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Why can't Lucifer ever be redeemed?

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Why would Lucifer want or need redemption? Even for me, returning to the chains and shackles of the Tyrant is just not desirable, and I much rather throw myself over a bridge. As Lucifer set me free, I don't think he'll be anymore willing to see a need for this redemption and return to a god who won't even hear his case.


I'm fond of Allan Kardec's book "the spirits book". In that book the Spirits tell him that every Spirit will eventually be purified and made perfect. Wouldn't you prefer it if that was the case? Maybe it is. How do you know it isn't? In the Scriptures, sometimes God changes his mind. Why can't all spirits eventually be redeemed?

Satan is from Tanakh, and is a servant of YHVH. He is not an autonomous evil being.

Christianity made him into an evil being.

Lucifer isn't actually a name found in Tanakh.

Isaiah 14 isn't about Satan. It is about a King of Babylon.



Well-Known Member
Premium Member
Perhaps to show, though God's mercy is great there is a limit. In the beginning man could do whatever they want but eat from the one tree or touch it. In the end God can forgive all sins but chooses to hold one accountable. Or something like that, who knows.


New Member
All "spirits" cannot be redeemed because that would violate free will. All societies have rules and consequences for breaking the rules.

Lucifer and all other angels who chose to side with Lucifer in the rebellion were offered mercy but with the loss of all authority and position. All the angels chose mercy except Lucifer. Lucifer wants to be in charge of this universe or have nothing at all. Once Lucifer's trial is complete he will undoubtedly cease to exist. The judgment and punishment will be conducted by very high level angels, not God.

God doesn't change His mind. Over time ignorant humans learn that what they thought was true, was not true, for instance an "eye for an eye" seemed to change to "forgiveness".

If you really want to understand the bible more then you should study primitive cultures.
"All societies...."........." Study primitive cultures..to understand the bible"....
Yes indeed, the societies of every life form, conforms to its design, or dies, within the spectrum of behaviour laid down by nature and the universe and the forces that organise and keep it running. However, fortunately, whatever you, or religious dogma offer as truth...the rules of god are mysterious and the strongest force of all ....is never organised by human society, but by that force humans call 'love'. It cannot be dictated to, or arranged, or explained. It has no set of rules that can be identified, like the byelaws of a town hall. Religious and societal rules are made for the control and cohesion of human societies. Love gives freedom of choice, together with forgiveness of *every* error. Jesus himself forgave everyone, " for they know not what they do". That is the nature of Love. Wilfully causing pain or sadness, brings its own sadness. But always, forgiveness is there to be found.


Face to face with my Father
Premium Member
I'm fond of Allan Kardec's book "the spirits book". In that book the Spirits tell him that every Spirit will eventually be purified and made perfect. Wouldn't you prefer it if that was the case? Maybe it is. How do you know it isn't? In the Scriptures, sometimes God changes his mind. Why can't all spirits eventually be redeemed?
Because there are those whose will has determined that "I don't EVERY want to submit to someone else... AND I want to be God".


Rev 20:10 And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of burning sulfur, where the beast and the false prophet had been thrown. They will be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
These structures and characters of some higher world can never be perceived as physical reality. They are mythology which is more powerful than any literal interpretation if you accept that even things in the physical world are mere symbols of a higher reality that we cannot understand.

Super Universe

Defender of God
"All societies...."........." Study primitive cultures..to understand the bible"....
Yes indeed, the societies of every life form, conforms to its design, or dies, within the spectrum of behaviour laid down by nature and the universe and the forces that organise and keep it running. However, fortunately, whatever you, or religious dogma offer as truth...the rules of god are mysterious and the strongest force of all ....is never organised by human society, but by that force humans call 'love'. It cannot be dictated to, or arranged, or explained. It has no set of rules that can be identified, like the byelaws of a town hall. Religious and societal rules are made for the control and cohesion of human societies. Love gives freedom of choice, together with forgiveness of *every* error. Jesus himself forgave everyone, " for they know not what they do". That is the nature of Love. Wilfully causing pain or sadness, brings its own sadness. But always, forgiveness is there to be found.

