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No Religion - Nearly 10 Million Australians.

The Hammer

Premium Member
But most religions structure their beliefs so rigidly that there would be conflict with such a movement. Who needs that?

Not in my experience with religion. They are constantly growing, changing and adapting.

Maybe not in a way that every single individual would agree with, but that's an impossible task for anyone, about anything.

Edit: That's why religions have sects and denominations for instance. Examples of how pluralism can work with a large number of different intermingled religions, look no further then India. Not perfect, but as I stated previously, what is?


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Many will fall off in these times, but there will be those who will be in doubt, and come back to faith too.

Not everyone will want to be saved, those are not able to find the way back i think.

Others will be strong and stay within a spiritual/religious faith.

Only time will tell what will happen.

He's indeed, God's time is not our time.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
Premium Member
I don't see religious faith as the only way to help, I don't even see at as a way to help.

Praying and saying im thinking of you is of no benefit to the starving. What helps is action.

If course faith may/does help the individual with faith, giving them a false sense of having done something to help.

View attachment 64099

I see Faith is only proven in actions.

Words alone do not help, as you have offered.

Regards Tony


I go leaps and bounds
Premium Member
I hate to say it; but you're wrong, Joe.

We can divide ourselves thousands of ways without the need of religion to do so. Religion at it's core is attempting to explain and answer many of the same metaphysical questions many of us ask; and in doing so have a lot more in common then most of them realize. Therefore pluralistic cooperation is not only possible, but essential going forward.

And after thousands of years religion has achieved nothing other than making the world a worse place. Maybe time to try something new.


Veteran Member
Premium Member
Good to see that more people are seeing sense.

On what basis do you support your statement "....there will come a time when people realise that Faith is the only way to help humanity"
I think that too often it is a hinderance and often help comes with strings attached.

This is foretold in the Baha'i Writings. Many quotes are available on this topic.

I will spare you from any quote. ;)


The Hammer

Premium Member
many faithful are happy just to pray and leave the difficult stuff like actually doing something to their god

Then imo they missed the message.

For instance my tradition emphasizes hospitality. As we are all within the 'home' of earth, it is my responsibility to be a hospitable host to all in my power to do so. (If that makes sense).


Veteran Member
Premium Member
If I am properly informed, Christian religion decreases sometimes and increases other times. Some scholars correlate this with poverty and wealth, but I correlate it with corruption. People don't like corruption, and it makes them stop trusting. After a bout of very serious corruption there is a very serious drop in attendance.

Yes the trends are interesting.

It also depends what options are available and the way questions are worded.

Regards Tony


Veteran Member
The 2021 Census was completed by over 90% of the population and thus returned useful data.

Religion was interesting.

View attachment 64098

I see this is a trend that was foretold, but there will come a time when people realise that Faith is the only way to help humanity.

What are your thoughts?

Regards Tony

Interesting research. Although "No Religion" does not mean "Atheists" by default it could be. Must read more on the study.

If you can, give me a source to read the full study. If not just ignore this post. Maybe this is a paid view so I might not get full access.

Thanks Tony. Good study IMO.


Well-Known Member
Not in my experience with religion. They are constantly growing, changing and adapting.

Maybe not in a way that every single individual would agree with, but that's an impossible task for anyone, about anything.

Edit: That's why religions have sects and denominations for instance. Examples of how pluralism can work with a large number of different intermingled religions, look no further then India. Not perfect, but as I stated previously, what is?

We are into a difficult topic to cover in brief posts but I'll use one example to help you understand what I see as the main problem. The Christian Bible is accepted as a moral authority by most Christians. It sometimes conflicts with Conscience. It conflicted with conscience on the abolition of slavery; and it conflicts with conscience on the equal rights of women and homosexuals.

Christians who follow their religious leaders on these issues will lag behind people who have no religious affiliation. I've read that the Catholic Church didn't take a position against slavery until the Second Vatican Council in the 1960s. The abolition movement began to pick up momentum in about the year 1700.
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The Hammer

Premium Member
We are into a difficult topic to cover in brief posts but I'll use one example to help you understand what I see as the main problem. The Christian Bible is accepted as a moral authority by most Christians. It conflicts with Conscience. It conflicted with conscience on the abolition of slavery; and it conflicts with conscience on the equal rights of women and homosexuals.

Christians who follow their religious leaders on these issues will lag behind people who have no religious affiliation. I've read that the Catholic Church didn't take a position against slavery until the 1960s. The abolition movement began to pick up momentum in about the year 1700.

The fundamentalist literal interpretation of the Bible as you're inferring about here, isn't the only way for the bible to be interpreted. There are many liberal Churches that take a different stance then the above. My wife's Lutheran Church for instance.

And not all aspects of religion lag behind society. As you stated though, this is too complex a topic for short discussion posts. I'll end with religion won't go away, as it's ingrained in our Psyches.
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The Hammer

Premium Member
Are you saying that you had some problems, divinity did not appear to help you and you made some kind of decision?

Not quite in my personal experience (answering as I said the same to Christine). But it certainly compounded the problems I was already facing, without offering a salve of relief.