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Should Mormons Be Considered A Cult


Did you even bother to read my post #41? You have listed six "Mormon beliefs" and not one of your sources is canonical. Not one. We can discuss these points one at a time, but I don't really think you're interested in playing fair, are you? You've got this idea in your head that Mormonism is a cult, and this idea is based upon half-truths and lies, probably from some anti-Mormon website or in the "cult section" of your local "Christian" bookstore. Do you want to know what we really believe? Or would you prefer to just keep your head in the sand?

No a debate would not be a debate if there was no communication. These ideas did not originate with a book or anti-Mormon website. I first started researchering these things because a Mormon evangelist stopped me two years ago and told me these exact points all six. I could have listed more things, but I used only the ones that were told to me by a Mormon i guess you call them elders. But I am here for communication, so it would be ignorant on my part if I did not let you defend your faith. So lets take each one point by point.


Well-Known Member
These ideas did not originate with a book or anti-Mormon website. I first started researchering these things because a Mormon evangelist stopped me two years ago and told me these exact points all six

You'll have to forgive me for not taking your word on that. You have no idea how many times I've heard people like you say "but I heard a Mormon say it".


Resident Liberal Hippie
The books that I quoted were doctrines and covenants and books the Mormons use.
No they were not. As Katzpur pointed out. Is this deliberate dishonesty? Or are you simply misinformed?
And every Christian belief that I quoted is believed by Christians as a whole. Christians though their are many denominations also recognizes the other as brothers in the faith. Mormons on the other Christians as a whole and Im talking about leadership within Catholics, Pentecostal, Baptist, Adventist, etc have all come out to say that Mormons do not hold the essential doctrines to be labeled Christian.

Essential doctrines to be labeled Christian?

From ReligiousTolerance.org
There are also many distinct definitions of the term "Christian." Four examples are:
  • Most liberal Christian denominations, secularists, public opinion pollsters, and this web site define "Christian" very broadly as any person or group who sincerely believes themselves to be Christian. Their definition would include, fundamentalist and other evangelical Protestants, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox believers, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, United Church members, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc. Using this definition, Christians total about 75% of the North American adult population.
  • However, many Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Protestants define "Christian" more narrowly to include only those persons who have been "born again" regardless of their denomination. That is, they have repented of their sin and trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior. About 35% of the North American adult population identify themselves in this way.
  • Some Protestant Christian denominations, para-church groups, and individuals have assembled their own lists of cardinal Christian doctrines. Many would regard anyone who denies even one of their cardinal doctrines to be a non-Christian. Unfortunately, there is a wide diversity of belief concerning which historical Christian beliefs should be included in the list.
  • Other denominations regard their own members to be the only true Christians in the world. Some are quite small, numbering only a few thousand followers. One Baptist denomination that is also a homophobic hate group -- the Westboro Baptist Church -- believes that their total membership of slightly under 100 believers will go to Heaven to be with God after they die; they believe that the other 7 billion humans in the world are all destined to go to Hell.
The arrogance displayed in your "No True Scotsman" fallacy only hurts your argument.
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Not your average Mormon
No a debate would not be a debate if there was no communication. These ideas did not originate with a book or anti-Mormon website. I first started researchering these things because a Mormon evangelist stopped me two years ago and told me these exact points all six. I could have listed more things, but I used only the ones that were told to me by a Mormon i guess you call them elders. But I am here for communication, so it would be ignorant on my part if I did not let you defend your faith. So lets take each one point by point.
Okay, let's. How about one of us starts a new thread in the One-On-One debate forum? Before that happens, though, I want to know that you're not going to tell me that (1) you know Mormon doctrine better than I do or (2) I'm not being honest about what we believe. I notice you didn't really address this concern, and it's important to me that we get it cleared up right from the outset. If we need to debate these two points before beginning our discuss of actual Mormon doctrine, then let's do it.
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Not your average Mormon
You'll have to forgive me for not taking your word on that. You have no idea how many times I've heard people like you say "but I heard a Mormon say it".
Some people just don't do very well at paraphrasing (particularly when their agenda is to malign). :D


Resident Liberal Hippie
No a debate would not be a debate if there was no communication. These ideas did not originate with a book or anti-Mormon website. I first started researchering these things because a Mormon evangelist stopped me two years ago and told me these exact points all six. I could have listed more things, but I used only the ones that were told to me by a Mormon i guess you call them elders. But I am here for communication, so it would be ignorant on my part if I did not let you defend your faith. So lets take each one point by point.


