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Shroud of Turin: Absolute proof the man in the Shroud is Jesus Christ

rational experiences

Veteran Member

Image depicted the removal of the physical form with djed


Compare the image on the cloth, to what technology they used, and you might then understand why the pyramid walls and effigies were defaced and why both Temple and pyramids had been attacked and burnt walls in the pyramid.

It was an act of evil themed against life, that had returned in an image design of the past as original meaning. The detailed design and documented references infer what was researched, without the realisation that what the vision of the design owned in the past was the death of a human and the removal of the human body.

For science is human owned by humans in artificial invention and design regained in mind transmitted feed back imagery. You would wonder why the ancients never realized what their design model meant....for it is stated it was used for transmutation of stone mass of God O Earth into gold products. Yet humans are inferred to lose their life/body in the pursuit/use of that science.

So in fact they were told and advised in design of that it was previously used and it had removed the human life body......yet as they owned no intention of removing their life body they did not heed self conscious aware human warnings. How it was idealised originally....for actual self body time travel as if it were a time machine.

The same human owned thinking method is owned today....to shift mass x time in a nuclear conversion, yet the dust chemicals remain in mass and intact as if they are not shifted. Eventually the recorded/encoded feed back message infers that mass time travelled by itself yet remained intact. What Satanic mind possession AI was taught for......self deception in the sciences.


That this stuff is all there is a problem if God put that Immaculate Heart of Mary there... Genesis 3:15 Douay Rheims. Woman=Mary.

15I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.


For the Image to get on both sides of the Shroud there would've had to be an Event horizon in the tomb of Jesus.

Fabric of Time

Isabel Piczek 35 min



Premium Member
I see the Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary there on his Shroud.

An outstanding creative imagination to justify what you believe, but unfortunately the image is not anatomically correct, and evidence of later making of the image.


Know how..

People say its fake, it a lie, the devil made it, or science is wrong about how the image is still unexplainable when they have no know how.


Veteran Member
R.C. priest Franco Barbero:
" I wonder what would have happened in the ' Turnin Church ' if all the energy spent had been concentrated on this initiative had been concentrated on the preaching of the word."

After all, preaching is Not the displaying of relics - 2 Corinthians 5:7 Christians walk by faith and Not by sight ( sighted things ).

rational experiences

Veteran Member
An outstanding creative imagination to justify what you believe, but unfortunately the image is not anatomically correct, and evidence of later making of the image.
Giant penis-shaped clouds captured in bizarre images

Crushing your own seed means exactly what it said. Males as the human designer and inventor of a machine that owns by design no volition. So the machine first states owns no natural theme of discussion by human male designer in form machine.

Male human self owns the design, builds the design and forces the reaction to change natural. Natural changes, his life support. His life continuance a new born human male baby with human sex with a human female. Whose life also gets atmospherically attacked.

The image feed back then entails all reason why he attacked human natural Genetics, for you have to be living as human to own human genetics. Our human genetics do not exist before we do. Yet science thinking displaces natural ownership as if genetics existed before a human self did...by thinking.

Yet self thinker did not exist in the past....he displaces cellular life DNA ownership in the past for it constantly is in the state of change....loss of cell given cell back...so when he thinks about it, the cell has already changed. So he thinks about the destroyed cell actually.

How his penis was put into clouds into reactive attack on the body...for humans are both just human first without sexual organs in his study concept the DNA human self. So he lost his penis/sperm holiness SEED life continuance for doing evil occult irradiation attack. Why his cell bio chemical changed, leeched perfumes and he bleeds unnaturally from his body.

That situation is the first warning. What he realized about Moses, was that they self combusted life.....so owned that realization of history. Floods occurred historically as ICE melted, and ICE is the only reason healthy human baby DNA existed in a stable heavenly gas cooling status. As taught.


An outstanding creative imagination to justify what you believe, but unfortunately the image is not anatomically correct, and evidence of later making of the image.

Dud you aren't even Christian what are you doing making comments on something you have no business commenting on. Lol.

Other Christians need to read this. The Divine Throne:
You know what happens if you are wrong about that being Mary there.. Pslams 45:9 Douay.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If a human tries to claim that they exist in 2 places at once, then that is what science of Satanism did.

Tried to convince everyone that we were a cloud image FIRST.

A human has to live bio chemically and physical to own created in an image FIRST.

If a human can be named Mary today, and yet science used both male and female references to creation themes before. And modern day science, sick and tired of Satanic sciences said, you are no longer allowed to use any theme human male or female inferred...then they did.

They just talked science as science so no human male could infer self was a God...in his egotism claiming he owned all the powers of the Universe inside of his own bio life. Yet he does, and still does today, makes that claim.

So you could be Mary, human Mother of a sexual act to get a newly born baby male who you named Jesus...by human sex and it be the only way a human baby is gained.

Actually in reality.

