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By the way -- if you claim to be a Christian...


Well-Known Member
Cool, so soccer moms, people with tattoos, people with piercings, people who attended university, and easily deceived women are all woke idiots to you. Did I miss anyone?

What is "woke" anyway, in your opinion? It sounds like it means people you disagree with.
Woke is an expression for people, mostly the elites, and the uniformed, who think they are better than anyone else, and therefore should decide what is Truth, and what judgments should be laid out for the "deplorables", as well as what is to be censured. The moms who have gone through the elite Universities seem to be among the most mentally compromised. There are guys who are also compromised by the Universities, but not to the extent as women, maybe because there are more women in the elite Universities than men. As for women with tattoos, type A men generally view them as people with a lot of problems.
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Well-Known Member
Nope, it actually happened. Trump was found civilly liable for sexual abuse and defamation in a court of law by a judge and jury.
You don't get to just claim it's made up when there's a conviction.
To get a conviction, the Progressives had to change the law, and prosecute in AOC's brain dead New York. The monetary verdict should tell a reasonable person the politics behind this travesty. Well, the consequences will soon be apparent within New York, as it is turning into a city that will soon be unlivable. That is also evident in other Progressive cities such as Chicago, San Francisco, and Portland. But you just keep on thinking.


Well-Known Member
I stopped reading at "Woke Progressive Bide", as there is no point in reading the rest of your obviously-biased message. P.S. Do you even know what "woke" means?
In today's jargon, it represents those who think girls are boys and boys are girls, and that travesties should teach kindergarteners how to be a transvestite, and that a mask is a symbol of Democracy, and will prevent you from getting covid. They also, as in the case of Biden, push the killing of the unborn as the basis of democracy. In my day, it represented getting up in the morning.


Veteran Member
Woke is an expression for people, mostly the elites, and the uniformed, who think they are better than anyone else, and therefore should decide what is Truth, and what judgments should be laid out for the "deplorables", as well as what is to be censured. The moms who have gone through the elite Universities seem to be among the most mentally compromised. There are guys who are also compromised by the Universities, but not to the extent as women, maybe because there are more women in the elite Universities than men. As for women with tattoos, type A men generally view them as people with a lot of problems.
View attachment 89658
Your definition of woke is people who espouse things you don't like.
LOL is all I have to say to that. But do go on about what "type A" men prefer. That's pretty hilarious too.

Do you imagine everyone who has a tattoo is totally covered in them?


1/10 Subway Stalinist
Premium Member
In today's jargon, it represents those who think girls are boys and boys are girls, and that travesties should teach kindergarteners how to be a transvestite, and that a mask is a symbol of Democracy, and will prevent you from getting covid.

I can only imagine how you and your fellow anti-maskers would have coped with WWII.




Veteran Member
To get a conviction, the Progressives had to change the law, and prosecute in AOC's brain dead New York. The monetary verdict should tell a reasonable person the politics behind this travesty. Well, the consequences will soon be apparent within New York, as it is turning into a city that will soon be unlivable. That is also evident in other Progressive cities such as Chicago, San Francisco, and Portland. But you just keep on thinking.
The monetary penalty was awarded as a result of Trump continuing to defame E. Jean Carroll even after being found liable. You can't do that.
The amount had to be big enough to act as a deterrent - the $5 million wasn't enough to do it.
And the amount was based on his claims about his vast wealth from his other trial. So that's twice his own words and actions bit him in the behind. Nobody's fault but his own.

No progressives were involved. AOC was not involved. A judge and jury were involved. In a court of law.

Stop making excuses for civilly liable sexual abusers. It's gross.


Veteran Member
In today's jargon, it represents those who think girls are boys and boys are girls, and that travesties should teach kindergarteners how to be a transvestite, and that a mask is a symbol of Democracy, and will prevent you from getting covid. They also, as in the case of Biden, push the killing of the unborn as the basis of democracy. In my day, it represented getting up in the morning.
That's nobody. So, cool.


Well-Known Member
The monetary penalty was awarded as a result of Trump continuing to defame E. Jean Carroll even after being found liable. You can't do that.
The amount had to be big enough to act as a deterrent - the $5 million wasn't enough to do it.
And the amount was based on his claims about his vast wealth from his other trial. So that's twice his own words and actions bit him in the behind. Nobody's fault but his own.

No progressives were involved. AOC was not involved. A judge and jury were involved. In a court of law.