Yet your points match Matt Slicks word for word...

What Does Mormonism Teach?|Teachings of Mormon cult | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

Mormonism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry

And also...

MORMONISM'S STRANGE DOCTRINES - HiddenMysteries Spiritual Studies


Not your average Mormon
Uh oh! Somebody's lying for Jesus again.

You know, here's something I find really interesting about how "real" Christians behave as opposed to how we LDS "wannabe" Christians behave. You can go into any LDS bookstore (Deseret Book is by far the largest) and you will not find a single, solitary book bashing any other religion. You will not find a "cult" section. Go into a "real" Christian bookstore and you'll be able to find all kinds of trash on Mormonism. So much for loving one's neighbor and not being judgmental, huh?


No they were not. As Katzpur pointed out. Is this deliberate dishonesty? Or are you simply misinformed?

Essential doctrines to be labeled Christian?

From ReligiousTolerance.org
There are also many distinct definitions of the term "Christian." Four examples are:
  • Most liberal Christian denominations, secularists, public opinion pollsters, and this web site define "Christian" very broadly as any person or group who sincerely believes themselves to be Christian. Their definition would include, fundamentalist and other evangelical Protestants, Roman Catholics, Eastern Orthodox believers, Presbyterians, Methodists, Episcopalians, United Church members, Mormons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Christian Scientists, etc. Using this definition, Christians total about 75% of the North American adult population.
  • However, many Fundamentalist and other Evangelical Protestants define "Christian" more narrowly to include only those persons who have been "born again" regardless of their denomination. That is, they have repented of their sin and trusted Jesus as Lord and Savior. About 35% of the North American adult population identify themselves in this way.
  • Some Protestant Christian denominations, para-church groups, and individuals have assembled their own lists of cardinal Christian doctrines. Many would regard anyone who denies even one of their cardinal doctrines to be a non-Christian. Unfortunately, there is a wide diversity of belief concerning which historical Christian beliefs should be included in the list.
  • Other denominations regard their own members to be the only true Christians in the world. Some are quite small, numbering only a few thousand followers. One Baptist denomination that is also a homophobic hate group -- the Westboro Baptist Church -- believes that their total membership of slightly under 100 believers will go to Heaven to be with God after they die; they believe that the other 7 billion humans in the world are all destined to go to Hell.
The arrogance displayed in your "No True Scotsman" fallacy only hurts your argument.

So here's the question do Mormons use the following: Mormon Doctrine; Doctrine & Covenants; (1Nephi 13:38); History of the Church; and Articles of Faith


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
No a debate would not be a debate if there was no communication.
And so far you are not listening.
You are so intent on preaching your falsehoods against the Mormons that you cannot even be bothered to learn the truth.

But I am here for communication, so it would be ignorant on my part if I did not let you defend your faith.
Your posts thus far in this thread do not show, nor even imply that you are.


mantra-chanting henotheistic snake handler
You'll have to forgive me for not taking your word on that. You have no idea how many times I've heard people like you say "but I heard a Mormon say it".
Even if he did hear a Mormon say it, does not make what the Mormon said Mormon Doctrine.

Take for instance FHH (or was it FFH?)...
Almost everything he claimed was Mormon beliefs was countered by another Mormon.


Even if he did hear a Mormon say it, does not make what the Mormon said Mormon Doctrine.

Take for instance FHH (or was it FFH?)...
Almost everything he claimed was Mormon beliefs was countered by another Mormon.

