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Probably leaving

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Well-Known Member
See one was already shared above, this is the type of behavior that's turned me off completely. I could legit metaphysically prove something and some people would be like "lul wut evidence hehe."
It seems to be a rational post.

As to your other example, it seems to be atheists under attack there. I particularly dislike the posters use of the word "they." Atheists are not a they, they are individuals and incredibly varied in their beliefs.


I'm a planet
I've never once denied theists can be hostile etc, not one time. This forum has a terrible trait of thinking everything is one sided when there's problems on both sides, whether talking religion or politics. It's pointless.
One of things that I pointed out in that thread was that no atheist who responded at that point denigrated religion in any way. Anyway, if you'd post a link to whatever thread was the problem, that would be great so I can see where you're coming from.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
It seems to be a rational post.

As to your other example, it seems to be atheists under attack there. I particularly dislike the posters use of the word "they." Atheists are not a they, they are individuals and incredibly varied in their beliefs.
Okay well whatever, I haven't the energy to fight about it. Just further confirmation of my op thanks


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
One of things that I pointed out in that thread was that no atheist who responded at that point denigrated religion in any way. Anyway, if you'd post a link to whatever thread was the problem, that would be great so I can see where you're coming from.
I literally posted it are you ****ing kidding? Thanks for confirming my decision even further


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Honestly mods lock this, delete it, delete my stuff, keep it up, I don't give a ****.
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Well-Known Member
Lets take a look at RF for a minute. Most posts are about religion or politics. Well, thats enough to start WW III for a start. We have people with hugely varying levels of education, numerous nationalities, the curious and the die-hards. Some are mentally ill and some are obviously attention seekers. To be honest it is a miracle that it goes so smoothly.


Here until I storm off again
Premium Member
Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't see a link to a thread anywhere.

Have a great day.
Post 16 *Mod edit* :). I know I shouldn't be responding again but it's a great nail in the coffin. RIP RF
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"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
See one was already shared above, this is the type of behavior that's turned me off completely. I could legit metaphysically prove something and some people would be like "lul wut evidence hehe."

Here. I'm sure you will see no negative atheist behavior at all.

Yes, we see it. And here are the first three posts in that thread:
"Magic", they say. ;)
They say "miracles", "supernatural", etc etc etc ... they even say "spaghettis" and in their minds is an insult. So they are. :p

What is really "miracle" or "magic" or "supernatural" in an atheist mind?
IMHO, they are just things they cann't explain with their current personal knowledge ... and there is soooo much happening in the world right now that most people cann't explain, that I would say miracles are happening all the time and atheists cann't negate it. Insulting is the way their brains deal with it. :cool:

Why do you hate atheists so much?

I love atheists. That's why I try to educate them all the time; they hate me for that. :innocent:
Did @Orbit abuse anyone by asking a pretty obvious question?

And what about @Eli G? Can you see the implied "atheists are stupid" ("That's why I try to educate them all the time")

Who is being maligned in these opening posts?

I think, perhaps, you are simply not mature enough to engage in such debates, and that what you assume to be hate is simply reasoned argument -- the sort of thing that is actually expected in a debate thread.


Admiral Obvious
See one was already shared above, this is the type of behavior that's turned me off completely. I could legit metaphysically prove something and some people would be like "lul wut evidence hehe."

Here. I'm sure you will see no negative atheist behavior at all.

Is that your best example of YOU being trolled, harassed, and abused?
A thread that is a blatant attack on atheists?
One which you gleefully joined in the attack on atheists?

This is a prime example of a theist getting all bent out of shape when atheists lower themselves to the bar that theists set.


I'm a planet
Post 16 *Mod edit* :). I know I shouldn't be responding again but it's a great nail in the coffin. RIP RF
Oh I see. I was confused because you just re-posted the thread I posted. I was looking for you to post a link to the thread you were referring to in the OP, which would be different.

When I look at that thread and OP, what I see is an attack on atheists. So I honestly am not seeing how it's an example of the opposite.

Anyway, best to you.
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Χριστός ἀνέστη
Theists more oftenly ask the wrong questions , that is why the drama.

When I provide scientific explenation and sufficient reason and i am happy with it, it's irrelevant what others say.