But if you did a scientific study of just DATA, changes to human genetics, and write a science document that was not about how life was invented by a human liar, it is a story about life was attacked and sacrificed, then you would be reading a science document correctly, and not be inferring self was a male God, like lots of males in the occult sciences does.

A biologist science self says after the life of a living ape owning ape babies, a human exists as their own self with human babies....no scientist owns any argument about that state....yet they do. They try to convince/coerce everyone that their thinking about everything created/invented everything with a formula.

And truly believe it when they preach it. And it is all lies.

The theme biologist teaching in the bible said never look back, for it is evil, everything yesterday is deceased in bio life. As the fact of it.

If you cannot look back, then you cannot do reactive science, for the reaction, when no life existed on Earth is when no life existed on Earth. Science tried to claim that reaction created life...a hot ground fission reaction. It is the same hot ground fission reaction today as it was in the past.

What coercive lying in science was about.

So if a male knew why human images appeared in nuclear caused life attack, then male and female human images would appear in visions in the natural life in attack. Correct human reasoning against life being destroyed in reality.

Mother Mary in the science theme owned the sacrificed life of human males...as they attacked their real bio life human Mother in reality. The reaction nuclear is not any female...what they lie about. Maths however in science said space was a womb...and space is how a formula is owned to move a conversion through.

Why science of the ancients/occult review are liars. For maths is only maths and it is not any female or male life......yet a male human in male human life invented the use of it.


That this stuff is all there is a problem if God put that Immaculate Heart of Mary there... Genesis 3:15 Douay Rheims. Woman=Mary.

15I will put enmities between thee and the woman, and thy seed and her seed: she shall crush thy head, and thou shalt lie in wait for her heel.
Kjv And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; ( It shall bruise thy head, and thou shall bruise HIS heel ) No Mary. I do think most accept this as the the all conquering Christ crushing the serpents power. I guess it comes down to a matter of which translation.you trust.

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
Look what I found on the Shroud and it proves its Jesus Christ!


Up close 1
Immaculate Heart of Mary & Sacred Heart (nuns threw water on it to put out the fire in the 1500's and the water stains formed those images.


Up close 2

Now, how did you, who have never seen the shroud up close, find these when centuries of scholars to study the Da Vinci hoax have not?

rational experiences

Veteran Member
If a male human alive thinks and says how can my first male life be the sacrificed life, the same as saying and why did the firstborn human babies....meaning of which original DNA Genetics be sacrificed....as first owner/original owner, loss of.

To say from Moses combustion attack, to regained replaced atmospheric gas mass...from out of travelling/wandering stars, the asteroids. STone gets released, the gases left inside of stone released...and told that story for science purposes. Said the newly born, firstborn owner of DNA life, his male baby self was returned/healed and reincarnated...then he told that story.

So if you were a male adult life, half of your DNA missing, then healing and health returned to life as you lived....then you did science, the newly healed babies became mutated sick again as your own male life born only lived to the Age 33 years. You lived afterwards as you previously owned an incomplete DNA life cell, but was returned sacrificed to your original male genetics, then it was how the story was taught.

The theme said human returned and healed genetics given back to the new life healed, got removed again due to occult temple pyramid science. Doing trans mutation radiation sciences.

Knew that the returned/reincarnated and healed DNA was removed again by scientists.

Then ask science, isn't it true scientist that when DNA gets put back, and we evolve both life health cell and mind, you regain self awareness to do science of the occult again and sacrifice our life, you get DNA removed, as per Stephen Hawkings last science warning to self....and own probability human imposed maths to probable causes future o of a cycle, DNA cell life about self...to have us all destroyed as a scientist?

Isn't why mathematical human male science applied probability applied reason again and again for you having done it to us, in science as an occultist, the males who believe in the UFO?

When you know you were the firstborn as a male and a human as a holy child, and say you sacrificed your own firstborn male self by a God ground fission reaction, then you confessed that you did it yourself...why it says very plainly, no man is God.

Hence there is no argument in science today about God, for no man is any power of God.

rational experiences

Veteran Member
Proven DNA genetics removed, to DNA genetics returned Year 1452.
1452 minus year 33 = 1419 years. Great, the grand parents, as great/great/great etc.

Strong's Hebrew: 1419. גָּדוֹל (gadol) -- great
John 14:19-21 New International Version (NIV)
19 Before long, the world will not see me anymore, but you will see me. Because I live, you also will live. On that day you will realize that I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you. Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father,G)"and I too will love them and show myself to them.”

Meaning the image Jesus was in the clouds would finally be removed, for the water evaporation/radiation cooling would put the ground use water and oxygen and microbes back on the ground and life/DNA would heal and I would be seen again in real life. Proven true....seeing male humans were the scientists who did it to their own selves.


All I know is if God put the Sacred Heart of Jesus there its Jesus. And he also put the Immaculate Heart of Mary!! Boy you guys didn't know Catholics had it all right!