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Trump expects to be arrested, calls for protests.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Yes, Mr. Sparky is a taser. Old Sparky is the electric chair. The fact that it was coupled with pepper spray should have made it rather obvious.
Not necessarily when we consider not everyone here speaks English as a first language and not everyone will instinctively understand the cultural happenings to make the lines being drawn and know what it refers to.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I believe it is reasonable for us (that is, everyone who isn't a Trump supporter) to be concerned about Trump's call for protests if he is arrested. If what his supporters did at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021, is any indication of how they will react to his arrest, then I believe that we have a legitimate reason to be concerned, especially if they stage violent protests across the country. Honestly, I'm not surprised that he called on his supporters to protest.
There may be one or two crazed lunatics with guns, like what happened with when the Feds searched his Floriduh residence, which is certainly bad enough. But I don't think you will see any mobs out there, considered how many of them ended up in jail for Trump for a lie. I think any turnouts would be more embarrassing than his inauguration crowd.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
There may be one or two crazed lunatics with guns, like what happened with when the Feds searched his Floriduh residence, which is certainly bad enough. But I don't think you will see any mobs out there, considered how many of them ended up in jail for Trump for a lie. I think any turnouts would be more embarrassing than his inauguration crowd.
Many of them, however, do not accept it was a lie, and lots of them believe violence may be necessary to preserve America. I would take their threats and the dangers the pose seriously, especially as RW extremists have become the greatest domestic threat in America.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Typical Trump. He always speaks under the operating premise that all significant events will of course revolve around his existence.

I don't think he even believes in that; rather, he has come to expect that people need him to pose as a mover and shaker, mostly because he has consistently drove away any who do not conform. Whether there are any facts or evidence to support his claims is a task for others beneath his notice to undertake. Or something.

In his mind, It Is All About Him (of course).

As others have noted elsewhere, the most likely scenario is that he is simply playing his character, which is that of The Apprentice's host. That was the absolute apex of his life and he never truly left that posture - or even tried to.

His supporters won't care that he is lying. He is Trump. He lies all the time. His supporters could not care less.

Trump's standard Transactional Analysis game is, as expected, a very simple and foolish one, almost elegant in its utter and proud lack of self-awareness or nuance.

  1. He announces something that implies that he, Trump, is a Big Deal. Bonus points if it is utterly ludicrous or makes him appear to be the target of some form of malicious action.
  2. If it happens, it is because of how impressive he is.
  3. If it does not happen, it is also because of how impressive he is.
  4. Any facts that challenge that tale are to be disregarded without comment.
  5. Rinse, repeat. "Ad Nauseam".
It is just Trump being Trump. Being the barely socially educated child that he never ceased being, with no regard whatsoever for any prices that anyone else might pay for humoring him.


Active Member

Will there be violence during this protest? Will this be a large protest, or will it end up being small, or not at all?
Non story of the year. On this issue it is purely his and Ms Daniels business. Lots of Republican and Democratic Presidents have had affairs. In France they expect it . I doubt they will convict Trump ON THIS ISSUE.I also think he will win the next term as President as he has the backing of rich businessmen. Although tanks may be then sent to Russia instead of Ukraine if he does win.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Non story of the year. On this issue it is purely his and Ms Daniels business. Lots of Republican and Democratic Presidents have had affairs. In France they expect it . I doubt they will convict Trump ON THIS ISSUE.I also think he will win the next term as President as he has the backing of rich businessmen. Although tanks may be then sent to Russia instead of Ukraine if he does win.
Clearly it has nothing to do with the fact he had an affair. It's about committing a felony through campaign finance fraud. The affair is incidentally the occasion for the actual crime they are pursuing.

As much as I don't think it's the strongest case or the most punishable crime he has committed in his history of crimes, it would be ironic if he is taken down on this, as this was the fraud he used to get himself elected at the last minute. :)

I'm not worried though. Georgia is going "lock him up" along with all the rest of his conspirators. I suspect there will be numerous prison sentences handing out, and the top of that list will be Trump's. He'll likely spend the rest of his life behind bars with all the cases coming down at him now.

This one in NY is just testing the waters for arresting a former POTUS who committed numerous felonies.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Well, some forms of protest are allowed and not others. Just as some forms of police force is allowed and not others. That is my position.

Yes, if there are any protests, it's a matter of whether they'll behave themselves and protest peacefully or whether they'll be incited towards violence. I would also expect counter-protesters, and both sides could egg each other on, with the police nervously standing between them.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
Non story of the year. On this issue it is purely his and Ms Daniels business. Lots of Republican and Democratic Presidents have had affairs. In France they expect it . I doubt they will convict Trump ON THIS ISSUE.I also think he will win the next term as President as he has the backing of rich businessmen. Although tanks may be then sent to Russia instead of Ukraine if he does win.
No, it is not the affair that is the problem, it is the money and when it was used that makes this illegal. Do you understand that? No sane person could care less about Trump's tendency to be a serial cheater. But most of his supporters are not sane in that sense. The news of it would have harmed his campaign so he paid money to keep it quiet. Doing so during a campaign, and its purposes does make it a spending covered by various campaign laws.


I'm a planet
Non story of the year. On this issue it is purely his and Ms Daniels business. Lots of Republican and Democratic Presidents have had affairs. In France they expect it . I doubt they will convict Trump ON THIS ISSUE.I also think he will win the next term as President as he has the backing of rich businessmen. Although tanks may be then sent to Russia instead of Ukraine if he does win.

There are laws about how you spend funds from your campaign. This was a financial crime, not a sex crime.

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
I doubt they will convict Trump ON THIS ISSUE
This may be a difficult case to win as some pundits claim, although I don't why unless they can't definitively connect Trump's $130,000 repayment to Cohen for fronting the hush money, but there are plenty more indictments to follow.
I also think he will win the next term as President
Though a catastrophic outcome for the nation if it occurred, it would be endlessly fascinating if they could convict Trump of any of the crimes he's been investigated for before he became president and he ended up in prison or house arrest when he assumed the office.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
Perhaps Mary Trump's book enlightens.

- Five shocking passages in Mary Trump's tell-all book

And how are you on why he got so many people to vote for such a person that you have so succinctly described?
My own take is that there are simply far too many people with a lot more willingness to listen to empty promises than to exercise discernment and voting responsibility.

That is how fascism arises.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
This may be a difficult case to win as some pundits claim, although I don't why unless they can't definitively connect Trump's $130,000 repayment to Cohen for fronting the hush money, but there are plenty more indictments to follow.

Though a catastrophic outcome for the nation if it occurred, it would be endlessly fascinating if they could convict Trump of any of the crimes he's been investigated for before he became president and he ended up in prison or house arrest when he assumed the office.
I can't imagine what he would try to get away with if he didn't get punished for what he's already done.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Non story of the year. On this issue it is purely his and Ms Daniels business. Lots of Republican and Democratic Presidents have had affairs. In France they expect it . I doubt they will convict Trump ON THIS ISSUE.
But the real issue for Trump that could possibly be where the funds came from that he had Michael Cohen use to pay Storm Daniels. if it was campaign funds that then he deducted on his taxes, that would be a felony if convicted.

BTW, isn't it so bizarre that most in the "religious right" still support Trump even after he has had three wives, cheated on all of them; had at least one prostitute; appeared in a porn movie; tried to overthrow an election; says more people should get the death penalty; etc., etc. Which Christian denomination teaches that this is somehow what Christians should ignore and/or try and justify? "Religious right" my dupa!