You just tried to explain to me something that you say "can't be explained".

The rules of God are mysterious? God's rules are the laws of physics and they are very mysterious but, still, they can be explained.

God is love? Yes, but the human idea of love is immature and unevolved.

Jesus forgave everyone? Forgiveness does not mean you go back to the same relationship you had before. Forgiveness just means you are no longer angry at the person for what they did. There are still consequences for their actions.

The attitude of "love and light" will be a great thing for humanity, in about a thousand years.


Well-Known Member
I'm fond of Allan Kardec's book "the spirits book". In that book the Spirits tell him that every Spirit will eventually be purified and made perfect. Wouldn't you prefer it if that was the case? Maybe it is. How do you know it isn't? In the Scriptures, sometimes God changes his mind. Why can't all spirits eventually be redeemed?

All spirits will eventually be purified and redeemed. There is no such thing as eternal hellfire, however you can make your present life hell due to lack of wisdom. I will not argue with that.

Lucifer is also a son of the Divine, who does his allotted task well. God is proud of him, if you ask me, for doing his allotted duties so brilliantly.


Well-Known Member
I'm fond of Allan Kardec's book "the spirits book". In that book the Spirits tell him that every Spirit will eventually be purified and made perfect. Wouldn't you prefer it if that was the case? Maybe it is. How do you know it isn't? In the Scriptures, sometimes God changes his mind. Why can't all spirits eventually be redeemed?

Good question!

God can only redeem those who repent. God can't redeem Lucifer because Lucifer is wholly given to evil and can't repent, in the same way and to the same extent that God is wholly given to good and cannot regress and become evil.


Skanky Old Mongrel!
Lucifer does not need to be redeemed.
Lucifer has always undertaken every duty that God ordered Lucifer to do.
Mankind might need to be frightened of Lucifer, but God certainly is not.
Lucifer is completely loyal..... to God.

Rapture Era

Active Member
Why would Lucifer want to be in heaven with God again? Lucifer knows the lies about God.
Lucifer was his name before he was cast down to the earth. His name changed and now is Satan. In the book of Revelation, you find him accusing. You find it also in the book of Job the first chapter. We must understand that Satan has access to the throne of God. He is not cast out of heaven. He is cast out of the throne room of God, but he has access to God, and he does something before God. He accuses us. He hates you "Luciferi Baphomet" just as much as anyone else, why? Because you were made in the image of God and he hates God. He also hates you because God loves you. Satan's mission is to keep you from the real truth about God because he doesnt want you to repent of your sins and accept God's free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ who died for you. He wants your soul to live forever in hell just like him! His desire is to pull you and anyone he can down with him, real nice guy right? He doesnt care about you, and he certainly doesnt want you to be saved from hell. He will do everything in his power to destroy you! Sounds like he's doing a pretty good job so far.
I highly doubt God listens to all who repent to him. God only wants power. What is the point of Jesus dying for our sins if we have to ask God for forgiveness of our sins and to repent?
I wouldn't ask God for forgiveness and nor would I repent.
God is the source of all power, He doesnt have a need to want power, He is the power. God does listen to all people who genuinely want to repent of their sins and accept His free gift of salvation. Jesus died on the cross so that for those who truly choose to repent of their sins, God made a way for them to enter heaven when they die. Your last sentence says it all. That is your choice, and God will grant you your choice to spend all of eternity in hell, but why on earth would want that? I'd like to know, because that to me is the stupidest choice a human being could possibly make!
Lucifer never wanted more power than God. He saw what God was doing and he disliked it. God is a manipulator. God wants worship, he wants prayer, he wants power, he wants you to ask him for forgiveness when you do something that is praobably normal like sex before marriage, even masturbation.
Lucifer will still continue to exist no matter what.
Yes, he most certainly did want more power than God. In Isaiah chapter 14 verse 13-14 it says this quoting Satan, …13"I will ascend to heaven; I will raise my throne above the stars of God, And I will sit on the mount of assembly In the recesses of the north. 14 I will ascend to the heights of the clouds; I will make myself like the most high." So there ya go.
I had to repost this comment it is so ludicrous!

