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God created evil


Veteran Member
It hardly shocks me that 2,000 year old writings contain some primitive understandings of reality.

Hasn't language even changed since the time of King James and Shakespear's day ?
If you asked King James if he wanted some Pizza would that shock you if he would not understand ?

Even 'computer speak' today does not change reality.
Modern education can update past understandings.
Bring understandings up to date.

What is propaganda but teaching another 'what' to think.
Education teaching 'how' to think,
and the Bible teaches 'how', or the way, to serve God.
Serve God governed by love because even science is not the teacher of morality.
What is the primitive understanding about Jesus new commandment of John 13 vs 34, 35 ?______


Veteran Member
Evil has no need of creation in the same way that darkness and ignorance have no need of creation. Evil is an absence of good in the same way that darkness is an absence of light and ignorance is an absence of knowledge.

Then, can ignorance also be be the absence of accurate Bible knowledge ?
A lack of being well educated or ignorant of what the Bible really teaches?
Evil in Scripture does not necessarily mean the absence of good.

What is good for humble upright people is that if the wicked will not repent, then the haughty wicked need to be removed so as not to bring harm to the upright ones.
-Proverbs 2 vs 21,22

If you had a beautiful lovely house that became rat infested, would you get rid of your beautiful home or exterminate the rats ?

An evil in the 'form of calamity' used against the wicked is what will remove the wicked from the earth. Jesus' words will be sharp as an executioner's sword against the wicked.
-Isaiah 11 vs 3,4; Rev. 19 vs 11,15.


Veteran Member
God IS love and the God of love created evil [ Isaiah 45 v 7 ]
Good. Glad to see we agree here; although, I would disagree that any being who would do such a thing as creating evil could also be a being of love. Loving creatures don't do such things. It flies in the face of the concept of love.

Not creating evil for evil purposes, but using calamity over rebellion against the wicked.
-Isaiah 26 v 10
Even if evil wasn't created for evil purposes, just the fact that it IS an evil constrains it to the definition of evil: It remains an evil act.

What does Jeremiah [ 25 vs 31-33 ] say but that God will give the wicked to the sword.
That 'sword' is a calamity or an evil in the eyes of the wicked.
Taking you at your interpertation here, the evil is only how the wicked characterize this "calamity." I fail to see the revalence of this passage.
he 'sword' being the words from Jesus' mouth.- Isaiah 11 vs 3,4; Rev. 19 vs 11,15
Or this one.
So, as the Flood rid the earth of the wicked, Jesus' words will do the same.
In both cases that is evil calamity in the way the wicked think, but a necessary evil against them which is not
wrongdoing to rid the earth of wickedness.- Rev. 11 vs 18 B.
But "[ridding] the earth of wickedness" is still an evil here, and just the fact that it IS an evil constrains it to the definition of evil: It remains an evil act.
Sorry, but you can't soften the nature of evil by pretending it's something else. Evil is evil is evil no matter how good you say it is. It's like saying a circle isn't really round but kind of squarish. By definition, a circle is absolutely round. And by definition evil is absolutely:
"morally wrong or bad; immoral; wicked; harmful; injurious"



Rogue Theologian
In all fairness...and I didn't read the whole thread...
Did anyone make note?....

If God is the Creator, and He 'embodies' the optimum state of good....
then any creation equal to Him would be an EXACT reflection.

He would then be talking to Himself....listening to His own Echo.

So then a 'lesser' being would lack some portion and be 'incomplete'.

I don't believe Man to be perfect.
I don't see this thread can support that discussion.

So...from God's perspective....yes I can...

Man was created a little less than the angels (scripture)
As such, the lesser form is not as 'good' as God.

Did God create evil?....nay.
That Man is less 'good' would then be a necessary.... 'evil'.


In all fairness...and I didn't read the whole thread...
Did anyone make note?....

If God is the Creator, and He 'embodies' the optimum state of good....
then any creation equal to Him would be an EXACT reflection.

He would then be talking to Himself....listening to His own Echo.

So then a 'lesser' being would lack some portion and be 'incomplete'.

I don't believe Man to be perfect.
I don't see this thread can support that discussion.

So...from God's perspective....yes I can...

Man was created a little less than the angels (scripture)
As such, the lesser form is not as 'good' as God.

Did God create evil?....nay.
That Man is less 'good' would then be a necessary.... 'evil'.

God created man. Man is necessarily evil. God created necessary evil. How have you managed to ignore this?


Veteran Member
God created man. Man is necessarily evil. God created necessary evil. How have you managed to ignore this?

Ecclesiastes 8 vs 9, 11 mentions that man has ruled over man to man's injury or hurt.
Because sentence against a crime is Not speedily executed then men's hearts become fully set in them to do badness.

God created man [Adam] with healthy human perfection of sound mind, heart and body.
Adam deliberately chose to disobey God and by doing so Adam disconnected himself from his God and Creator. That does not mean we need to live by bad works of the flesh
[Galatians 5 vs 19-21, ] but we can choose to live by the good fruit of God's spirit as listed at verses 22,23.


Well-Known Member
Evil is a necessity for the implementation of freewill. Only in this sense it is said the God created evil. Basically it means He allows the existence of evil for its exposure under witness then being eradicated once and for all.

Freewill means "you can". So if you insist on to be evil, you are exercising your freewill. How God should deal with evil? 1) He can disallow it, such that evil is never a choice in your brain. At the same time, freewill cannot be exercised. 2) He can allow it, however He sets up Law to judge afterwards. This way, evil as a choice can be practiced by entities with a freewill for them to expose themselves and thus eradicated once and for all on the Judgment Day.

