in the mean streets.
My city was at least 40% ethnic, mostly African American Blacks.
I joined the force at the tail end of the race riots in the late 60's & early 70's.
Black people HATED me tho I was raised very poor right along side of many of those I dealt with.
This nation got started off badly by allowing slavery in the south.
This nation fought a bloody Civil War to end this abomination. 600,000 dead at least
and who knows how many wounded physically and mentally?
Former slaves had a tough time being accepted in the new "free" culture.
A free culture in name only as we all know.
The real black hero's were Fredrick Douglas (a personal hero of mine) and Dr. Carver, the Tuskegee
Airmen, those of the only black tank Division that fought in WWII with great courage, and
not in the least Dr. King.
In order to do something to help black our government began paying blacks to live.
Paying them to have children, giving away free NEW hoses, and grand educational opportunities.
This is a very brief synopsis of welfare but I think the points will be made.
This started a multi-generational "gimme" attitude of "entitlement".
"I'm black, I'm young, and it's YOUR fault I'm po' and live in da hood".
When I was a cop we arrested people caught shoplifting. Most all were young blacks.
I've searched black thieves cars and found trunks FULL of expensive clothing stolen
from who knows where?
Parents of these thieving young people simply took them from custody without a word said
against stealing. Hmmm?
I am not racist I am realistic.
We created a monster of young blacks who feel entitled to do what they want and when caught
they protest. Now everyone has video and the video we see on the news is the portion of the
event that looks the worse for authority and the best for victims.
When a white cop reacts badly it gets national attention. It should.
But do we see the whole picture?
Have you ever been surrounded by hundreds of black people threatening, cursing, advancing
upon your alone self?
I HAVE! It ain't pretty.
I NEVER went for the gun. I remained totally calm as I'm NOT afraid of blacks. I grew up with
blacks. Turned out to my credit in the long run.
We live in a world of African Americans many of whom grew up without a father and on the
benefits of the government (read tax payers).
Young blacks live in an aura of entitlement without responsibility.
Our nation is coming unglued and it's going to get even uglier.
The black citizens of America have FAILED completely to assimilate into the American culture.
Dr. King would be revolted to see what's happened to an entire race of humans that live in a
gimme more culture.
There, that's one cops take that's been there done that.

I actually agree with most of what you are saying - and that will probably catch me some crap! :p

Another thing that really bugs me is the black - no snitch culture. There was a special a couple of years ago that covered not only black on white crime - but black on black crime. They cited hundreds of black on black cases - where the people heard the rape or murder, and saw who did it, and never called the police, and when the police tried to question them - they were saying to each other don't be a snitch!

Let your neighbor be raped and murdered - don't be a snitch?

You are correct that most have not assimilated into our culture. In fact several black leaders have actually commented on this, noting the clothing styles, language, music, etc., that are meant to keep others away.

You can really see the difference when you look at black folks in other modern countries. They have assimilated. They don't have the crime, or prejudice.

Something needs to be done, - but I'm not sure what at this point.

Personally I think a move to a Democratic-Socialist style country (like the Nordic countries) - would go a long way toward change.

Everyone is taken care of, college is free, etc., BUT - everybody works, and pays their share in taxes. No freeloaders.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
When you think about it we have fourth generation folks who have absolutely no concept of getting up every weekday morning (or even one or two mornings) and going to work. I believe in helping people but the welfare state has managed to re-enslave a host of folks of every ethnic background.
Most people on welfare do work.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
When you think about it we have fourth generation folks who have absolutely no concept of getting up every weekday morning (or even one or two mornings) and going to work. I believe in helping people but the welfare state has managed to re-enslave a host of folks of every ethnic background.

Yes this.^^^^^^^ A great point I was trying to make about blacks in general failing
to assimilate into American culture. Being a cop in a dead former steel town in the
"rust belt" of N.E. Ohio and west Pa. we had more than enough white trash.
White trash is a harsh term and I mean no ill intent but the phrase is descriptive
and everyone knows what I mean. The only difference between people of color
making a lifestyle on the dole and white trash is the color of their skin and perhaps
some cultural differences.
Back to the Emancipation of the American Slaves.
I want all to know that I see the issues pretty clearly I think.
We turned loose all those people who had NO self worth at all.
The expression "eating high on the hog" is a slave expression.
It means the white man eats the upper cuts of the hog, the loin, chops, roasts,
The slave got the head, hocks, guts, feet, tail, ...if they were lucky.
So when a black did well somehow he was "eating high on the hog".
That expression says a lot about how the slave was treated.
Newly free slaves were so downtrodden and had such low self worth as a race that
they needed some loving care and education that they didn't get.
I haven't any easy answers for blacks today except that THEY, as a race, must
develop some kind of self esteem and rise above the past.
Perhaps we need less Al Sharpton's and Jesse Jackson's and more Dr. Kings.


Learning more about Jehovah.
Premium Member
My dad was a cop in Tennessee for 20 years(beat cop). I liked your post not because I agree with all(or even a lot) of it, but because you're not trying to make yourself look like a hero. That gets so f*cking annoying. And it makes it even more difficult to defend the decent cops, when you have glory-hounds, obvious racists, closeted racists, psychotics and just..yeah.
So I don't agree with you. But I know exactly where you're coming from.

