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Best Online Bible Resource?

Left Coast

This Is Water
Staff member
Premium Member
Hi All,

Wondering if any of you have recommendations for a good online Bible resource, other than BibleGateway. Not looking for a commentary.

Looking for a resource that:

1) has exhaustive search term capability (eg if I search for "peace" I won't just get selected verses that contain the word but every instance of the word)
2) provides full access to multiple mainstream/widely used versions
3) allows side-by-side comparison of different passages

Bonus if it has Hebrew/Greek text in addition to English.

Does such a user-friendly thing exist? If I can't get it for free I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount (TBD based on how sexy the product is) for it.

Terry Sampson

Well-Known Member
Bible Search and Study Tools - Blue Letter Bible

Screenshot_2020-06-28 Jeremiah 17 New American Standard Bible (NASB).png


Avid Bible Student
Premium Member
I also like Blue Letter Bible with Strongs Concordance...it is very good for referencing the meanings of words in their original languages, and where to find them in other verses.

Type the word or passage into the search box...and voila! Its all there....and its free. :)

Genesis 1:1 (NASB)


अहं ब्रह्मास्मि
Staff member
Premium Member
I agree with those above that Blue Letter Bible is the best for what you are looking for.


Active Member
Hi All,

Wondering if any of you have recommendations for a good online Bible resource, other than BibleGateway. Not looking for a commentary.

Looking for a resource that:

1) has exhaustive search term capability (eg if I search for "peace" I won't just get selected verses that contain the word but every instance of the word)
2) provides full access to multiple mainstream/widely used versions
3) allows side-by-side comparison of different passages

Bonus if it has Hebrew/Greek text in addition to English.

Does such a user-friendly thing exist? If I can't get it for free I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount (TBD based on how sexy the product is) for it.

JW Library avail free on playstore


New Member
I feel like Bible gateway is just an aggregator... Meaning it just aggregates different scriptures into categories without any real explanation as to why its in a specific category. If I may recommend: News

Donjon Maudit

New Member
Logos has a web version of their app. If you don't mind purchasing some of their resources (e.g. bibles that the free version doesn't include) then I think it is the clear winner for you. In Logos you can open multiple instances of the same resource, so as for side-by-side comparison you really have no bounds.


Active Member

I like Biblegateway with all of its selection of different versions of the bible, but for clarity it would be to use bible such as Young Literal Translation for a Literal Greek to English text, for a closer to what is being said though you can use biblehub, and find out the what the words mean in greek. It takes a moment to get use to using biblehub but it is pretty simple just gotta play around and youll figure it out.

Any bible is good as long as a person is using it to understand and learn about God and Jesus Christ, not to use it maliciously upon others.


Veteran Member
Hi All,

Wondering if any of you have recommendations for a good online Bible resource, other than BibleGateway. Not looking for a commentary.

Looking for a resource that:

1) has exhaustive search term capability (eg if I search for "peace" I won't just get selected verses that contain the word but every instance of the word)
2) provides full access to multiple mainstream/widely used versions
3) allows side-by-side comparison of different passages

Bonus if it has Hebrew/Greek text in addition to English.

Does such a user-friendly thing exist? If I can't get it for free I'd be willing to pay a reasonable amount (TBD based on how sexy the product is) for it.

" if it has Hebrew/Greek text in addition to English. "

Jesus and Mary spoke Aramaic, so no original Aramaic resource of the (4)Gospels exists anywhere in the world, I understand. Right?
Jesus and Mary never read from whatever (4)Gospels now exist, I perceive, please. Right?
It is the doing of unauthorized Paul and the Anti-Jesus Pauline-Church, please. Right?
