Yeah, I'd probably avoid addressing Balance's post by posting a link to an old, unrelated article, too, if I was you, Rick. It's OK, we already know you don't really have much of a response.
Yup, but that's probably just because I'm a rational, reasonable human being. Sorry.
You're not suggesting I have to teach you about bipartisanship and compromise, are you? I mean, you're many years older than me. I thought you would have learned about such things by now. If I feel like it, I'll give you a tutorial on them later.
Why are you so angry Matt?
Why so condescending?
I thought all the angry white guys where Conservatives. :yes:
I don't need for you to explain the short comings of Liberals who need a federal government for their existence. :no:
I can even excuse you for being generous with OTHER FOLKS MONEY!
Seriously Matt, you should be happy right now. You have a Democratic President, Congress and have a nice majority in the Senate to pass almost anything you want with out appeasing a single evil Republican.
It's your sides turn to be in control.
Gitmo is still open
DADT is still around
We are still in Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan too :sorry1:
You guys passed a crappy bill without appeasing a single Republican.
And then you feel the need to talk down to me like you are so superior and that if we would only listen to your explanations, everyone would think just like you do. :sorry1:
Your intolerance for opinions other than your own while displaying a desperate need to demonise anyone who is not in lock step with you is very telling.
If your so upset and grumpy now, just what are you going to do come this November? :slap: