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The Words spoken by Jesus His Pre-Eminence.


Active Member
I have been making threads asking people to look deeper into the parables of Jesus His Pre-Eminence to better understand the messages that Jesus His Pre-Eminence preached. But i can now see that it is not really helping. The reason is because i have seen many people do not take the Words of Jesus His Pre-Eminence seriously to the point that it is imperative for them to know and understand them. It seems like they also do not feel that they should. Its just a parable so as long as we have known what salvation is, its not really important. I on the other hand do not see it that way. To me, ALL the Words of Jesus His Pre-Eminence above all. And i am not just saying this with the lips, rather, this is a confession of my rating of HIS Words. So for me, the parables have in them the very core message that Jesus His Pre-Eminence preached.
So rather than focus on the parables, let us discuss the teachings of Jesus His Pre-Eminence.

Here are a few verses that i hope we can look deeper into, knowing the identity of the one speaking, and also being able to see what did come to pass of all that HE said.

Matthew 15
7 Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophesy of you, saying,
8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me.
9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

Wow! Imagine being Isaiah and reading this. The GOD of Isaiah commended him saying he did this well. I read this passage, and it reminds me of another he spoke.

John 4

21 The woman saith unto him, Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet.

20Our fathers worshipped in this mountain; and ye say, that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.

21Jesus saith unto her, Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet at Jerusalem, worship the Father.

22Ye worship ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews.

23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.

24God is a Spirit: and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

25The woman saith unto him, I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ: when he is come, he will tell us all things. 26Jesus saith unto her, I that speak unto thee am he.

I love this passage. The reason is because of verse 23. When you look at the Words of the Psalmist for instance, his words are the kind that i think fits this description. And not just the Psalmist, but all the Prophets.

In the first verse I posted, HE revealed to us that they even worshipping in Jerusalem, and having all these nice things to say, but their hearts are far from HIM. For me, personally, I look at the Prophets and how they desired so much for the Words of GOD to come to them. Not just calling HIM all these nice names, and praising HIM for being their GOD, but also having things to say in knowledge. Reading the Words of the Prophets for me is revealing how to worship HIM in Spirit and in truth.

That its not just going to any church you have accepted as your church, or reading the bible, and praying unceasingly... For me its something that cannot be faked. It comes from deep within the Spirit being of the person, and therefore cannot be faked. And that is what I receive from the Words of the Prophets; that how to worship HIM in Spirit and in truth is knowing HIM, HIS Ways, HIS ordanances, HIS laws, HIS Words, understanding them as HE meant them to be understood, and having a deep desire for HIS Revelations, HIS Most Holy Character, HIS Most Holy Nature; knowing HIS love experientially, not assumiing it, knowing HIS Fatherhood, understanding that HIS Fatherhood is not an assumption, but genetic.

So what i am trying to point out, is that HE made it clear here that the true worshippers (which means there are the false, the ones that are not worshipping), worship HIM in Spirit and in truth. And it was written like it hasn't happened before. But then what about Daniel, David, Isaiah, Elijah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, did they not worship the GOD they know in Spirit and in truth? Yes they did.

So it was here that HE revealed that they had not been doing it. And what would cause that? They had with them the scrolls of the Prophets. They had Revelations of the GOD given to them by the Prophets sent to them. That revealed to me, that just knowing that GOD is the Provider, knowing that was said, is still not worshipping HIM in Spirit and in truth. When Abraham called a place, Jehovah Jireh, it was out of knowledge of how the GOD is.

Many people call GOD their provider, and thank HIM for the food and shelter, and family and so on that they have. Great. But is that really coming from a place of knowledge? Or is it just repeating what was written? What about all the people that do not have food, shelter, and family, and so on. Is it that the GOD that provided that for you, does not provide it for them? So you are saying that GOD is partial? This is what I mean. So then my question would be, what is HE providing for you?

i think that this is an important question to ask. For the GOD said that the true worshippers worship HIM in Spirit and in truth. I desire to be in that fold that worship HIM in Spirit and truth.

