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It's Not Rocket Surgery

Eyes to See

Well-Known Member
There are a variety of talents/skills/intelligence, whatever you prefer to call it, that people have. The IQ test itself isn't a good indicator of a person's intelligence, rather his ability to learn. A person taking an IQ test over and over can eventually score very high on it just by practicing it a lot.

According to some here are the types of intelligence (traits) we have:

1. Visual/Spacial.
2. Linguistic/Verbal.
3. Logical/Mathematical.
4. Bodily/Kinesthetic.
5. Musical.
6. Interpersonal.
7. Intrapersonal.
8. Pedagogical.

Everyone excels in one or more and is deficient in others. So you are better at certain things than your friends/family, and they are better at certain things than you. A person may be a musical genius but may no be very gregarious, outgoing, the life of the party. And it could be the other way around. Someone may be a great athlete but may not have as great an ability at language, etc.

A little off the topic but in the general area is our ability to learn. I thought this guy did a good job of breaking down the fact that we don't have specific learning types:


Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Says the bear whose only degrees are a BA in
Medieval French Art & a BS in Disemboweling Hikers.

Its Medieval disembowelment and hiker mauling and it an MS... figures...a mechanical engineer can't even get that right...they just can't do anything without their slide rule and pocket protector


Simulated character
Tell that so someone with profound mental handicaps. Or someone like John Nash Jr., who had a grasp of mathematics that few will ever possess.
And empathy is another one. It comes inherently and naturally for humans. But those with autism may struggle with putting themselves in another's shoes.

They're getting sued by multiple entities because self driving thing is unreliable, the cars are anti-consumer, there are definitely some highly questionable aspects of their construction, and all those batteries and all those charges aren't good for the environment either (especially all those batteries). Amd EVs in general can face some very nasty electrical fires that can burn for days.
Teslas are garbage and Elon is an apex ********* who is anti-worker (seriously, he's sent emails in the middle of the night telling employees they're going to have to work harder and longer).

I hope you are not (edit) *resenting* Musk leaving California for Texas.
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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Its Medieval disembowelment and hiker mauling and it an MS... figures...a mechanical engineer can't even get that right...they just can't do anything without their slide rule and pocket protector
Imagine my Post Versalog bouncing off'n yer snoot.
Take that, Booboo!

Shadow Wolf

Certified People sTabber & Business Owner
I hope you are not begrudging Musk leaving California for Texas.
Nope. It's good riddance to the oaf. Anti-worker , anti-consumer worms like Musk may fit in better in a state where they don't have worker laws that look more 21st century and Western.
Just to make it clear how I feel about Musk, I feel it's unfortunate we couldn't send him in that car he littered space with.

Wu Wei

ursus senum severiorum and ex-Bisy Backson
Imagine my Post Versalog bouncing off'n yer snoot.
Take that, Booboo!

You want to bounce a multi-channel loggers with a USB or WiFi interface off my snout !?.... oh wait...Mechanical Engineer...... talking Slide Ruler....should have known...


Simulated character
I would gladly support the colonization of Mars, provided Musk pledged to be the first to make his home there permanently.

I'd be horrified by a six month rocket journey to Mars, but I'm guessing Musk might be a braver space pioneer than me. Although, Elon Musk admits the first settlers on Mars will be on a suicide mission. I'd consider Elon Musk as being too valuable for his life to be cut short by such a suicide mission. Hence, I'd be willing to take his place as going on a suicide mission to Mars.

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Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'd be horrified by a six month rocket journey to Mars, but I'm guessing Musk might be a braver space pioneer than me. Although, Elon Musk admits the first settlers on Mars will be on a suicide mission. I'd consider Elon Musk as being too valuable for his life to be cut short by such a suicide mission. Hence, I'd be willing to take his place as going on a suicide mission to Mars.

I'm OK with his personally being the first Mars pioneer.