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The Vegetarian Recipes Thread


Premium Member
I wish I could give that a 'winner' and 'friendly'.... I soooo love rasam. I've made a few different ones, and they've always been delicious.
I used to drink it like coffee. In a stainless steel mug.

Have you ever seen an Indian person who can pour tea to aerate it. Amazing to watch. We had a chap I was driving once, in our house when the kids were young. He entertained them. I'll have to find a video to attach.

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Estro Felino

Believer in free will
Premium Member
Instead of pancakes, in my country frittelle are more common. Which are very easy to make. Just flour, sunflower oil (or peanut oil), sugar, milk and baking powder.



Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
They are. I haven't made pancakes of any kind recently... last time I did, I made an Irish variation.

I remember being very pregnant with my youngest. I was getting too uncomfortable to do much of anything. I refused to make dinner, but I had planned on making blueberry pancakes with fresh whipped cream. My husband, who his a chef by trade, said he'd do it. Fine.

About ten minutes in, I could hear my eldest son squawking and my husband laughing, so I knew something was amiss. Well, dinner came out... the outsides were burned, the insides were liquid, and my husband had a giant grin on his face... We just chopped it up, and stirred it in with the....whipped cream?(cream with sugar), and muttered as we ate....


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
This isn't a recipe, just a suggestion.
Mrs Revolt makes curried veggies with pan fried dofu.
I like to put whole cashew nuts on top.
This adds wonderful taste & texture.


Out of Order
Staff member
Premium Member
Thats not fear :p it is ramadan now so i can`t eat until sunset :oops: and i am already hungry......

Hehe, I might avoid this thread until after sunset, if I were you...

I did fast Ramadan once, just to see what it was like. I hope you have a happy and comfortable fast. :)

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
Hehe, I might avoid this thread until after sunset, if I were you...

I did fast Ramadan once, just to see what it was like. I hope you have a happy and comfortable fast. :)
I am doing a lot better than i thought i would :) Now it is about 3 hour left until sunset here in Norway, but the headach is a bit much right now :p But people i spoke with said it last about 3 or 4 days before the body will adjust and it all will become so much better :)
I do notice the prayers is more intense in feeling today :)