Stop making excuses for civilly liable sexual abusers. It's gross.
New York has Progressive policies, which are supported by the elected Progressive idiot, AOC. You should now watch her in the Biden impeachment hearing. No better idiot than a New York idiot. Although I think the New Yorkers are coming to their senses and are sensing something is wrong. Trump can always claim innocence, and as the judge was a political idiot, the case will probably be overturned on appeal. Then where are you? Should Trump expect an apology from you. Or should you lose everything you have to Bidenomics? All the cases against Trump will eventually fall apart. Poor idiot Fanny is holding on for her life. She is also looking at impeachment from the Georgia Senate. Your hold onto your type of democracy seems to be failing. Maybe you can think your way out of this. When was the last time you fingered a girl without her permission in a shopping mall? How did that go down?


Veteran Member
New York has Progressive policies, which are supported by the elected Progressive idiot, AOC. You should now watch her in the Biden impeachment hearing. No better idiot than a New York idiot. Although I think the New Yorkers are coming to their senses and are sensing something is wrong. Trump can always claim innocence, and as the judge was a political idiot, the case will probably be overturned on appeal. Then where are you? Should Trump expect an apology from you. Or should you lose everything you have to Bidenomics? All the cases against Trump will eventually fall apart. Poor idiot Fanny is holding on for her life. She is also looking at impeachment from the Georgia Senate. Your hold onto your type of democracy seems to be failing. Maybe you can think your way out of this. When was the last time you fingered a girl without her permission in a shopping mall? How did that go down?
I see you've lost yourself down some kind of hate-filled extremist right-wing rabbit hole of disinformation.

Trump isn't innocent. The verdict is in. Sorry.

This post is all over the place and doesn't address anything written in the post you were responding to.

Trump has at least 3 upcoming trials. Get your popcorn ready.

Keep telling yourself that everyone else is a corrupt liar except for Trump, who is a demonstrable fraud and sexual abuser. I get it, you have to at least attempt to navigate through that cognitive dissonance.


Well-Known Member
I see you've lost yourself down some kind of hate-filled extremist right-wing rabbit hole of disinformation.

Trump isn't innocent. The verdict is in. Sorry.

This post is all over the place and doesn't address anything written in the post you were responding to.

Trump has at least 3 upcoming trials. Get your popcorn ready.

Keep telling yourself that everyone else is a corrupt liar except for Trump, who is a demonstrable fraud and sexual abuser. I get it, you have to at least attempt to navigate through that cognitive dissonance.
Well, apparently you and all people with Trump derangement syndrome will have to hope that their idiot court rulings and prosecutions hold up in appeal. As for your "rape" case, which is only called rape in New York, it was with respect to verdict based on one person testimony, which was deemed by a jury as sexual abuse. I hope you never groped a girl's breast, for in New York, that could get you fined $5 million dollars, with apparently no statutes of limitations. You better not make one of your old friends mad 20 years after the fact of being in the same town at the time of any accusations she might make. 8th Ammendment"
The Eighth Amendment prohibits certain types of punishment: excessive bail, excessive fines, and cruel and unusual punishments.1 As discussed in more detail in the following essays, these prohibitions were intended to protect persons convicted of crimes from government abuses of power.


Active Member
Premium Member

Perhaps it's the people who can't bring themselves to vote for a civilly liable sexual abuser and a convicted fraud.

Cool, so soccer moms, people with tattoos, people with piercings, people who attended university, and easily deceived women are all woke idiots to you. Did I miss anyone?

What is "woke" anyway, in your opinion? It sounds like it means people you disagree with.

This just looks like word salad to me.

2ndpillar seems like a troll to me. I can't imagine a serious Christian writing the stuff he writes.


Active Member
Premium Member
Woke is an expression for people, mostly the elites, and the uniformed, who think they are better than anyone else, and therefore should decide what is Truth, and what judgments should be laid out for the "deplorables", as well as what is to be censured. The moms who have gone through the elite Universities seem to be among the most mentally compromised. There are guys who are also compromised by the Universities, but not to the extent as women, maybe because there are more women in the elite Universities than men. As for women with tattoos, type A men generally view them as people with a lot of problems.
View attachment 89658

Is that why you use the word "woke" in your posts?

Jesus said to "love your neighbor as yourself". Do you think that He was wrong?

Luke 10:25-29, "On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?

"He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?

The "expert", instead of accepting God's command, tried to define it so that he would only love some people.

Sound familiar? Think about what you wrote!!!

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
your "rape" case, which is only called rape in New York
Rape - "unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the person subjected to such penetration.: See also sexual assault."

