As I stated heterosexuality is necessary for society to continue. For that reason I believe society has an obligation to support heterosexuality. Therefore, I support heterosexuality.
how would civil equality for a small minority of the population equate to being unsupportive of heterosexuality? how could it be argued that civil equality of non-whites equate to being unsupportive of whites? other than who it is that you have a prejudice against, your position is much the same.
I have asked for arguments concerning homosexuality and why it should be considered equal to heterosexuality.
why shouldnt it be?
I know there are homosexual. I personally love and admire many homosexuals that I know personally. But to be honest the respect and honor is not because of homosexuality but because of other things. I also know a lot of heterosexuals that I do not love at all but again my love and respect or lack of love and respect of individuals has little or nothing to do what they do in the privacy of their life. It is all about an individuals desire and ability to make personal sacrifices of personal wants, needs and desires in order to bring about a greater good and benefit of others as part of their public endorsements.
lol, do you know what irony is? you have friends who you have no desire to see enjoy equal civil rights. great friend you are. why cant you simply make a personal sacrifice of personal prejudice in order to bring about a greater good & benefit of others?
There are people that are overweight. I do not foster or recommend being overweight because It is better to be healthy and fit both for individuals and society. I also personally know some people that are overweight that I care for greatly. If they ask my opinion I will tell them that they and the world would be better off if they were not overweight but regardless I still care for them. I know some very fit people that I would not associate with if they were the only other people on earth. I kind of view homosexuality in this same light
so it is your position that homosexuality is unhealthy? well thats hardly surprising. do you also hold the position that certain races are unhealthy for being that race? your position is equitable.
I do not believe we should say being overweight is no different than being fit just because we like and respect some people that are overweight, because it is not the same. I do not think we should say it is the same because all people should be treated equal. I believe we should be honest and truthful with everybody especially if they are asking for an honest response. If homosexuality is as valuable to the greater good of society as heterosexuality then I would really like to know why anyone thinks it to be so. Shall we be honest about homosexuality or not?
as far i can tell, you and the others like you are the ones being dishonest about homosexuality. you seem to believe that civil equality for homosexuals would lead to the end of society, if not the human race. is this really something you honestly expect sane & rational people to consider for any length of time?
So far it appears that no one is even willing to open and put everything on the table. Perhaps we think that being honest may hurt someones feelings? Can we be honest? It also appears that I am much more open-minded about this that most that are pro homosexual. I can love and associate with those that have a different opinion and I do not demonize them or hate them for their opinion.
wonderful. so your like the segregationist who just happens to also find many black people to be "just fine". so long as their not given the same rights as themselves that is.
pro civil-equality is the only rational &
honest position to hold on civil rights. and any opposing view point on civil equality isnt worth the time to consider.
you seem to want respect or even sympathy for your prejudices. im not going to give it to you. if you think that makes me intolerant, then youd be correct. i am 100% intolerant of baseless prejudice.