Moral and ethics have part , yes i agree, but there is truth in the sayings that we need to test our values and be challanged.

Emotions are only excuse not to try to learn more.

You need to have faith to act on that!


Active Member
Forums in general are dying all over the Web @1137 .

I wish I had the time to make a video about it and share similar experiences I have had as well.


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Reddit has become endless videos. You can request fewer videos, but you can't turn off videos. It doesn't matter if you want to communicate and to learn. You get what they give you. Possibly a way around it is to make multiple accounts, but is it worth the trouble? Maybe try livejournal again. That's my suggestion. Its old, has lots of left handed path pages, old and new stuff; and its not a bunch of funny videos.


Well-Known Member
Hi all,

When I joined over 10 years ago this place had a big community vibe, something really enjoyable compared to the growing sites like Reddit or remaining forums who were rife with hostility, trolling, and toxicity. Today I honestly think even reddit is better. I sadly see nothing to be gained here any more, in some case I'm one of the few that even seems to have changed at all in a decade. I'm sick of the free reign atheists get to troll, harass, and abuse theists on forums like this, and engaging in the toxicity makes me become toxic at well. It's a shame because at first it really felt like coming home when I came back, I guess you don't always realize how abusive home was until you return. If you're wondering why it's so dead around here, this is why.

Probably keep lurking in the LHP DIR but otherwise I need to try and respect myself, and that is not having all effort one puts in just be **** on by trolls who won't even actually engage and assume all those who disagree are primitive minded fools. I hope one day I can return to find a forum where religion can again be discussed in a moderated, non abusive manner. I miss the forum of pluralism and positivity I once enjoyed, but those days of the internet are gone.

Feel free to hit me up at [email protected]
It's a shame.

I have been noticing your posts more and more.

I'm not sure why any theist or science heretic would want to stick around and suffer the barrage of insults that are allowed when directed at anyone but a science supporter. I have exceedingly thick skin and can retaliate from time to time with insults that actually stick.

I don't believe there has been any deterioration in the site in the brief time I've been here but there are several theists who have quit posting; perhaps because of the insults. It is apparent that there are two distinct standards for posters.

Please try to not make any final decisions right away. I have a hunch things will begin improving.


Well-Known Member
I've never once denied theists can be hostile etc, not one time. This forum has a terrible trait of thinking everything is one sided when there's problems on both sides, whether talking religion or politics. It's pointless.

Part of the problem is that we're all pretty opinionated.

I see this as a positive thing though so long as people can form cogent arguments and keep their pounding onto their own keyboards.


Veteran Member
But you did not provide a single example of said "toxicity." I keep wondering why.
The answer is that you can't see it, because you think it's 'normal'.

People that are prejudiced never see themselves as being prejudiced because they believe their prejudice is just "the truth of things". And unless they are willing to honestly doubt their own "truth", they never will.

I have to chuckle at all the comments I see from atheists here about how skeptical and open-minded they think they are. How they all think they are "critical thinkers" when in fact they are only critical of OTHER PEOPLE'S thinking. But never their own. And how automatically defensive they become should someone dare to suggest that they aren't nearly as critical or thoughtful as they presume themselves to be.


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I typed this out yesterday shortly after you posted the OP, but while I was typing, I saw you had deleted your avatar and changed your custom text field to GONE, so I figured you wouldn't be back, so I deleted it, but I see you did come back to see what others had said. So if you do come back, this is what I said, FWIW...

Sorry to hear this. I've enjoyed your contributions here.​
I disagree that atheists have free reign[sic] to troll, harass, and abuse theists here. In fact, we are likely one of the best moderated forums I've belonged to. With an exception or two, we have some of most productive atheist contributions I've seen on a religious forum.​
Theists here have just as much rein as atheists here, and I've seen theists attempt to run roughshod over atheism as much as I've seen atheist try attempt to run roughshod over theists. But at the end of the day, it's ideas that are under attack here, not people. Those that attack people are swiftly dealt with.​
I hope you decide to stick around, but if you feel the need to step away, I wish you the best.​

As an added bonus, it would appear after deleting your avatar that you've been promoted to #1! Congratulations!
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