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In a purely hypothetical situation...

Which religion would you hypothetically convert to?

  • Christianity

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Islam

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Judaism

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Buddhism

    Votes: 18 27.7%
  • Hindusim

    Votes: 3 4.6%
  • Paganism/Wiccan

    Votes: 5 7.7%
  • Luciferanism/Satanism

    Votes: 4 6.2%
  • Scientology

    Votes: 1 1.5%
  • Taoism

    Votes: 6 9.2%
  • Gnocisti

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Gnosticism

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • UU Theist

    Votes: 8 12.3%
  • Baha'i

    Votes: 2 3.1%
  • Other (Post it)

    Votes: 12 18.5%

  • Total voters
Buddhism, if it was a must, but purely hypothetical, i tried to put this thread on general religious debates and i got one answer, i wouldnt convert. I mean come on!
Buddhism, if it was a must, but purely hypothetical, i tried to put this thread on general religious debates and i got one answer, i wouldnt convert. I mean come on!:areyoucra


I just couldn't do it. Not even hypothetically. I'd rather poke my eyes out with a red hot poker. All those obvious pieces of crap you have to believe, all those unanswerd questions, rules to follow and even meat you can't eat!I'd like to say buddhist at a push but id have to kill spiders and eat meat and i'd scoff at karma.

See I'd be crap!:confused:


I think the answer is any. If I was to convert it would be for a reason (because I had lost my mind) - And as such I guess the particular brand of the supernatural would be given to me in a message! I just hope that if I do fall, that it isn't to Islam or Christian-Catholic. Scientology is out of the equation as surely I could never go that stark-raving-mad? Maybe I should carry a special red pill in my wallet just in case?


no Gnostic love! Wow :(

Ah but you take the post the wrong way. I have genuine love for all creatures. I have absolutely no love for religion however. And although I have never 'hated' anyone, or anything, religion, or rather certain religions come very close to provoking that emotion within me.


Veteran Member
From what I have heard, Buddhism seems to be superficially compatible with my current mindset. Probably Buddhism then.


Reason, and reason again
But what would you convert to from Taoism?

I picked Taoism, meaning philosophical Taoism, but nontheistic Buddhism would be okay, too. Buddhists usually believe things I consider to be implausible, but I could fall right in with the practices of several Buddhist sects.

Paganism or Buddhism, probably.


Bodhisattva in Recovery
Sadly I am not a sheep and would not follow any given religion although I may well form my own based on reality, no faith required, just honesty.


The Devil's Advocate
I just couldn't do it. Not even hypothetically. I'd rather poke my eyes out with a red hot poker. All those obvious pieces of crap you have to believe, all those unanswerd questions, rules to follow and even meat you can't eat!I'd like to say buddhist at a push but id have to kill spiders and eat meat and i'd scoff at karma.

See I'd be crap!:confused:
You don't have to stop eating meat to be Buddhist. Nor do you have to believe in stuff that you don't believe. As long as you accept the Four Noble Truths and the 8-Fold Path.

And if you scoff at karma it's because you don't understand it. There is nothing necessarily "supernatural" about the concept of karma, tho I agree that it often gets taken in that direction.


Heretic and part-time (skinny) Santa impersonator
I chose "Buddhist".


Well...they (as in, their adherents) epitomize pacifism, generosity, compassion, wisdom, and informed restraint.

Buddhists are more "spiritual" and less superstitious in defining their beliefs.

Deities are neither praised nor blamed for randomlyconsequential outcomes...whether or not mankind has any implicit impact or influence upon those outcomes...

Buddhists don't proselytize.

Buddhists do not insist that they they possess exclusionary "secrets" into the cosmic "mind" of a claimed deity that ordains universal "truths" of requisite obedience and worshipful adherence as precondition to "deliverance".

Buddhists are laid back, and do not either judge or sentence unbelievers to some unhappy place of "eternal" punishment or persecution.

All that said...I would still promote a skeptic's/atheist's view as the one that best suits my own sensibilities.


Done here.
And if you scoff at karma it's because you don't understand it. There is nothing necessarily "supernatural" about the concept of karma, tho I agree that it often gets taken in that direction.
What goes around, comes around. :D


Let go
There are at least 4 people using the "Sad Captain America" avatar. I consistently think people post out of character until I realize it is someone else.


Complex bunch of atoms
I put Scientology. As if I ever *did* get faith, I assume it would be because I had lost my mind, so I simply put the most farcical one...

The closest I have any affinity to tho is Buddhism.
If i were to convert to a religion, it would be Buddhism, because i agree with many of its characteristics and because Buddhists are a peaceful bunch, not bent on violence and destruction, like other religions...


Uber all member
Isn't Atheism an unstructured religion - one with science substituted for dogma?

Should'nt this thread be in general religion as all other threads started by non-atheists?


Oldest Heretic
If I could find others of like mind I would convert to my own version of Anglicanism, so that I no longer had to call myself a heretic.