When they say things like: No one is like unto thee, it sounds nice. But its not true. What about the person that was written: And GOD made Man in HIS image and after HIS likeness? And that is not all Man, just one. What about King David who was referred to as Man after GOD's own heart?

When they say things like: O God, thou is so good! I am so thankful for all that I have. I want to worship you. And things that sound nice, but are they really speaking from personal experiential knowledge of the GOD?

Will you say to your biological father: Thank you dad for providing a roof over my head, and giving me my food, and my bed to sleep in, and my clothes to wear? LIkely no. Because that is expected. You being the child should be provided for by your parents. Its not something you feel should be thanked. But you expect that out of the love they have for you, and your dependence on them.

Then look at another Jesus His Pre-Eminence spoke:

Matthew 7
9 Or what man is there of you, whom if his son ask bread, will he give him a stone?

10 Or if he ask a fish, will he give him a serpent?

11 If ye then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him?

And another..

Matthew 6
25 Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?

26 Behold the fowls of the air: for they sow not, neither do they reap, nor gather into barns; yet your heavenly Father feedeth them. Are ye not much better than they?

27 Which of you by taking thought can add one cubit unto his stature?

28 And why take ye thought for raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin:

29 And yet I say unto you, That even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these.

30 Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith?

31 Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed?

32 (For after all these things do the Gentiles seek) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.

33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Why would I be thanking GOD for these, if my GOD is my Father? Do you thank your biological parents for them seriously? And this is what I mean by speaking in knowledge. What GOD Provides for me, is HIS Revelations that reveal HIS Most Holy Character. The Spirit searcheth the deep things of GOD. Oh! Worship HIM in Spirit and in truth! I thank the GOD for providing me with HIS bread and wine, which is much more precious to me than the perishable things of this world. That is what i have known and understood about GOD being my provider.

For me, this is of utmost importance. Not just because I want to be a true worshipper, but because I also do not want to say things to the GOD out of irreverance, or lack of regard for HIM; out of a state of ignorance...

Imagine finding out the person you questioned was the GOD of creation, and HIS reply to you was: Ye err because ye know not the scriptures.

I have understood that I am addressing the GOD. Its not something that should just be anyhow. Just because I hear some people calling HIM names, doesn't mean I will say it. But if i have known it is true, by revelation, then I will say it knowing that I all i speak to HIM is from the deep within my Spirit Being.
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Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
This is probably best suited in same faith debates.

If not,

None of it means anything to me. It's just a book with its writing saying all those things . I'm not impressed nor feeling any type of buzz here from all that. I think its just a case of a person becoming enamored by the stories to the point its characters become real and alive from the pages.

Like a ventriloquist becoming a bit too attached to his/her puppet, it suddenly becomes alive to that person.


Active Member
This is probably best suited in same faith debates.

If not,

None of it means anything to me. It's just a book with its writing saying all those things . I'm not impressed nor feeling any type of buzz here from all that. I think its just a case of a person becoming enamored by the stories to the point its characters become real and alive from the pages.

Like a ventriloquist becoming a bit too attached to his/her puppet, it suddenly becomes alive to that person.

Perhaps you are right about the location of the thread. I posted here because it's speaking of GOD. I didn't say which religion. And also that if a debate broke out, I wouldn't be moderated lol


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But i can now see that it is not really helping. The reason is because i have seen many people do not take the Words of Jesus
Have you considered the possibility that there may not be an authoritative opinion? Many modern people were surprised when the Nag Hammadi manuscripts were translated, and it was confirmed out that there never was a single, pure, original authoritative doctrine and story. Rather there were many versions, and some of these strove for supremacy through political wrangling, quarreling and fighting, eventually suppressing the others through argument, coercion and the destruction of books.

23But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him.
The true worshippers. First I think we have to research what worship means to the people Jesus is talking to, and it means serving the sacrifices and the donations to those in need and to those who want to commune. We discover this by reading about the laws in the Pentateuch, and there alone is worship explained. Next we determine what is true and what is false worship, but how is an uncircumcised person to participate in true worship? How is some stranger who finds a bible in a hotel going to know? Such a person may get strange ideas such as worship means raising your hands or worship means clapping or that it means dancing. Such person may mistakenly worship Krishna in adoration, knowing not the LORD. He may worship Dagon the warrior instead of waiting upon the LORD. He may worship any number of things all thinking it is worshiping the LORD, because he has no connection to the worship of the LORD. Paul says it when he calls outsiders "Aliens to the covenants..." Even so every person has a conscience and through it may worship.

