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Has RF Changed How You See People?


De Diablo Del Fora
Premium Member
Has your experience of RF influenced how you see people in general? If so, in what way has it influenced how you see people?



Veteran Member
Sites like this have shown me over the years that people are far more stupid than I'd previously assumed. It was kind of shocking, really. I have also seen that most of that stupidity is willful, and not endemic of an innate inability to think or reason. And that ego is the ultimate culprit fueling that willful ignorance. However, I have also learned to be more understanding and forgiving of all that ignorance the longer I've been interacting with others on these kinds of sites. I suppose because I know that I am as capable of being willfully ignorant as anyone else is on here, and have certainly been so in the past. I am also slowly learning to stop expecting humans not to be what they are, so that I can better appreciate what they are. Because as stupid and willfully ignorant as we all can be, we can also be amazingly kind, and funny, and insightful, in spite of ourselves. And I thank every one of you, out there, for that!


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
I'm slightly more at ease with people having
opposing, different, loony, or erroneous views.
It's why I'm so gosh darn easy to get along with.

Spirit of Light

Be who ever you want
RF has both changes how I see certain people in a different way then I did before, but I have changed my self too, and I realized not for the better all the time either.
Some days it's really fun to be a part of RF other days it`s more of a struggle to even be understood.


Veteran Member
Can you identify a reason or cause for that?
Well, there are a lot of people with great senses of humor on here. Sometimes situations don't always go the best in the course of discussion. Some people here wear out less easily than me though, and inject humor. I've learned to kind of do the same, I guess. Some discussions become impossible to the point where there's not much you can do other than laugh or cry, and I'm impressed by people's ability to choose laughter.


One Accepts All Religious Texts
Premium Member
Has your experience of RF influenced how you see people in general? If so, in what way has it influenced how you see people?
Wow, it has seriously affected me, I was told here is down near Hell by the Source of reality, and that there was a veil over this reality hiding that people are demonic; yet didn't really believe it.

Having spent years now dialoguing with people online, I'm now scared of people, and think most are mental in some way; where the idea here will be burned with Holy Quantum Fire now makes sense.

I'm still hopeful someone will surprise me, and take religion seriously in the world before the Great Tribulation; yet people online have made me lose trust in people caring about the fate of humanity.

Online has made me doubt anyone in this world really believes in religion or God, as I've found people atheistic, and can now understand that we're down near Hell, where the prophesied annihilation makes sense.

Because of the suppression of my speech, even though I can prove I'm an archangel sent from Heaven; I also now fear being too outspoken, as people will beat you down simply for existing.
[GALLERY=media, 7191][/GALLERY]
In my opinion. :innocent:


Premium Member
Has your experience of RF influenced how you see people in general? If so, in what way has it influenced how you see people?

I've always held that this place is an extremely small and skewed sampling of people in general. So any conclusions I've drawn were about the people on this forum, not the people on this planet.

There are folks that take this place far more importantly than I do, as if it really were representative of the whole of earth's population. I find that bordering on delusions of grandeur.

So I'd say it has given an opportunity to observe people who post on internet forums. I wouldn't have had that opportunity had I not signed on, just as one can't say much about what another country is really like unless you go there.


Pragmatic Libertarian
Premium Member
Wow, it has seriously affected me, I was told here is down near Hell by the Source of reality, and that there was a veil over this reality hiding that people are demonic; yet didn't really believe it.

Having spent years now dialoguing with people online, I'm now scared of people, and think most are mental in some way; where the idea here will be burned with Holy Quantum Fire now makes sense.

I'm still hopeful someone will surprise me, and take religion seriously in the world before the Great Tribulation; yet people online have made me lose trust in people caring about the fate of humanity.

Online has made me doubt anyone in this world really believes in religion or God, as I've found people atheistic, and can now understand that we're down near Hell, where the prophesied annihilation makes sense.

Because of the suppression of my speech, even though I can prove I'm an archangel sent from Heaven; I also now fear being too outspoken, as people will beat you down simply for existing.
[GALLERY=media, 7191][/GALLERY]
In my opinion. :innocent:
We're all crazy.
Just enjoy the ride.


Veteran Member
Has your experience of RF influenced how you see people in general? If so, in what way has it influenced how you see people?

Yes, RF influenced how I see people in general, because it helped me to "know (more) about them and how they live/believe(not)/etc."

How I see people has to do with what I know about them

For example: Satanist.
Before coming to RF I did not know such a group exists. So, the first thought I had when reading the word "Satanist" was ... "What the Hell is this"

But then I read their posts, and discover that they are also normal people trying to understand the "mysteries of life"


Rogue Theologian
Has your experience of RF influenced how you see people in general? If so, in what way has it influenced how you see people?
I am a cynic
someone told me so years ago

I was unable to make denial

as for influence......yes I am

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
Has your experience of RF influenced how you see people in general? If so, in what way has it influenced how you see people?

When I go outside and look at people go by I never know what they are thinking, who they are, their background, etc. When I come on RF, it kinda gives me a taste of that. People "really do" think we are going to die and be physically resurrected. People "really do" think we are going to hell without christ. People "really do" think in Greek Pagan Gods. People "really do" think ... a lot of things. Like I really didn't know people would actually kill another human being by determining the worth of his or her life based on their experiences. I never thought that people really do want to burn child molester's to the stake. I never really thought the hate etc a lot of people have in this world in and of itself. It really puts a tear to my eyes.

On the other hand, once in a blue moon someone in the "outside world" would talk to me. He or she would be telling me about a divorce out of the blue or how he, another person, was just diagnosed with cancer. He didn't want to tell anyone because they would look at him differently. On RF there are soooo many different issues. On the LGBTQChat forum it's just the same. One 12 year old was being beat up because she came out. One overseas was forced to keep quiet. One lady tried to commit suicide while another young girl left her home. We told her to go to the police station. She went back, though, but she said her parents would take her electronics etc. So, we haven't heard back.

You really don't know what people are going through. In a general sense, I can see why the latter would think themselves as sinners etc and see other people just the same. I guess I'm glad I haven't internalized life in that manor.

RF gave me a dose of the human condition.


Rogue Theologian
I never thought that people really do want to burn child molester's to the stake.
and you prefer to sit at God's Table and break bread with them?

is there not scripture.....
better that a mill stone be hung about the neck
for anyone who would harm the least of these (children)