Yes and I know exactly what you mean.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
U would expect Popos to harrass muslims more than blacks because of isis.
If bigotry were eliminated, the cops would still kill nearly as many people.
That's a fine focus, but less compelling to me than facing the police state.
We have a systemic problem with their training (inititial & continuing), management, prosecution, militarization, insulation from society, the blue wall, ticket quotas, hassle quotas, & dysfunctional laws (which I'm sure many cops would rather not enforce).
Government makes cops the enemy.


The Last Prussian
Premium Member
Yes and I know exactly what you mean.
How badly screwed up are you, physically speaking? My dad has intense tinnitus, largely in his right ear(guess where the siren sits, everyone), and he's missing all the cushion-bits in his vertebrae from a combination of getting in & out of a car with...I think, 20-30lbs of gear(gunbelt mostly, those ****ers are heavy, because everything goes in that, the gun, spray, sets of cuffs, radio, ect) when he was doing it(could be more)? All 'resting' on his waist & spine. Knees are done too.

If anyone wants an incredibly painful, drawn-out way to commit suicide and destroy nigh-any relationship you ever try to get into, join the Police.

That's part of why some officers just break. Like that guy in Cali a few years back, the black guy who eventually died in that fire. He wasn't a monster, or at least he didn't start as one. The combination of job-stress, the constant harassment he had to take from superiors & even those of his rank, the f*cking pittance police are paid..

Yeah. Far as I'm concerned, with him, the only thing he did wrong was attack the families of other officers. Because the cops he shot(a caveat: All the ones I am aware of)? They earned it. I will not take that back.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
You are correct that most have not assimilated into our culture. In fact several black leaders have actually commented on this, noting the clothing styles, language, music, etc., that are meant to keep others away.
I occasionally get negative comments for looking like a metal head. I get told how "bad" my music choices are (which includes some rap), and I've even been accused of being a neo-Nazi a couple of times. I've been told that some people think I have superiority complex because of my word choices. I won't say the pledge, bow me head during public prayer, and I am prone to saying things that upset people, even though that isn't my intention.
And I've never gotten the help I need to learn to how to be socially on par with regular people. But I do get a lot of messages from society about how introverts are unwanted, people who don't talk much can't be trusted, and it's frustrating trying to get a job knowing the person interviewed before you, and after you, is going to be more "likeable" because they're going to have much better social skills than you.
I could probably do some things differently, but that doesn't change the fact society has made me feel marginalized since as long as I can remember.
I'm not black, but I have seen, many times in many ways, how this culture people expect them to be assimilated into has marginalized them, assumed their guilt, and make them feel unwanted.

Not in my neighborhood.
Here it, from the WSJ.
Get a Job? Most Welfare Recipients Already Have One - Real Time Economics - WSJ
It’s poor-paying jobs, not unemployment, that strains the welfare system.
That’s one key finding from a study by researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, that showed the majority of households receiving government assistance are headed by a working adult.



If bigotry were eliminated, the cops would still kill nearly as many people.
That's a fine focus, but less compelling to me than facing the police state.
We have a systemic problem with their training (inititial & continuing), management, prosecution, militarization, insulation from society, the blue wall, ticket quotas, hassle quotas, & dysfunctional laws (which I'm sure many cops would rather not enforce).
Government makes cops the enemy.

This is true, and it shows in court cases for domestic abuse. Cops and military have a high percentage of abuse.

They also need better psychological testing before they let them become cops.

I live in a small town on an island. This means I grew up with some of our local police, - AND KNOW THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN A BADGE.

As a teen I stayed overnight at my grandparent's house one weekend, - On Sunday morning, after my grandparents had gone to church - and I was sleeping, - I started to feel odd, like someone was watching me. I opened my eyes, and a guy I knew (in passing) was sitting in a chair at the end of the bed staring at me. I knew he was unhinged, and I was in real danger, so I acted like it was a normal morning, - How you doing? Beautiful morning Isn't it? I carried on a normal conversation until he started to get antsy, at which point I told him he needed to go as I needed to get up and get dressed, and my Grandparents would be home from church any minute. He looked confused, then told me he liked me, and that he wanted to give me a piece of jewelry. I accepted it with much thanks and smiles, talked him out the door - then jumped out of bed and locked all the doors and windows. This weirdo became a police officer here! He has since moved from precinct to precinct, - too weird to keep around, - but no one drums him out for good.

Another one was small and bullied while we were in school, - he also became a police officer HERE, - and apparently thinks his badge gives him stature and status, - he now bullies people that gave him problems in school, - and others as well.

Both of these people should never have become police officers.


Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I live in a small town on an island. This means I grew up with some of our local police, - AND KNOW THEY NEVER SHOULD HAVE BEEN GIVEN A BADGE.
I can't say anything about his background, but the two times I have been in a cop car, it was the same cop. The first time he pulled me over, I was going slow because my car was low on gas, and I had a gas can in my car because my mom sent me to the gas station to get gas in the can for the mower. Rather than look at my gas gauge when I pointed at it, explaining to him why I was going slow, and realizing that a gas station in the country is of course going to have a lot of people going to it for gas for the mower (and what the hell else am I supposed to do with it driving a car?), he made me get out my car and into his so he could smell my breath because he thought for sure I was intoxicated. He also refused to tell my why he pulled me over until he saw my license and registration.
As I said, I know nothing of his background, but his known, throughout the county, for being an *******. And believe me, he acts like a real jerk who's on one helluva power trip.
The second time I was in his car, it was because I forgot my license at home. But I haven't seen his cruiser at his home for awhile, so I don't even know if he is still a sheriff or not.