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Christians can you be certain your bible is trust worthy?


2nd Beast of the Anti Christ
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.

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The Perfumed Seneschal
An interesting theory.
It obviously lends itself to admittance of the FSM's holy goodness, and that is something to be applauded.


Veteran Member
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.
I rather agree.

The Christian faith I was brought up with survived both my teenage years and taking a science degree, but what gave it a real knock was my encounter in the Middle East and Far East with other religions (mainly Islam and Thai Buddhism). I came to see it as absurd that any one religion claims a monopoly on truth, at the expense of all the others. I suspect the more thoughtful theologians nowadays recognise that we all have an imperfect picture and it pays to show a degree of tolerance and respect towards those of different persuasions, from whom we can often learn.

Desert Snake

Veteran Member
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.
Hey brother, lots of lies, that's for sure. But is the Bible lying, or are people lying?;)


Veteran Member
Staff member
Premium Member
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.
I believe it is out of good motives that you question these religions. There is more to learn. I do not think your summary of these three religions is complete. Christianity and Judaism both teach forgiveness, equality and brotherhood. They teach that no king is above God. In the West these are important modern qualities which have countered previous despotic national religions and enriched society, making it a decent place to live in. They have allowed culture to develop and incubated the egg of modern society here. I do not mean to say that there is no room for improvement, because there is.

As for the Bible's disturbing teachings, it is a book never intended to be used like it is. Its not a textbook. Its a library of books, some of which do not describe how to live.


Veteran Member
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.
Me. I feel 100% certain.
The evil lier is Satan the Devil as described in the Bible, and he is so crafty in deception that he has people questioning the Bible even though they don't know more than 10% of what it contains, but only listen to what others say about it.
For example, if you did a survey of the number of Catholics that have read the Bible from cover to cover, and had a systematic study of it, I would be surprised if you found more than 20% who have.
I would be willing to bet all my bucks... if I were a gambling man - which I'm not - that you yourself have done neither. Am I right?

The video in the first link is unavailable, so perhaps you can mention those disturbing teachings you find in the Bible.
The second link is about a pastor that does not know what the Bible really teaches. This is obvious from what he believes and teaches.
This I find is a common mistake that people make - that of judging the Bible based on the actions of those who misrepresent it.
Do you think one should judge the Bible on what the Bible cautions against?
Matthew 7:15-23
15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men. 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name? 23And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’

Can you identify those wolves in sheep clothing?
Do you know how to go about identifying the ones whom Jesus considers as not doing the will of God?

In Jesus' day, he warned his apostles of those he called offspring of serpents and vipers, of the scribes and Pharisees, and it was very important that they paid attention... for their sakes.
The same is true today.
That is why may are so confused about the questions you posed, because they have been duped by the Devil, but those who know the voice of the shepherd, follow him into the sheepfold, where the wolf cannot devour them, as he is doing to the lost. John 10:1-30
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Well-Known Member
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.
You apparently know little of Christianity, ditto for Islam.

I would suggest that before you take it upon yourself to define faith structures, you actually know what they are.

Why not actually read the Bible, the the Koran and Hadith, so that you might have a clearer view of what you obviously don't know now.

Unveiled Artist

Veteran Member
People also told the truth and continue to do so. Why say that the Bible writers were lying? Unless....

People tell the truth and they lie. I don't see how the bible is an exception to that rule especially the politics involved putting snd promoting the bible for converts.

Biblical authors are people too. Unless youre saying no one lied until the last book of the Canon was authorized?


Veteran Member
Me. I feel 100% certain.
The evil lier is Satan the Devil as described in the Bible, and he is so crafty in deception that he has people questioning the Bible even though they don't know more than 10% of what it contains, but only listen to what others say about it.
For example, if you did a survey of the number of Catholics that have read the Bible from cover to cover, and had a systematic study of it, I would be surprised if you found more than 20% who have.
I would be willing to bet all my bucks... if I were a gambling man - which I'm not - that you yourself have done neither. Am I right?

The video in the first link is unavailable, so perhaps you can mention those disturbing teachings you find in the Bible.
The second link is about a pastor that does not know what the Bible really teaches. This is obvious from what he believes and teaches.
This I find is a common mistake that people make - that of judging the Bible based on the actions of those who misrepresent it.
Do you think one should judge the Bible on what the Bible cautions against?
Matthew 7:15-23
15 “Be on the watch for the false prophets who come to you in sheep’s covering, but inside they are ravenous wolves. 16By their fruits you will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise, every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear worthless fruit, nor can a rotten tree produce fine fruit. 19 Every tree not producing fine fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men. 21 “Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the Kingdom of the heavens, but only the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. 22Many will say to me in that day: ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name? 23And then I will declare to them: ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’

Can you identify those wolves in sheep clothing?
Do you know how to go about identifying the ones whom Jesus considers as not doing the will of God?

In Jesus' day, he warned his apostles of those he called offspring of serpents and vipers, of the scribes and Pharisees, and it was very important that they paid attention... for their sakes.
The same is true today.
That is why may are so confused about the questions you posed, because they have been duped by the Devil, but those who know the voice of the shepherd, follow him into the sheepfold, where the wolf cannot devour them, as he is doing to the lost. John 10:1-30
This post is notable for its tone of paranoia and suspicion of others, and its unpleasant imagery of evil and and retribution, combined with a rather nasty smell of exclusivity.

