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Humans are not alive and don't feel anything .


Active Member
What would happen to a baby who was born but then did not catch humanity?
The infant animal would die if it had no older animals feeding the infant . Assuming the infant had parents , the infant would just be an animal , enjoying life . The animal would grow up not care about building factories or material possessions etc , the only functions would be survival and reproduction .
Potentially humans can be formed with variations within the host , example the words Cat and Katze , these humans formed in different locations . English and German respectfully .


Active Member
What would happen to a baby who was born but then did not catch humanity?
The infant would die if the animal parents didn't provide food etc. Assuming the parents were present the infant would grow up as an animal , enjoying a life , not caring about building factories , wealth etc .
The main goal would be survival and reproduction .
Human formations on Earth are a variable , example , bonjour and hello . Respectfully a French formation and an English formation .


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
OK, I get that if a baby wasn't raised as a human then it would either become feral or die and yes, it would

But I don't really understand this bit:
Potentially humans can be formed with variations within the host , example the words Cat and Katze , these humans formed in different locations . English and German respectfully .
I mean, a cat and a Katze are the same thing but the word is different. I don't understand how this is a profound insight


"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
What is a human ? A human is a formed set of defining words that are hosted by a sentient being . When an infant is born , that infant isn't a human , it is instead an animal that has no formed humanity . Humans are formed within the host and are not subject to any feelings but can experience feelings via the mind and body experience . In example let us consider a new born baby boy , at this stage the boy is without an identity or humanity . Now let us call this boy Jesus , Jesus is a word and the beginning of the formation of Jesus within the sentient host .

Now let us consider that Jesus in the future gains many words , ''I am Jesus and I am formed from words '' .

Now let us consider taking away all the words Jesus knows , including his own name . Jesus would exist no more , there would just be left the body , the work of God .

I am I, i am alive several doctors have told me so, they tell me i have 5 lives left so i take there word over that over someone calling themselves Jes-us anytime


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I mean, a cat and a Katze are the same thing but the word is different. I don't understand how this is a profound insight
It almost makes you want to make an appointment with Dr. Katz, doesn't it?



Active Member
I mean, a cat and a Katze are the same thing but the word is different. I don't understand how this is a profound insight
Example - Let us have two people , one is born in England and the other is born in Germany . When these infants are born , they are similar in features , essentially the same species of animal .
From the moment they are born the parents of the infants start to turn the animal into a human . In Germany the parents gives the infant a German name , the beginning of the formation of the human .
In England the parents gives the infant an English name , the beginning of the formation of the human .
Both of the locations have a different language so the human is formed with a variance from each other .


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
From the moment they are born the parents of the infants start to turn the animal into a human .
Yes, it is called socialisation. Humans are social animals so as the child grows it is socialised into whatever society it exists in, otherwise it would have some developmental disorder and would never mature

Both of the locations have a different language so the human is formed with a variance from each other .
Well, yes, obviously

So what?????

How is this a profound insight?

What was the point in you sharing this?


Active Member
My body is not a set of word, but a description of my body is a set of words
A set of words that is an abstract representation of a physical thing . A set of words that isn't a living breathing thing . Humans , a set of abstract words , exist but are not alive . The host of humans , the body , is the living thing . Example - A man named Dave gets struck by lightning and loses his entire memory . The human called Dave no longer exists but the body is still alive without Dave .


Active Member
Yes, it is called socialisation. Humans are social animals so as the child grows it is socialised into whatever society it exists in, otherwise it would have some developmental disorder and would never mature

Well, yes, obviously

So what?????

How is this a profound insight?

What was the point in you sharing this?
The profound point is world peace because humans are not alive . Humanity is causing the trouble and orders these innocent bodies to do things . If we had no words , we'd have no nationalities , we'd have no religion etc . We'd just be a race of animals that were all equal . Humans are that contagious , they even have Parrots thinking they are a pretty boy .


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
The profound point is world peace because humans are not alive . Humanity is causing the trouble and orders these innocent bodies to do things . If we had no words , we'd have no nationalities , we'd have no religion etc . We'd just be a race of animals that were all equal . Humans are that contagious , they even have Parrots thinking they are a pretty boy .
Yes, humans are civilised and other animals aren't and humans are not born civilised as it is something they learn/acquire as they develop and yes, this is mental rather than physical

Again, so what? Again, how is this a profound insight?

