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Self-immolation as a protest against what is going on in Gaza


Russian Orthodox

US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington​


"CNN —
An active-duty member of the US Air Force who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, on Sunday, has died, authorities said.

Aaron Bushnell, 25, of San Antonio, Texas, said in a video of the incident obtained by CNN that he would “no longer be complicit in genocide” and that his suffering was minimal compared to that of Palestinians as the humanitarian crisis persists in Gaza.

He then sets the recording device on the ground before pouring an unknown liquid over himself and igniting it while yelling “Free Palestine” repeatedly. He eventually collapses as police officers rush to douse the flames with fire extinguishers."


"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
This is very hard to read. It's very hard to forget that over 160 Tibetans (mostly monks and nuns) have died through self-immolation in China in protest over China's take-over.

It's hard to understand where the courage to do such a thing comes from, or how strongly some feel about what they see as injustice that can help them summon up that courage. I have to suspect I'm either a coward (not unlikely) or incapable of feeling so strongly about any injustice that I could go there.

Other than that, I have no wise words of any sort to contribute -- just huge sadness.


Well-Known Member
This is very hard to read. It's very hard to forget that over 160 Tibetans (mostly monks and nuns) have died through self-immolation in China in protest over China's take-over.

It's hard to understand where the courage to do such a thing comes from, or how strongly some feel about what they see as injustice that can help them summon up that courage. I have to suspect I'm either a coward (not unlikely) or incapable of feeling so strongly about any injustice that I could go there.

Other than that, I have no wise words of any sort to contribute -- just huge sadness.

Sad about the low mainstream media coverage at least initially .. perhaps picked up since. Sad that this serious conversation about our Position on the world stage at the International Court of Justice .. hard core complicity in Ethnic cleansing , War Crimes . Crimes against humanity for starters .. does it matter if we reach the level of genocide in order not to veto a cease fire .. in the face of Unanimous approval 11 of 13 .. Britain Abstaning but can be looked upon as a wart on the US backside..

As the Delegation from Ireland stated at the UN "Hague is too good for Bibi"



US airman dies after setting himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in Washington​


"CNN —
An active-duty member of the US Air Force who set himself on fire outside the Israeli Embassy in Washington, DC, on Sunday, has died, authorities said.

Aaron Bushnell, 25, of San Antonio, Texas, said in a video of the incident obtained by CNN that he would “no longer be complicit in genocide” and that his suffering was minimal compared to that of Palestinians as the humanitarian crisis persists in Gaza.

He then sets the recording device on the ground before pouring an unknown liquid over himself and igniting it while yelling “Free Palestine” repeatedly. He eventually collapses as police officers rush to douse the flames with fire extinguishers."
Very sad. From my perspective, this young man was overcome by Satan who desires to destroy life by any means.


Well-Known Member

The Holocaust is not "Rubbish" - it was arguably the worst atrocity of the last century. The islaughter of over 10,000 Children in the open air concentration camp known as Gaza as collective punishment for the actions of Hamas is not Rubbish but arguably one of the most heinous atrocities and crimes against humanity in this century.


Aura of atheification
Premium Member
I just don't understand. People often celebrate the ability and success at blasting dozens or even thousands of lives at a time with anything from armed drones to bomb carriers to the old venerable Fat Boy, yet they are shocked that among so many thousands of Armed Forces people along the decades eventually one turns up that is actually moved by what they are doing.

Is there a logic to that? I am not seeing it.


Well-Known Member
Very sad. From my perspective, this young man was overcome by Satan who desires to destroy life by any means.

"Overcome by Satan" --- "Who destroys life by any means"

Such a strange religious fallacy .. where to begin .. how about the assumed premise fallacy at the end .. and we will work back from there !?

There is actually 2 of these fallacies at the end 1) that you know who Ha Satan is .. well enough to speak on his behalf .. 2) That Sataniel's purpose is to destroy life by any means ?