He saw what God was doing and he disliked it. God is a manipulator. God wants worship, he wants prayer, he wants power, he wants you to ask him for forgiveness when you do something that is praobably normal like sex before marriage, even masturbation.
You have absolutely nothing to back this up! You are just rambling!
Your last sentence is oh so true! Another truth is this, we will all exist forever once we die, but depending on your personal choice while you are still living on this earth to either accept or reject Gods love of salvation for you, you will spend this eternity in one of two places, either heaven or hell. Again, tell me why anyone would want to spend an eternal existence in place as horrible as hell? Maybe you can help me understand that kind of thinking.


The Stranger
The six-sided star of israel is a Luciferian symbol from antiquity. They are way too into (the zionists running the show) pedophilia, child sacrificing, world domination, depopulation, wars, and slavery. It is right in the zionist teachings and in comments made by the rabbis for the most part. Therefore (sarcasm) Lucifer MUST have been redeemed.


The Stranger
One point i've loved, is that a Loving Divinity would NOT take someone and condemn them to eternal suffering, so for example, Judas Iscariot was theorized to be a soul who had an agreement to perform that act so that someone who was not in on the game plan would not suffer the karma of that. Extending that to Lucifer...

Rapture Era

Active Member
The six-sided star of israel is a Luciferian symbol from antiquity. They are way too into (the zionists running the show) pedophilia, child sacrificing, world domination, depopulation, wars, and slavery. It is right in the zionist teachings and in comments made by the rabbis for the most part. Therefore (sarcasm) Lucifer MUST have been redeemed.
One point i've loved, is that a Loving Divinity would NOT take someone and condemn them to eternal suffering, so for example, Judas Iscariot was theorized to be a soul who had an agreement to perform that act so that someone who was not in on the game plan would not suffer the karma of that. Extending that to Lucifer...
Where are you getting this from?

A Vestigial Mote

Well-Known Member
It's my fantasy, not yours? Your Lucifer worship is not a fantasy then? Has he given you anything?

Haha... wow. You can't even keep track of who you are replying to - I imagine you're just trying to push your narrative out there too fast to even care. With your hollow pronouncements of "the truth", and the straight face you are able to keep as you make them, there are some who will never be able to take you seriously - and you can count me among them.

Reggie Miller

Well-Known Member
His name is not Lucifer anymore, it was changed to Satan, by the way.

Satan does not want to be redeemed. He wants to be God or as much like God as he possibly can be.


Lucifer was his name before he was cast down to the earth. His name changed and now is Satan. In the book of Revelation, you find him accusing. You find it also in the book of Job the first chapter. We must understand that Satan has access to the throne of God. He is not cast out of heaven. He is cast out of the throne room of God, but he has access to God, and he does something before God. He accuses us. He hates you "Luciferi Baphomet" just as much as anyone else, why? Because you were made in the image of God and he hates God. He also hates you because God loves you. Satan's mission is to keep you from the real truth about God because he doesnt want you to repent of your sins and accept God's free gift of salvation through Jesus Christ who died for you. He wants your soul to live forever in hell just like him! His desire is to pull you and anyone he can down with him, real nice guy right? He doesnt care about you, and he certainly doesnt want you to be saved from hell. ...

The name Lucifer is NOT actually found in Tanakh.

Isaiah is talking about a King of Babylon, who climbed to the heights, and fell, not Satan.

In Tanakh, Satan has access to the Throne of YHVH, because he is a servant of YHVH doing his job. His job is to test people, put stumbling blocks before them, to see what they do. If found wanting, - he accuses them before God. His first appearance in the NT is to TEST Jesus - to see if he is ready.

The evil autonomous Satan idea was thought up later.