You seem to be asserting that minds control bodies and it is the minds that are civilised and not the animal bodies. Yet again, so what? Obviously. Why did you make a post about this?

Also, what exactly do you mean by "alive"?


Active Member
Yes, humans are civilised and other animals aren't and humans are not born civilised as it is something they learn/acquire as they develop and yes, this is mental rather than physical

Again, so what? Again, how is this a profound insight?
It is profound because humanity is a thing with distinct and independent existence from the body . The body does not need humanity to live but humanity needs a body to form in . My point is humanity can be formed in multiple ways , the entire concept is abstract .
You seem to be asserting that minds control bodies and it is the minds that are civilised and not the animal bodies. Yet again, so what? Obviously. Why did you make a post about this?

Also, what exactly do you mean by "alive"?
The human ''pathogen'' does control the body , mind over matter . Example these animal bodies have no need to wave a flag .

Alive is something that lives , has blood etc . Humanities existence depends on a host .


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
humanity is a thing with distinct and independent existence from the body
Could there be a humanity if there were no human bodies?

If I killed all humans would humanity still exist? No.

Therefore the existence of humanity is not independent from the existence of bodies

The body does not need humanity to live
It needs humanity to survive, to continue to live. So yes it does.

If it didn't know how to hunt or gather food then it would die, and hunting and gathering are humanity things

If it did not understand the concept of having a drink then it would die of dehydration

And if it had no human parents to take care of it and bring it up then it would die

Obviously a human body does need "humanity" if it wants to continue to live

Imagine if there was a nuclear war and society collapsed - a great many bodies would die, for instance due to the food supply being disrupted

My point is humanity can be formed in multiple ways , the entire concept is abstract .
Yes, there are different ways for people to be human

I do not see how this makes humanity an abstraction, the concept clearly relates to something that is real

Humanity is an objective fact that we conceptualise with a certain concept

The human ''pathogen'' does control the body , mind over matter . Example these animal bodies have no need to wave a flag .
Animals learn behaviour too

Yes.... animals cannot wave flags and neither do they have any need to. So what?

There are plenty of things that animals cannot do but that people can and there are plenty of things that animals can do and that people can't

Again....... so what?

Alive is something that lives , has blood etc . Humanities existence depends on a host .
And the existence of human bodies depends on the existence of the mind

The body needs the mind and the mind needs the body

They are two parts of the same being you cannot have one without the other

Imagine if you didn't have a mind, you would just be like a vegetable

Humans are organised socially

To be a human is to be a social being
. Many other species are social too, such as ants, chimpanzees, wolves, and dolphins

That which you call "humanity" is the social aspect of humans, other animals are also social

You cannot separate an individual human from the society of humans, people develop from babies into adult humans thanks to the influence of other humans

Humans cannot exist without other humans, the same is true for all animals

Just like how an individual ant could not survive without the rest of its colony - never mind come into existence in the first place.......

I have already given you a link to help you understand this

Here is another link that may also educate you:

Society - Wikipedia

I hope this helps

I honestly don't know what you're going on about or what the point of all this is, it all seems very confused to me
Last edited:


Active Member
Could there be a humanity if there were no human bodies?

If I killed all humans would humanity still exist? No.

Therefore the existence of humanity is not independent from the existence of bodies

If you destroyed all humans you would have only destroyed the words , not the bodies . If you destroyed all the words , the bodies can survive without words , therefore proving humanity is independent of the body and the body does not require humanity . If humanity was not independent of the body , then removing the words would affect the body , but it doesn't .
It needs humanity to survive, to continue to live. So yes it does.
Untrue , animals can survive without humanity , proven by apes etc .
If it didn't know how to hunt or gather food then it would die, and hunting and gathering are humanity things

Untrue , animals hunt and gather food successfully without the aid of humanity ..
Obviously a human body does need "humanity" if it wants to continue to live
A human and humanity are the same thing .
I do not see how this makes humanity an abstraction, the concept clearly relates to something that is real

The concept of humanities primary function is words , these words are abstract . Example - A Cat isn't really a Cat , the word Cat just represents what we see . The word Cat is a wave-function in the mind , the wave information did not grow inside of the animal , it was formed . We even teach pets to be human like , Parrots are a prime example , talking in Human form rather the Parrot form .
Yes.... animals cannot wave flags and neither do they have any need to. So what?