It's all so unfair to you, isn't it? It's all just illegal and immoral partisan politics intended to unfairly mistreat a man who doesn't deserve it in order to keep him out of the White House, right?
I hope you never groped a girl's breast,
Not without her permission. How about you?

Incidentally, that doesn't meet the definition of rape, but probably is assault, probably is some sexual crime not called rape, and is definitely sexual predation.
people with Trump derangement syndrome
Today, that describes Trump and MAGA (includes all Republican voters who support Trump), who are bothered to distraction these days by Trump's impotence against the forces defending the rule of law, which have already broken him financially and is about to take his freedom away until he dies. I can only imagine how it feels to be any of those people, all of whom feel cheated and are crying foul. That must feel terrible, but anyone who still backs such a monster can expect to suffer along with him. They support a continual liar, a professional criminal, a sexual predator, and an insurrectionist who is now getting his comeuppance, and to a lesser extent, they are as well right beside him as they suffer the ignominy of his endless serial defeats pretty much since the 2020 election.

They're screaming "unfair" as they run about with their hair on fire. That's what derangement looks like, not the laughing and applauding coming from those who respect democracy, the rule of law, egalitarianism, church-state separation and women's reproductive freedom. For them, this is catharsis analogous to Saturday afternoon Westerns where the white hats defeat the black hats as the audience cheers in approval and satisfaction.

But it's even harder for Trump, who is continually being humiliated and disrespected, whose legacy and reputation are being destroyed by the likes of Chutkin, James and Willis (black women), and who more than anything wants wealth, power, revenge, and fealty, but instead, has none of those and sees the world laughing at him. Imagine adding that to the level of rage and frustration of the typical Trump supporter.


Well-Known Member
Is that why you use the word "woke" in your posts?

Jesus said to "love your neighbor as yourself". Do you think that He was wrong?

Luke 10:25-29, "On one occasion an expert in the law stood up to test Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

“What is written in the Law?” he replied. “How do you read it?

"He answered, “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’ and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

“You have answered correctly,” Jesus replied. “Do this and you will live.”

But he wanted to justify himself, so he asked Jesus, “And who is my neighbor?

The "expert", instead of accepting God's command, tried to define it so that he would only love some people.

Sound familiar? Think about what you wrote!!!
You are quoting some unknown writer who was supposedly a comrade of the false prophet Paul and is quoted as saying he was witness to nothing he wrote about (Luke 1:1). Which means his testimony can't be used to verify any matter per Mt 18:16. The proper quote from a first person witness would be from Matthew 19:16, in which Yeshua is quoted as saying to "enter into life" "keep the Commandments", and he then listed the ones concerned with loving your neighbor in Matthew 19:18-19. To love your neighbor as yourself, is to tell the neighbor the truth, and not a lie. Those who love lies will find themselves locked outside the gates (Rev 22:14-15), which is all right with me, but I am required to tell them the truth. We are in the time when "we call the arrogant blessed... and the doers of wickedness/lawlessness are built up, and even "test God and escape" (Malachi 3:15). That is all coming to an end. I am just letting you know. You, like your Marxist leader, and the false prophet Paul, are the one calling themselves god or the voice of God, and determining what is right and what is wrong. What is right and what is wrong, is determined by God and not by you or your friends Karl or Paul, or in some cases some mythical guy called Mohammad. That is called humanism, the creed of the ruthless, and the "wide path" to "destruction" (Mt 7:12-15. Honor your parents (Mt 19:19), and don't get your blood pressure up, or as written per the 5th Commandment, lest you die before your time. One thing about the "woke" is that they have a hard time with their blood pressure and have been seen howling at the moon to relieve pressure. I don't really think that works.
Matthew 18:16
But if he will not listen, take one or two others along, so that 'every matter may be established by the testimony of two or three witnesses.'



Well-Known Member
Rape - "unlawful sexual intercourse or any other sexual penetration of the vagina, anus, or mouth of another person, with or without force, by a sex organ, other body part, or foreign object, without the consent of the person subjected to such penetration.: See also sexual assault."

It's all so unfair to you, isn't it? It's all just illegal and immoral partisan politics intended to unfairly mistreat a man who doesn't deserve it in order to keep him out of the White House, right?
Rape: the crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will: I don't believe it is necessarily so, that Trump, walked into a store and put his finger in some god awful looking feminism rights gal, who writes about sexual relationships, and then when he is going to become president, remembers how an accusation can derail people, as with the Supreme Court appointments, and then speaks up, thinking she will accomplish her Progressive goal of taking down Trump and gaining notoriety. A skeptic would question the whole thing, just by looking what has been happening for the last 8 years. One lie after another, and Trump is still standing, and Fanny and James look to eventually having egg on their faces, and the feminist in this case, being like all other feminist, living alone, along with their cat, and their false friends. The 9th commandment is to not make a false witness. I expect you also support big lie Adam Schiff and his idiot comrades. What goes around comes around.


