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  • Thanks for the friendly on If your religion...

    And also the friendly on Why Creation by an Omnipotent, Omniscient Deity Is Even More Improbable than Pure Chance. Though i think you may have misunderstood my satcasm ;-)
    I chose to misunderstand.
    The Bible's God is Not omnipotent because God can Not lie.
    The gift of free will shows God is Not omniscient.
    If He knew all then the Adam&Eve scenario would not have taken place.
    If He knew all then why wait to pass judgement
    Judgement would have already taken place before Genesis 2:17
    Thank you for the friendly heart frube on Is there genuinely good evidence that the universe could have been eternal/infinite into the past?
    Thanx for the 10 limerick tips frubal.
    And for phurlbing viral load info.
    And for the be careful out there, people, frooble.
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