Mind over matter , the human ''pathogen'' controls the host animal to wave the flag .
And the existence of human bodies depends on the existence of the mind
The existence of the animal body does depend on a mind but it doesn't depend on the formed words .

The Hammer

Premium Member
What is a human ?
A homonid.

A human is a formed set of defining words that are hosted by a sentient being . When an infant is born , that infant isn't a human , it is instead an animal that has no formed humanity.
My sons disagree.
Humans are formed within the host and are not subject to any feelings but can experience feelings via the mind and body experience .
In example let us consider a new born baby boy,

We've already done this.

at this stage the boy is without an identity or humanity .

Now let us call this boy Jesus , Jesus is a word and the beginning of the formation of Jesus within the sentient host .
What? Is Jesus a disease?

Now let us consider that Jesus in the future gains many words , ''I am Jesus and I am formed from words '' .

Now let us consider taking away all the words Jesus knows , including his own name .

Weird, but ok.

Jesus would exist no more , there would just be left the body , the work of God .

Where'd the Mind go? What of ones Spirit? These things are name/word independent.


Active Member
A homonid.

My sons disagree.


We've already done this.


What? Is Jesus a disease?

Weird, but ok.

Where'd the Mind go? What of ones Spirit? These things are name/word independent.

The mind of the animal host wouldn't go anywhere if we removed the words . A new born infant doesn't know that he is a he or she a she until the word identity as been given so I am not wrong . A new born infant has no words its mind , therefore does not have identity . I think your answer was based on a outside perspective . Obviously has humans we teach a girl she is a girl and we teach a boy they are boy , identified by appearance .


Christian Agnostic
Premium Member
Untrue , animals can survive without humanity , proven by apes etc .
The HUMAN body cannot survive without humanity. So true.
If you destroyed all humans you would have only destroyed the words , not the bodies
Erm, yes I would. If I killed every human being then by definition I would have destroyed all human bodies in the sense that they would no longer be alive
If you destroyed all the words , the bodies can survive without words , therefore proving humanity is independent of the body and the body does not require humanity
Can you destroy "all the words"????

What would that even mean?

Yes, humanity is independent of a body, or even any number of bodies. But if you got rid of all bodies there would be no humanity. So yes, humanity is dependent on the existence of human bodies.

If the population of humans was zero would humanity exist? No. Therefore proving that humanity is dependent on the body.
If humanity was not independent of the body , then removing the words would affect the body , but it doesn't .
What on Earth is "removing the words"?

How would that work? What does that even mean?

Sounds like nonsense to me
A human and humanity are the same thing .
No they aren't

A human is an individual organism of the species Homo Sapiens

Humanity it the overall society of all humans - who are social beings and can no more exist without someone society than 2 + 2 can equal 5
The concept of humanities primary function is words , these words are abstract . Example - A Cat isn't really a Cat , the word Cat just represents what we see . The word Cat is a wave-function in the mind , the wave information did not grow inside of the animal , it was formed . We even teach pets to be human like , Parrots are a prime example , talking in Human form rather the Parrot form .
Yes, I understand the difference between a cat and the word "cat", this is not cutting-edge stuff

And what on Earth is a "wave-function in the mind"? Sounds like pseudo-intellectual nonsense to me, I'm not impressed and I doubt others will be too...

As I said before, humans are born as babies - who then develop into adult humans. This involves a process of socialisation in which the baby develops into an adult human, who is a member of humanity. Without humanity there would be no baby as its parents would have been unable to get it on and make the baby. All this is true. That's how it works. One cannot reasonably argue against this.

Again: Humans are social beings. Society is made up of individuals and individuals are products of their societies. The two are mutually constitutive. This is true. It is self-evidently true.
Mind over matter , the human ''pathogen'' controls the host animal to wave the flag .
And would the "host animal" be able to exist without that "pathogen"? - no. Obviously not. Could it even survive without that "pathogen"? No. It is therefore not at all like a pathogen. Would you like such a "pathogen" to be removed from you? If you were to be deprived of your humanity you would not be able to read or write or think conceptually. You would be a vegetable and would starve and dehydrate to death, assuming you didn't drown in your own drool. I'm sorry, but you're talking rubbish.
The existence of the animal body does depend on a mind but it doesn't depend on the formed words .
Dude, you need to do some serious thinking on the difference between concepts and words, and how the two relate to each other as well as what each actually mean. I can't be bothered to explain all this to you and I shouldn't have to. Most people seem to intuitively know all this.....

