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Why I've begun to fear Trump

Sultan Of Swing

Well-Known Member
To those who say they'll vote third party or stay at home rather than than vote for Mrs Clinton, I'd put one question. If Trump won, would you still feel that you'd done the right thing, that you had a "clean conscience"?

For want of me the world's course will not fail;
When all its work is done, the lie shall rot.
For truth is great and shall prevail,
Once none cares whether it prevails or not.
Depends on what Trump actually does in office eh


Ontological Naturalist
Premium Member
For quite awhile now I've been championing Trump's rise in the Republican conventions because if voted in as the Republican nominee it would ensure Clinton's move to the Oval Office.

However, after watching the altercations at the N. C. Trump Rally I realized that Trump has been tapping into a hitherto-for silent chunk of the America population---a good 40-50% of the eligible voters who've never seen a voting machine before. Red neck, knee-jerk, high school dropouts who can't tell one end of a pencil from the other, but absolutely love Trump's take-no- prisoners approach to running the government. Never mind that he's an inept buffoon who believes lying is a legitimate part of doing business, as long as he talks tough and plays to their fears he's their long awaited political messiah.

The one ray of hope is that Hillary's best chance may come from disaffected Republicans who jump ship rather than go down with it.

Every democracy deserves the leaders they chose.


- viole


You know, Trump is a lot of things. He's a salesman, and a smart man. If he can convince the Republicans to let him be their candidate, he could beat Hillary. All he would have to do is make any kind of centrist appeal and he could scoop up all the disaffected Democrats who feel a Wall Street mouthpiece (Hillary) who claims she's on their side isn't representative enough. They might be tempted to vote for a Wall Street mouthpiece (Trump) who can say that he not another helping of the status quo. In a country as disenfranchised as the US it could work.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Actually, I worry just about as much about Cruz as I do Trump. To me, Rubio and Kasich are much more trustworthy-- at least as far as politicians go.


Premium Member
Donald Trump will be the next president of the United States, I can't explain why, but there is very little doubt in my mind. :smilecat: Folks are just as sick of the Clintons as they are of the Bush's, but I am sure it goes a hell of a lot deeper than that. The political establishment has become obsolete, and hopefully the people will finally strip them of their power and sense of authority and supremacy over the people. Furthermore, Trump strikes me as someone who can be diplomatic when necessary and simply tell it like it is when necessary without all the pc bull crap.

The future political spectrum of the house and senate though is a complete mystery. I hope that the Republicans can maintain their hold and also gain some seats in both houses, hence, potentially giving the Trump administration even more of the political strength it will require in order to achieve its goals.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
I have been against Trump for awhile but as of lately his ability to force change in winning me over. I don't believe he will be able to accomplish anything in office. He will just force both parties to change. 4 years of him is not going to end to world.

Still on the fence, but Trump keeps shaking it.
Trump is a capable leader. Who knows? Maybe he will prove to be a great president.

Anyways, I think its high time the anger of the nation towards liberal rule makes itself known. You don't alienate and strong arm the majority to placate issues brought about by an "entitled" minority because this is exactly what happens. Not because of the issues themselves, or even those in need by which issues are raised, but by how one goes about solving them.

While Trump wasn't my first choice, I will definitely vote in support.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Why would I vote for a guy who has continued to make racist and religiously bigoted statements, and also who has threatened people? Is this the kind of leader we really want?

If he made racist comments about you, made religiously bigoted statements against your religion, and then threatened to punch you, would you still vote for him? Or is just fine for him to do this against others but not against you and yours?


Veteran Member
Why would I vote for a guy who has continued to make racist and religiously bigoted statements, and also who has threatened people? Is this the kind of leader we really want?

If he made racist comments about you, made religiously bigoted statements against your religion, and then threatened to punch you, would you still vote for him? Or is just fine for him to do this against others but not against you and yours?
His tactics for obtaining free media coverage seems to be working. Do you think he would be getting all the free exposure if his tactics were the same as the rest of the candidates? Does one really know what his agenda is other than becoming President?
I guess will have to wait for him to be sworn into office to find out now won't we?:)


aged ecumenical anthropologist
His tactics for obtaining free media coverage seems to be working. Do you think he would be getting all the free exposure if his tactics were the same as the rest of the candidates? Does one really know what his agenda is other than becoming President?
I guess will have to wait for him to be sworn into office to find out now won't we?:)
So, "the ends justifies the means"? Not in my book.

But I noticed that you didn't address my question, so let me repeat it just for you: If he made racist comments about you, made religiously bigoted statements against your religion, and then threatened to punch you, would you still vote for him? Or is just fine for him to do this against others but not against you and yours?