Not sure which makes less sense .. Number 1 or 2 .. The first premise is of course false -- unless Satan at with you for Tea the other day and told you his purpose in life .. which will then falsely be countered crying out that you learned all about Ha Satan and his Purpose from the Bible which Brings us to number 2.

2 "Destroy life by any means" - The purpose of Ha Satan "The Adversary" .. who .. as the Job Title Suggests within the context of Job - is to test Job .. not to kill Job. and Ha Satan does not act outside the Will of his Father .... who forbids the killing of Job during the test and we can safely assume that this was the case in the testing of Jesus .. given Jesus survived the test alive .. activiating the small piece of the All-Spark obtained at his Baptism.

The purpose of the Supreme one is not to destroy life by any means -- That is the promise of the Rainbow my friend in Christ - EL - God of Abraham and Noah promised he was not going to try to do that again.

So .. friend .. if destruction of all life on Earth is not the Will of God, then it is not the Purpose of Ha Satan - the Tester of Souls .. who does not act outside of the will of Her Father. I used "Her" as we are not told the sex of the Tester -- so thought to be politically correct and default to the immortal feminine -- but in retro-spect .. Satan is a powerful God--- Chief God over the Earth .. having usurped the position of Marduk .. who had previously usurped EL .. now the "Most High" in the clouds/heavens .. Heading up the Divine Council of EL that serves as the setting to Psalm 82 - the first line reads as follows .

YHWH stands in[b] the assembly of El;[c]in the midst of the gods[d] he renders judgment.[e]

So as you can see .. Ha Satan does not rebel against the Supreme One .. .. sure he chides his Father .. saying that he knows Job better than his Dad .. The two make a bet -- gentleman's wager -- and hopefully you know the rest of the story .. Ha Satan demonstrating some mighty God Powers.

That's a rough way to go.

I think he was overcome with woe because
his own government...his employer...aids
Israel's genocide of Palestinians.
Fictional beings don't cause this.

Right .. and getting back to the topic indeed it seems that the temperment of Bibi .. and his Extremist - Zionist deal with the devil Party .. is intent on indiscriminate destruction of Life .. "From the River to the Sea" .. however mostly focused on the out-door concentration camp known as Gaza .. As with the Amalek cries Bibi .. so it will be .. from the River to the Sea.

That they are actually doing what they boast about - Ethnic Cleansing - Crimes against Humanity - War Crimes -- is causing great dispair .. and a sense of helplessness in that USA is supporting Israel in its effort .. not just complicit in these crimes .. but full on guilty of these Crimes given its participation.. Veto on the UN Ceasefire .. a big black demonic mark in history .. Genocide Joe claiming "The Devil Made me Do it"

Mock Turtle

Oh my, did I say that!
Premium Member
Most likely having a mental health issue and chose to commit suicide whilst demonstrating his anger over a current issue.


Russian Orthodox
Explain your answer .. are you claiming that Evil is a person ? --- or that Evil is in Every Person -- or something completely different that we have yet to think about .. cause you sure havn't up until now !

What is there to explain? I have not said anything contrary to the traditional teachings of either the Catholic or Eastern faiths. Google is your friend (well, for privacy, I think everyone should use DuckDuckGo).


Well-Known Member
What is there to explain? I have not said anything contrary to the traditional teachings of either the Catholic or Eastern faiths. Google is your friend (well, for privacy, I think everyone should use DuckDuckGo).

Was there someone that claimed you spoke Heresy friend .. wasn't me in any case. The question to you was about clarification of your position on Evil Personified .. "are you claiming that Evil is a person ? --- or that Evil is in Every Person"

not sure what you need to google to answer this question that appears to have gone deer in headlights .. but I am sure "Duck Duck Go" is a fine option if needed.

K :) think I may have preferred the one word responses previously given .... "What is there to explain" - you say ? Your position friend.. clarification and dedication to the nation .. do the two options apply or is there a third you would like to tell us about ?

We await your explanation in earnest .. Do not delay with response !