I notice you have chosen to call yourself "Jesus"

Might I suggest this is a poor choice of username:

Jesus Christ was an excellent communicator who made perfect sense to those who heard what he had to say, his ideas were clear and his thoughts compelling

What you offer isn't quite a word salad but I'm sorry, it just doesn't make sense, it comes over as confused and is hard to follow

And it's obvious from the other people who have posted in this thread that it doesn't make sense to them either and that they don't think that it is worthy of any serious consideration, I mean one guy's response was to just put you on ignore and maybe that was a more polite and tactful thing to do than to engage with what you wrote.....

It is literally nonsense, it makes no sense

I'm sorry but I'm done with this, life is too short and I have better things to do.

Welcome to the forums by the way and enjoy the rest of your day.


Active Member
The HUMAN body cannot survive without humanity. So true.

Erm, yes I would. If I killed every human being then by definition I would have destroyed all human bodies in the sense that they would no longer be alive

Can you destroy "all the words"????

What would that even mean?

Yes, humanity is independent of a body, or even any number of bodies. But if you got rid of all bodies there would be no humanity. So yes, humanity is dependent on the existence of human bodies.

If the population of humans was zero would humanity exist? No. Therefore proving that humanity is dependent on the body.

What on Earth is "removing the words"?

How would that work? What does that even mean?

Sounds like nonsense to me

No they aren't

A human is an individual organism of the species Homo Sapiens

Humanity it the overall society of all humans - who are social beings and can no more exist without someone society than 2 + 2 can equal 5

Yes, I understand the difference between a cat and the word "cat", this is not cutting-edge stuff

And what on Earth is a "wave-function in the mind"? Sounds like pseudo-intellectual nonsense to me, I'm not impressed and I doubt others will be too...

As I said before, humans are born as babies - who then develop into adult humans. This involves a process of socialisation in which the baby develops into an adult human, who is a member of humanity. Without humanity there would be no baby as its parents would have been unable to get it on and make the baby. All this is true. That's how it works. One cannot reasonably argue against this.

Again: Humans are social beings. Society is made up of individuals and individuals are products of their societies. The two are mutually constitutive. This is true. It is self-evidently true.

And would the "host animal" be able to exist without that "pathogen"? - no. Obviously not. Could it even survive without that "pathogen"? No. It is therefore not at all like a pathogen. Would you like such a "pathogen" to be removed from you? If you were to be deprived of your humanity you would not be able to read or write or think conceptually. You would be a vegetable and would starve and dehydrate to death, assuming you didn't drown in your own drool. I'm sorry, but you're talking rubbish.

Dude, you need to do some serious thinking on the difference between concepts and words, and how the two relate to each other as well as what each actually mean. I can't be bothered to explain all this to you and I shouldn't have to. Most people seem to intuitively know all this.....

I notice you have chosen to call yourself "Jesus"

Might I suggest this is a poor choice of username:

Jesus Christ was an excellent communicator who made perfect sense to those who heard what he had to say, his ideas were clear and his thoughts compelling

What you offer isn't quite a word salad but I'm sorry, it just doesn't make sense, it comes over as confused and is hard to follow

And it's obvious from the other people who have posted in this thread that it doesn't make sense to them either and that they don't think that it is worthy of any serious consideration, I mean one guy's response was to just put you on ignore and maybe that was a more polite and tactful thing to do than to engage with what you wrote.....

It is literally nonsense, it makes no sense

I'm sorry but I'm done with this, life is too short and I have better things to do.

Welcome to the forums by the way and enjoy the rest of your day.
You are making the mistake of keep thinking a human body when a body a human occupies it not human , it is just an animal . You have failed to see the significance of an empty box and one full of words . Defining humanity as a set of defining words and placing these words in a box does not form any sort dependency for the box . The box exists physically but all the words that go in the box are abstract and made up to represent things outside the box . If we remove all the words from the box then obviously the box has no humanity .
I am sorry but you are failing to understand rather than me being at error .