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Imagine that Native American come to your home to kick you out


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
Say to you ;go out home , this is my land, so it's my home . go back Europe.

that's what happened recently to Arabs home by Israeli settlers
Roger Waters- “It’s official ISRAEL is an APARTHEID STATE”
Explained: What is happening in Sheikh Jarrah?


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
So in your opinion, the people most deserving of keeping their property are the latest people living there, right? Hence, Native Americans have no right to their land, being that they lived there prior to modern Americans, and Jews have no right to their land, being they lived there before Arabs. Is that right?


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
when you leave your neighborhood 1000 years ago, you shouldn't be able to come back and evict people that have lived there for hundreds of years


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
My understanding is that this is not about thousand or two century year old claims. Those are not even what is being disputed. Am I correct on that point? For example this would be about Jews and Arabs with land deeds from about 100 years ago?


"Peace is the answer" quote: GOD, 2014
Premium Member
no, 100 years ago the few Jews in Palestine owned very little of the property, now they claim all of it.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
So in your opinion, the people most deserving of keeping their property are the latest people living there, right? Hence, Native Americans have no right to their land, being that they lived there prior to modern Americans, and Jews have no right to their land, being they lived there before Arabs. Is that right?
Do you know the recent conflict how begin?
JEWS COMES TO arab homes of Sheikh Jarrah.
. Arabs families kicked out because Israeli law allow to jews to claim home.so they have it.

Saint Frankenstein

Here for the ride
Premium Member
I'd actually love if the Native Americans kicked out the whites and blacks in America, since they're the ones who cause most of the problems here. Lol.


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I'd actually love if the Native Americans kicked out the whites and blacks in America, since they're the ones who cause most of the problems here. Lol.
I imagine that.
If someone knock your door to kick you out will surrender and give him keys.Instead shot him in head


the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
My understanding is that this is not about thousand or two century year old claims. Those are not even what is being disputed. Am I correct on that point? For example this would be about Jews and Arabs with land deeds from about 100 years ago?

The Israeli laws that allow for the Jewish “reclamation” of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem is a one-way street. While Jews can reclaim land based on pre-1948 deeds, Palestinians cannot make claims on land their families owned in West Jerusalem before Israel’s independence. On top of that, the property of Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war was formally expropriated in 1950.

In brief, Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah are being targeted with an unjust and discriminatory legal regime that denies Palestinians the right to make the same claims as Jews. Jerusalem municipal officials, not tied down by unconvincing Foreign Ministry talking points about a simple “real estate dispute,” have said as much in remarkably candid statements to the international press.

From other member jewish friend thread about conflict . Of this racism act


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Imagine that Native American come to your home to kick you out

I suppose if it did come to that, I could apply for Apache citizenship. I got some friends on the reservation who could put in a word for me. I'm sure they'd let me stay. It pays to have good friendly relations with one's neighbors.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
The Israeli laws that allow for the Jewish “reclamation” of Palestinian land in East Jerusalem is a one-way street. While Jews can reclaim land based on pre-1948 deeds, Palestinians cannot make claims on land their families owned in West Jerusalem before Israel’s independence. On top of that, the property of Palestinian refugees from the 1948 war was formally expropriated in 1950.

In brief, Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah are being targeted with an unjust and discriminatory legal regime that denies Palestinians the right to make the same claims as Jews. Jerusalem municipal officials, not tied down by unconvincing Foreign Ministry talking points about a simple “real estate dispute,” have said as much in remarkably candid statements to the international press.

From other member jewish friend thread about conflict . Of this racism act
I'm certain is it an unequal action and distressing.

I could be wrong, but it seems aimed at hurrying up the peace talks. Land can be returned but lives cannot, so it could be about that. Or...it could just be land grabs with no aim towards saving lives. I think one question nobody has asked is if this land grabbing can be reversed and what it would take.

no, 100 years ago the few Jews in Palestine owned very little of the property, now they claim all of it.
It has been a long time, but I once read in The Sword and the Olive that before 1948 much of the land was infertile and of low value, so many Jewish families took the opportunity to begin buying up property. Possibly this was part of a long term plan or was symbolic. I don't know. I'm not a great reader and didn't get far into the book which went into battles and intrigues. I no longer own it. I only have so much space and don't keep books permanently. I've had all kinds of books and had to get rid of them.


Veteran Member
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Premium Member
Well if that’s the case then the Arabs are in the wrong. Dunno much about it. But hopefully the people that do know the truth can enlighten the masses and maybe that will put an end to this nonsense. Maybe through enlightenment and humility one side will step down. Unfortunately probably won’t happen

-life’s fleeting
I am undecided about who is actually wrong, but its not my problem. Since its war you have to choose your reading material. The arguments are like resumes, always shining things up to get the job. I mentioned a source that wasn't an internet site, because it takes effort to make a book. A book can get a bad reputation or a good one. A web site can be changed from day to day. You can find web sites painting these issues very differently with timeline shifts, things left out, etc. It takes a real effort to know. Am I going to go across the ocean and look up all the records of these deeds and read through piles of microfiche in Israel? No.


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
Do you know the recent conflict how begin?
JEWS COMES TO arab homes of Sheikh Jarrah.
. Arabs families kicked out because Israeli law allow to jews to claim home.so they have it.
So is that a "yes" to my question, then?


Am Yisrael Chai
Staff member
Premium Member
It has been a long time, but I once read in The Sword and the Olive that before 1948 much of the land was infertile and of low value, so many Jewish families took the opportunity to begin buying up property. Possibly this was part of a long term plan or was symbolic
True. Prior to the coming of the first modern Zionists in the early to mid 19th century and until well into the first half of the 20th century, much of what is now the State of Israel was malaria-infested swampland. The Arabs were glad to part with useless land, until, that is, the Jews managed to clear out the swamps and grow rich produce. Then Arab raids started.


Veteran Member
when you leave your neighborhood 1000 years ago, you shouldn't be able to come back and evict people that have lived there for hundreds of years
Maybe not when you leave voluntarily and donating it to others. All other scenarios I would call "karma getting finally back at you"

Of course you could dismiss karma as being not scientifically proven, but if true it will bite you in the arse anyway

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
Say to you ;go out home , this is my land, so it's my home . go back Europe.

that's what happened recently to Arabs home by Israeli settlers
Roger Waters- “It’s official ISRAEL is an APARTHEID STATE”
Explained: What is happening in Sheikh Jarrah?
I'm 'Native American' as with anyone else because I was born on this very land. I was never in Europe, so you clearly have the wrong person.

That would be my response.



the word "Islam" means "submission" to God
Premium Member
I'm 'Native American' as with anyone else because I was born on this very land. I was never in Europe, so you clearly have the wrong person.

That would be my response.

You miss my point in topic.
It's compare situation. Jews kick out Arabs recently because the about "it's our original land"
Check video above