A Mormon elder/evangelist told me the six points throughout our 2 hours of talking. I have not ran into another Mormon elder since then. So if my perspective on Mormon doctrine is tainted it is His fault. And if that is what the Mormons believe where did he learn it from.


Resident Liberal Hippie
So here's the question do Mormons use the following: Mormon Doctrine; Doctrine & Covenants; (1Nephi 13:38); History of the Church; and Articles of Faith
Holy Bible
Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Articles of Faith

Now, let me ask you a question.
Do you use the following?
Holy Bible, Matthew 25:34-45; Mark 10:18-25


Not your average Mormon
DeseretBook.com - The Great Apostasy

This book isn't very nice to other religions. It's basically 'your church is false because this and this and this happened'.
Exactly what in the book do you believe to be false? What was misrepresented? If there had been no apostasy, there would have been no need for a restoration. Explaining how Christianity changed over the years is hardly the same as selling books describing the Catholic doctrine of transsubstantiation as cannibalism. You know that as well as the next person.



The points that I brought up was from a Mormon elder. I only brought up the things that I know in the Bible to be the opposite from that. And i think you are being faulty in your assessment. The Mormon doctrine is not a secret many people know what LDS church teaches, and many apologist use the same Bible that I do to show the contradictions.


Not your average Mormon
So here's the question do Mormons use the following: Mormon Doctrine; Doctrine & Covenants; (1Nephi 13:38); History of the Church; and Articles of Faith
"Mormon Doctrine" is one man's interpretation of LDS teachings. It most definitely is not considered to be an official source, and you would almost never hear it referred to in church. As a matter of fact, the Church's leadership has emphatically spoken out against some of what the book says. "The History of the Church" is merely a history of the Church, the same as any book on the history of any other religion is. Our official doctrine is defined in the following books...

1. The Bible (we use the KJV)
2. The Book of Mormon
3. The Doctrine and Covenants
4. The Pearl of Great Price (which includes the "Articles of faith")


Not your average Mormon
Even if he did hear a Mormon say it, does not make what the Mormon said Mormon Doctrine.

Take for instance FHH (or was it FFH?)...
Almost everything he claimed was Mormon beliefs was countered by another Mormon.
Good example! Aren't we glad he isn't here any more? :rolleyes:


Not your average Mormon
So lets take each one point by point.

Okay, let's. How about one of us starts a new thread in the One-On-One debate forum? Before that happens, though, I want to know that you're not going to tell me that (1) you know Mormon doctrine better than I do or (2) I'm not being honest about what we believe. I notice you didn't really address this concern, and it's important to me that we get it cleared up right from the outset. If we need to debate these two points before beginning our discuss of actual Mormon doctrine, then let's do it.

Excuse me? Am I being ignored?


Okay, let's. How about one of us starts a new thread in the One-On-One debate forum? Before that happens, though, I want to know that you're not going to tell me that (1) you know Mormon doctrine better than I do or (2) I'm not being honest about what we believe. I notice you didn't really address this concern, and it's important to me that we get it cleared up right from the outset. If we need to debate these two points before beginning our discuss of actual Mormon doctrine, then let's do it.

Okay,I can not say that I know more Mormon doctrine than you because 1) i do not know how much Mormon doctrine you know. I only know how much Mormon doctrine i "know". In order to compare I would have to be you and know how much you know. I will however will say that I do not know everything about the Mormon faith only what I have been told, studied, read, and saw. And i do not know how to answer your second concern. And if i have read something in the Mormon Bible and you say something different I will question your honesty or your just being ignorant of what is there.


Holy Bible
Book of Mormon
Doctrine and Covenants
Pearl of Great Price
Articles of Faith

Now, let me ask you a question.
Do you use the following?
Holy Bible, Matthew 25:34-45; Mark 10:18-25

Yes I do. I believe every word of it and because of what it has said I have left everything that I held dear to me: family, friends, money, secrutiy. So that I can help the homeless, poor, broken hearted, drug addict, homosexual,drunk. I am currently in debt because Im pursuing the call of God on my life. I am attending college and paying money so that I can be in ministry to help people in need not only physically but also spiritually.