It does not seem informed by Christ's great commandment to love thy neighbour as thyself, to put it mildly.

Thankfully, most Christians do not think like this about their fellow men.


Well-Known Member
If people lie so does the Bible. When did lying become a thing if no one did it before the church
Your assumption is that the Bible is a collection of writings authored by humans.

To most Christians humans physically wrote what is written, but what is written was not authored by them.

Rational Agnostic

Well-Known Member
Me. I feel 100% certain.

Do you think that your subjective "feelings" of certainty are relevant to the truth? Many are 100% certain about things that are untrue. Your level of certainty is irrelevant to whether or not what you are certain about is actually true.


Veteran Member
These are the kind of people that cause problem @Unveiled Artist Sorry about that. That comment was not meant for you, but got saved from a post I was making. I didn't notice it until just now.
People tell the truth and they lie. I don't see how the bible is an exception to that rule especially the politics involved putting snd promoting the bible for converts.

Biblical authors are people too. Unless youre saying no one lied until the last book of the Canon was authorized?
I believe in innocent until proven guilty. Not guilty until proven innocent.

The Bible writers included details about themselves that normally human try to hide from the public. they were honest about their failings.
I have not - during my examination - seen anything that would show deception on their part, and many who opposed them were shown up to be liars.
In fact many of the things they wrote I found to be true, so what reasons do I have to doubt? None.

I think people try to make other people - good people - out to be liars, as is so prevalent today, because of having an agenda.
Fact is, most people hate the truth, and would rather suppress it, if they felt it was a threat to their ideals.
The Bible has for centuries come under fire, simply because people do not want their wicked actions, and wrong desired lifestyle choices exposed.
John 3:19 . . .but men have loved the darkness rather than the light, for their works were wicked.

Wasn't this a reason for the Dark Ages?
People were being suppressed from reading the Bible for themselves, so that people could take advantage of their ignorance to the truth, and therefore have power over them.

It didn't last.
People today will similarly find out that they cannot hide their wicked deeds from God, and think they can call on him and be saved.
They will find themselves banging on a bolted door... unless they repent.
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"Be strong", I whispered to my coffee.
Premium Member
Christianity derive from Judaism. Islam derive from Christianity and Judaism. These 3 religion got the same god and is the only 3 religion that believe there is only one god. The 3 religions believe its god is one and only true god and believe their god is always right and all other gods are lying evil demonic false gods pretending to be god AKA Satan. However, what if there is a plot twist and those other gods are the real gods and the god of Christianity, Islam and Judaism Yahweh, is actually the one that is truly a lying evil demonic false god pretending to be god? This is especially considering the bible got many disturbing teachings which is why we need the Protestant Reformation and even after that there are still many problem, due to not been able to change the bible itself (it is no wonder the Mormons threw the bible out and write up a new book of Mormon.

The majority of the bible, the OT, is selectively based on bronze age Hebrew scripture, the parts included in the bible are fairly accurate to the original excepting translation and copying errors and chapter/verse numbering

The 15% which is the NT was compiled by committee some 350 years after events. Multiply copied and edited changed over 1300 years until king james said 'enough, too many different versions, i will commission a new bible to supercede all others' so he gathered a committee of 40 odd guys to pick and choose from the 6 most popular bibles of the time and create a definitive book. Since that time several hundred different versions have been created, each subtly different from the other.

Edit : there is no original to compare, the oldest complete bible is the Vulgate.

Is it trustworthy? Many people think so, but i ask, would you trust a book of such provence if it weren't he bible?

Twilight Hue

Twilight, not bright nor dark, good nor bad.
An interesting theory.
It obviously lends itself to admittance of the FSM's holy goodness, and that is something to be applauded.
And communion is delicious , especially when you sprinkle sacred Parmesan cheese and the breaking of Italian bread with butter.


Veteran Member
This post is notable for its tone of paranoia and suspicion of others, and its unpleasant imagery of evil and and retribution, combined with a rather nasty smell of exclusivity.

It does not seem informed by Christ's great commandment to love thy neighbour as thyself, to put it mildly.

Thankfully, most Christians do not think like this about their fellow men.
We do like to pick out things we like and ignore the bits we would rather not hear. I did not say those words the "sweet" Jesus said them...
I will declare to them: I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’
The same sweet Jesus that said love your neighbor also said, love God... First, and foremost. Matthew 22:37
He also said that those who did not love his father, by doing his will, are lawless, and have no part with him nor his father.

It is interesting that you speak of most Christians so positively, the same "most Christians" that you would also say are in disagreement to who Jesus is and what his will is, creating a flood of confusion.
That's quite interesting.

Well, the words of Jesus are my truths. Not only him, but his apostles as well. Hear Paul...
2 Timothy 4:1-5 . . .: 2 Preach the word; be at it urgently in favorable times and difficult times; reprove, reprimand, exhort, with all patience and art of teaching. 3 For there will be a period of time when they will not put up with the wholesome teaching, but according to their own desires, they will surround themselves with teachers to have their ears tickled. 4They will turn away from listening to the truth and give attention to false stories. 5 You, though, keep your senses in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelizer, fully accomplish your ministry.