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Short of something extraordinary happening, I don’t have the slightest fear that Trump will be elected President. As it is, he doesn't even seem to ever attract more than 35% of Republicans in the primaries. I think this makes it unlikely that he is going to win over those fence-sitters in battleground states who are needed to elect the President in non-landslide elections.

And I am quite certain that he will not win by attracting a large crowd of people who have never voted before.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
So, "the ends justifies the means"? Not in my book.

But I noticed that you didn't address my question, so let me repeat it just for you: If he made racist comments about you, made religiously bigoted statements against your religion, and then threatened to punch you, would you still vote for him? Or is just fine for him to do this against others but not against you and yours?
Metis, you know as well as I know that for the vast majority of voting Americans the only issue that determines their vote is whether the candidate has an (R) or a (D) behind his/her name.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Short of something extraordinary happening, I don’t have the slightest fear that Trump will be elected President. As it is, he doesn't even seem to ever attract more than 35% of Republicans in the primaries. I think this makes it unlikely that he is going to win over those fence-sitters in battleground states who are needed to elect the President in non-landslide elections.

And I am quite certain that he will not win by attracting a large crowd of people who have never voted before.
Even though I tend to agree with you, there's one scenario that could change that "formula" quickly, and that might be a strong terrorist attack perpetrated by Islamic extremists, and they would be so inclined to do just that. ISIS and al-Queda would like nothing better than to draw us into another war with them so they could yell from the rooftops "Americans hate Muslims!".


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Metis, you know as well as I know that for the vast majority of voting Americans the only issue that determines their vote is whether the candidate has an (R) or a (D) behind his/her name.
To a degree, I agree with you; but to another degree, we tend to run campaigns as if they were popularity contests. Notice how the polls can change even in just one week, such as the noser that Rubio took recently. Issues tend to be less important than sound-bites and imagery.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Even though I tend to agree with you, there's one scenario that could change that "formula" quickly, and that might be a strong terrorist attack perpetrated by Islamic extremists, and they would be so inclined to do just that.
That would be "something extraordinary". But even then I have difficulty seeing something like that as persuasive to the fence-sitters in a close election to vote for Trump.

As it is, I don't think it's going to be a terribly close race between Trump and Clinton, if they are the nominees. Trump just doesn't seem to me to be attracting those numbers from Republicans--and he obviously even scares a lot of Republicans (which is a first). I think his primary appeal to any fence-sitters (if they be needed in the election) is to those who believe he's going to create a (better) job for them by throwing out undocumented workers.


Veteran Member
That would be "something extraordinary". But even then I have difficulty seeing something like that as persuasive to the fence-sitters in a close election to vote for Trump.

As it is, I don't think it's going to be a terribly close race between Trump and Clinton, if they are the nominees. Trump just doesn't seem to me to be attracting those numbers from Republicans--and he obviously even scares a lot of Republicans (which is a first). I think his primary appeal to any fence-sitters (if they be needed in the election) is to those who believe he's going to create a (better) job for them by throwing out undocumented workers.
There are only two Republicans candidates that have enough voter support to be the nominee, and that would be Trump or Cruz. Now I believe that if either one wins the nomination the supporters of the other will support the nominee. I say this because both of them have basically the same ideas.

Where there is a problem is between Hillary and Sanders. They have basically different ideas, are Bernie supporters going to support Hillary?


Veteran Member
Tell you what why don't you tone down you raucous portrayal of Trump supporters and just focus on why you support whomever you support. I have no problem with you attacking any politician but I do have a serious objection to you attacking those that support a certain politician.
Hmm. . . . . I just can't bring myself to care.


Well-Known Member
Premium Member
It is getting to the point that I'm going to have to call you out on your portrayal of those that support Trump. Where do you get the "facts" that 40-50% of them are uneducated buffoons? Are you actually saying that you and others that oppose Trump are far more intelligent, and superior to them? Is it possible that the reason that more "Republican" voters have turned out this year is they finally see someone that is not a self-serving political hack and is saying what they believe? Is it possible that the Republican nominee, whomever they are, will win the election because, if you haven't noticed, that the turnout for Democrats is considerably less this year and they can see that the Democrats power base has already fixed the race for the Hillary. I suspect that a large majority of Democrats do not want Hillary and either will stay home or out of spite vote for the Republican. Turn about is fair play you know.

Tell you what why don't you tone down you raucous portrayal of Trump supporters and just focus on why you support whomever you support. I have no problem with you attacking any politician but I do have a serious objection to you attacking those that support a certain politician.

Thank you for this post. Very well said. I have a close friend who has a doctorate degree in psychology and teaches at the university here. I may not agree with him on every subject political or otherwise but he is definitely no idiot. And why the need for some to resort to such prepubescent name calling of those who think differently from us.