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Is the Religious Right in America gunning for you?

Is the Religious Right going to try to take away more hard-won freedoms?

  • Yes, beating Roe, they'll target other rights they hate.

    Votes: 32 80.0%
  • No, they only care about abortion

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 8 20.0%

  • Total voters


Veteran Member
Let's just agree then that conservatives are clearly not about upholding and expanding freedom, despite what you've claimed.
BTW, if conservatives value the constitution why do they constantly try to defy the establishment clause of the 1st Amendment?
They aren't the ones calling for more and more restrictions for the common man. What doctor he can see, what shots he has to have, what he can eat, micromanaging people, that's what the left is all about.

Subduction Zone

Veteran Member
I used the word (premature) birth because the versions I initially looked up used that word, probably to give more clarity and understandably for modern readers. The Hebrew or even KJV use depart or gone from her. That does not necessarily indicate the baby is dead or alive.

I think according to the OT or NT life begins at conception. There are scriptures and accounts which make reference to life in the womb, before birth.

In the scriptures you’ve referenced in Numbers, the husband did not go to the priest to demand abortion. The subject was concerning the sexual sin of adultery. The wife may not have even been pregnant.
I know, and those are recent changes due to the right to life movement. They are not based upon a proper interpretation of the Bible. From the start with the Adam and Eve myth Adam did not become a man until God breathed the life into him. You are going to rely on verses that say that God knew someone in the womb. That does not really help since there are also verses about knowing people before they were conceived.

Let's go over the verses from Numbers. The man knew that his wife cheated on him. How did he know? There were no witnesses to her infidelity and that would include the husband. You need to keep the later context of her losing her fetus in context when you answer that question. The one way that a husband can know that his wife cheated on him without a witness would be if she got knocked up when he has had no sex with her. The upshot of the test is that if she cheated on him it will end in an abortion. That amounts to the husband demanding an abortion if he demands that test.


aged ecumenical anthropologist
So, why was Australia's covid death rate only a small fraction of what we had here in the States? Easy to answer as they overwhelmingly used sequestering and taking the vaccines as soon as they could. Same with New Zealand.

It's so utterly pathetic that those who claim to be "pro-life" on the issue of abortion limit it mainly just to abortion while ignoring or making lame excuses to avoid accepting some other pro-life issues. How many times have we seen "super-spreaders" here? How many times have we read posts by some who ignore what the research on covid and its effects have shown us? How many times do they parrot what the right-wing media brainwashes them to believe?

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Of course he's a baby... and deserves to live. I bet you are glad your mom didn't use your reasoning.

The fetus' soul will go into another fetus. The body is just the housing for the soul to make it easier to interact with the physical world. Everyone gets a change to live life over and over. Souls are eternal. Always have been and always will be.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
Such backward thinking. The vast majority of women do believe that way. Just because people know that a fetus is not a baby does not result in them being aborted. You need to work on your own reasoning skills. Just because people know that it is not wrong to get an abortion when one needs one does not mean that everyone is going to rush out and get one. This is not a Black Friday Sale situation.

Do or do not believe? Do not, right?


aged ecumenical anthropologist
BTW, the purpose of quarantining and mask wearing wasn't that these were cures but was to slow down the spread as hospitals were getting jammed and there were no vaccines available at first. Here in the Detroit area, we got hit hard and early [3rd worse rate in the nation in 2020-- NY & NJ were higher], so it didn't take long for us to realize that he had to mask up and seclude ourselves as much as possible. That worked but it took some time.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady
The serious problem with right wing style freedoms is how they lack any broad moral concern for others, and a complete abandonment of social contract. Everything that makes a nation cooperate and ensures safety and trust is sabotaged by what conservatives believe. The opposition to vaccines and masks was only political. We know the value of vaccines, and we know why medical personnel use masks in medical procedures. The right wing disinformation was highly immoral, and they don't care to understand the truth about their political and anti-social attitudes.

I think they like going against the norm as it makes them feel special. Just a guess; it's hard to figure them out. I don't remember being so political when I was a Christian. At least not at first. After the 80s, I got very narrow minded. It started with, surprise, gay marriage and abortion, and then went onto other issues.

Sand Dancer

Crazy Cat Lady

Have you thought it through? Why do you want all of these unwanted fetuses as neighbors? Are you just helping procure souls for heaven by finding them a fleshy home on earth first?


That's actually a Mormon view. Before we were born we chose well, so got to be born into a body. We then get the chance to spend eternity with God and Jesus if we choose the right. Something like that.
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"Truth" isn't a thing...
Premium Member
BTW what is the so called legitimate use for things like the sex trade?
Possession of firearms are guaranteed in the constitution...I don't remember anything in there about hookers.
There are people in the world who for one reason or another (they've aged, they're no longer pretty, their life partners who they cherished have died or left them, they are painfully shy to the point of inability to initiate the path to relationships with others...and many others). And yet, they may well have the same needs for emotional warmth, physical contact, sexual release, as anyone else. And yet, there's nobody out there who would be at all interested, for the reasons I listed.

The sex trade has been around as long as any human business ("the oldest profession") for this simple reason. The man who has no charms to attract another person to help him meet his own needs may yet have something to trade -- usually money. And there are many people who are quite willing to provide for those people's needs, because it helps them, through being paid, to meet needs of their own.

Look, you either believe in free trade, or you don't -- but that's just one form of it.

And I'll tell you something -- on the whole, I think it's a lot more useful than the rampant ownership (and misuse) of firearms!