The one who follows their conscience always worships whether they believe in Krishna or Dagan or whatever, and that is true worship. James remarks that true religion is to take care of widows and orphans in their distress.


Active Member
Have you considered the possibility that there may not be an authoritative opinion? Many modern people were surprised when the Nag Hammadi manuscripts were translated, and it was confirmed out that there never was a single, pure, original authoritative doctrine and story. Rather there were many versions, and some of these strove for supremacy through political wrangling, quarreling and fighting, eventually suppressing the others through argument, coercion and the destruction of books.

The true worshippers. First I think we have to research what worship means to the people Jesus is talking to, and it means serving the sacrifices and the donations to those in need and to those who want to commune. We discover this by reading about the laws in the Pentateuch, and there alone is worship explained. Next we determine what is true and what is false worship, but how is an uncircumcised person to participate in true worship? How is some stranger who finds a bible in a hotel going to know? Such a person may get strange ideas such as worship means raising your hands or worship means clapping or that it means dancing. Such person may mistakenly worship Krishna in adoration, knowing not the LORD. He may worship Dagon the warrior instead of waiting upon the LORD. He may worship any number of things all thinking it is worshiping the LORD, because he has no connection to the worship of the LORD. Paul says it when he calls outsiders "Aliens to the covenants..." Even so every person has a conscience and through it may worship.

The one who follows their conscience always worships whether they believe in Krishna or Dagan or whatever, and that is true worship. James remarks that true religion is to take care of widows and orphans in their distress.

The GOD is the Supreme Authority.

No. HE is revealing what they think is worship is not worship at all. I desire mercy, not sacrifice.

Taking care of the widows and the fatherless is not literal. Isaiah 4:1 speaks about 7 women that will take hold of one man, and those 7 women are 7 churches. The widows are the church ages. The fatherless are the children of the kingdom that do not know who their principal ancestor is.


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No. HE is revealing what they think is worship is not worship at all. I desire mercy, not sacrifice.
That is well known among Jews right from the beginning. Don't impute an ignorance that they don't have. They have brains just like you and I.

Taking care of the widows and the fatherless is not literal. Isaiah 4:1 speaks about 7 women that will take hold of one man, and those 7 women are 7 churches. The widows are the church ages. The fatherless are the children of the kingdom that do not know who their principal ancestor is.
Caring about other people. Even when its difficult. How about that?


Active Member
That is well known among Jews right from the beginning. Don't impute an ignorance that they don't have. They have brains just like you and I.

Caring about other people. Even when its difficult. How about that?

That was given by Moses under the Aaronic Priesthood. This is the GOD speaking revealing that is not worship. And It was also spoken in Isaiah 1

I am not calling Jews ignorant. The Prophets are Jews are they not?

No, it is speaking of the churches in Revelation 1-3 and about the children of the kingdom.


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That was given by Moses under the Aaronic Priesthood. This is the GOD speaking revealing that is not worship. And It was also spoken in Isaiah 1

I am not calling Jews ignorant. The Prophets are Jews are they not?

No, it is speaking of the churches in Revelation 1-3 and about the children of the kingdom.
The concept of a sacrifice is about getting together, overlooking wrongs somewhat like we do at communion. The point is the sharing not the killing, and Isaiah points this out. There are ancient songs (such as Psalm 133) about it which would be sung to the community around the time of the sacrifice. The psalm would be sung as the priests ascended to deal with the altar. Singers would sing "Observe how good it is for brothers to live together as one..." They would then give out food, and the people would share it together as one. This was the point of the offerings, not the killing itself.

Suppose you and I and another person meet, and we forgive all wrongs and put aside all differences to fellowship in peace, maybe eat and play games. This is worship, because no one can love God and not love their fellow human. God is invisible. How can we say we love God and not love other people? I think worship begins with this level of commitment to other people...this 'True worship'.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
The GOD is the Supreme Authority.