After that, freewill will be present in the absence of evil. That's part of His Ultimate Plan.
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Rogue Theologian
God created man. Man is necessarily evil. God created necessary evil. How have you managed to ignore this?

I never did ignore it.

When approach with compliment the Carpenter said...
'Do not call Me good....no one is good but the Father.'

And was my previous post too much of an explanation?


Rogue Theologian
Evil is a necessity for the implementation of freewill. Only in this sense it is said the God created evil. Basically it means He allows the existence of evil for its exposure under witness then being eradicated once and for all.

Freewill means "you can". So if you insist on to be evil, you are exercising your freewill. How God should deal with evil? 1) He can disallow it, such that evil is never a choice in your brain. At the same time, freewill cannot be exercised. 2) He can allow it, however He sets up Law to judge afterwards. This way, evil as a choice can be practiced by entities with a freewill for them to expose themselves and thus eradicated once and for all on the Judgment Day.

After that, freewill will be present in the absence of evil. That's part of His Ultimate Plan.

Evil should be defined as doing harm.

As such, can God do evil?....check scriptures.

And your post here indicates mind control if 'evil' is defeated 'once and for all'.

good and evil refer to the nature of a thing (spiritual)
good and bad refer to the condition of a thing
correct and incorrect to the conclusions of thought.
right and wrong to moral issues.
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Evil is a necessity for the implementation of freewill. Only in this sense it is said the God created evil. Basically it means He allows the existence of evil for its exposure under witness then being eradicated once and for all.

Freewill means "you can". So if you insist on to be evil, you are exercising your freewill. How God should deal with evil? 1) He can disallow it, such that evil is never a choice in your brain. At the same time, freewill cannot be exercised. 2) He can allow it, however He sets up Law to judge afterwards. This way, evil as a choice can be practiced by entities with a freewill for them to expose themselves and thus eradicated once and for all on the Judgment Day.

After that, freewill will be present in the absence of evil. That's part of His Ultimate Plan.

You can not insist on being evil nor can you insist on being good. You can only do what your made to do and set to do. Mankind always ignores the fact that we are not in control, but since he makes choices he thinks he has a will that is free. But the act of making choices does not mean a man is free at all. Man is a manipulated being affected by so many factors which pull and push him in different directions. All of which are out of his control.


I never did ignore it.

When approach with compliment the Carpenter said...
'Do not call Me good....no one is good but the Father.'

And was my previous post too much of an explanation?
I still don't see it. Elaborate a bit more for me. God created man as a lesser good, therefore creating evil. Yet you say he did not create evil. Please help me understand this contradiction.


Rogue Theologian
I still don't see it. Elaborate a bit more for me. God created man as a lesser good, therefore creating evil. Yet you say he did not create evil. Please help me understand this contradiction.

Was it this thread? a notation about the nature of a spirit?

Creating an exact copy on a spiritual level is a mirror image.
If you want spiritual company?....how do you get it?


A spirit in a body having it's own linear existence...and perspective.
The chemistry is temporary.

The inherit condition is less.
If we were altogether like the Creator...again...
God would be talking to Himself.

That Man is a creature that can do harm doesn't make him evil.
Doing harm for the sake of doing harm IS evil.

There is a freewill factor...
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Fair warning.


Was it this thread? a notation about the nature of a spirit?

Creating an exact copy on a spiritual level is a mirror image.
If you want spiritual company?....how do you get it?


A spirit in a body having it's own linear existence...and perspective.
The chemistry is temporary.

The inherit condition is less.
If we were altogether like the Creator...again...
God would be talking to Himself.

That Man is a creature that can do harm doesn't make him evil.
Doing harm for the sake of doing harm IS evil.

There is a freewill factor...
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Fair warning.
So, at what point in this post did you explain why God did not in fact create necessary evil? I don't see it.


Rogue Theologian
So, at what point in this post did you explain why God did not in fact create necessary evil? I don't see it.

It's in the intention.
God created Man as a lesser being.
That was a good thing.
That Man has freewill and uses it while doing harm (evil) is not God's fault.

Doing harm is something anyone can do.

Scripture shows God doing harm in large scale and small.
But the intent would be to reduce the harm that Man does.
(Sodom and Gomorrah...the Great Flood...etc)

God is good and does good things.
That harm dealt in the need of it...makes God evil?
I think not.

Man however, would do harm...for the sake of harm.
That would be evil.


Draw the line this way....
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
So, God is suicidal?

And to get back to my main point, God creating lesser good means god created evil. It's very simple logic. As for whether God is evil himself or not requires knowledge of just how ignorant God is. If he knew that evil would arise from his creation of man, then there was intent to create intent to create evil, making God evil. If God didn't know that evil would arise from his creation of man, then God must be pretty unaware.


Rogue Theologian
So, God is suicidal?

That's quite a leap!

And to get back to my main point, God creating lesser good means god created evil. It's very simple logic. As for whether God is evil himself or not requires knowledge of just how ignorant God is. If he knew that evil would arise from his creation of man, then there was intent to create intent to create evil, making God evil. If God didn't know that evil would arise from his creation of man, then God must be pretty unaware.

God created Man.
Man created evil.

Focus on harm and then consider the intent.


God created Man.
Man created evil.

Focus on harm and then consider the intent.
God, in creating man, chose to ignore the rather obvious evil that would result. Divine indifference perhaps, but since when does indifference excuse the Almighty?