Active Member
2ndpillar seems like a troll to me. I can't imagine a serious Christian writing the stuff he writes.
I stopped being surprised a long time ago by the utter contempt some fundamentalist Christian types have for women. Still disgusted, but no longer surprised. They seem to love grotesque characters like Trump, who say and do the things they only dream about. Christ encountered a lot of religious hypocrites in his day too, and despised them like any normal person would, according to the gospels (although some of that is anti-Semitic propaganda).


aged ecumenical anthropologist
Some may find this interesting-- or disgusting:
Reuters interviews with 10 experts in faith-based political outreach, political science, media and religion outlined the contours of a Christian media space broadly supportive of Trump and his policies, though offering differing views about any religious mission he might have, and highlighting a shift in the messaging at the fringes in the run-up to this election.

Many conservative Christians have long relied on Christian media to champion political causes tied to their faith, like anti-communism and anti-abortion.

But what's new about this election cycle is the unabashed support for Trump and the frequency he is depicted as "God's chosen" leader, said Brian Calfano, a political science and journalism professor at the University of Cincinnati who has researched the proliferation of media-savvy ministers who support Trump...

The former president has started some rallies with a messianic video made by social media influencers which opens with the line: "On June 14, 1946, God looked down on his planned paradise and said: I need a caretaker, so God gave us Trump."

He has also shared on the Truth Social media app a sketch of himself in court, sitting next to what appears to be a rendering of Jesus Christ.

Written above the drawing: "Nobody could have made it this far alone."
-- 'God gave us Trump': Christian media evangelicals preach a messianic message

It Aint Necessarily So

Veteran Member
Premium Member
Rape: the crime, typically committed by a man, of forcing another person to have sexual intercourse with the offender against their will
That's an antiquated definition of rape, which comes from the Oxford English Dictionary (British). This is from 2012 and it's the FBI's legal definition of rape in America. From An Updated Definition of Rape:

In a victory for survivors of rape and their advocates, the Attorney General announced a newly revised definition of rape for nationwide data collection, ensuring that rape will be more accurately reported nationwide. The change sends an important message to all victims that what happens to them matters, and to perpetrators that they will be held accountable. It was because of the voices of survivors, advocates, law enforcement personnel and many others that FBI Director Robert Mueller was able to make this important change within the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report (UCR) Summary Reporting System (SRS). “Forcible rape” had been defined by the UCR SRS as “the carnal knowledge of a female, forcibly and against her will.” That definition, unchanged since 1927, was outdated and narrow. It only included forcible male penile penetration of a female vagina. The new definition is: “The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”​

The legal definition of rape doesn't require violence or intercourse, just the absence of consent and penetration by any perp and any victim regardless of gender.
I don't believe it is necessarily so, that Trump, walked into a store and put his finger in some god awful looking feminism rights gal
Agreed. She could be lying. So what? A jury agreed unanimously that she's probably not, and it's their call, not ours.

If Carroll is lying, Trump has only himself to blame for making her seem credible. This is from a post I left on another thread last week:

It's possible Carroll made it all up, but the story is credible, Carroll is not known to be a liar, and Trump is a self-confessed sexual predator who enjoys grabbing women by their genitals. If Carroll is making it all up, Trump gave her the opportunity to do so credibly by making that claim. If you say something like that, you open the door, just as if you are ever heard saying that you want somebody dead, somebody else can kill them and you'll be the principal suspect.

I used to be a hospice medical director, and from time to time, we would have patients claim repeatedly that their hospice caregivers were abusing them. I can't say that they were lying, but I knew the accused caregivers, could vouch for their caring nature, and nobody else made the same complaints about them, meaning that if they were lying, they made it possible for those caregivers to abuse them with impunity and be believed when they denied it.
Fanny and James look to eventually having egg on their faces
You think so? James has defeated Trump and is already eyeballing his assets: Letitia James has already begun the process of seizing at least one of Donald Trump’s properties

I expect Willis, Bragg, and Smith all to prevail in their criminal prosecutions, but we really only need a few of the 88 felony charges to stick to put Trump away for the rest of his life.
The 9th commandment is to not make a false witness.
Irrelevant. What is relevant is perjury and the laws that proscribe it.