No. HE is revealing what they think is worship is not worship at all. I desire mercy, not sacrifice.

Taking care of the widows and the fatherless is not literal. Isaiah 4:1 speaks about 7 women that will take hold of one man, and those 7 women are 7 churches. The widows are the church ages. The fatherless are the children of the kingdom that do not know who their principal ancestor is.

But this is only relevant to a set group of people. To others, it's highly irrelevant who christians say god is.

If you and others are not on the same understanding, scripture means nothing.


Active Member
But this is only relevant to a set group of people. To others, it's highly irrelevant who christians say god is.

If you and others are not on the same understanding, scripture means nothing.

Not true at all. Scripture has its meaning no matter how the people give their own interpretations. The meaning isn't determined by the people. But as I said, GOD transcends religion.


Active Member
The concept of a sacrifice is about getting together, overlooking wrongs somewhat like we do at communion. The point is the sharing not the killing, and Isaiah points this out. There are ancient songs (such as Psalm 133) about it which would be sung to the community around the time of the sacrifice. The psalm would be sung as the priests ascended to deal with the altar. Singers would sing "Observe how good it is for brothers to live together as one..." They would then give out food, and the people would share it together as one. This was the point of the offerings, not the killing itself.

Suppose you and I and another person meet, and we forgive all wrongs and put aside all differences to fellowship in peace, maybe eat and play games. This is worship, because no one can love God and not love their fellow human. God is invisible. How can we say we love God and not love other people? I think worship begins with this level of commitment to other people...this 'True worship'.

That whole sacrificial system is not the way of GOD. That is an occultic practice taught to Aaron by the priest of Medes. That is what gave room for the lie that Jesus His Pre-Eminence died for the sons of all mankind as that is an advancement of the sacrificial system.

GOD does not desire blood. No blood of animal can atone for sins. The lamb killed is Father Adam, and that one lb is supposed to represent him to remember what he did for us. And this was a system built on error, the Aaronic system.

My GOD is not a ritualist. My GOD does not love the smell of sacrificed animals as they wrote. My GOD did not sacrifice HIS son.


Active Member
The concept of a sacrifice is about getting together, overlooking wrongs somewhat like we do at communion. The point is the sharing not the killing, and Isaiah points this out. There are ancient songs (such as Psalm 133) about it which would be sung to the community around the time of the sacrifice. The psalm would be sung as the priests ascended to deal with the altar. Singers would sing "Observe how good it is for brothers to live together as one..." They would then give out food, and the people would share it together as one. This was the point of the offerings, not the killing itself.

Suppose you and I and another person meet, and we forgive all wrongs and put aside all differences to fellowship in peace, maybe eat and play games. This is worship, because no one can love God and not love their fellow human. God is invisible. How can we say we love God and not love other people? I think worship begins with this level of commitment to other people...this 'True worship'.

Here is the answer to your question. You cannot love who you have not known.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
I spoke about what GOD says.
What God? Christian God, God in Islam, Hindu God, :confused:
Or just God that we can take as the one we our self believe in?

I ask because when you speak of Jesus and God, to me that sound like Christianity, and of course that is all good, i do not say you did wrong,


Active Member
What God? Christian God, God in Islam, Hindu God, :confused:
Or just God that we can take as the one we our self believe in?

I ask because when you speak of Jesus and God, to me that sound like Christianity, and of course that is all good, i do not say you did wrong,

We have different mindsets sir. I am talking about the one and only true GOD. I am not talking about any specific religion. That's why I wrote:

Let us discuss the Words of Jesus His Pre-Eminence, knowing HIS identity, and knowing what has come to pass in all that HE said.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
We have different mindsets sir. I am talking about the one and only true GOD. I am not talking about any specific religion. That's why I wrote:

Let us discuss the Words of Jesus His Pre-Eminence, knowing HIS identity, and knowing what has come to pass in all that HE said.
The one and only God to me is Allah :oops: Jesus to me is an Prophet, but that does not mean Jesus is wrong to listen to :)